Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


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500 hasznos angol mondat haladóknak, kifejezések gyakorlására (4)

2013.03.22. 11:46 aforizmágus

  1. She is known for her poetry. (ismert a költészetéről)
  2. Do you know (everything) about the plan?
  3. We know (that) swimming is healthy.
  4. It is known that swimming is healthy. (köztudott)
  5. She didn’t know who to turn to. (Nem tudta kihez forduljon.)
  6. Darwin was labelled as a heretic by many.
  7. Some people tend to label others (as) gay.
  8. We lacked the money necessary for the renovation.
  9. A lot of children are lacking in imagination. (nincs képzelőerejük)
  10. The captain is (the) last to leave the ship.
  11. It is very impolite to be late for a wedding ceremony. (elkésni)
  12. They are late with the rent. (késnek)
  13. We were late in filing our tax return. (elkéstünk)
  14. It is too late to phone them now.
  15. We couldn’t stop laughing (at her).
  16. And when her husband cracked another joke, she could laugh with the rest.
  17. You have to laugh about things like this otherwise you’d go mad.
  18. The team was leading (by one goal) when the accident happened.
  19. They lead the way in cancer research. (elöljárnak)
  20. He was leading the crowd.
  21. His remark led me to think. (gondolkodásra késztettek)
  22. The new tax system led the country to a crisis. (válságba juttatta)
  23. The revolution led to thousands of people emigrating. (a forradalom azt eredményezte, hogy)
  24. He is learning fast.
  25. Did you learn the words for today?
  26. It is best to learn from others’ mistakes.
  27. We learnt a lot about literature in his classes.
  28. We learnt to play the flute at school.
  29. They are learning how to dance.
  30. Reporters soon learned of/about our arrival. (értesültek)
  31. We learnt (that) he wasn’t coming. (megtudtuk)
  32. Leave your phone number with the secretary!
  33. Can you leave this book here for me, please?
  34. He left his estate to her. (ráhagyta)
  35. He left her his estate.
  36. She left Budapest for London. (elhagyta)
  37. The film left me cold. (hidegen hagyott)
  38. The war left her an orphan. (árva lett)
  39. Leave the pasta to cook for 15 minutes.
  40. I left him working in the garden.
  41. Can you lend a pen (to me)?
  42. Can you lend (me) a pen?
  43. Banks here aren’t ready to lend to anyone. (kölcsönöz)
  44. Animals lend themselves to humorous interpretations. (alkalmasak)
  45. You didn’t let her speak!
  46. She lets rooms to lodgers. (kiad, bérbe ad)
  47. The company is liable for the damage.
  48. Children are liable to accidents in the house. (hajlamosak)
  49. The boss is liable to fire you if you keep on arriving late. (valószínű, hogy ki fog rúgni)
  50. He was lying on the ground.
  51. There lay a body in the street.
  52. The dress lay untouched for years.
  53. Why would he lie (about his job)? (hazudik)
  54. How could she lie (to me) (about this)? (hazudik)
  55. We like chess.
  56. I like my day well-organized.
  57. What we like about Joe is his optimism.
  58. I like getting/to get up early.
  59. I’d like you to listen to this.
  60. We like him/his joking.
  61. I like it when you imitate him.
  62. We are likely to arrive later than we expected. (valószínű, hogy)
  63. It is likely that we’ll arrive later than we expected.
  64. These computers are linked (to each other).
  65. Western psychology tried to link acupuncture with the human nervous system. (összefüggést keresni)
  66. We listened to jazz music yesterday.
  67. The mother listened to her child (playing the piano).
  68. I listened for noise but everything was really quiet. (hallgatóztam, figyeltem)
  69. Many people choose to live alone these days.
  70. They live with nine dogs.
  71. She lives for her children.
  72. They lived like beggars.
  73. How can he live on this salary? (megélni)
  74. She will live to old age, I hope. (hosszú élete lesz)
  75. Perhaps this little child will live to see the bicentennial. (megéli)
  76. We are longing for a challenge.
  77. She longed (for him) to explore the world.
  78. She looked at the photos and sighed.
  79. She didn’t look fit to come out of hospital. (látszott)
  80. You look like your mother. (úgy nézel ki, mint)
