Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

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Business Talks (4) - What if I offer you some money for the company?

2016.08.11. 01:57 aforizmágus

venture-capital-money.jpgLesson FOUR - What if I offer you some money for the company?

- Let’s say I am a milionaire, and I’d like to help you somehow. How can I help you with money?

- You can give us a cheaper credit.

- And how would you use it? Will you improve your office or your service?

- With a part of the sum we would improve our office…

- For example?

- At first we would change copy-machines.

- How many do you have?

- About fifty.

- OK. Go on.

- We would buy new lap-tops.

- Does everybody work on lap-tops at your office?

- Almost everybody. Mobilitiy is a basic factor of our work. In this way everybody can work almost anywhere.

- Do you have office-cars?

- Yes, we do.

- How many?

- About twenty.

- How old are they in average?

- They are about 4 years old.

- And the building itself? The rooms and the furniture?

- The north-wing is very old – our accountants work there and our transportation administratioors, too. The east-wing of the building is newer. The headquarter is OK, but our shops or sale-points needs improving.

- In what point of view?

- There are a lot of new technologies that we have started to sell, and we need room for them. Our customers should see them.

- And how can it be solved?

- With larger room at the shops.

- Are you sure it would increase trading / sales volume?

- It usually does.


Communication practices for top managers – talking about business, work and others - 4




Lesson ONE – Visiting an Exhibition in Las Vegas and What Are Restaurants Like in Las Vegas

Lesson TWO – Business plans for the next year

Lesson THREE – Let’s talk about your car


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Címkék: angol reading szókincsfejlesztés GPSV

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