- Don't be so hard on yourself.
- I'm really surprised I even made the team ! ( be chosen for a team )
- Lani's teammates are all warm and friendly.
- Thanks, but my game's pretty tame ( boring or unexciting and disappointing ) compared to yours.
- I admire the way you charge the net, it sure keeps me on my toes.
- Try not to be so hypersensitive to criticism.
- So far, no guy had ever measured up to Lani's high standards, ..
- I wanted to find out how things were done at Aina Hau before I took the plunge. ( to decide finally to do something, especially after delaying it or worrying about it for a long time )
- You sound as though you're signing up for a life partnership
- I hate going into any situation unprepared.
- ... try to put it in the wash as soon as you get home.
- I admit I'm curious about the guy, but only because you've given him such a big buildup.
- ... a little black cloud had suddenly blotted out ( to cover or hide something completely ) the sun.
- They certainly look pretty chummy. ( friendly )
- Lani quickly got her thoughts together and gave her opinion.
- Welcome aboard, Lani !
- ... he had given them a pep talk, urging the debaters to do their best
- Around noon, the brilliant blue sky suddenly clouded over, and within moments rain began pouring down.
- Lani's father wouldn't be able to come by for her until at least five o clock.
- Could you come pick me up at three ?
- I live in Manoa, I hope that's not far out of your way.
- How much farther is your house ?
- I don't take criticism very well, I'm afraid.
- ... do you think you could give me a few pointers ?
- ... the very idea of reciting the pieces from memory gave her the chills.
- Do I detect a note of skepticism there ?
- .. are you in the phone book under Marshall or under Gorgeous ?
- ... he went off on this tangent about turning the homeless into chefs ...
- Sam's such a flake.
- ... but sometimes I wish I'd lighten up and have some fun for a change.
- It's about time you made a move on him, Lani.
- ... many couples are lounging on ( to stand or sit in a lazy way ) the grass, enjoying the beautiful day and each other's company.
- Sometimes you have to go out on a limb ( take a risk ) and hammer a point home.
- .. there's no reason you and Amy can't win at affirmative.
- I'll be happy to work with you again whenever you like, just say the word.
- Has he asked you on a date yet ?
- .... if he doesn't care about me, I'd absolutely die of embarrassment.
- I'll be hitching a ride with ( to ask for a free ride from the drivers of passing cars by putting your hand out with your thumb raised ) you guys ....
- Lani was spooning up her French chocolate ice cream with .....
- Chase never took cheap shots (=an unnecessarily rude remark) at the opposing team or the judges.
- I've been bending your ear ( to talk to someone, especially about something that is worrying you ) about the tournament ever since we got here.
- I do have other interests.
- Everybody says you are excellent on the soccer field.
- That's what I had in mind. Think you can stand it.
- I laughed so hard, I almost fell out of my seat.
- We're good friends, that's all.
- .... he seemed unsure of himself, almost at a loss for words ......
- Mr. crowell told Lani at great length about growing up on his family's sugar plantation.
- He can be pretty long-winded sometimes.
- Lighten up, Chase. You may be my debate team captain, but you are not my tennis coach, you know.
- .... my Dad's birthday is next month ......
- I have to get some stuff for my sisters, and I could use some feminine input.
- Then maybe we could grab a bite to eat and take in a movie or something.
- Listen, Darce. Do you think I'm fickle.
- .... you are thinking about ditching him for that nutcase ?
- Sometimes I feel like I'll never be able to measure up to his expectations.
- .... if you decide to give up on Chase, I'm next in line.
- It wasn't just her surroundings that were different.
- Mealani and I need to make some adjustments on our negative case.
- I understand you and Amy really cut them down to size ( to make someone realize that they are not as important, successful etc as they think they are ) this morning
- Unless you're otherwise occupied, want to go have a pan pizza with the enemy.
- All our tables are oceanfront, sir !
- ... she always likes to go there early and set up.
- I'm an old hand at this sort of thing. In fact, I kind of like the last-minute approach.
- .... if this tournament is to proceed on schedule, it is essential that everyone show up on time.