  81. You look as if/as though you could do with a coffee. (úgy nézel ki, mint aki)
  82. It looked as if/as though nothing had happened. (úgy tűnt, hogy)
  83. It looked important to call a meeting. (fontosnak tűnt)
  84. I lost my umbrella.
  85. His errors lost him the match. (A hibái miatt veszített.)
  86. We lost the match (to the Dutch).
  87. Our team lost to them by three points. (három ponttal veszítettünk)
  88. They fought hard but in the end they lost against us.
  89. We lost (a big sum) on that contract.
  90. We lost (a big sum) by accepting their offer.
  91. Little children lose themselves in tales. (belefeledkeznek)
  92. We love you.
  93. What we love about Joe is his optimism. (azért szeretjük Joe-t, mert)
  94. I’d love (for) you to see our new flat.
  95. I love watching TV/to watch TV.
  96. They loved his/him dancing.
  97. I love it when you smile like that.
  98. It was lovely of you (to arrange this party). (kedves tőled)
  99. It is lovely that you could all come.
  100. It is lovely to have another woman in the house.
  101. It was lovely meeting you.
  102. We were lucky (with the weather).
  103. You are lucky to be alive. (Szerencse, hogy élsz.)
  104. You are lucky (in) having such a wonderful friend.
  105. We were lucky that the rain stopped.
  106. It’s lucky (for us) that we got here early.
  107. She is really mad at/with me for coming late.
  108. She got mad about the washing machine. (ideges lett a mosógép miatt)
  109. She has always been mad about tennis. (megőrül érte)
  110. She was mad with love. (őrülten szerelmes)
  111. You are mad to risk your life for nothing. (őrült vagy, ha kockáztatod az életed)
  112. I made a cup of tea.
  113. I made her coffee.
  114. We made him president. (elnököt csináltunk belőle)
  115. I made painting the house my project for the summer. (a ház kifestését tűztem ki célul)
  116. I made coffee for her.
  117. The table is made of wood. (fából készült)
  118. Glass is made from sand. (homokból van)
  119. They made money out of the success. (sok pénzt kerestek)
  120. They made the book into a film. (megfilmesítették)
  121. This dish was made with a special spice.
  122. Don’t make an actress of her.
  123. We try to make him happy. (boldoggá akarjuk tenni)
  124. We made him give up his plan. (rávettük, hogy)
  125. He was made to give up his plan. (rávették, hogy)
  126. They made (it) clear that they wanted to leave. (világossá tették)
  127. I made it my duty to clean up. (kötelességemnek tartottam)
  128. Don’t worry, you’ll manage. (sikerülni fog)
  129. He manages the shop.
  130. I managed to climb the tree. (sikerült megmászni a fát)
  131. I just can’t manage on £ 500 per week. (nem tudok kijönni)
  132. We cannot manage with the children/without a computer. (nem bír a gyerekekkel/nem tud meglenni számítógép nélkül)
  133. She married last year.
  134. She married her ex-husband again. (feleségül ment)
  135. He married his daughter to a rich businessman. (Hozzáadta a lányát egy üzletemberhez.)
  136. Her mother married young.
  137. She got married (to her cousin) last year. (feleségül ment)
  138. She was late, but it didn’t matter.
  139. Her dog matters more to her than her cat. (fontosabb neki)
  140. Doesn’t it matter (to you) that we are lost? (mit számít az neked)
  141. It doesn’t matter (to me) how old you are.
  142. Money means nothing (to me).
  143. I meant my remark as a compliment. (bóknak szántam a megjegyzésem)
  144. The dress was meant for his fiancée. (a menyasszonyának szánta)
  145. Jane and Jack are not meant for each other. (nem egymásnak lettek teremtve)
  146. Judy’s father meant her to be a chess player. (sakkozónak szánta)
  147. Travelling by air means getting up early.
  148. Accepting the job will mean you working hard.
  149. I didn’t mean to hurt you. (nem akartalak megbántani)
  150. The children were meant to stay with you. (úgy volt, hogy)
  151. It doesn’t mean that we can’t go on holiday.
  152. I always mean what I say. (komolyan gondolom)
  153. They’ve never met before.
  154. I met her at the zoo.
  155. His speech was met with anger. (haraggal fogadták a beszédét)
  156. He mentioned my name (to her).
  157. His name has been mentioned as the future Pope. (szóba jött a neve)
  158. She mentioned (to me) that he was leaving.
  159. Did he mention (to you) why he was leaving?
