Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


Friss topikok



Kezdő angol csoport fogalmazás-orientált, "bemelegítő" tananyaga (36óra; 4ó/alk) (5.-9.alk.)

2015.01.30. 02:46 aforizmágus

5. alkalom

Do you have a ___ in your ___?

- Do you have a big bed in your bedroom?

- Yes.

- What is it like?

- My big bed is new.

- Do you have a comfortable bath in your bathroom?

- Yes.

- What is it like?

- My comfortable bath wide and pink.

- Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen?

- Yes.

- What is it like?

- My dishwasher is modern and useful.

- Do you have a TV in your living room?

- Yes.

- What is it like?

- My TV is new and flat.

- Do you have a bench in your garden?

- Yes.

- What is it like?

- My bench brown and wide. (≠ white !!)

How big (is it)? – This size.

How many do you have?

What shape (is it)? – This shape.



I cook every day.

I cook soup. (≠ soap!! )

I am not a cook.

I want to cook scrambled eggs. (RECIPE = recept)

I need some eggs, oil, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, paprika, salt, pepper, potatoes, bacon, sausage, cheese, etc. (et cetera = stb.)

First, cut the vegetables!

Then, pour oil into a pan.

Then, put the vegetables into the hot oil.

Heat then for some time.

When the vegetables are soft, put the sausage or ham or bacon into it.

After that pour the eggs on them.

Scramble it for some time. (scramble = mix)

When it is ready, take it from the cooker. (cooker ≠ fire place /:open fire, camp fire)


PUTTING THINGS IN ORDER (= dolgok rendbe rakása)

Put the ___ (into/in /on) the ___ !

The ___ (go/goes) into/in/on the ___ !


Put the socks into the laundry.

The book goes on the shelf.

Put the towel into the bathroom. = The towel goes into the bathroom.

Put the plates into the cupboard. = The plates go into the cupboard.

Put the flowers into the vase. = The flowers go into the vase.

Put the shirts into the wardrobe. = The shirts go into the wardrobe.


(shirt ≠ skirt ≠ shorts ≠ T-shirt!)


(Részmennyiség kifejezése: „valamiből valamennyi”)

I need 6 eggs.

I need A BOX OF eggs.

I need A DOZEN eggs.

I need HALF A DOZEN eggs.


a bottle of oil

a litre of oil


a kilo of potatoes

2 kilos of potatoes


a slice of ham

a slice of cold cuts


a pair of sausage


a packet of (spice)

a bag of (spice)


a tin of mushrooms

a jar of mushrooms


Fogalmazás, a más megismert egyszerű mondatok segítségével.

(Az első mondatokkal már foglalkoztunk – a második mondat az első szerkezetére épül):

This airport is very modern. – This bag is very old.

Peter is American. – My friend is not Hungarian.

I've got two arms. – I’ve got two legs.

My bag is light. – My box is yellow.

The bath is in the bathroom. – The dining table is int he kitchen.

The bed is in the bedroom. – The wardrobe is int he living-room.

John's got a bicycle. – Bob’s got a car.

My house is very big. – My shoes are nice.

The bird is singing. – Mum is cooking.

Happy birthday! – Happy nameday!

He likes black coffee. – I like white coffee.

The sky is blue. – My car is white.

The books are on the shelf. – The chairs are int he room.

John is a nice boy. – Kate is a nice girl.

I eat bread for breakfast. – I eat a roll for supper.

I often take the bus. – I never take the train.

Butter is in the fridge. – Oil is int he pantry.

I buy bread at the baker's. – I buy meat at the bucher’s.

My camera is new. – My favourite bag is old.

The car is in the garage. – The letter is in the envelope. The table is int he living-room.

There's a cartoon on Tv. – Where is the table? – The table is in the living-room. – What is there int he living-room? – There is a table in the living-room.

My cat is called Muffin. – My dog is called Buksi.

This chair is comfortable. – This chair is old.

Mice like cheese. – Cats like mice.

The museum closes at five. – The shop closes at 6.

It's cold in winter. – It’s hot in summer.

My father cooks on Sundays. – My mother cooks every day.

Mrs Parker's got three daughters. – Mr. Smith has four sons.

