Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


Friss topikok



500 hasznos angol mondat haladóknak, kifejezések gyakorlására (3)

2013.03.22. 11:44 aforizmágus

  1. The price is exclusive of lunch, it is only for breakfast and dinner. (az árban nincs benne)
  2. Dinosaurs don’t exist anymore.
  3. Old people can’t exist on their pension in Hungary. (nem tudnak megélni)
  4. There must exist a better solution.
  5. They are expecting a child.
  6. We expect to meet them today. (arra számítunk, hogy)
  7. We expect the letter to arrive today.
  8. I expect that she will be angry. (valószínűnek tartom, hogy)
  9. Don’t expect impossible things of me. (ne várj el tőlem)
  10. It is expected that prices will rise. (valószínű, hogy)
  11. He was expelled (from the local school) for smoking. (eltanácsolták)
  12. Cars are expensive to produce.
  13. It is expensive to buy food that children do not eat.
  14. She finds experimenting on animals outrageous.
  15. The farmers experimented with some alternative methods.
  16. I asked her what the matter was but she didn’t want to explain.
  17. He tried to explain himself (kimagyarázni magát)
  18. I’ll explain everything (to you).
  19. He explained (to us) that his train had been late.
  20. He explained why he was late. (megmagyarázta, hogy miért késett)
  21. It will be explained how the machine works.
  22. A lot of companies exploit their employees.
  23. The children explored the area (for treasure).
  24. A lot of Hungarian wine is exported to foreign countries.
  25. Don’t expose yourself to strong sunlight.
  26. In the report he was exposed as a traitor. (leleplezték, mint árulót)
  27. She expressed her doubts (to me).
  28. Little children often can’t express themselves.
  29. He wanted to express how delighted he was.
  30. We wanted to express ourselves as artists.
  31. This music is expressive of the Portuguese soul.
  32. They extracted this passage from his first novel.
  33. You’ll have to face the consequences.
  34. He couldn’t face meeting her.
  35. He was suddenly faced with a dilemma. (hirtelen szembesülnie kellett)
  36. I failed (in the attempt to take her with me). (nem sikerült)
  37. He failed the exam.
  38. The teacher failed the best student, which was a surprise. (megbuktatta)
  39. She never fails to telephone me. (soha nem felejti/mulasztja el) 
  40. The engine of the plane failed. (leállt a motor)
  41. When he deserted the army he felt that he failed his family. (csalódást okoz)
  42. He was very fair with his men, and everyone liked him.
  43. It is not fair (to the students) (to make them write five tests on the same day).
  44. It is not fair to blame him for everything.
  45. It is not fair that you blame them for everything.
  46. The dog has always been faithful (to its master).
  47. She fell into the lake.
  48. He fell ill last week. (megbetegedett)
  49. Inflation fell (by) 2 per cent. (2 százalékot esett)
  50. Her voice is really familiar (to me).
  51. He is familiar with ancient history. (Sokat tud az ókori történelemről.)
  52. The boss is really familiar with her secretary. (jóban vannak)
  53. I have to familiarize myself with the system first.
  54. Jim Morrison was famous (for his music).
  55. Jim Morrison was famous (as a singer).
  56. Do you fancy a beer? (Nem kérsz egy sört?)
  57. I am sure he fancies you. (tetszel neki)
  58. He fancies himself (as) a famous politician. (úgy tekint magára)
  59. Do you fancy having a drink tonight? (volna kedved)
  60. He fancied (that) he could fly. (azt képzelte)
  61. She sometimes fantasized (about marrying Keanu Reeves).
  62. The shop is not far (from here).
  63. She has always been fascinated by Chinese pottery. (mindig lenyűgözte)
  64. She was fascinated to hear that her husband had reached the North Pole. (örömmel fogadta a hírt)
  65. The conditions of the contract seemed favourable (for both sides).
  66. All the children fear her.
  67. He feared to admit where he had spent the night before.
  68. The little girl feared showing her school report to her parents.
  69. Officials fear that drugs will become even more popular. (attól tartanak)
  70. At least 35 people are feared dead.
  71. Children are feared to be under the ruins.
  72. It is feared that he has been killed.
  73. She feared for her son while he was in the war. (féltette)
  74. ‘Is he coming?’ ‘I fear so/not.’ (Attól félek, hogy igen/nem.)
