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9-letter words, from IRASCIBLE to WEDNESDAY, spelling and syllables (part 2) (121 words)

2023.10.03. 15:53 aforizmágus

IRASCIBLE Spelling: I—R—A—S—C—I—B—L—E 4 syllables: I—RAS—CI—BLE Not to be confused with: ERASABLE * KNOWLEDGE Spelling: K—N—O—W—L—E—D—G—E 2 syllables: KNOWL—EDGE * LIGHTNING Spelling: L—I—G—H—T—N—I—N—G 2 syllables: LIGHT—NING Not to be confused with: LIGHTENING * LONGITUDE Spelling:…

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Címkék: angol vocabulary spelling wordlist syllables angol helyesírás English language English words

9-letter words, from ABUNDANCE to INTRODUCE, spelling and syllables (part 1) (121 words)

2023.10.03. 15:22 aforizmágus

NINE-LETTER WORDS * ABUNDANCE Spelling: A—B—U—N—D—A—N—C—E 3 syllables: A—BUN—DANCE * ACCORDION Spelling: A—C—C—O—R—D—I—O—N A—double C—O—R—D—I—O—N 4 syllables: AC—COR—DI—ON * AGGRAVATE Spelling: A—G—G—R—A—V—A—T—E A—double G—R—A—V—A—T—E 3 syllables: AG—GRA—VATE * APARTMENT Spelling:…

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Címkék: angol vocabulary spelling wordlist syllables angol helyesírás English language English words

8-letter words, from PAVILION to WHEREVER, spelling and syllables (part 2) (113 words)

2023.10.03. 14:06 aforizmágus

PAVILION Spelling: P—A—V—I—L—I—O—N 3 syllables: PA—VIL—ION * PECULIAR Spelling: P—E—C—U—L—I—A—R 3 syllables: PE—CU—LIAR * PERCEIVE Spelling: P—E—R—C—E—I—V—E 2 syllables: PER—CEIVE * PERSONAL Spelling: P—E—R—S—O—N—A—L 3 syllables: PER—SON—AL * PHYSICAL Spelling: P—H—Y—S—I—C—A—L 3…

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Címkék: angol vocabulary spelling wordlist syllables angol helyesírás English language English words

8-letter words, from APPARENT to PARALLEL, spelling and syllables (part 1) (113 words)

2023.10.03. 14:02 aforizmágus

EIGHT-LETTER WORDS * APPARENT Spelling: A—P—P—A—R—E—N—T A—double P—A—R—E—N—T 3 syllables: AP—PAR—ENT * ARGUMENT Spelling: A—R—G—U—M—E—N—T 3 syllables: AR—GU—MENT * ATHLETIC Spelling: A—T—H—L—E—T—I—C 3 syllables: ATH—LET—IC * BARBECUE Spelling: B—A—R—B—E—C—U—E 3 syllables:…

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Címkék: angol vocabulary spelling wordlist syllables English language English words

7-letter words, from ABSENCE to ZOOLOGY, spelling and syllables (105 words)

2023.10.03. 12:46 aforizmágus

SEVEN-LETTER WORDS * ABSENCE Spelling: A—B—S—E—N—C—E 2 syllables: AB—SENCE Not to be confused with: ABSENTS, OBSCENE * ACCLAIM Spelling: A—C—C—L—A—I—M A—double C—L—A—I—M 2 syllables: AC—CLAIM * ACHIEVE Spelling: A—C—H—I—E—V—E 2 syllables: A—CHIEVE * ACQUIRE Spelling:…

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Címkék: angol vocabulary spelling wordlist syllables angol helyesírás English language English words

6-letter words, from ACQUIT to WHOLLY, spelling and syllables (62 words)

2023.10.03. 12:43 aforizmágus

SIX-LETTER WORDS * ACQUIT Spelling: A—C—Q—U—I—T 2 syllables: AC—QUIT * ACROSS Spelling: A—C—R—O—S—S A—C—R—O—double S 2 syllables: A—CROSS * ADVICE Spelling: A—D—V—I—C—E 2 syllables: AD—VICE Not to be confused with: ADVISE * ADVISE Spelling: A—D—V—I—S—E 2 syllables:…

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Címkék: angol vocabulary spelling wordlist syllables English words

3-5-letter words, from ITS to YOU'RE - spelling and syllables (46 words)

2023.10.03. 12:37 aforizmágus

THREE-LETTER WORDS * ITS Spelling: I—T—S 1 syllable: ITS Not to be confused with: IT’S (= IT IS; IT HAS) * IT’S (= IT IS; IT HAS) Spelling: I—T—apostrophe—S 1 syllable: IT’S Not to be confused with: ITS * LED (LEAD) Spelling: L—E—D 1 syllable: LED Not to be confused with: LEAD…

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Címkék: angol vocabulary spelling wordlist syllables confusable words

Streamline English DESTINATIONS 1 - magyarra fordítás (videó)

2023.06.27. 21:24 aforizmágus

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Címkék: video fordítás angol listening streamline destinations

Streamline English Connections 79 - magyarra fordítás (videó)

2023.06.26. 23:01 aforizmágus

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Címkék: video fordítás angol listening streamline connections

Streamline English Connections 76-77 - magyarra fordítás (videó)

2023.06.26. 09:27 aforizmágus

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Címkék: video fordítás angol listening streamline connections

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