Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


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500 hasznos angol mondat haladóknak, kifejezések gyakorlására (1-500)

2013.03.22. 01:37 aforizmágus

  1. He abandoned the people to their fate. (sorsukra hagyta az embereket)
  2. They had to abandon their house (to the enemy).
  3. She abandoned herself to her emotions. (Átadta magát az érzelmeinek.)
  4. He is better/more able to help you than us. (többet tudna segíteni)
  5. I was just about to tell him the story, when his wife arrived.
  6. I’m not about to tell him sorry after all that he’s done to me. (nem vagyok hajlandó)
  7. She is absent (from school) today.
  8. He seems absorbed in his newspaper.
  9. You have to abstain from alcohol from now on.
  10. He is absurd to think that he is so attractive.
  11. It is absurd to assume that a woman is less competent than a man.
  12. It was absurd that she hadn’t guessed the answer straightaway.
  13. It is absurd that they should start to argue over the issue again.
  14. The publisher accepted my book for publication.
  15. I don’t accept John’s story (as the true version).
  16. She couldn’t accept that her mother was dead. (nem tudott belenyugodni)
  17. Humans are generally accepted to be superior to animals. (általánosan elfogadottan)
  18. It is generally accepted that humans are superior to animals. 
  19. They accepted him as the leader of the party.
  20. He was accepted to university. (felvették)
  21. He was accepted to study film. (felvették)
  22. It was great to be accepted warmly into such a nice family. (befogadott)
  23. The solution is not acceptable (to everyone).
  24. His letters are accessible (to the public).
  25. She is accountable (to herself) (for her deeds).
  26. They accused him (of the murder).
  27. I am accustomed to (listening to) his bad jokes.
  28. I acknowledge the truth of your statement.
  29. They acknowledged having lost the battle. (beismerték, hogy)
  30. It is generally acknowledged that the Turks won the battle at Mohács. (elismert tény, hogy)
  31. They acknowledged (to us) that they lost the battle. (beismerték, hogy)
  32. They acknowledged Jim as their leader. (elfogadták vezetőjüknek)
  33. Jim was acknowledged to be their leader.
  34. I am not acquainted with his friend.
  35. She was acquitted of murder charges.
  36. It was proved that she acted in self-defence.
  37. She has been acting the perfect wife all morning. (a tökéletes feleség szerepét játszotta)
  38. She acted blind. (Úgy tett, mintha vak lenne.)
  39. He acts like an idiot. (Úgy viselkedik, mint egy idióta.)
  40. She acted as if she’d never seen me before. (úgy tett, mintha)
  41. Punishment acts as a deterrent. (elrettentésként hat)
  42. Drugs act quickly on the brain. (gyorsan hatnak)
  43. He acted on behalf of/for  the defendant. (a vádlott nevében cselekedett)
  44. Shakespeare’s plays have been adapted (for children).
  45. He adapted (himself) to the change quite quickly. (alkalmazkodott)
  46. We adapted our future plans to meet the company’s requirements. (megváltoztattuk)
  47. Shall I add your name (to the participants’ list)? (hozzáírjam)
  48. If you add 3 and 3, you get 6. (összeadod)
  49. She added that they would come back soon. (hozzátette)
  50. Unfortunately, he is addicted (to drugs).
  51. I addressed the letter (to my boss).
  52. I didn’t expect him to address me in Hungarian. (magyarul szólít meg)
  53. Address your questions to your tutor. (kérdéseiddel fordulj a tutorodhoz)
  54. You should address her as ‘Miss Teacher.’ (úgy kell szólítanotok, hogy)
  55. The authors address (themselves to) rather different problems. (foglalkoznak)
  56. He is adept at (repairing) computers.
  57. Her voice is not adequate for the role of Carmen.
  58. It will be adequate to meet our needs. (elegendő, hogy kielégítse a szükségleteinket)
  59. You must adhere to this diet if you want to lose weight.
  60. He adjusted her hat.
  61. Always adjust your lecture to the knowledge of your students.
  62. I took a long time to adjust to the local traditions. (hozzászokni)
  63. I finally adjusted to living in the city. (hozzászoktam)
  64. You’ll quickly adjust yourself to living in the States. (hozzászoksz)
  65. I admire Jennifer (for the way she talks to the press).
  66. Everyone admires her for working so hard.
  67. He admits (to) having neglected his children.
  68. He admits (to) his mistakes.
  69. He admitted (to his parents) (that) he had failed his exam. (bevallotta)
  70. The offensive is generally admitted to be a failure. (elismert tény, hogy)
  71. It is generally admitted that the government acted too late.
  72. You will be admitted only five minutes before the performance starts. (Csak öt perccel az előadás megkezdése előtt engednek be.)