  75. His mother has been fearful for her son all her life. (féltette)
  76. They were fearful (of the attack/of being attacked). (rettegtek a támadástól)
  77. She was fearful (that) she would faint on stage. (attól félt, hogy)
  78. The monkeys in the zoo are fed (on) bananas.
  79. Bananas are fed to the monkeys in the zoo. (banánt adnak)
  80. Copy paper is fed into the machine automatically. (automatikusan tölti)
  81. I feel so free with you.
  82. I feel no responsibility at all!
  83. I felt (like) a cartoon character.
  84. He felt somebody stroking his head. (érezte, hogy valaki megsimogatja a fejét)
  85. I felt her love go through me.
  86. They were felt to be in danger. (úgy érezték, hogy veszélyben vannak)
  87. I felt (that) I had to tell the truth.
  88. She felt it (to be) her duty to bring up her sister’s children.
  89. He felt it important to mention that he was unemployed.
  90. His head felt as though he had taken a cold shower. (olyan volt, mintha)
  91. It felt as though he had taken a cold shower.
  92. Her body feels really cold. (hideg a tapintása)
  93. This table feels like wood. (tapintásra fa)
  94. Feel how smooth it is. (fogd csak meg)
  95. I feel like (eating) an ice-cream.
  96. Could you fetch me my glasses please? I’ve left them in the garden. (kimennél a szemüvegemért)
  97. Could you fetch a glass of water for your mother please? (hoznál egy pohár vizet)
  98. They fought (a war) (against the rebels) in Gambia.
  99. Milan fought the city of Como (for control of Lombardy).
  100. They are trying to fight racism. (próbálnak küzdeni a fajgyűlölet ellen)
  101. The activists are fighting for equal rights.
  102. The Captain fought to save the ship in the storm.
  103. Don’t fight (with her) (about trivial things). (ne vitatkozz vele)
  104. John and Jack were fighting (about trivial things). (veszekedtek)
  105. The issue also figured in the politician’s speech. (szerepelt)
  106. We figured (that) the danger was minimal. (úgy találtuk)
  107. I hadn’t figured on (meeting) you here. (számít vmire)
  108. Her eyes filled (with tears).
  109. He filled my glass (with wine). (teletöltötte a poharamat)
  110. I filled myself (with ice-cream) I’m not hungry anymore. (telezabáltam magam)
  111. We found a nice pub in Cheltenham Road.
  112. Could you find my keys (for me)?
  113. Could you find (me) my keys? (megkeresnéd)
  114. The kidnapped child was found healthy. (egészségesen találták meg)
  115. I found him sleeping in the garden on the lawn. (aludt, mikor rátaláltam)
  116. The survey found (that) 15 per cent are satisfied with their life. (kimutatta)
  117. My parents found Charles (to be) charming.
  118. The cell is found to function like a helix. (kimutatták, hogy)
  119. It was found that most parties emphasize social security.
  120. I found it hard to deal with these children.
  121. I find it a strain to have to talk to people again. (nehezemre esik)
  122. Have you finished (the painting)?
  123. Would you finish talking, please? (Abbahagynátok végre a beszélgetést?)
  124. We finished training (with a relaxing exercise).
  125. He finished the poem (by) raising his voice.
  126. He finished as a star.
  127. He was first to cross the Atlantic.
  128. He is not fit enough for a marathon.
  129. He is not fit enough to run a marathon.
  130. The goods must be fit for the buyer's purpose. (megfelelőnek kell lennie)
  131. These goods are fit to satisfy the customers’ needs. (megfelelő)
  132. The hotel is flooded with complaints about the room service.
  133. The football fans flooded into the city centre. (bezúdultak)
  134. He is really fluent (in Urdu). (folyékonyan beszél)
  135. I tried to explain but she didn’t seem to follow what I was saying.
  136. There followed much confusion. (Aztán nagy zavar keletkezett.)
  137. Somebody has been following me.
  138. It follows that the prisons debate is not just about prisons. (ebből az következik)
  139. I am really fond of (watching) your goldfish. (Szeretem (nézni) az aranyhalad.)
