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Access to English - Starting out - 10 - A ROAD ACCIDENT (text)

2013.03.02. 23:17 aforizmágus

Dr Newton is in the dining-room at the Lesters’. Mrs Newton is with him. They are having coffee after an excellent meal.

Now the telephone is ringing and Mr Lester is getting up from the table. He’s going to answer it.

Dr Newton is just going to have another cup of coffee but Mr Lester is saying, ‘It’s somebody for you, Jack. It’s the police. There’s an accident at the crossroads near the school.’

Dr Newton is now putting on his coat. In a minute he’s going to get into his car and drive to the scene of the accident. Mrs Newton isn’t going to go with him. Mr Lester is going to drive her home.

Now Dr Newton is standing by his car. He’s going to take his black bag out. He must check the contents because he must have a number of things like bandages, dressings, syringes and various medicines.

Now Dr Newton is going back into the house. He’s going to telephone Arthur because he wants something from the surgery. He’s going to ask Arthur to bring some penicillin to the scene of the accident.


- Can you see anything? Is it a bad accident?

- Somebody’s standing in front of me. I can’t see anything.

- There’s a young man in the car. There’s nobody with him.

- Stand back, everybody, please! There’s nothing to see. You, sir, stand back. Don’t come anywhere near the car, please! There’s petrol everywhere.

- It’s me. I’m Dr …

- Oh, it’s you, Dr Newton. Sorry. There’s a young man. He’s unsconscious. The ambulance is going to be here soon. It’s coming from Reading.

- Somebody’s going to the car now. It’s Dr Newton.

- Is my son, Arthur, here?

- No, I don’t think so.

- Well, he’s going to bring something for me from the surgery in a minute or two.

- Are you going to take him out of the car now, doctor?

- No, I’m going to examine him first. Can you hold this torch for me?

- Yes, of course. Now do go home, all of you, please! Haven’t you got anywhere to go?

- Now can you shine the torch on my watch, please? I’m going to take his pulse. Hm, yes. Now, can somebody give me my bag?

- Here you are, doctor.

- Now I’m just going to check for any fractures. Yes, his legs are OK. Ah, two of his ribs are fractured.

- Is he going to be all right?

- Yes, I think so. It’s nothing serious. He must spend some time in hospital, of course. Oh, there you are, Arthur. Have you got everything?

- Yes, here it is.

- Well, give it to me, then. Don’t just stand there.

- All right … Good Lord! I know that car.

- What?

- I know that car and I know the driver.

- Well, he isn’t anybody from the village. Who is he, then?

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: angol angol tananyag alapfok gyakorló szöveg starting out

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