  73. Keynes's economics admits of a variety of interpretations. (többféle értelmezést megenged)
  74. The soap was advertised as the best one ever.
  75. The company is advertising for secretaries. (titkárnőket keres)
  76. It is advisable to follow the rules.
  77. It is advisable that the date set for completion involves a group meeting.
  78. It is advisable that everybody (should) follow the rules.
  79. I advised him against (marrying) her.
  80. He advised the king about/on matters of state. (a király tanácsadója volt államügyekben)
  81. The doctor advised me to take a week off. (azt javasolta, hogy vegyek ki egy hét szabadságot)
  82. I’d advise taking a different approach.
  83. We advised that they (should) leave early.
  84. It is strongly advised that you leave the building at once. (tanácsos)
  85. Can you advise (me) what to do? (adnál tanácsot, hogy mit tegyek)
  86. You are kindly requested to advise us of any changes in your personal details. (kérjük, tudasson)
  87. I regret to advise you that your application has not been accepted. (sajnálattal tudatom)
  88. She affirmed her love for him.
  89. He affirmed that he was telling the truth. (azt állította, hogy)
  90. I can’t afford a new car. (Nem engedhetek meg magamnak egy új autót.)
  91. I can’t afford to criticise the boss.
  92. She was afraid of her father.
  93. He was afraid of walking in the dark.
  94. He was afraid to call her.
  95. He was afraid (that) they would fire him for being late for work.
  96. He was afraid for his children. (féltette)
  97. She didn’t agree with them on the holiday plan.
  98. She didn’t agree with the holiday plan.
  99. We all agree (that) such a student must be expelled.
  100. President Clinton agreed with the African leader that something should be done about the famine in Africa.
  101. The board of directors agreed on the plan. (megállapodtak a tervvel kapcsolatban)
  102. We are all agreed (that) such a student must be expelled. (mindnyájan egyetértünk)
  103. It was agreed (that) we would discuss the matter once more. (megegyeztünk abban, hogy)
  104. The king finally agreed to the princess’s marriage. (beleegyezett)
  105. He agreed to help. (beleegyezett)
  106. We couldn’t agree whether to tell or not. (nem tudtunk megegyezni)
  107. They are aiming at bigger production. (nagyobb termelés a céljuk)
  108. They aim at improving their English. (az a céljuk, hogy)
  109. They are aiming to improve their English. (az a céljuk)
  110. These measures are aimed at reducing unemployment. (ezeknek az intézkedéseknek az a célja)
  111. She aimed the gun at his back.
  112. He aimed for his hat. (a kalapjára célzott)
  113. The book is aimed at advanced learners.
  114. She was alarmed at staying alone in the house.
  115. She was alarmed to stay alone in the house.
  116. She is alarmed (that) she would stay alone in the house.
  117. It can be very alarming to watch a toddler have violent behaviour.
  118. It is alarming that the water could be poisoned.
  119. Violence is alien to her.
  120. The newspapers allege (that) he has been murdered.
  121. He is alleged to have been murdered. (állítólag)
  122. It is alleged that he has been murdered. (állítólag)
  123. He is allergic to some plants.
  124. I don’t allow my daughter to stay out after dark.
  125. He doesn’t allow smoking here.
  126. Smoking is not allowed here. (tilos a dohányzás)
  127. I allow myself/her 20 minutes to get to the office. (20 percet adok magamnak/neki)
  128. How much time would you allow (for the journey)? (Mennyi idő szükséges?)
  129. She has never stolen anything. – I allow you that. (Ezt elismerem.)
  130. We should allow (the possibility) that he is the best. (be kell ismernünk)
  131. It takes about two hours allowing for traffic jams. (számításba véve)