- We were all totally stressed out --- we thought something awful must have happened to you. Mrs. Nakamoto was worried sick, and Chase is practically a basket case. ( someone who is so nervous or anxious that they cannot deal with simple situations )
- Lani was on automatic pilot most of the time,
- Don't you ever pull another stunt like that, you almost gave me heart failure.
- She never should have let herself caught up in Sam's comedy routine ....
- Want to play some tennis this evening ? ........ I really could use a workout.
- I haven't been to one of those in a long time.
- ... we are about the same size.
- By the time they returned to Lani's house, the sun had set.
- ... he's getting all intense and serious again.
- .... she was seething with irritation inside.
- I wouldn't have beaten you so badly, though, if you'd been in top form.
- Then he started picking my game apart shot by shot, and pretty soon I was so rattled that I couldn't do anything right.
- ..... the following week were agonizing for Lani.
- ... she and Chase were polite but distant to each other.
- But even if I made a play for ( to make an attempt to gain something ) him , it probably wouldn't do any good. In my opinion, he is still hung up on you
- If he thinks she's so perfect and I'm such a mess, then all I can say is, she's welcome to him.
- Chase was the boy of her dreams, that their relationship would only grow and deepen with time.
- I'm glad you are not the kind of girl who holds a grudge.
- I can tell from the look on your face that you don't approve of my philosophy.
- The first one was dismal, but I'm pretty sure we aced the second one.
- I struck out ( failed ) twice in a row.
- .... they all know I have my on days and off days.
- It was a gutsy move on your part to change your case at the last minute, ...
- I'm the one who was crazy for acting the way I did, ...
- These past couple of months have been the worst of my whole life.
- Kate had been working nonstop on this project for a year and a half.
- When the music started to play, Kate eased down the volume.
- .... two's company and three's a crowd.
- .... I just wanted to find out what I was up against. ( to have to deal with a difficult situation or fight an opponent )
- .... This is no time for socializing.
- Sorry Mr. Perry, we're just taking a breather.
- Everything will be in working order by tomorrow morning.
- Have you been waiting long ?
- But next week the station would be up and running. ( if a new system or process is up and running, it is working properly )
- ... the excitement in the room was at fever pitch.
- ... we'll rotate in order to give shifts to as many of you as possible.
- Flushed with embarrassment at her dismal performance, .....
- You stumbled a little, but I could tell how nervous you were.
- They had laid a trap, and she had fallen right into it.
- You two sure look pretty cozy.
- Eric didn't look as if he was in any hurry to leave.
- Kate : Is Mr. Perry here, by any chance ?
- Eric : He's at lunch.
- Almost before Kate knew it, her hour was up.
- After school, still tingling from the thrill of her success .....
- Kate : How soon do you think we could get the phone.
- Eric : Next week, with any luck. I'll check with the principal first thing tomorrow morning.
- I thought I was going to have to hitchhike home.
- No, I probably wouldn't have the nerve.
- Those are beyond sappy. They'd make me lose my lunch if I'd eaten any.
- Looks like you've got your work cut out for you.
- I'm not really into that mushy stuff.
- I'm sorry, I snapped at you.
- Between the two of us, we'll have this mess straightened out in no time.
- Kate : Or are you so cynical because you've been dumped.
- Eric : Bite your tongue. What girl in her right mind would dump lovable old me.
- I really want to know where you learned all that stuff.
- Kate's mind suddenly clicked into high gear.
- ... she hoped she could talk him into pulling some strings and getting her into KZRP.
- Where are you off to in such a hurry ?
- I'm going to catch a ride home with Cheri .....
- I didn't think football was your thing.
- I've modeled my deejay style on his.
- That would be really great, if you can set it up ..........
- I have an appointment with him for two o'clock.
- Did Jake sound a little bit patronizing ? ( someone who is patronizing talks to you as if they think you are less intelligent or important than them )
- I'm gonna grab a cup of coffee, want anything ?
- Gotta start cranking out the tunes.
- That's not even close to being Dadlike, ......
- ... you know as well as I do that nothing will come of it, ....
- Now I guess you want me to set you up on a date with him.
- I wonder if I'll ever be able to figure him out.
- Don't these guys have any pride ?
- At first, I thought there was something familiar about his voice, but I can't put together with a face .........