  140. We would be foolish to expect leaders not to make any mistakes. (butaság lenne)
  141. It's just foolish (for/of us) to travel separately. (butaság)
  142. The sect forbids all kinds of entertainment.
  143. Bill forbade me from telling you the details.
  144. My doctor forbade me to lift any weight.
  145. She forbade selling their mother’s house.
  146. I was forced into (accepting) the job.
  147. I was forced to accept the job.
  148. Laziness is foreign to him.
  149. He forgot (about) her birthday.
  150. I forgot about posting the letter. (elfelejtettem, hogy feladtam)
  151. I’ll never forget seeing you for the first time. (soha nem felejtem el azt, amikor először láttalak)
  152. I forgot to post the letter. (elfelejtettem feladni)
  153. He forgot (that) I would come.
  154. I’ve forgotten where I put my keys.
  155. Mankind is often forgetful of its history. (könnyen elfelejti)
  156. I can’t forgive him (for deceiving me).
  157. I can’t forgive his rude remarks.
  158. Forgive my disturbing you please. (kérem bocsássa meg, hogy zavarom)
  159. I was fortunate to have met him.
  160. It is fortunate (for him) (that) Mr Browning has rescued him. (szerencse, hogy)
  161. How fortunate (that) you should be here. (micsoda szerencse)
  162. Almost all the political prisoners were freed (from prison).
  163. They have decided to free all political prisoners from jail. (úgy döntöttek, hogy szabadon engedik)
  164. She freed some time for her music lessons. (felszabadított némi időt)
  165. Winning the lottery freed her to live as she liked. (lehetővé tette)
  166. Your disk is free from viruses. (vírusmentes)
  167. Are you free (for a drink) tonight? (ráérsz egy italra)
  168. Applicants are free to choose their courses. (szabadon választhatnak)
  169. All the locals were so friendly (to me).
  170. I am not friendly with my neighbours. (nem vagyok jóban)
  171. She's quite friendly to talk to actually.
  172. He didn’t want to frighten you.
  173. He was frightened out of the robbery/stealing the money. (elijesztették)
  174. It frightens me to imagine you there alone. (még elképzelni is ijesztő)
  175. I am frightened of (touching) spiders. (félek)
  176. I am too frightened to talk to him. (félek beszélni vele)
  177. She was frightened (that) little Mike would fall off the bike. (félt, hogy)
  178. All mothers are frightened for their children. (féltik a gyermekeiket)
  179. I was frustrated by a slow start.
  180. I felt really frustrated (with having to wait).
  181. My bag is full (of books).
  182. My old elementary school now functions (as a nursery school).
  183. It’s funny to look back on it now.
  184. It’s funny that after all these years I still haven't forgotten his name.
  185. It’s funny (that) you should mention that.
  186. It’s funny how the mind works at a time like this.
  187. He was absolutely furious (with me), I didn’t know why.
  188. She was furious at having missed the plane.
  189. We were furious that you left without leaving a message.
  190. She furnished the house with antique furniture.
  191. He is furnished with all the relevant facts. (birtokában van)
  192. She is really fussy (about table manners).
  193. His gift for music gained (him) world-wide reputation.
  194. Everybody will gain something (from this project). (mindenki nyer valamit)
  195. The earl has gambled all his life.
  196. My father gambled all my inheritance (on horses). (feltettem az egész örökségem)
  197. They gambled on waiting a couple of hours at the border. (biztosra vették)
  198. Many people gambled that he would be put to prison. (sokan azt tippelték)
  199. She was gazing (at the prince).
  200. He got a CD for his birthday.
  201. Can you get a book for me from the library?
  202. Can you get me a book from the library?
  203. Didn’t he get very angry? (mérges lett)
  204. The mechanic will get the car going. (elindítja)
  205. We got to talk to her in the end. (sikerült)
  206. I’ll try to get her to help you. (megpróbálom rávenni)
  207. Why did she get her hair cut? (Miért vágatta le a haját?)
