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STREAMLINE - DEPARTURES - 71-75 (angol-magyar-text&audio)

2015.09.25. 00:26 aforizmágus


Brutus Cray I’m the greatest!
Reporter You were the greatest, Brutus… but you’re ten years older than Joe Freezer.
Brutus Cray Joe Freezer! I’m not afraid of Joe Freezer!
Rep. Really?
Cray Listen! I’ve beaten him twice, and I going to beat him again.
Rep. Are you sure?
Cray Sure? Of course I’m sure.
Rep. Some people say he’s better than you.
Cray Listen! I’ve beaten all the best boxers, and Joe Freezer’s one of the worst!
Rep. Yes, but he’s better than he was.
Cray Listen! I’m stronger, faster, fitter and more intelligent than him!
Rep. Yes, but he KO’ed Len Korton two moths ago.
Cray Len Korton. I’ve KO’ed him three times!
Rep. O.K., O.K., Brutus. Are you going to retire after this fight?
Cray Retire? No. I’ve been the champion for ten years… and I going to stay the champion for another ten.
Rep. Joe Freezer doesn’t think so!
Cray Joe Freezer? Joe Freezer’s the ugliest man in the world… after tonight he’s going to need a new face!


UNIT 71 audio



George Will you marry me, darling?
Brenda Of course I will.
George Is that a promise?
Brenda Of course it is… I love you.

Brenda Oh, darling, I feel terribly tired!
George Well, sit down. I’ll do the washing-up.
Brenda Oh, thank you darling… and I’m thirsty.
George All right, I’ll make you a cup of tea.

Brenda George! Have you mended that plug yet?
George No, I haven’t.
Brenda Well, will you do it today?
George Yes, I’ll do it now. Where’s the screwdriver?
Brenda I don’t know.
George Well, I can’t find it. I’ll do it tomorrow.

Brenda Oh, George… we haven’t got much for dinner.
George That’s all right. Shall we eat out?
Brenda Oh, yes! Where shall we go?
George Let’s go to that new Italian Restaurant!

Brenda George!
George Yes, dear.
Brenda You’re drunk! Shall I drive?
George No, I’m O.K. I’ll drive.
Brenda No, you won’t. Give me the keys!


UNIT 72 audio



C    What’s the matter? Why has the bus stopped?
D    There’s been an accident.
C    Has there? Again?
D    Yes, there have been three here this week.
C    Yes, I know. And it’s only Wednesday.
D    Yes. It’s the most dangerous corner I’ve ever been seen.

E    Look at that girl!
F    What about her?
E    Look at her dress!
F    What about it!
E    It’s the same as mine! That’s what!
F    No, it isn’t. It’s different from yours.
E    Is it?
F    Yes. Hers is shorter than yours.

G    Are you a new student?
H    No, I’m not.
G    Oh. How long have you been here?
H    As long as you.
G    Why haven’t I seen you?
H    I’ve been ill.

I    Can I borrow £10?
J    Why you don’t go to the bank?
I    My cheque hasn’t arrived yet.
J    Well, I’m sorry, but I’m broke.
I    What can I do?
J    Ask George. He’s as rich as Rockefeler.


UNIT 73 audio



A    I want some seats for Tuesday night. Are there any left?
B    No, there are no seats left. Every seats is reserved.

C    Doctor, I think there’s something in my eye. Everything looks funny.
D    Let me have a look… I can’t see anything… No, I’m sure there’s nothing there.

E    There’s somebody in the other office!
F    I didn’t hear anybody.
E    Well, just have a look…
F    … No, there’s nobody there. Everybody’s gone home.

G    What are you looking for?
H    My pen. It’s somewhere in this room!
G    Where have you looked?
H    I’ve looked everywhere… and I can’t find it anywhere!


UNIT 74 audio



Herbert Burke, James Stephens, Mary Foot, and Charlie Phillip all went to the same school.
They left school in 1960, and they’ve had very different careers.

Herbert Burke became a politician ten years ago.
He’s very successful.
He bought a country house five years ago, and bought a Jaguar at the same time.
He’s been a Member of Parliament for ten years.
He’s had his house and car for five years.

James Stephens is a criminal.
He robbed a bank in 1971, and escaped to a Pacific island.
He bought a luxury yacht the same year.
He’s still on the island.
He’s been there since 1971.
He’s had the yacht since 1971.

Mary Foot and Charlie Phillips fell in love at school.
He gave her a ring when they left school.
She wears it every day, and she’s never taken it off.
They got married in 1963 and they are still in love.
They moved to Australia in 1968.


UNIT 75 audio


UNIT 71-75 audio


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