- He's always making goo-goo eyes ( a silly look that shows you love someone ) at you in class.
- He's just probably holding off because he knows you'll be climbing the walls wondering who he is
- Then as we eliminate each of them, we'll strike his name off the list.
- Andy is short for Andrew.
- Are you still on that kick ?
- Okay, okay ! Your sad story wrings my heart. Where do you live ?
- Math and I just don't mix.
- He must think I am a total nut.
- Startled, Kate slammed on the brakes. ( to make a car stop very suddenly )
- If you're so nuts about Jake, chase him yourself, but leave me out of it.
- Eric : Maybe we ought to call it a day. Want to catch a movie.
- Kate : That sounds like fun. What's playing ?
- Starved ! I worked up quite an appetite ( work up an appetite/thirst to make yourself hungry or thirsty, especially by doing physical exercise or waiting a long time before you eat or drink ) chasing you all over the field.
- My life is a complete and utter disaster.
- You're the one who got me into this mess with Alan.
- ..... get on the line and give me a call.
- Alan found a parking place in the lot.
- I guess I kind of overdid the cheering bit.
- To take her mind off her troubles ...........
- We'll be finished in plenty of time.
- Boy, that was some speech. When is this assembly ?
- I'll meet you by the car.
- That's way out of my price range.
- I'm no good at saying things like that in person, so I thought I'd disguise my voice and try it out over the phone.
- Did you really mean what you said when you called the Love Line all those times.
- ... we became instant best friends.
- Now we were sixteen, and our friendship never wavered.
- .... the rest of the year we kept in touch with long letters and even longer phone calls.
- No sense getting him all upset .......
- He was well-mannered, and real polite.
- I sure didn't see that side of him.
- I'd meet her at the pool over an hour ago! I'd better make tracks.
- Maybe he didn't mean to be rude. Maybe what he said just came out that way.
- My wet hair was hanging in my eyes ..........
- ... we aren't even remotely related.
- Right then and there I should have set him straight and cleared up the misunderstanding, ........
- I simply can't understand how my two best friends could have gotten off on the wrong foot like this.
- He's not stuck-up at all ......... considering who his father is.
- I thought they only did that back in the olden days.
- You really ought to dress up more often, Lexie.
- Samantha : Would you like me to make you up ?
- Lexie : No, I'll do it myself.
- Ms. Tucker. Are you holding up the wall, or doesn't anybody here come up to your high standards ?
- Can't a guy even have a conversation with you without having his head bitten off ? ( to answer someone or speak to them very angrily, when there is no good reason for doing this )
- Like I said before, this isn't really my scene.
- I feel it's my duty to enlighten you.
- This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever done.
- I was so freaked that I didn't stop to find out.
- Max isn't sure how to act around you, and he gets flustered and ends up doing something stupid or clumsy.
- I can't disappoint him by backing out.
- Did I hear about my name being taken in vain ? ( to talk about someone, while they are not there, especially in a way that shows a lack of respect for them )
- Max : Thomas wants to talk to you.
- Samantha : What about ?
- What mischief are you up to today ?
- Can you blame him after you've been so nasty ?
- Deep down inside, I bet you'd like to get along with him.
- The face is familiar but I can't place the name.
- I can have one of the boys saddle up a horse for you in a jiffy. ( very soon )
- I can pay double your usual hourly rate.
- We have tents and air mattresses, all the comforts of home.
- The last thing I need is another run-in ( an argument or disagreement, especially with someone in an official position ) with Max.
- It was too good an offer to pass up.
- Please don't let on I work here, okay ?
- Funny, he doesn't strike me as that type.
- ...... tucked it into my shirt pocket .........
- Around one o'clock, I found a clearing in the woods that looked perfect for a picnic.
- Max tied the horses to some trees.
- Well, you haven't said a civil word to me since we met, and you avoid me like I've got the plague or omething.
- You've never taken the time to find out.
- Let's not go any further with this, okay. We'll just get into another argument.
- By my calculations, we would reach out campsite by five o'clock.
- This is all your fault. Why didn't you say something.
- Don't worry about a thing.
- It's clouding over. Looks like it might rain.
