170 egyszerű kérdés – ha a tanuló érti ezeket, és tud rájuk valamit mondani, akkor már tud valamit!
Eszembe jutott egy réges-régi tanítványom, aki 3.-4.-osztályos lehetett, amikor hozzám járt (körülbelül 2000 környékén). Az éppen aktuális tananyagának szavait általában úgy gyakoroltuk be, hogy kérdéseket tettem fel neki vagy az adott szóval, vagy úgy, hogy a megtanulandó szó legyen rá a válasz. Sokat le is írtunk ezekből.
Ha az angolul tanuló tud ezekre a kérdésekre válaszolni – ami persze azzal kezdődik, hogy meg is érti őket! – akkor már elmondhatja, hogy valóban tud valamit.
A kérdéssor többek között azt is demonstrálja, hogy a megtanulandó lexikát érdemes valamilyen kommunikatív kontextusba helyezni, akár kérdésbe, akár egy kérdésre adandó válaszként, de mindenképpen valamilyen dialógus, vagy összetett kifejezés lényegi részeként.
Ha bárkinek bármi kérdése lenne a kérdésekkel kapcsolatban, szívesen válaszolok bármire a Társalgóban!
Íme a kérdések!
- Do you have a TV?
- Do you have an exercise book?
- Are you a girl?
- Do you like rain?
- Do you have a rubber?
- Do you have a book?
- How old is your grandmother?
- How many pencils do you have?
- How many fingers do you have?
- How many hands do you have?
- Where is your head?
- What colour is your hair?
- Are you a boy?
- Where are your feet?
- How many wheels does a bike have?
- What can a bird do?
- How many windows do you have in your bedroom?
- Do you have flowers?
- What colour is grass?
- Where do you use soap?
- What colour is our flag?
- Do you like apples?
- Do you like grapes?
- Do you have a doll?
- How big is a butterfly?
- Can you climb a tree?
- Is a bush taller than a tree?
- Do you live in a house or in a flat?
- What colour is your door?
- Can you build a snowman?
- Have you ever been in a cave?
- Do you wear glasses?
- Do you have a black T-shirt?
- Do you like bananas?
- How many teeth do you have?
- Where is your mouth?
- Do you like cherries?
- Do you have a pine tree?
- Do you ever eat mushrooms?
- How many pairs of shoes do you have?
- Do you have a ladder?
- What colour is a star?
- What is Earth?
- Where is the Moon?
- Do you have a candle?
- Is the sun hot?
- Would you like a magic wand?
- Have you ever seen a rainbow?
- Can you climb a mountain?
- Do you like playing with a ball?
- Do you have trousers?
- Do you have a weight?
- Have you ever seen a palm tree?
- Is there a carpet in your room?
- Where do you use a plate?
- What colour is your remote control?
- Where is your heart?
- Do you have a set of shelves?
- What is a bottle made of?
- Would you like a garden?
- Do you like tomatoes?
- How many chairs are there in your bedroom?
- Do you like swinging?
- What makes light in the street at night?
- Do you have a pink trickot?
- What is a scarf like?
- What do you drink from?
- Where do you use a napkin?
- Where do the flying fish live?
- When does Santa Claus come?
- Do you like storms?
- How many tables do you have at home?
- What colour is a plum?
- What colour is a lake?
- What colour is the sky?
- What colour is a tree trunk?
- What colour is the nut?
- What colour is the bear?
- What colour is the crocodile?
- What does a cow eat?
- What colour is a leaf?
- Do you like watermelon?
- What colour is the sun?
- What does a hen make?
- What does a monkey eat?
- What is yellow and very sour?
- What colour is cherry?
- What colour is a tomato?
- How many apples can you eat at a time?
- What is fire like?
- What colour is blood?
- Do you have a red pencil?
- Where do you use the rake?
- Do you like sour cherries?
- Where do you put the tablecloths?
- Do you have mittens?
- Have you ever been to an airport?
- When did you last have a boat trip?
- Have you ever touched a snake?
- Have you ever eaten a snail?
- How big is your nose?
- How tall are you?
- Are you short?
- Is your desk heavy?
- Tell me a light thing!
- Are you fat?
- Are you thin?
- Are you strong?
- Are you weak?
- What is speedy?
- Are you slow?
- What are you like after a bath?
- What is a good towel like?
- Tell me a soft animal!
- What is loud?
- Tell me a beautiful thing!
- What is ugly?
- Do you like hot days?
- When is it cold?
- What colour is the panther?
- What colour are your mother’s eyes?
- Do you have a purple bag?
- What colour is an orange?
- What colour is a cherry?
- What colour is a normal/usual pencil?
- What colour is the night sky?
- What colour is snow?
- Do you have a ping-pong table?
- What colour is your rake?
- How strong is a bull?
- Have you ever seen a waterfall?
- Have you ever seen an owl in reality?
- Do you like cake?
- Can you make a snowball?
- What colour is a ping-pong ball?
- What colour is a schoolboard?
- What is the animal of Easter?
- Do you have sunglasses?
- What do you get for Christmas?
- What is a balloon like?
- Would you like to be a princess?
- Who makes the spiderweb?
- What is under your head when you are sleeping?
- What wakes you up in the morning?
- Do you like carrots?
- Can you swim under water?
- Have you ever caught a fish?
- Have you ever seen a hedgehog?
- Do you have an umbrella?
- Where does a bird live?
- Where are birds from?
- What is on a king’s head?
- How many telephones are there at home?
- Have you ever been to an office?
- Do you have a calendar?
- What is your father?
- What is your mother?
- How much is five and five?
- How much is ten and ten?
- What street do you live in?
- Where do cars go?
- How many corners are there in your room?
- How big is your kitchen?
- Where is your cooker?
- Where is your sink?
- Do you have a cat?
- Where is your dustbin?
- Do you like tea?
- What do you drink tea from?
- What do you wash clothes in?