Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

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Access to English - Starting out - 6 - DANGER! ARTHUR AT WORK (text)

2013.03.02. 22:59 aforizmágus

It is Friday morning. Arthur is in the library. Mary is also there with him. She is sitting at her desk and talking to a man. He is giving her a book, and she is stamping the date on it.

Where is Arthur? He is at the top of the ladder. He has some books in his hand. They are new books. He is putting them on the top shelves.

Is Mr Steele in the library? No, he is in his office. A woman is with him and he is talking to her.

Now Arthur is taking some new books from a box. He is giving them to Mary. She is writing the titles of the books on a card.

Arthur is climbing the ladder again. This is hard work for him. He is tired.

Now he is sitting at the top of the ladder. The book in his hand is interesting, so he is reading it.


- Ah, Mary. That’s good. You’re getting those new books ready.

- Yes, that’s right and Arthur’s putting them on the shelves.

- Show me some of them, please.

- Here you are, Mr Steele.

- Thank you. Ah, A New History of Middleford by Thomas Skinner. Very interesting. Ah, here’s a good book for Arthur - King Arthur by Richard  Watkins.

- They’re sending another box of books tomorrow.

- Oh, are they? That’s good. By the way, Arthur’s very quiet, isn’t he? Where’s he?

- He’s up the ladder behind one of those shelves.

- Oh, he’s working, is he? That’s a nice change.

- Yes.

- Arthur, what are you doing? … He isn’t answering me. Are you sure he’s there? He isn’t across the road in the Sunny Snack Bar, is he? He isn’t there drinking a cup of coffee?

- Oh no, Mr Steele.

- Well, I’m going to see him … Mary, come here.

- Coming, Mr Steele.

- Look at him.He’s sitting at the top of that ladder. He’s got a book in his hand and he’s reading it … Arthur! What are you doing? Is that book interesting?

- What? Oh, I’m falling …

- Silence in the library, Arthur.

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: angol angol tananyag alapfok gyakorló szöveg starting out

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