  160. He got up late, but he didn’t mind. (de nem bánta)
  161. I don’t mind the noise at all. (nem zavar a zaj)
  162. Do you mind working in the garden? (bánod, ha a kertben kell dolgoznod)
  163. I hope you don’t mind me/my opening the window. (remélem, nem zavarja)
  164. We didn’t mind (it) that we had to wait. (nem bántuk, hogy)
  165. Do you mind if I smoke?
  166. My parents never minded how late I arrived.
  167. He tried to score a goal, but he missed (it). (mellé lőtt)
  168. I miss running in the morning.
  169. He mistook my joke as an insult. (sértésnek vette a viccem)
  170. I think you are mistaking me for someone. (valakivel összekeversz)
  171. You are completely mistaken about them. (nagyon tévedsz velük kapcsolatban)
  172. They were mistaken as to her feelings. (tévedésben éltek)
  173. He didn't move.
  174. He moved his head.
  175. We moved from the city to the country. (elköltöztünk)
  176. He’s being moved (to the Paris office). (áthelyezik)
  177. He moved into his new flat. (beköltözött)
  178. The performance moved me (to tears). (meghatott)
  179. His speech moved me to believe in his theory. (arra késztetett, hogy)
  180. We named the cat Tiger.
  181. She is named after/for her grandmother. (a nagymamája után nevezték el)
  182. The criminal has not been named yet. (még nem nevezték meg)
  183. Gore has been named (as) the nominee for the Democrats. (jelölték)
  184. He was named (to the board) in Mr. Jones’s place. (kinevezték)
  185. It is natural (for everybody) to be sad sometimes.
  186. It is natural (that) we are hungry after walking so much.
  187. It is natural (that) children should help their parents. 
  188. It is necessary (for new-born babies) to eat every three hours.
  189. It is necessary that she is there.  
  190. It is necessary that the king (should) be hanged.  
  191. I need money.
  192. I need my steak well-done. (jól átsütve kérem)
  193. The room needs cleaning/to be cleaned. (ráférne a szobára egy kis takarítás)
  194. She needs to be more careful. (óvatosabbnak kellene lennie)
  195. I need you to do me a favour. (meg kell tenned egy szívességet nekem)
  196. I need these letters typed by four. (Legépelve kérném ezeket a leveleket.)
  197. He neglected his studies.
  198. She neglected to mention that she was married. (elfelejtette megemlíteni)
  199. We negotiated (for higher pay) last week.
  200. We negotiated the release of the hostages. (megegyeztünk)
  201. The president negotiated with the opposition leaders (about taxes).
  202. The investors negotiated to buy the plot.
  203. I was nervous about my new job.
  204. Some people feel nervous going through customs. (idegesek a vámvizsgálatnál)
  205. This kind of music is completely new to me.
  206. I am new to the system.
  207. He was really nice to her. (kedves)
  208. She is nice to know.
  209. It was nice meeting you. (Örülök, hogy találkoztunk.)
  210. It was nice of you to accompany me. (kedves volt tőled)
  211. It’s nice to meet you again.
  212. It is nice that you can join us.
  213. The company was nice about my complaint. (jól reagált a panaszra)
  214. He was nominated (as) best actor.
  215. She has been nominated for the Academy Award.
  216. He was nominated (to the board). (kinevezték)
  217. 2 May was nominated as the day of the final exams. (május 2-át jelölték ki)
  218. He was nominated to carry the Olympic torch. (kijelölték)
  219. Note the beautiful Baroque furniture in the room.
  220. She noted (that) the weather was lovely. (megjegyezte)
  221. Note how monkeys eat bananas.
  222. He was being laughed at, but he didn’t notice.
  223. He noticed a small green object in the garden. (figyelmes lett)
  224. We didn’t notice him come in. (Nem vettük észre, amikor bejött.)
  225. I noticed him dancing with his teddy bear. (Észrevettem, hogy a játékmackójával táncol.)
  226. I noticed (that) she wasn’t wearing a bra.
  227. I didn’t notice how sad she was.
  228. The president objected to the new financial policy.
  229. I objected to (him/his) leaving the camp. (elleneztem, hogy elhagyja)
  230. He objected that he was dismissed without any explanation. (tiltakozott, hogy)
  231. The law obliges children to go to school until they are sixteen.
  232. I’m very sorry I can't oblige you with cigarettes, sir. (Nagyon sajnálom, de nem áll módomban cigarettával megkínálni.)