*** *** ***

6. alkalom

I.) Fogalmazás gyakorlás a 173-mondatos lista mondatai alapján (59.-87.). 1.-45.

II.) Elöljárók gyakorlása. 46.-79.

I.) Fogalmazás gyakorlás a 173-mondatos lista mondatai alapján (59.-87.). 1.-45.

  1. The window is not broken.
  2. Go out, please!
  3. Go up, please!
  4. Go down, please!
  5. My grandmother is a happy woman.
  6. My grandmother likes dogs.
  7. Cats eat milk.
  8. The roads are white in winter.
  9. My mother’s got short hair.
  10. My sister doesn’t like eggs.
  11. They’re shaking their heads.
  12. I’ve got backache.
  13. I’ve got stomacheache.
  14. It’s windy in spring.
  15. They live in a flat.
  16. I hurry int he morning.
  17. I eat when I’m hungry.
  18. I drink when I’m thirsty.
  19. I drink hot tea in winter.
  20. I work at work.
  21. I am int he kitchen when I cook.
  22. Where’s the toilet?
  23. There’s a chair near my table.
  24. I leave my workplace at 4.
  25. I finish at 4.
  26. I cook every day.
  27. I’m cooking now.
  28. I’ve broken my left arm, but I haven’t broken my right arm.
  29. I’m reading my friend’s letter.
  30. Look at that big house!
  31. Sue is my friend and not my girlfriend.
  32. I eat fruit for breakfast.
  33. When can we meet? Tomorrow?
  34. It’s nice to talk to you.
  35. Postman delivers letter and bills.
  36. I will deliver this envelope later.
  37. He will arrive sooner or later.
  38. He’s got a lot of time.
  39. Her husband drives her to the cinema.
  40. Drive me there!
  41. I’ll drive you to the shops.
  42. I saw a piece of cheese in the mouse’s mouth a month ago.
  43. Is your glass full? – No, it is emnpty.
  44. My pocket is full; his pocket is empty.
  45. I have a packet (of chewing-gum) in my pocket.


II. Elöljárók gyakorlása:

  1. „I can’t live with or without you.”
  2. I need a glass of water.
  3. I live in this town.
  4. I work more in summer.
  5. I was born in May.
  6. I was born in 1973.
  7. I live in a house.
  8. I will be there in two hours.
  9. I see a picture in a book.
  10. I learn English on Wednesday.
  11. I don’t work on Saturday.
  12. My pen is on the table.
  13. New Year’s Day is on 1st of January.
  14. I go to sleep at 10.
  15. We meet at Xmas (=Christmas) and at Easter.
  16. He is at work.
  17. Children / Students learn at school.
  18. Go out of the room!
  19. Don’t jump out of the window!
  20. Put the book into the box!
  21. Don’t run into the room!
  22. Between you and me, your room is very dirty!
  23. The table is between the chairs.
  24. We learn English between 4 and 7.
  25. I want coffee with sugar, without milk.
  26. What is the matter (= problem) with you?
  27. What’s the matter?
  28. I can’t eat the soup without salt.
  29. I see a car in front of (≈ opposite) the house.
  30. The garden is behind the house.
  31. What is behind me?
  32. I go to work by car.
  33. We learn English from 4 to 7.
  34. I want to drink a coffee.

*** *** ***

7. alkalom

Fogalmazás gyakorlás a 173-mondatos lista mondatai alapján (88.-116.). 1.-103.

Elöljárók gyakorlása.