  208. He gave me a ring. (adott nekem egy gyűrűt/felhívott telefonon)
  209. She gave it to me on my eighteenth birthday.
  210. I always give (a little money) to charity.
  211. I will give (you) $50 for this bike.
  212. The writer gave a reading from his latest novel. (felolvasást tartott)
  213. I am glad about your engagement.
  214. I am glad to hear that you were accepted for the job. (örömmel hallom)
  215. I am glad (that) you are here.
  216. She was glad when the school year was over.
  217. I would be glad if you could help me. (hálás lennék)
  218. Sergeant Crane and I would be glad of tea. (hálásak lennénk)
  219. He glanced at the door.
  220. He only glanced through the newspaper. (átfutotta)
  221. She wasn’t crying, she just glared (at me) angrily.
  222. Are you going (to the party) (with him)?
  223. Let’s go for a drink.
  224. He went bald at the age of twenty. (megkopaszodott)
  225. He has gone to visit his Grandma. (elment meglátogatni)
  226. She regularly goes running. (jár futni)
  227. The story goes that she has been to visit him at least twice. (a történet szerint)
  228. In Third World countries money goes on debt and arms. (a pénzt adósságok törlesztésére és fegyverekre költik)
  229. The house went (to the state) for very little money. (kevés pénzért kelt el)
  230. She is good (at maths).
  231. She is good with old people. (jól bánik az idős emberekkel)
  232. He was very good to my mother when I was away.
  233. Too much exercise is not good for the body.
  234. He is good to work with.
  235. It’s so good working/to work with you again.
  236. It was really good of you to help us. (kedves volt tőled)
  237. It is good (for you) to experience failure as well. (jót tesz)
  238. It's good that you came to me.
  239. The child grabbed a piece of apple pie (from the tray).
  240. The thief grabbed for the lady’s bag. (a hölgy táskája után kapott)
  241. She graduated in economics in 1987. (közgazdaságtanból diplomát szerzett)
  242. He graduated (from Stanford University) last year.
  243. She graduated (from being) a model to playing in a soap opera. (előlépett)
  244. They granted everybody security.
  245. They granted security to everybody.
  246. They granted that everybody would be secure.
  247. I was grateful (to her) (for her help).
  248. After the race I didn’t feel like going out at all; I was grateful to be alive. (örültem, hogy élek)
  249. I’m grateful that I don’t have to go through the whole procedure again. (örülök, hogy)
  250. We would be grateful if you could reply to us as soon as possible.
  251. It is great to have heroines and heroes to admire.
  252. It is great living in a wide open world.
  253. It is great (for the yard) that the horse has won the race.
  254. He is still grieving (for his wife). (siratja a feleségét)
  255. He is grieving the death of his wife.
  256. It grieved him to say goodbye. (fájt, hogy búcsúznia kellett)
  257. It grieved them that they couldn’t help her. (fájdalommal töltötte el őket)
  258. She is always grinning (at me).
  259. He grinned hello.
  260. This tree has grown a lot since I was last here.
  261. He grows spices in his garden. (termeszt)
  262. He grew rich during the recession years. (meggazdagodott)
  263. She grew into the habit of working at night. (rászokott)
  264. We grew to like her after a while. (megkedveltük)
  265. He is always grumbling (to me) (about his boss).
  266. He grumbled that he was hungry.
  267. Our travel agency guarantees (you) a decent hotel.
  268. Our travel agency guarantees a decent hotel (for you).
  269. The company guaranteed to refund the money.
  270. We can guarantee (you) that the system is safe.
  271. They couldn’t guarantee what the outcome would be.
  272. I can’t guess the answer.
  273. I can only guess (at her opinion), I haven’t talked to her yet. (csak találgatni tudok)
  274. I’d guess (that) she is married. (azt gondolnám, hogy házas)
  275. Can you guess who I’ve met?
  276. ‘Are they married?’ ‘I guess so/not.’ (nem hinném/úgy hinném)
