Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


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200+ easy (A1-B1) English sentences

2016.11.24. 15:04 aforizmágus

  1. I don’t want it.
  2. What did you do?
  3. Do you feel this?
  4. What did you say?
  5. Come here at once!
  6. What did you read?
  7. What did you cook?
  8. What did you make?
  9. What did you draw?
  10. What did you hear?
  11. Help me if you can.
  12. What did you write?
  13. What did you drink?
  14. What did you order?
  15. When will we arrive?
  16. Do you want to kick?
  17. I want you to help me.
  18. Where did you find it?
  19. Where do you keep ink?
  20. I hope they will come.
  21. What can I do for you?
  22. Was their son at home?
  23. We will not go farther.
  24. At last I found my key!
  25. Bring me water, please!
  26. When is your train due?
  27. What do you want to eat?
  28. It’s cold. Do you agree?
  29. When do you want to come?
  30. Do you have enough bread?
  31. I want to send him there.
  32. What did you watch on TV?
  33. What do you want to drink?
  34. When do you want to do it?
  35. How are you feeling today?
  36. Ask him how much they are!
  37. Wait for me at the corner.
  38. The vet cured the wet dog.
  39. Did you buy your medicine?
  40. The future is always nice.
  41. Our car is very economical.
  42. Will you go to the butcher?
  43. When did you last eat beef?
  44. How many stamps did you buy?
  45. Yesterday I made fried lamb.
  46. Have you ever had influenza?
  47. I don’t drink mineral water.
  48. Don’t you want to work today?
  49. I had a stamp, but I sold it.
  50. Have you ever seen this play?
  51. Please stop at the next stop.
  52. When did you last go by tram?
  53. Let’s park next to the house.
  54. Our first lesson ends at 8:45.
  55. Have you ever eaten marmalade?
  56. The Browns are at the Blacks'.
  57. His eldest brother is over 30.
  58. Do you fancy going for a walk?
  59. Hey man, there is a queue here!
  60. We will not eat beef this week.
  61. When will the greengrocer open?
  62. Put this table into the corner.
  63. I’m staying here for two weeks.
  64. How do you do? – How do you do?
  65. I am not standing on the chair.
  66. What does he do? – He’s a baker.
  67. I don’t usually jump on the bed.
  68. Arrange the books on your shelf.
  69. What was his address? – I forgot.
  70. What do you think of the weather.
  71. I haven’t had a crown on my head.
  72. I can see him opposite the house.
  73. What do you do in your free time?
  74. I went to the committee last week.
  75. What medicine do you have to take?
  76. We need a loaf of bread for lunch.
  77. Do you want to have lunch at noon?
  78. It’s cold outside. Put on a scarf.
  79. I need this dress. Can I order it?
  80. I will make lamb chops for dinner.
  81. I don’t like cabbage for breakfast.
  82. My whole body aches. What can I do?
  83. Where is your bag? – In the corner.
  84. Would you be so kind as to help me?
  85. The Whites visit us at the weekend.
  86. These are not mine; are they yours?
  87. If you feel sick, go to the doctor.
  88. Send this letter by registered post.
  89. I like fruit, especially watermelon.
  90. I’m not feeling well. – Are you ill?
  91. I’m sorry but I can’t make porridge.
  92. Are you taking the luggage with you?
  93. I think his car is behind the house.
  94. Unfortunately I don’t have a nephew.
  95. Can I borrow your book for a minute?
  96. Please, give me two pieces of cheese.
  97. When you go upstairs, mind the steps.
  98. Have you ever travelled by aeroplane?
  99. I will go to Serbia within two weeks.
  100. Do you fancy a coffee? – Yes, please.
  101. I want coffee and toast for breakfast.
  102. Excuse me, but I didn’t get a receipt!
  103. What are you going to cook for dinner?
  104. Who is standing in front of the house?
  105. I don’t do any important things today.
  106. I got a parcel through registered post.
  107. Go to the shop and buy a loaf of bread.
  108. We will drink a coffee in the interval.
  109. Be careful when you go down the stairs.
  110. I was lucky at cards. I won every game.
  111. Take this small coin with you for luck.
  112. It is raining outside. Take an umbrella.
  113. Can you see that bright star in the sky?
  114. In my home I will need a very big study.
  115. Where did you sit? – I sat in that seat.
  116. What did you eat when you had toothache?
  117. I have a big problem – I need an expert.
  118. Are you interested in space exploration?
  119. I will probably watch TV after training.
  120. When I last had a disease I had the flu.
  121. He’ll take the parcel, so give it to him.
  122. This box is rather small. I need another.
  123. We eat a lot of pork but I don’t like it.
  124. Don’t pick up everything from the ground!
  125. You can find your train at platform five.
  126. I am tall enough to reach the top shelves.
  127. When I arrived I saw them on the platform.
  128. Is he ill? – No, but he has a temperature.
  129. I ate veal at my brother’s birthday party.
  130. Are you glad that you are in London again?
  131. I bought you a piano; when can you take it?
  132. Were they cheaper, too? – I can’t remember.
  133. Where is the nearest train station, please?
  134. There aren’t enough seats here in the room.
  135. What equipment do you use in your training?
  136. Do you fancy a game of cards? – No, thanks.
  137. Where must we go? – Sorry, I don’t remember.
  138. What do you usually do when your back aches?
  139. How long will you stay here? – Until Friday.
  140. What can you do when you have a big problem?
  141. I will buy some bread and butter, that’s all.
  142. We went to the theatre and sat in the stalls.
  143. If we book some seats we will be able to sit.
  144. Come on. You had a long nap in the afternoon.
  145. I was sick yesterday, but I’m not sick today.
  146. Polish your shoes before you go to the theatre!
  147. In a modern home electricity is very important.
  148. Did I give it to you? – Sorry, I don’t remember.
  149. I mustn’t eat sheep because I am allergic to it.
  150. Yuk! I’m not eating this! I will not eat this!
  151. When is your appointment? – Certainly, not today.
  152. It is windy and rainy and cold; it’s like autumn.
  153. Can I sit down somewhere? – There is a seat here.
  154. How did you feel yesterday? – Thanks, well enough.
  155. I’m very happy that you have arrived. Do sit down!
  156. Come here now! – OK, I will be there straightaway.
  157. I always know where it is, but I can’t find it now.
  158. Don’t send him to the shop, because he can’t count.
  159. You must use this! You don’t have any other choice.
  160. I have already met him at school. I know him a bit.
  161. I have two nieces, but I don’t see them very often.
  162. This parcel is too heavy. It will be very expensive.
  163. I like this butcher because he always has fresh meat.
  164. Bring me a glass of water, please. – I’m bringing it.
  165. I have been working all day, I can’t go out with you.
  166. My aunt is expecting a baby – so she has a big belly.
  167. Did you speak to him? – Yes, I spoke to him yesterday.
  168. I didn’t sleep much. – So, are you tired? – Of course.
  169. When you arrive, he will wait for you on the platform.
  170. He didn’t get up at seven; he got up at seven-fifteen.
  171. We have two bathrooms – one downstairs and one upstairs.
  172. If you want to eat beef, you have to go to the butcher’s.
  173. Something is wrong with your washbasin. You must mend it.
  174. Where can I put the waste paper? The rubbish bin is full.
  175. When I go abroad I try to take as little luggage as I can.
  176. A jealous person is angry with others when they are happy.
  177. I have to answer a lot of questions in this questionnaire.
  178. I saw that you fell off your bike. Are you quite all right?
  179. I am happy that you can take them by car but what about me?
  180. There are some tents behind that fence. Is that your garden?
  181. Sometimes I go running – when the school takes me to a race.
  182. When the Sun appears in the sky in winter, everyone is happy.
  183. In P.E. classes we usually play a game, for example basketball.
  184. I need my medicine but I don’t know where the prescription is.
  185. My brother sold a lot of things when he went to the marketplace.
  186. If I don’t watch TV after training, perhaps I will surf the net.
  187. If you don’t follow the instructions you will break this machine.
  188. What day is your birthday this year? – Look at it in the calendar.
  189. I have a headache, doctor. – Take this medicine and you will be OK.
  190. Did you buy that coat? - I wanted to buy that but I bought nothing.
  191. Mary, this is Bob. Bob, this is Mary. Mary, meet Bob. Bob, meet Mary.
  192. In my room one of my greatest treasures is a photo of my family and me.
  193. My parents were born in the previous century; I was born in this century.
  194. I regularly go to work-outs three or four times a week. It is a bit tiring.
  195. Now I know what Alpha Centauri is. It is the nearest star outside the Solar System.
  196. Your friend told me yesterday that you are ill. How are you today? – Worse and worse.
  197. I feel sick. – I have a temperature, I can’t stand on my legs and I have a stomachache.
  198. I am ill and I went to the doctor. He gave me a prescription and now I am going to the chemist’s.
  199. Have you ever seen a piece of coal? – Yes, I have. – Where and when? – At home, long time ago, some years ago.
  200. Our hall’s here and you can go to the kitchen, the toilet, the living room, the bathroom and the pantry from here.