  1. „It’s a hard day’s night.”
  2. I’m older than 30. = I’m over thirty.
  3. It’s blood on his face. (blood = vér, bleed = vérzik)
  4. Where is the 5th door? = Where is door 5?
  5. They live at door 4, floor 3.
  6. I work from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m..
  7. The shop opens at 8.
  8. The shop is open till 8.
  9. Please, draw me your house.
  10. I draw on drawing paper.
  11. I never eat in the bedroom.
  12. Can I pay by card?
  13. Today is pay-day!
  14. I write with a pen.
  15. I cook with a cooker.
  16. I eat with a spoon.
  17. I cut bread with a knife.
  18. I always work on Monday. (mindig)
  19. He usually comes home at 5. (rendszerint)
  20. We often go for a walk. (gyakran)
  21. I am sometimes late, but not too often. (néha)
  22. They occasionally meet. (alkalmanként)
  23. I rarely have luch at home. (ritkán)
  24. He hardly ever has time. (szinte soha; alig valamikor)
  25. I never eat bread and fat. (soha)
  26. I get at 8 every day.
  27. I work more than forty (=40) hours every week.
  28. I visit my friends every month.
  29. I swim a lot every summer.
  30. I eat fruit every morning.
  31. I am happy every Monday.
  32. I usually phone Ann. Often after lunch.
  33. The plane is taking off.
  34. The spoon and the knife are clean.
  35. Clean the dirty spoons.
  36. In my free time I often listen to music, go for a walk, watch TV or read book.
  37. When I meet my friends, we often go to the cinema.
  38. Let’s see a film, but first let’s cook something special!
  39. I need the remote controll.
  40. The traffic-lights are bad – they don’t work.
  41. I am late, because of the heavy traffic.
  42. Mother controlls the family.
  43. Harrison Ford is a great actor; his daughter is not an actress.
  44. Cab you see the waiter or the waitress? I want to order!
  45. Give me water! ≈ Bring me water!
  46. Here is a letter for you.
  47. There are leaves on the pavement.
  48. Write your name ont he envelope with CAPITAL LETTER.
  49. Please, send me a letter or an email or a message!
  50. I eat pasta with meat.
  51. I eat a sandwich with ham.
  52. I eat cucumber with salt.
  53. I eat icecream with cream.
  54. I eat fish with chips.
  55. I’ve got a lot of work.
  56. At Christmas I usually buy a lot of presents (/gifts).
  57. My son is very talented (/clever).
  58. I’m wearing a grey shirt, blue jeans.
  59. She is wearing a black skirt and a brown cardigan.
  60. The doctor cures ill people.
  61. The teacher teaches pupils.
  62. The singer sings songs.
  63. The cook cooks meals.
  64. The nurse looks after ill people.
  65. The cleaner cleans rooms.
  66. If it rains, put on your cap!
  67. If it is hot, take off your coat!
  68. Listen to me, please!
  69. Look at that picture!
  70. I get up at 7. - Get up! It’s 7!
  71. Sit down, if you like.
  72. Stand up when the boss comes.
  73. Don’t get off the train! It is a stop, not a railway station! (leszáll)
  74. It often snows in winter.
  75. The sun often shines in summer.
  76. It often blows in spring.
  77. My mother watches a lot of TV.
  78. My son reads a lot of books.
  79. Bananas are yellow.
  80. Peas are green.
  81. Potatoes are brown.
  82. I’m turning back.
  83. Ice turns into water in a hot room. (átalakul vmivé)
  84. The office of the Red Cross is at the zebra crossing.
  85. Where is the bookshop? – It’s across the road.
  86. When you are at the corner, cross the road. (sarok)
  87. I’ve run out of time.
  88. I can’t buy this – I’ve run out of money.
  89. I can’t help him more – I’ve run out of patience.
  90. I can’t solve this problem – I’ve run out of ideas.
  91. I drink coffee with milk – I’ve run out of sugar.
  92. My mother works a lot – she runs the kitchen at home, and she runs a small shop, too. (működtet, vezet)
  93. The dog is running round the the tree.
  94. There is a fence round the garden. (kerítés)
  95. The group goes across the road.
  96. I want to pass the exam – so I must learn a lot. (átmegy vizsgán)
  97. The ball is under the table.
  98. I live at 4, Summer Street. (hászám alatt)
  99. I was happy during my holiday. (vmi ideje alatt)
  100. I am ready in an hour. (vmennyi idő alatt)
  101. The lamp is over the table.
  102. The ball is flying over the fence.
  103. The plane is flying over the mountains.

*** *** ***

8. alkalom

Mondatlista szókincsének szituatív gyakorlása

1. at the airport – a reptéren

- Where are you?

- I am at the airport.

- Are you American?

- I am not American. I’m Hungarian.


3. hurt – fáj, fájdalmat okoz

- My arm hurts.