  132. It is a fair question, and allows of more than one answer.
  133. Her good mood alternated with despair.
  134. My parents alternated between being strict and lenient. (egyszer szigorúak, máskor engedékenyek voltak)
  135. Babies alternate sleeping with eating. (felváltva)
  136. Babies alternate sleeping and eating. (felváltva)
  137. I was amazed at her kindness.
  138. I am amazed to hear that everybody is alive. (megdöbbenten hallom)
  139. I am amazed that he hasn’t got the letter; I sent it last Monday. (meg vagyok döbbenve)
  140. I am amazed how beautiful you’ve become. (csak ámulok, hogy)
  141. His message amounts to a refusal. (egyenértékű)
  142. He was angry (with his secretary).
  143. She was really angry about the delay.
  144. I was angry to miss that film.
  145. He was angry that he should take part in the ceremony.
  146. The couple have announced their marriage (to the media).
  147. We are pleased to announce that a triplets have been born.
  148. It was announced that the price of petrol would be raised.
  149. They announced when and where their wedding was going to take place.
  150. The servant announced the famous guests as they entered the door.
  151. His compliments annoyed her.
  152. It annoyed me to think how much he spent on clothes. (még rágondolni is idegesítő)
  153. It annoyed me that he was late again.
  154. It annoys me when people smoke in a library.
  155. I was annoyed (with myself) (about forgetting my mother’s birthday). (mérges voltam)
  156. She was annoyed to discover that her ice-cream disappeared from the fridge. (idegesen vette tudomásul)
  157. I was annoyed (that) he had left without saying goodbye. (haragudtam, hogy)
  158. She could answer all my questions.
  159. Answer me this.
  160. She answered that she would  do it.
  161. He answered me that he couldn’t help that time.
  162. You will answer for these documents. (te leszel a felelős)
  163. You answer to the sales manager. (A kereskedelmi igazgatónak tartozol beszámolni.)
  164. I am anxious about the contract.
  165. She is anxious for her son.
  166. She was anxious for that job. (Nagyon akarta azt az állást.)
  167. He was anxious to study in the States. (alig várta, hogy)
  168. I am anxious for her to achieve her aims. (Nagyon kívánom, hogy elérje a céljait.)
  169. He was anxious that she accompanied him to the party. (nagyon szerette volna, ha)
  170. I am anxious that you (should) stay here until I return. (nagyon szeretném, ha)
  171. He apologized (to the hostess) (for coming early).
  172. He apologized that he was late.
  173. It was apparent (from her voice) (that) she was afraid.
  174. It became apparent (to everybody) (that) he wasn’t rich at all.
  175. He said he would appeal (to the court) (against) the verdict.
  176. The police appeal to the army for help. (segítséget kér a hadseregtől)
  177. His soft voice appeals to me. (tetszik nekem)
  178. He appeared (to be) an optimist.
  179. He appeared tired.
  180. He appears to know the truth. (úgy tűnik, hogy)
  181. It appears as if he is surprised. (úgy tűnik, mintha)
  182. It appeared (that) they agreed. (úgy tűnt, hogy)
  183. It appears unlikely that they will win. (valószínűtlennek tűnik)
  184. I finally applied (to five universities) (for scholarship) last year.
  185. Sam has applied to join the fire brigade. (jelentkezett)
  186. The equipment was applied to surgery. (alkalmazták)
  187. This rule does not apply to you. (nem vonatkozik rád)
  188. We applied ourselves to (finding) the solution. (mindent elkövettünk)
  189. I really appreciate your kindness.
  190. I appreciate being treated like a princess.
  191. We would appreciate you helping us. (hálásak lennénk) 
  192. I appreciated that he took me home.