  277. He was found guilty (of the murder).
  278. He felt guilty (about having hurt his mother). (bűntudata volt)
  279. She handed the paper to me.
  280. She handed me the paper.
  281. I happen to know her. (történetesen ismerem)
  282. It happened that she lost her job suddenly. (úgy alakult, hogy)
  283. What happened (to your new shoes)?
  284. It (so) happened that we were both fired on the same day. (úgy esett, hogy)
  285. I met her just the other day, as it happens. (ahogy ez már csak lenni szokott)
  286. I can’t see that happening to me. (Nem tudom elképzelni, hogy ez velem is előfordulhatna.)
  287. I am really happy for them.
  288. She was really happy (with her results). (elégedett volt)
  289. I am happy to announce the winner. (örömmel jelentem be)
  290. I am happy (that) you are with us again.
  291. A good job is hard to find.
  292. It is hard (for old people) to find a good job.
  293. It’s hard working/to work in shifts.
  294. Typing all day can be hard on the hands. (megerőlteti a kezet)
  295. Smoking is definitely harmful (to your health).
  296. What I hate about him is his egoism.
  297. I hated her (for being so rude).
  298. He has always hated (reading) books.
  299. I hate him complaining all the time.
  300. I would hate to tell him the truth. (nem szeretném elmondani neki)
  301. I’d hate him to think that I don’t care. (nem szeretném, ha azt gondolná)
  302. She hated it in the capital and moved to the countryside.
  303. I hate it when people laugh at each other.
  304. These chemicals are potentially hazardous (to health).
  305. These chemicals are hazardous (for us).
  306. I couldn’t hear (her voice) in the disco.
  307. I heard him break a glass. (hallottam, hogy eltörte a poharat)
  308. I heard him singing in the bathroom. (hallottam, hogy énekel)
  309. He was heard to break the glass. (hallották, hogy eltörte a poharat)
  310. He was heard singing in the bathroom. (hallották, hogy énekelt)
  311. I heard (that) she got married.
  312. Did you hear what I said?
  313. I was really happy to hear about your wedding.
  314. I haven’t heard (anything) from her for ages.
  315. The tree was heavy with nectarines. (Csüngtek a kopaszbarackok a fán.)
  316. The suitcase was too heavy (for me) to carry.
  317. She helped (me) (with the housework).
  318. I helped (him) (to) clean the house.
  319. This booklet really helped me in (planning) my career.
  320. Shall I help you to some more sauce? (Adhatok még egy kis szószt esetleg?)
  321. I couldn’t help laughing when I heard that incredible story. (nem tudtam megállni nevetés nélkül)
  322. I couldn’t help but laugh when I heard that story. (csak nevetni tudtam)
  323. The course is very helpful to pregnant women.
  324. It is helpful (for students) to do exercises on using phonetic symbols.
  325. Watching programmes in a foreign language is helpful in developing listening.
  326. It was helpful that these topics also interested the boys. (az segített, hogy)
  327. Chocolate is high in fat. (nagy a zsírtartalma)
  328. His father hardly hindered him from (meeting) girls.
  329. He was only hinting at his feelings all night.
  330. They hinted (to the guest) (that) it was late. (éreztette a vendéggel)
  331. The old lady hit the mugger (with her umbrella). (rásózott a rablóra)
  332. She hit her head (against the glass door). (beverte a fejét)
  333. I have always been honest about my feelings.
  334. I have never been honest with you.
  335. She delayed her answer, but she was too honest to stay silent.
  336. We are hoping for good results. (reménykedünk a jó eredményekben)
  337. I hope to announce the winner shortly. (reményeim szerint rövidesen bejelentem)
  338. I hope (that) he is well.
  339. It is hoped that the African economy will improve.
  340. ‘Is he going to come?’ ‘I hope so/not.’
  341. She is not very hopeful (about her application).
  342. We're very hopeful (that) we will have some extra support. (nagyon bízunk benne, hogy)
  343. She is hopeless at music.
  344. It is hopeless to find a solution on the basis of this.
  345. It is hopeless trying to get him to give any money.
  346. Her face is horrible to look at.
  347. It is horrible to think of what happened to that poor family.
  348. It is horrible that you should tempt me so heartlessly.
  349. The girl is simply hungry (for love).
  350. Elephants are still hunted in some areas.
  351. I am still hunting for a good computer.
  352. The police are hunting (for) the robbers. (a rendőrség még mindig üldözi a rablókat)
  353. Children often hurt themselves. (megütik magukat)
  354. It hurts when I raise my hand.
  355. It hurts me to see that people are so ignorant of the poor. (rosszulesik látnom)
  356. It hurts that people are so ignorant of the poor. (rosszulesik, hogy)
  357. He is the ideal candidate (for the presidency).
  358. Her hat is identical (to/with mine).
  359. The body was identified (as that of the wanted criminal).
  360. I couldn’t identify with anyone in the novel. (nem tudtam azonosulni egyik szereplővel sem)
  361. They are trying to identify what went wrong. (próbálják megállapítani)
  362. He is completely ignorant (of what goes on in the world). (fogalma sincs róla)
  363. A lot of people are ill (with flu) at the moment.
  364. The data illustrated that the development was considerable.
  365. The film illustrated how difficult it was to dive. (a film bemutatta)
  366. Little children imagine animals free and happy.
  367. She can’t imagine living in a big city.
  368. I can’t imagine him shouting.
  369. She imagined that she was rich.
  370. We can’t imagine what the solution could be.
  371. ‘Is he suffering?’ ‘I imagine so/not.’