  233. He obliged me by lending his flat to me. (lekötelezett)
  234. We are much obliged to you (for helping us). (nagyon hálásak vagyunk)
  235. Some children are obliged to work to help their families. (kötelesek)
  236. She was oblivious to/of the danger around her.
  237. It’s obvious (to everyone) (that) we are all responsible.
  238. It was obvious why they came.
  239. The crash occurred while the plane was landing.
  240. There occurred an accident on the highway.
  241. The idea occurred to him while running. (akkor ötlött fel benne a gondolat)
  242. It occurred to John to invite Jane for a drink. (eszébe jutott)
  243. It didn't occur to me that this affair could ever end. (eszembe sem jutott)
  244. It must be odd to live alone.
  245. It’s odd that she hasn’t written.
  246. It’s odd (that) she should say such things.
  247. The company offers a bonus (to its employees) (for doing overtime). (a cég túlórát fizet)
  248. We offered him the house while we were abroad.
  249. My brother offered to do the washing up.
  250. They omitted my name (from the list). (törölték a nevem a listáról)
  251. The article omitted to point out that the story had come from Nigerian official sources.
  252. The window opened in the middle of the night.
  253. We opened the door (wide).
  254. He opened the ceremony by thanking the sponsors. (azzal nyitotta meg az ünnepélyt)
  255. The book opens with (the writer giving) a boring description. (kezdődik)
  256. This machine won’t operate without an expert.
  257. The company operates a late-night service. (működtet)
  258. She was operated on for appendicitis. (megműtötték)
  259. The surgeon operated (on her/on her stomach) last night. (megoperálta)
  260. We opted for/against a career in economics.
  261. The other parties opted to wait and see.
  262. Have you ordered (yourself anything) yet?
  263. I ordered (a steak) (for him).
  264. The ministry ordered an inquiry. (kivizsgálást rendelt el)
  265. The doctor ordered her to stay at home. (az orvos azt rendelte, hogy)
  266. The director ordered that everyone (should) arrive on time. 
  267. It’s hard to organize a conference.
  268. She is unable to organize herself. (képtelen összeszedett lenni)
  269. They organized themselves (into an association). (tömörültek)
  270. We organized a taxi to pick them up at the airport.
  271. I owe (him) $50 (for the tickets).
  272. I owe $50 (to him) (for the tickets).
  273. You owe me a favour. (tartozol egy szívességgel)
  274. She owes her success to me. (nekem köszönheti a sikerét)
  275. He was deeply pained by her behaviour. (mélyen megbántódott)
  276. It pained her to think about her childhood. (fájt még csak rágondolni is)
  277. It pained her that he had left her.
  278. She participated in the competition.
  279. Cars couldn’t pass because of the roadworks.
  280. She finally managed to pass (the exam). (sikerült átPASSzírozni magát a vizsgán)
  281. She passed me in the street yesterday.
  282. Could you pass (me) the pepper, please? (ideadnád)
  283. Could you pass the pepper (to me), please?
  284. The smallest hint of laziness cannot pass unnoticed. (nem múlhat el észrevétlenül)
  285. We passed the evening playing darts. (azzal töltöttük az estét)
  286. He passed (on the question). (passzolt)
  287. She could easily pass for/as a princess. (elmenne hercegnőnek)
  288. The judge finally passed sentence on them. (kimondta az ítéletet)
  289. He is passionate about cars. (lelkesedik a kocsik iránt)
  290. He is really patient with children.
  291. She was unwilling to pay me.
  292. I paid him for the house.
  293. He paid the bill/ransom/fee/fine (to her).
  294. He paid her the bill/ransom/fee/fine.
  295. I paid a lot of money to have my car fixed. (sokba került)
  296. Her parents paid for her to study abroad. (fizették a tanulmányait)