- What’s the problem (with it)?

- I don’t know.


4. (How old are you?)

- How ol is your baby?

- He/She is one (year old).


5. (How much is it?); this – ez, that – az

- How much is that bag?

- This here?

- Yes. I like it very much.

- Yes, that is nice. It isn’t expensive. It’s cheap.


6. My son has a ball in his room. (a/z ő/ szobájában)


7. This is the bathroom. It is big, nice and new. Do you like it? (Tetszik?)


8. lusta – lazy; tired - fáradt

- Why do you eat in your bedroom?

- I am lazy. I am tired.

- It’s not good.


9. whose? – kié?

- Whose is this bicycle?

- This / It is not my bicycle. I have no bicycle. = I don’t have a bicycle.


10. try (on) – (fel)próbál; too – túl(ságos/an); those – azok

- I like those shoes.

- Try them on. … Are they good?

- No. Too big.


- What is your favourite animal?

- I like birds.


12. WH? + do/does + Alany + ige + … ?

- What do you do on your birthday?

- I don’t work. I have a (birthday) party. I sleep a lot / much. I meet my friends. I have fun.


13. will – fog _-ni; wedding - esküvő

- I need black shoes.

- Why?

- I will go to a wedding.


14. The sea is blue.


15. WH? + do/does/is(stb.) + Alany + ige + … ?; that – az a, azt a -t

- Which book do you want?

- That there. Is it expensive?

- Yes. Books are expensive.


- Who is that boy? Is he your friend?

- No. I don’t know him. (tud/ismer; őt)


17. at home – otthon

I don’t have bread at home.


18. by + jármű = (jármű)-vel; a.m.=d.e., p.m.=d.u.; at_=(óra)-kor

- I will go to Szeged today.

- When?

- In the afternoon.

- What time?

- At 5 p.m. (d.u.)

- How? (= How will you go?)

- By bus.


19. bread and butter – vajas kenyér; want to do – akar –ni

- I want to eat bread and butter. Do you have butter?

- I’m sorra. I don’t have butter.


My camera is bad. I want to buy a new camera.


22. drive a car – autót vezet

- Can you drive a car?

- Yes. I have a car. I drive every day.


23. My children love cartoons.


24. our ___ = a mi ___-nk

Our cat is old but happy.


- This chair is bad. Give me a good chair!

- What is the problem with it?

- It is too short.


- What do you want with your sandwich?

- Cheese and tomato.


27. Close the door and open the window! I need / want good air!


28. This soup is cold. Put it into the micro.


29. I think so. = Azt hiszem, igen.; think – gondol, thing – dolog

- Can you cook chicken soup?

- I think so.

- Please, cook some soup.


- Do you have children?

- Yes, I have a daughter and a son.


31. the hardest – a legnehezebb; hate - utál

- Which is your hardest day?

- I hate Monday.


32. a cold – meghűlés; have a cold – meg van fázva; ill – beteg

- Where do you go?

- I go to the doctor.

- Why? What’s the problem?

- I think I am ill. I think I have a cold.


33. enemy – ellenség

Cats hate dogs. They are enemies.


35. Let’s (do)! – (Csinál)-junk (vmit)!

Let’s go! Let’s play! Let’s eat! Let’s drink a coffee!


36. ears – fül(ek); eyes – szem(ek); hands – kéz(ek); arms – kar(ok); legs – láb(ak)

I am cold. - ! – I have a cold.

I don’t have a cap. My ears are cold.


This egg is bad. Don’t use / cook it!


42. far – messze

- What is that there?

- I can’t see it. It is too far, and my eyes are not too good.


43. careful – óvatos; BE …! – Légy / Legyél …!

Be careful! Don’t fall!


44. dangerous – veszélyes; (be) afraid – fél

Don’t drive fast! It is dangerous, and I am afraid.



My father doesn’t like this film.


47. no way – (semmiképpen)

- How do you like fish?

- No way. I don’t like fish.


49. My children give me flowers on / for my birthdays.


- I will go to London this summer.

- How will you go?

- I will fly.


51. stand – állni

- You are standing on my foot! / Oh, man, my foot!

- Sorry!