  193. I would appreciate it if you would send me a prompt reply.
  194. I really appreciate it when men propose to me.
  195. He doesn’t appreciate how much we spent on him. (nem fogja fel, hogy mennyit költöttünk rá)
  196. This dress is not appropriate (for a wedding).
  197. She doesn’t approve of what I said.
  198. They are always arguing (with each other) (about unimportant things).
  199. He argued for/in favour of (raising) income tax. (érvelt mellette)
  200. He argued against (raising) income tax. (érvelt ellene)
  201. I would argue that soft drugs should be made legal. (vitatkoznék arról)
  202. It could be argued that soft drugs should be made legal. (lehetne arról vitatkozni)
  203. I arranged a meeting (with my lawyer).
  204. I arranged (with them) to meet them at 10 o’clock.
  205. He arranged a dinner for the guests. (megszervezett egy vacsorát)
  206. They arranged for the painter to have an exhibition. (megszervezték a festőnek a kiállítást)
  207. I arranged (with my boss) for a mini bus to pick us up.
  208. I arranged that they should talk to each other at the party.
  209. The university arranges for sport facilities as well. (lehetőséget teremt)
  210. He was arrested (for robbery) yesterday.
  211. I arrived at Heathrow yesterday.
  212. I have just arrived in London.
  213. Our plane arrived a bit late.
  214. I was ashamed of him being drunk all the time.
  215. I felt ashamed to be drunk.
  216. I am ashamed to admit that I told her our secret.
  217. I felt ashamed (that) I hadn’t helped him more.
  218. Ask him about the money he owes you.
  219. You should ask his opinion.
  220. I asked her their name. (Megkérdeztem tőle a  nevüket.)
  221. He asked (Jill) what the girl’s name was.
  222. Why do you ask me for advice? (Miért tőlem kérsz tanácsot?)
  223. Can I ask you a favour? (Kérhetek egy szívességet?)
  224. Can I ask a favour of you?
  225. She asked me to help her. (arra kért, hogy)
  226. He asked that he (should) be sent the details. (arra kért, hogy)
  227. He asked to see the manager. (beszélni akart)
  228. He asked too much for that run-down house. (sokat kért érte)
  229. He aspires to a business career.
  230. She aspired to be the next Marilyn Monroe.
  231. He asserted her ideas in front of everyone. (világosan elmondta)
  232. He asserted the charges to be incorrect.
  233. He asserted that he was not guilty.
  234. It is commonly asserted that young children need constant care. (elfogadott tény, hogy)
  235. He wanted to assert himself at all costs. (érvényesülni akart)
  236. The teacher assigned (me) a very difficult task.
  237. He assigned me to the duties of the administrative assistants.
  238. The company assigned John as the new sales manager.
  239. German troops were assigned to keep peace in the region.
  240. We’ll try to assist (you) (with your studies).
  241. They tried to assist (me) (in finding a job).
  242. We are assisting students to find accommodation.
  243. He is associated with comedies.
  244. Why do you associate with those posh people? (miért barátkozol)
  245. I would like to associate myself with the director. (szeretném kifejezni egyetértésem)
  246. I assumed him (to be) French.
  247. Scientists assume (that) global warming is increasing.
  248. It is assumed that lung cancer is caused by smoking.
  249. You will assume the control of the Miammar branch. (átveszed a vezetését)
  250. I assured him of our full support.
  251. I can assure you (that) everything is going to be all right.
  252. He assured himself of their honesty. (megbizonyosodott)
  253. He assured himself that nothing had changed while he was away. (megbizonyosodott)
  254. Victory would assure (us) a place in the semi-finals.
  255. My father was astonished at my decision.
  256. My mother was astonished to see that I was pregnant. (döbbenten látta)
