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Access to English - Getting on - 18 - Midsummer fair (text)

2013.03.07. 12:26 aforizmágus

During the next week the weather got warmer and warmer and the evenings became lighter and lighter.

One day after work Arthur asked mary to come to Middleford Midsummer Fair with him. This fir is held annually every third week in June on Middleford Common, a large open space to the east of the town centre.

When Arthur and Mary arrived the common was crowded with thousands of people enjoying themselves on the roundabouts, dodgem cars, the big dipper and all the amusements generally found at a fair.

Arthur and mary walked past the caravans parked round the outside of the common and stopped at a stall selling hot-dogs and hamburgers. They each bought a hot-dog and walked to the middle of the fairground eating their hot-dogs and looking at all the stalls. They stopped a shooting gallery where they were given rifle loaded with darts. Arthur missed the target completely with all his shots but Mary got a good score and won a prize - a rather ugly-looking vase.

Then they came to the ghost train. Arthur persuaded Mary to go this with him. So Arthur paid the money and then they sat down together on the narrow seat. Mary pretended to be frightened by the sights and noises and held tightly on to Arthur's arm.

Next to the ghost train was a brightly painted caravan with a sign outside.

Have your fortune told by Madame Tanya, the original forune teller. Has told forutnes of all world-famous people including the crowned heads of Europe. Palms reads, tea leaves, crystal ball - 50p.

Arthur tried to hurry Mary past this quickly but she stopped and read the notice. She told Arthur she would like to go in and hear what Madame tanya had to say. Arthur said that he thought fortune telling was a lot of stupid nonsense, but before he could say any more Mary had walked up the caravan steps and had gone in. She found herself in a dimly-lit room in front of a table with a crystal ball. Sitting behind the table was a dark-haired lady.


- Come in, my dear, and sit down. Oh, you are a pretty young lady, aren't you? Give me your hand first, dear.

- Can you tell me what's going to happen to me?

- First, I'm going to tell you what's already happened to you. Now let me see. You're an only child. You've got no brothers or sisters. Am I right?

- Yes, that's right. How did you know?

- Ah, we gipsies have the power, you know. Now I see books - thousands of books in a large building. A library perhaps.

- That's fantastic.

- Oh dear, I see a tall fair-haired man with a moustache - in another large building - not a library this time. I don't know what kind of building. It's very ugly. There are many uniformed men in it. What's the matter, dear? Oh, I understand - a broken romance.

- C-can't you tell me about my future?

- Now that's in the crystal ball. Ah, yes, you have suffered a lot but your future is bright. I see another young man - a quiet shy young man but his heart is true.

- Yes?

- He loves you very much. He will ask you to marry him soon, very soon, sooner than you think. It will be difficult at first but you will be happy.

- Yes?

- That'll be fifty pence. The ball's gone dark; I can't see any more. Thank you, dear, and the best of luck to you.


- That was a waste of money, I bet.

- No, she was fantastic. Why don't you have your fortune told, Arthur?

- Oh, don't be silly! I've got better things to spend money on. I don't know how you can believe in such rubbish.

- It's not rubbish, Arthur.

- Of course it is. Don't be stupid.

- Arthur, don't talk to me like that!

- Oh Mary, you know I didn't mean it. You know I love you!

- Arthur! Do you really?

- You know I do. I've loved you ever since I first met you at the library. Mary, will you marry me?

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: angol angol tananyag középfok gyakorló szöveg getting on

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