  297. It would pay (you) to use an accountant. (kifizetődő lenne számodra)
  298. This job will pay (you) well. (jól fizető munka)
  299. This is a monkey peculiar to Sri Lanka. (különleges Sri Lanka-i majom)
  300. We performed (the play) in the open air.
  301. She performed really well at the exam. (jól teljesített)
  302. We don’t permit mobile phones during the lesson.
  303. She permitted herself a beer. (megengedett magának)
  304. The guards didn’t permit visitors to enter the castle.
  305. They don’t permit smoking in the area. (nem szabad)
  306. The rule permits of no other interpretation. (nem enged meg)
  307. He persevered with his French lessons. (kitartóan járt)
  308. He persevered in attending French lessons.
  309. He persisted in/with his inquiry.
  310. He persisted in continuing his inquiry.
  311. We persuaded her into/out of calling him.
  312. He persuaded me of his innocence. (meggyőzött)
  313. She persuaded me to enter the contest.
  314. He persuaded me that the film was worth seeing. (meggyőzött)
  315. He planned the opera house.
  316. We planned everything for the trip. (mindent elterveztünk)
  317. She is planning to have a child soon.
  318. They planned that they would meet the next day.
  319. We didn’t plan what we were going to say.
  320. We haven’t planned on going out tonight.
  321. The organizers only planned for two hundred people. (kétszáz emberre tervezték)
  322. The baby was playing (with the new toy) all day.
  323. We played ball games (with the children).
  324. The boys played (at/at being) soldiers. (katonásdit játszottak)
  325. He played (tennis) (against Bill) yesterday.
  326. Have you played him at badminton yet? (játszottál már ellene)
  327. She played the piano (to/for her father). (zongorázott)
  328. She played for her father.
  329. He played us a song. (eljátszott nekünk egy dalt)
  330. He played a song (on his guitar).
  331. She pleaded with him for her freedom.
  332. He pleaded to go.
  333. He pleaded that he was innocent. (ártatlannak vallotta magát)
  334. His lawyer told him to plead mental illness. (hivatkozzon elmezavarra)
  335. He pleaded his mother’s illness for his absence. (édesanyja betegségére hivatkozva)
  336. She pleaded for the abolition of the death penalty. (felemelte szavát)
  337. We did all we could to be pleasant to the old lady. (hogy az idős néni kedvére tegyünk)
  338. It was pleasant to have dinner with you.
  339. It was pleasant walking in the October afternoon.
  340. It was pleasant (that) she found the song painless. 
  341. He was pleased with himself. (elégedett volt önmagával)
  342. She was pleased about her results. (elégedett volt az eredményeivel)
  343. I was pleased to hear from you. (örültem, hogy hallok felőled)
  344. We are pleased that you could come. (örülünk, hogy el tudtál jönni)
  345. It is rude to point (at people). (nem illik mutogatni)
  346. He pointed the gun at his wife’s lover. (ráfogta a fegyvert)
  347. All her reactions point to her guilt. (a bűnösségére utalnak)
  348. The sign points west.
  349. It is pointless waiting/to wait anymore.
  350. He was polite to the old lady.
  351. We were (im)polite to leave them alone.
  352. It was polite (of her) not to ask anything.
  353. The Great Wall of China is popular with tourists.
  354. She has always been positive about the future. (pozitívan állt hozzá)
  355. We were positive that he would come.
  356. Is it possible for us to stay for the night? (Maradhatunk éjszakára?)
  357. It’s possible that I’ll be a bit late.
  358. They postponed the outing (until Monday).
  359. They postponed building the new underground line.
  360. It’s pouring, take an umbrella. (szakad az eső)
  361. He poured me some coffee.
  362. He poured some coffee for me.
  363. She is practising (for her concert).
  364. She had been practising her method (on him) for years.