  257. He seemed astonished (that) I was pregnant.
  258. I attach my thesis to the application.
  259. She attached to him during the trip. (rátapadt)
  260. No health risk attaches to this sweetener. (nem veszélyezteti)
  261. She attempted an escape from the camp, but she was caught.
  262. She attempted to meet the Queen in Paris.
  263. A lot of people attend church regularly.
  264. Attend to your work, please. (figyelj a munkádra)
  265. His intelligence attracts me (to him). (az intelligenciája teszi vonzóvá)
  266. The parade attracted thousands of young people (to Berlin).
  267. She attributes her victory to hard training.
  268. This painting is attributed to Giorgione.
  269. These sports facilities are available for everyone.
  270. The crash couldn’t be avoided. (elkerülhetetlen volt)
  271. They built a dam to avoid the water flooding the city.
  272. He tried to avoid meeting them.
  273. I am aware of how much effort you have put into this job.
  274. I was aware (that) something unusual was happening.
  275. He is really bad at maths.
  276. She is bad at telling lies. (ügyetlenül hazudik)
  277. Such hot weather is bad for everyone. (nem tesz jót senkinek)
  278. Matt isn’t too bad to work with.
  279. It is bad to drink too much alcohol. (káros)
  280. The situation is so bad that authorities are considering immediate action.
  281. It is bad that so much violence should be presented on TV.
  282. Smoking is banned in the restaurant. (tilos)
  283. He is banned from alcohol.
  284. She is banned from driving because of speeding.
  285. My mother is always bargaining (with the dealers) (about the prices) in the market.
  286. We didn’t bargain on meeting you here. (nem számítottunk rá, hogy)
  287. He based his ideas on research.
  288. They have based themselves in Boston. (Bostonban van a telephelyük.)
  289. A thorough knowledge of mathematics is basic to economics. (matematikatudás az alapja)
  290. Her music does not bear comparison with his. (nem említhető egy lapon)
  291. Her condition doesn’t bear thinking about. (még rágondolni is rossz)
  292. She bears a grudge against him. (Neheztel rá.)
  293. She bears him a grudge. (Neheztel rá.)
  294. He bore himself with dignity at the trial. (méltóságteljesen viselkedett) 
  295. The decision bears on the public atmosphere. (hatással van)
  296. Bear with her, she is going to be alright. (légy türelmes)
  297. I can’t bear extreme cold or heat.
  298. I can’t bear to lose such a wonderful friend.
  299. I can’t bear losing such a wonderful friend.
  300. I can’t bear it when she cries.
  301. My father always beats me (at chess).
  302. Beat the eggs and sugar together. (verd fel)
  303. It beats me why she has disappeared. (rejtély számomra)
  304. He begged (them) (for water).
  305. He begged (water) (from the guards).
  306. He begged to be released.
  307. She begged him not to leave her.
  308. The children were begging (for food) (from the ladies) in the street. (koldultak)
  309. They managed to beg some money (from the gentleman). (sikerült koldulniuk némi pénzt)
  310. The film began at 8.
  311. They began the concert.
  312. He began talking.
  313. She began to laugh.
  314. He began as a journalist, before starting to write novels. (újságíróként kezdte)
  315. I have never believed him.
  316. They believed him (to be) capable of anything. (mindenre képesnek tartották)
  317. People used to believe (that) the sun revolves around the earth. (valaha azt hitték, hogy)
  318. It is believed that eating melons makes one happy. (a közhiedelem szerint)
  319. Eating salmon is believed to make one even happier. (a közhiedelem szerint)
  320. I can’t believe how much happier I am.
  321. ‘Is she still in?’ ‘I believe so/not.’