  372. She is immune to mumps.
  373. Not even the Pope is immune (from criticism). (védett a kritikával szemben)
  374. His poems imply much about the ways in which he wanted to be seen. (sokat elmond arról, hogy)
  375. His suggestion implies that money is the key factor. (azt sugallja)
  376. We import cars (from Japan).
  377. It is important to explain why the information is required.
  378. It was suddenly very important to me that he should live.
  379. It is important for us to understand what is going on.
  380. It’s important (to me) that she talks now.
  381. It is important that teachers (should) help students in the learning process.
  382. The government has decided to impose a higher tax (on tobacco).
  383. He was really impressed (by her beauty). (lenyűgözte a szépsége)
  384. He impressed the importance of the campaign upon the party members. (hangsúlyozta a párttagoknak)
  385. It impressed me that she called me back immediately. (meggyőző volt számomra, hogy)
  386. Her output has improved a lot since last year.
  387. They wanted to improve their English. (fejleszteni)
  388. He has improved on last year’s results. (javított a múlt évi eredményein)
  389. She is indebted (to her teacher) (for his help). (le van kötelezve a tanárának)
  390. She is completely indifferent (to others’ opinion).
  391. Understanding is indispensable (to a good marriage).
  392. A good computer is indispensable for (writing) a book.
  393. He infected his sister (with the disease).
  394. She is infected with AIDS. (AIDS fertőzött)
  395. She was infected by her brother’s enthusiasm. (átragadt rá a testvére lelkesedése)
  396. I always try to infer the meaning of the words (from the context).
  397. He inferred that the chairman knew what was going on.
  398. Some people consider romantic fiction inferior (to historical fiction).
  399. The Greeks inflicted a defeat (on the Persians). (legyőzték)
  400. Sorry for inflicting my mother on you again. (bocs, hogy rád tukmálom)
  401. He informed me of the results.
  402. The criminal informed on the rest of the band. (beköpte a banda többi tagját)
  403. He informed the police (that) some money was missing.
  404. He informed the police where the criminal was hiding.
  405. I don't feel that I infringed any rules.
  406. I won’t answer questions that infringe (upon) my civil rights.
  407. I will inherit (a lot of money) (from my uncle) in a short time.
  408. He insisted on (taking) the bigger cake.
  409. I insist on you/your taking the bigger cake.
  410. He insisted that he (should) concentrate on improving his speaking skill.
  411. His enthusiasm inspired the team (to victory). (győzelemre tüzelte a csapatot)
  412. The trainers tries to inspire children to take up athletics.
  413. His comments inspired me with confidence. (bizalommal töltött el engem)
  414. The building inspired Michelangelo (in his designs for St. Peter's). (megihlette)
  415. He insured himself (against sickness) before going to the US. (bebiztosította magát)
  416. We don’t intend spending/to spend any more money on this.
  417. I intend her to have something to do with the arts.
  418. We intend (that) the money should be divided equally. (az a célunk, hogy egyenlően legyen elosztva a pénz)
  419. It was intended that the negotiations would finish by the end of the week. (az volt a cél)
  420. She intends her child for a medical career. (orvosi pályára szánja)
  421. This essay will interest a lot of people.
  422. They tried to interest me in buying the property. (próbáltak érdekeltté tenni)
  423. I am really interested (in her). (nagyon érdekel)
  424. He is really interested in (studying) astrology. (érdekli az asztrológia)
  425. She was really interested to hear about his travels. (érdeklődéssel hallgatta)
  426. Don’t interfere (in his private matters).
  427. Don’t interfere with him while he’s working. (Ne zavard, miközben dolgozik!)
  428. I would never interfere between a husband and a wife. (Soha sem állnék férj és feleség közé.)
  429. The police interrogated the neighbours (about the robbery).
  430. The United Nations finally intervened (in the war).
  431. The politician was interviewed about the elections.
  432. Looks don’t matter when we interview someone for a job. (amikor felvételi beszélgetést folytatunk valakivel)
  433. She introduced me (to a French boy).
  434. She introduced herself (to everybody). (bemutatkozott)
  435. The first few chapters introduce the readers to the theory. (bevezeti az olvasót)