53. French – francia, France – Franciaország; uncle - nagybácsi

French fries = fried potatoes

French beans = zöldbab

French door = üveges erkélyajtó

My uncle lives in France but he isn’t (/doesn’t speak) French.

*** *** ***

9. alkalom

Szituatív fogalmazási gyakorlatok a mondatlista szavaival (54.-től)

1. (Wh) is (hely)?; too – is/szintén

- What is in the fridge?

- Why? Are you hungry?

- Yes, very much.

- Do you like cold chicken?

- It will be good.

- Are you thirsty, too?

- Yes. You have fruit juice?

- Yes, in the white bottle.


2. ask somebody to (do) – megkérni vkit hogy tegyen meg valamit

Go in the garden. Ask the little girl to give water to the grandfather.


- Which is your glass?

- That. The empty glass.


4. visit; see – meglátogatni; granny – nagyi; MUST -

- When will you visit / see your granny?

- Next weekend.

- She will be happy, because her grass is big, and you must cut it.


5. What colour is/are ___? – Milyen színű/ek ___?

Whata colour is your house?

What colours are your book?

- What colour are your son’s eyes?

- His eyes are green. = Ha has green eyes.

- What colour is your son’s hair?

- His hair is light brown. = He has light brown hair.


6. WITH - -val/-vel

I want a ham sandwich. = I want a sandwich with ham.


7. USE – használni

Don’t use that knife, because you will cut your finger / hand.


8. BUT – de, azonban

- I have a headache, but I have to / must work.

- Drink a hot tea!

- Will it help?


9. HOME – hazafelé; AT HOME – otthon; HOME-MADE – házi készítésű

- I hurry home to eat icecream.

- What icecream?

- Fruit icecream. I have very good home-made icecream at home.

- Don’t eat too much, because you will be ill / sick.


10. CAN’T – nem tud/képes ___-ni

I can’t sing well. I can’t swim well.

I can’t go into the house, because I don’t have my keays.



Switch off the lamp when you leave the room.


12. PAIN - fájdalom

I have a headache. = I have pain in my head.

I have pain in my left leg / foot.


13. This is my letter. Don’t look into it.


14. VEGETABLE(S) – zöldség(ek)

That man eats meat with bread and vegetables.


15. Let’s (do it)! – (Csinál)-juk!

Let’s meet int he afternoon!


16. NEED – szüksége van (-re)

- Let’s make pancakes!

- What will we need?

- We will need milk, flour, sugar, eggs, oil, mineral water, jam, cottage cheese, etc.


17. SPEND – (el)költeni (pénzt); (el)tölteni (időt)

- Mother, give me money!

- Why?

- Just because. / Because I want to buy new shoes.

- How much do you want?

- I don’t want to spend too much.


18. Don’t speak with full mouth, becasue I don’t understand you.


19. TONIGHT – ma este, ma éjjel

Let’s meet at 9 tonight.


20. PAIN – fájdalom

- I have pain in my nose.

- Why? What is the problem with it?

- I have a cold.


21. ONE – (főnévhelyettesítő)

This is a yellow table, that is a red ONE.

ONE must pay taxes.

ONE must slepp 8 hours a day.


22. ONE BY ONE - egyenként

I will phone them one by one.


23. MADE - készítette; THEM – azokat, őket

- I made twenty pancakes. Will you eat them?

- Yes, one by one.


- Who is in the room?

- Open the door, and you will see.


25. SO – így, ezért, tehát

I want to write a letter, so I need paper.


26. WALK = GO ON FOOT – gyalog megy; GO FOR A WALK – sétálni megy

I walk to work.

Let’s go for a walk to / int he park.


- How much is that pen? = How many forints is that pen?

- Not expensive. / Cheap.

- How must I pay? Cash or card?


- We will travel to Greece.

- How will you go?

- By plane.

- How long will it / that be?

- About two hours.

- What will you do on the plane?

- I will play with my phone.


- Eat everything on your plate!

- But I am not hungry.

-But potato is good for you.


PAY FINE – bírságot fizet; CATCH – elkap; CAUGHT - elkapta

The postman must pay fine, because the policeman caught him.

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: angol angol tananyag alapfok tanfolyam tananyag

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