  365. He practised typing all day.
  366. She practised as a doctor in the USA. (az USA-ban praktizált)
  367. She was praying to God for her sons.
  368. He prayed to be free.
  369. She prayed for her son to be free.
  370. She prayed (to God) (that) her husband would come back.
  371. He predicted a bright future.
  372. She predicted (that) she would marry in a year.
  373. No one could predict what would happen next.
  374. The rain is predicted to stop in a few days. (Az előrejelzések szerint pár napon belül eláll az eső.)
  375. It is predicted that the rain will stop in a few days.
  376. I prefer tea to coffee.
  377. I prefer my steak well-done. (jól átsütve szeretem)
  378. She prefers hiking to running.
  379. He prefers to be alone rather than be/being with other people.
  380. I prefer him to stay at home. (Azt szeretném, hogy itthon maradjon.)
  381. I’d prefer that you stayed out of this argument. (helyesebben tennéd)
  382. We’d prefer it if you came in person.
  383. They are prejudiced against Eastern medicine.
  384. He was preoccupied with the problems of the journey.
  385. She prepared a salad from fresh vegetables.
  386. They prepare students (for the entrance exam).
  387. She prepared a salad for the party.
  388. They were preparing (themselves) (for the battle) for months.
  389. We were preparing to go abroad. (Külföldre készülődünk.)
  390. They prepared themselves to take a risk.
  391. We were prepared for the worst. (fel vagyunk készülve)
  392. I wasn’t prepared to help her. (nem voltam hajlandó)
  393. Her friends presented her with a hat.
  394. The queen presented the painting to the National Gallery.
  395. His plan was presented for consideration. (előterjesztették)
  396. He presented his proposal to the committee. (előterjesztette)
  397. The writer presented John as a negative hero. (negatív hősként ábrázolta)
  398. He presented his fiancée to his parents. (bemutatta a menyasszonyát)
  399. She pressed (her head) against the door.
  400. He pressed a pillow to his face.
  401. He pressed his hands together.
  402. They are pressing me for the money. (Pénzt akarnak belőlem kiszedni.)
  403. My parents are pressing me (into the family business). (nyomást gyakorolnak rám)
  404. The public has pressed (for) the government to act immediately. (azt követelte a kormánytól)
  405. They pressed IBM on these issues. (nyomást gyakoroltak)
  406. The lawyer presumed her innocence.
  407. The lawyer presumed her (to be) innocent. (ártatlannak tartja az ügyvédje)
  408. She presumed him to be the manager.
  409. I presumed (that) he was aware of the conditions.
  410. It is presumed that he died in the war. (állítólag)
  411. I wouldn’t presume to tell you how to behave towards your clients.
  412. He pretended to love her.
  413. He pretended (to his mother) (that) everything was fine.
  414. Nobody could have prevented that accident.
  415. His physical handicap couldn’t prevent him from (attending) all the games.
  416. She prevented putting too much money into the business.
  417. Her absence didn’t prevent him/his thinking about her.
  418. We are proceeding with the works slowly.
  419. Smoking is prohibited in the hospital.
  420. His doctor prohibited him from driving. (megtiltotta neki)
  421. He has promised some books (to us).
  422. She promised me her help.
  423. He promised to help me.
  424. She promised (me) (that) she would be punctual.
  425. The match yesterday promised to be exciting. (izgalmasnak ígérkezett)
  426. He was promoted (from grade seven) (to grade eight). (nyolcadikos lett)
  427. The castle is promoted as a tourist attraction. (turista látványosságként reklámozzák)
  428. Children are prone to illnesses.
  429. Tired drivers are prone to fall asleep.
  430. I propose her for/as President.
  431. He proposed a change to the system.