  436. My grandfather introduced the pleasures of sailing to us. (bevezetett minket a vitorlázás gyönyöreibe)
  437. Corn was introduced (to Europe) in the Middle Ages. (a kukoricát a középkorban hozták be Európába)
  438. He invested all his money (in shares).
  439. All profits will be invested to benefit the youth of the area.
  440. I have invested so much time in (writing) this paper.
  441. The police have been investigating (the murder) for weeks.
  442. She is being investigated (for drug trafficking).
  443. The police are investigating where the crime might have happened.
  444. Cells are invisible (to the eye).
  445. She invited me (to the party) as well.
  446. I invited him to come with us to Alaska. (hívtam, hogy jöjjön velünk)
  447. Applications are invited for research assistants. (jelentkezéseket várunk)
  448. Applications are invited (from anyone interested). (várjuk a jelentkezését)
  449. The technique involves the use of tiles.
  450. The actor’s contract with the company involves (him/his) using their product. (a szerződés része az, hogy)
  451. The chairman should involve the board in (making) decisions. (be kellene vonnia az igazgatótanácsot a döntéshozatalba)
  452. Don’t get involved in their project. (ne keveredj bele)
  453. I was so involved (in the movie) I didn’t hear the phone ring. (annyira belemélyedtem a filmbe)
  454. It is ironic that a Catholic church was renovated by Muslims.
  455. It was irresponsible (of the council) not to take further action.
  456. I am really irritated (by his behaviour). (irritál a viselkedése)
  457. He joined the army when he was only 18. (belépett a hadseregbe)
  458. Join us to help raise funds.
  459. The top section was joined to the side. (összekötötték)
  460. Will you join us in (organizing) the party? (Beszállsz a buli szervezésébe?)
  461. He was joking (about the rumours of his marriage).
  462. He used to joke that he would disappear one day. (azt mondogatta viccesen)
  463. It is unwise to judge him on his performance at the end of the season.
  464. The indirect benefits are judged (to be) very beneficial to Brazil.
  465. They judged that she was tired because the baby was coming too soon.
  466. We couldn’t judge what the outcome would be.
  467. She judged it safer to load them into a box.
  468. It is just to punish criminals.
  469. It was not just that servants became lords and lords beggars.
  470. His result justified the faith his trainers had put in him.
  471. He had to justify his decision (to the committee). (meg kellett indokolnia)
  472. These circumstances justify (us) spending more money. (indokolják)
  473. Your girlfriend was probably justified in feeling lonely. (jogosan érezte magát magányosnak)
  474. Most men are keen on (playing) football. (szeret focizni)
  475. He was keen to learn some quick and easy techniques. (szívesen tanult)
  476. He was keen for me to tell my parents what had happened. (szerette volna, ha elmondom)
  477. The policeman was quite keen that I stayed the night in Santa Fe. (nagyon szerette volna)
  478. The policeman was quite keen that I (should) stay the night in Santa Fe. (nagyon szerette volna, hogy)
  479. Everybody has to keep his ticket.
  480. Can you keep the seat for me for a few minutes? (foglalod a helyet)
  481. She used a fine shampoo to keep her hair smooth. (selymes maradjon a haja)
  482. Keep me informed of the news, please. (folyamatosan tájékoztass)
  483. I try to keep things as simple as possible. (Igyekszem mindent annyira egyszerűen csinálni, amennyire csak lehet.)
  484. I keep forgetting the name of that actor. (állandóan elfelejtem)
  485. Don’t keep them waiting! (ne várakoztasd meg őket)
  486. We tried to keep (them) from screaming. (próbáltuk vigasztalni őket)
  487. She kept her secret (from her friends). (eltitkolta)
  488. She kept her secret to herself.  (megtartotta magának)
  489. I keep to my path. (Járom az utam.)
  490. Live electrical wires can kill.
  491. He killed the man.
  492. She tried to kill herself after the tragedy.
  493. I kill time reading newspapers. (elütöttem az időt)
  494. Most of the time he is very kind to us.
  495. He was so kind as/kind enough to explain everything to us. (volt olyan kedves)
  496. It was very (un)kind (of you) to say that. (nem volt szép tőled)
  497. ‘She is ill.’ ‘I know.’
  498. I know her very well.
  499. I know him to be very patient.
  500. She is known as a poet. (költőként ismert)


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