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

aforizmágus 2017.09.05. 15:36:11

1. Why don't you want it?
2. When do you want to visit me?
3. I don't want to wotk today because I feel sick.
4. Do you eat much for breakfast?
5. What do you want me to help you?
6. For lunch I want to eat fried meat / steak.
7. Do you have milk at home?
8. What did you talk about?
9. The discuss was long and hard / tiring.
10. If we went farther, it would get dark when we arrived home.
11. Unfortunately, I don't feel anything / I feel nothing.
12. What do you mean "you felt well enough"? - I didn't feel sick.
13. I have enough bread, and I don't want more.
14. Do you know what I keep on the top shelves?
15. My birthday is a Saturday this year.
16. I want an apointment at 8 pm tomorrow.
17. You are always losing your key!
18. Fortunately the train wasn't late.
19. Go to the end of the queue.
20. Oh, (I'm) sorry! Here you are!
21. I want to finish as soon as possible. (=ASAP)
22. I hope they will get it the day after tomorrow.
23. We had a lot in our freezer, but we have run out of it.
24. I'm sure he will see a lot of interesting things.
25. I found it yesterday but I don't remember where.

Tor Palotai 2019.05.10. 05:28:11

Szerbusz! Ehez a 200 mondathoz van magyar fordítás, mert így nehéz lessz megtanulnom. Köszi
süti beállítások módosítása