  432. I propose (to make) an early start.
  433. I propose (making) an early start.
  434. I propose (that) he waits for a while.
  435. I proposed that he (should) wait for a while.
  436. It is proposed that all the equipment is installed on the premises.
  437. It was proposed that he (should) be elected for 10 years.
  438. A new vaccine will protect against pneumonia.
  439. Drinking a lot of tea protected him against the flu.
  440. This sun shade will protect you from the sun.
  441. Students were protesting (to the principal) about the unfairness of the exam.
  442. He protests (that) he knows nothing about the murder. (azt állítja)
  443. He was proud of his victories.
  444. He was proud to announce the birth of his child. (büszkén jelentette be)
  445. We were proud that he won.
  446. He tried to prove his statement (to the jury).
  447. The detective proved the two men guilty.
  448. He is always proving himself (to others).
  449. He proved himself (to be) a hardworking man.
  450. He tried to prove (that) he was innocent.
  451. It was proved that he was innocent. (bebizonyosodott)
  452. She couldn’t prove where she’d been.
  453. Their new play proved (to be) successful/a great success. (nagy sikernek bizonyult)
  454. The question proved impossible to answer. (lehetetlennek bizonyult válaszolni a kérdésre)
  455. Old people prove to need constant care.
  456. He provided accommodation (for everybody).
  457. She has to provide for her children. (gondoskodnia kell)
  458. He provided everybody with accommodation.
  459. The constitution provides for a multiparty system. (rendelkezik)
  460. This bill provides that money should be allocated for flood control. (a törvényjavaslat elrendeli)
  461. The teacher punished the child (for telling a lie).
  462. The witch was punished (with the death penalty).
  463. She pushed me into (taking up) karate. (rábeszélt)
  464. She pushed me to take up karate. (rábeszélt)
  465. She is qualified for the job.
  466. She is qualified as a therapist.
  467. She is qualified to do the job.
  468. They quarrelled (with each other) (about the household chores).
  469. She was questioned about the robbery.
  470. I have never questioned her honesty. (sohasem vontam kétségbe)
  471. He questioned whether I was right. (megkérdőjelezte, hogy)
  472. He’s quick at (solving) problems.  
  473. She is really quick to learn.
  474. Help us to raise funds! (anyagi alapot teremteni)
  475. They raised my salary to 35,000 Forints. Hooray!
  476. He raised her from the dead. (feltámasztotta)
  477. Walter slowly raised himself upright in the chair. (felemelkedett)
  478. How did she react (to the news)?
  479. He reacted by shouting.
  480. He reacted against the Spartan environment of Potsdam. (ellenállt)
  481. She was reading all afternoon.
  482. She read tales (to her dogs).
  483. She read (her dogs) tales.
  484. I read about the plane crash in Cairo.
  485. She read that her mother was a pilot.
  486. He thought his smile was read as an insult. (sértésnek vették)
  487. His speeches read like haikus. (úgy hatnak, mintha)
  488. Their first book reads well. (jól olvasható)
  489. Don’t read too much into her reactions. (ne magyarázz bele)
  490. Are you ready for the show?
  491. She is always ready with good ideas. (mindig van valami jó ötlete)
  492. He is always ready to fight.
  493. Did you realize your mistake?
  494. He realized that he had been cheated.
  495. It was realised that all their military secrets had been lost. (kiderült)
  496. Nobody realized how important the decision was.
  497. He couldn’t recall my phone number.
  498. He couldn’t recall talking to her.
  499. I couldn’t recall him answering the question.
  500. He recalled that she always had coffee at 10.


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