  322. She believes in God.
  323. He believes in eating a lot of vegetables.
  324. I can’t believe it of him. (nem tudom elhinni róla)
  325. These islands belong to Britain.
  326. She has always belonged to a party. (tagja volt)
  327. This plate belongs in the cupboard. (a konyhaszekrényben van a helye)
  328. Regular exercise is beneficial (to health).
  329. We try to find a solution that benefits everyone. (mindenki javát szolgálja)
  330. Only Joe benefits (from this business).
  331. It is best to go by bus. (az lesz a legjobb)
  332. It is best that we all sit down and talk things over.
  333. It is best if you leave her alone.
  334. She bet $3000 (on that horse).
  335. I would bet against him.
  336. She bet (that) Imperial would win.
  337. He bet me ($20) that I wouldn’t jump.
  338. He betrayed the secret of the atomic bomb (to Russia).
  339. She betrayed herself when she started to cry. (elárulta magát)
  340. He is better at arts than at sciences.
  341. It would be better (for her) to talk things over.
  342. It is better (that) she is far away.
  343. It is better (that) you (should) go to the doctor.
  344. Beware of the dwarf. (óvakodj)
  345. Beware of saying anything about him. (vigyázz rá, hogy)
  346. Beware icy roads.
  347. Beware driving on icy roads.
  348. He is biased in favour of educated people.
  349. She is biased against the rich. (előítélete van)
  350. They bid $2000 (for the sculpture).
  351. A German company is also bidding (for the telephone company). (résztvesz a pályázaton)
  352. The runner is bidding to keep her place in the national team. (megpróbálja)
  353. I don’t blame you (for the accident).
  354. The police are blaming the fire on a cigarette. (A rendőrség szerint a tüzet egy cigaretta okozta.)
  355. Who’s to blame (for the accident)? (kinek a hibája volt)
  356. Blend the sugar with the baking soda.
  357. Blend (together) the sugar and the baking soda.
  358. Margarine does not blend with water. (nem keveredik)
  359. Margarine and oil do not blend (together). (nem keverednek)
  360. She is blind to all his lies. (nem veszi észre)
  361. I was blind not to realize that he was cheating me out of my money.
  362. He is always boasting (about his career).
  363. The city boasts ten Turkish baths. (tíz törökfürdővel dicsekedhet)
  364. He boasted that he had been to Africa.
  365. He is bored with her. (unja)
  366. She got bored with dancing. (megunta)
  367. You are allowed to borrow ten books (from the library).
  368. Don’t bother with your hair, we’re going swimming.
  369. She didn’t even bother to tell me that she would be late. (ahhoz sem vette a fáradságot)
  370. Why bother going out with him if you don’t like him? (mi értelme van)
  371. I don’t want to bother him (with my problems). (nem akarom zavarni)
  372. Does it bother her that you are shorter than her? (zavarja, hogy)
  373. It bothers me to think that she is travelling alone. (aggaszt)
  374. I am not bothered (about her opinion). (nem érdekel)
  375. I can’t be bothered to write a letter to her. (Nincs az az isten, hogy most levelet írjak neki.)
  376. You are bound to pass your driving test. (biztos, hogy)
  377. It was bound to happen. (Meg kellett történnie.)
  378. She is not bound by the contract. (nem kötelezi)
  379. You are bound by the contract to move out of the flat. (a szerződés arra kötelezi, hogy)
  380. The train was bound for Moscow. (Moszkvába tartott a vonat.)
  381. He is always bragging to his friends (about his father).
  382. He was brave to do what he did.
  383. It was brave (of you) to sing that song in Belfast.
  384. The vase broke.
  385. He broke the vase (into pieces).
  386. She broke the apple (in two).
  387. Let’s break for dinner. (Tartsunk vacsoraszünetet!)
  388. Our house has been broken into. (Betörtek hozzánk.)
  389. Bring an umbrella (with you). (Hozz magaddal esernyőt!)
  390. He brought a bunch of flowers (for me).
  391. He brought (me) a bunch of flowers.
  392. His novel brings him a lump sum each year. (szép summát hoz a konyhára)
  393. She brings ten years’ practice to the company. (Tíz éves gyakorlatával gazdagítja a vállalatot.)
  394. They brought a charge against her. (Megvádolták.)
  395. She couldn’t bring herself to study more. (nem tudta rávenni magát)
  396. Her singing brought the people coming. (Az éneklésére odajöttek az emberek.)
  397. He bribed him with money.
  398. They bribed him into accepting the offer. (lefizették)
  399. He was bribed to give false evidence.
  400. These houses are built of wood.
  401. This building is built from concrete.
  402. Jeremy had a house built (for his daughter).
  403. Jack built us a hut in the forest.
  404. He is busy with his homework.
  405. She is busy reading. (Javában olvas.)
  406. I bought him a pullover.
  407. I bought a pullover (for him).
  408. I bought my computer second-hand. (használtan vettem)
  409. 10 dollars doesn’t buy much. (nem sok mindenre elég)
  410. You can’t buy me. (Nem vásárolhatsz meg.)
  411. They called the puppy Trevor. (A Trevor nevet adták a kiskutyának.)
  412. She is called Clare after her mother. (Clare-nek hívják az édesanyja után.)
  413. She called her mother (for help). (kiáltott)
  414. I immediately called the police. (felhívtam a rendőrséget)
  415. She is campaigning for the conservation of rain forests.
  416. She is campaigning against animal experiments.
  417. She is campaigning to save the elephants in Sri Lanka.
  418. You are capable of efficient work.
  419. You are capable of working much more efficiently.
  420. She’s never cared about her appearance.
  421. She doesn’t seem to care that he has been in prison.
  422. I don’t care what he does.
  423. She really cares about her children. (törődik)
  424. He has to care for his sick mother. (gondoskodnia kell)
  425. I don’t care for her. (nem kedvelem)
  426. Would you care for a drink? (Parancsolsz egy italt?)
  427. Would you care to join us? (Volna kedved csatlakozni hozzánk?)
  428. Be careful of the cars. (Figyelj az autókra!)
  429. Be careful with that vase.
  430. Be careful not to make any noise. (vigyázz)
  431. Be careful carrying those heavy bags. (Óvatosan vidd azokat a nehéz szatyrokat!)
  432. Be careful that you don’t end up writing a novel. (vigyázz, hogy)
  433. You have to be careful when the pavements are icy.
  434. Don’t be careless about your handwriting. (figyelj)
  435. She was careless of the gossip she caused. (nem érdekelte)
  436. The nurses were careless to allow him walk out of the hospital alone. (gondatlanság volt a nővérek részéről)
  437. It was careless (of me) to leave the child alone. (gondatlanság volt)
  438. He caught the ball.
  439. She caught him smoking in the dark. (rajtakapta)
  440. He caught himself wondering whether he was doing the right thing. (azon kapta magát)
  441. They cater (for) schools. (élelmeznek)
  442. The language school caters for all levels. (minden szintű nyelvtudást kielégít)
  443. This is a magazine which caters to the mass market. (a tömegízlést elégíti ki)
  444. The bad weather causes problems for the tourist industry.
  445. He caused his parents much distress.
  446. The dry weather caused the plants to die. (elpusztította)
  447. Jack cautioned (her) against giving up her job. (óva intette)
  448. She cautioned him about the dangers of rafting.
  449. He was cautioned (for stealing) instead of being sent to a detention centre. (figyelmeztetésben részesült)
  450. He cautioned (her) that leaving the country is not the best decision.
  451. My unemployment benefit ceased a month ago.
  452. Cease fire! (Tüzet szüntess!)
  453. You never cease to make me laugh. (Mindig megnevettetsz.)
  454. They have ceased working. (abbahagyták)
  455. Can we be certain of/about the truth of what she says?
  456. If you want to be certain of (getting) a window seat, hurry up.
  457. Prices are certain to rise. (Az árak bizonyára emelkednek majd.)
  458. It is certain that they will come.
  459. I am not certain who won.
  460. The bank certified my accounts (as) correct.
  461. The secretary certified the document to be a true copy.
  462. The doctor wasn’t willing to certify that he had been ill the last week.
  463. ‘Take your raincoat.’ ‘No, I’ll chance it.’
  464. I’ll chance driving even if it is icy.
  465. I chanced to meet him. (Véletlenül összefutottam vele.)
  466. It (so) chanced (that) she spoke fluent English. (véletlenül úgy adódott)
  467. One day she chanced upon her grandma’s wedding dress. (rábukkant)
  468. You haven’t changed a bit since I last saw you.
  469. His wife changed him completely.
  470. The angel changed the girl (from a beggar) into a princess. (átváltoztatta)
  471. We changed our flat (for a smaller one). (elcseréltük)
  472. After they got married, he changed his name to hers. (átvette a nevét)
  473. Can we change newspapers? (cserélhetünk)
  474. Can I change my newspaper with you? (cserélhetek önnel)
  475. He changed into/out of his best suit. (átöltözött)
  476. Can you change dollars (into pounds)? (váltani)
  477. Could you change a five pound note (for coins)? (felváltani)
  478. This behaviour is characteristic of her.
  479. They charged him (with the murder).
  480. They charged him with stealing.
  481. We won’t charge (you) for the delivery of the furniture. (nem számítunk fel költséget)
  482. We won’t charge (you) anything (for the delivery of the furniture). (nem számítunk fel költséget)
  483. They charged the costs to the artist. (A színészre hárították a költségeket.)
  484. They charge to deliver the product. (Szállítási költséget számítanak fel.)
  485. It is cheap to run this car.
  486. The shop assistant tried to cheat the customer. (megpróbálta becsapni)
  487. He always cheats (at games). (csal a játékban)
  488. He is always cheating on Ursula.
  489. The young man tried to cheat the old lady out of her money. (megpróbálta kicsalni a pénzét)
  490. Check the pipes (for leaks).
  491. Check (with Jane) (that) she has arranged everything. (kérdezd meg, hogy)
  492. Check (with Jane) when she is going to arrive. (beszéld meg, hogy)  
  493. I have to choose (between my career and him).
  494. They had to choose one (from the five candidates).
  495. They chose him as president.
  496. The author chooses to remain anonymous.
  497. They chose him to be the representative.
  498. We will have to choose whether to stay or go.
  499. Doctors are claiming a breakthrough in the fight against AIDS. (áttörésről beszélnek)
  500. She claimed to own a car.


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