- I strained my eyes and ears, trying to catch a glimpse of the creek or hear the sound of running water
- Even though it was still very early, the heavy clouds made it seem like midnight.
- Hoping to raise their spirits, I said brightly ..........
- When I awoke the next morning, the boys and girls are still sound asleep.
- I thought the kids ought to have something hot in their stomachs to start the day.
- A day ago I would have bristled at his question, thinking he was doubting my competence.
- Max followed me out of the office.
- You might just sweep him off his feet.( sweep sb off their feet to make someone feel suddenly and strongly attracted to you in a romantic way )
- His business takes him all over, so we're never in any one place for long.
- My responses sounded awfully lame to me, but Max didn't seem to notice anything amiss.
- All that moving around must be tough for you.
- Will you please stop being so negative ? Quit overanalyzing everything.
- You can sleep over at my cabin afterward, there's plenty of room.
- Did I really want to chance it and set myself up for heartbreak ?
- It never could have worked out for Max and me.
- We made a date to go riding together at one o'clock.
- Sam got into the other bed, and turned out the light.
- This whole thing was getting more complicated by the minute.
- I have to get back by two-thirty.
- There was no way I'd be able to avoid him, and unless I could brazen it out, ( to deal with a situation that is difficult or embarrassing for you by appearing to be confident rather than ashamed ) he'd blow my cover for sure.
- Well, you've been acting kind of weird all of a sudden.
- I forced another fake laugh.
- I blinked in disbelief.
- You've lucked out so far, but Max is bound to learn the truth sooner or later.
- Well, I must be off now. I expect we'll be seeing quite a bit of each other, Samantha.
- They're two of a kind, the perfect couple.
- ... I am not rich and I work with my hands.
- I've known all along.
- ... she has a serious boyfriend over in England.
- Aren't you being a bit melodramatic ( behaving or talking in an excited way with strong emotion ), Tess ?
- This great deal just fell in our laps.
- My whole life is just wrecked.
- I hope they feel guilty as anything !
- She was in quite a state herself, finishing her current novel, trying .....
- I liked looking at pretty scenery on vacation, but I had no desire to live out in the sticks. [ (out) in the sticks very far from a town or city ]
- I loved being so close to Chicago. ... a world of movers and shakers. I doubted there was any moving and shaking going on in Blossom Creek.
- But all that evening, I had a sinking feeling.
- Aren't you going to get over this funk ( in a (blue) funk very unhappy, worried, or afraid about something ) you're in ?
- I managed a feeble smile.
- ... it did have a few signs of civilisation .....
- Mom was holed up in her upstairs study, typing away on her computer at frenzied pace.
- I'm sorry if I'm trespassing.
- From the way you talk, I can tell you are not from around here.
- There's no problem with this stuff --- it's just the usual red tape.
- These locks are pretty old, and sometimes they get fouled up.
- Looks like it's stuck.
- I yanked again, but it still wouldn't budge.
- Don't mind him, Luke has a grudge against the world.
- He was tall and very well built, ............
- ... when she caught my eye, she motioned for me to join them.
- He's so stuck on himself, it's sickening.
- " Oh, lay off, Carter, " , there is nothing wrong with Luke.
- When I turned back to the table, I saw Dawn regarding me with a wistful expression.
- I'd just love it if Carter showed some interest in me.
- The Stoddards have always been hard up, and now with Luke's father gone it's even worse.
- He's got an awful lot on his mind, and he works real hard.
- I am sorry I tripped you this morning.
- I'm sorry I was so rude and all.
- He was giving me such an unmistakably flirtatious look that I felt myself blushing.
- ... as Mr. Cassin accompanied me on the piano, I sang ......
- I think she looks a little green, don't you ?
- Who was that grim-looking character ( a person of a particular kind ), Tess ?
- ... he's always been serious, like he's got all the worries of the world on his shoulders.
- I began to read and soon got caught up in the story.
- On the off chance that somebody might hear, I started yelling ....
- It tickles Sammy ! Cut it out.
- He helped me to my feet --- actually my foot.
- ... he was wearing sweats and running shoes ..........
- It's a bad sprain, but nothing appears to be broken.
- Just to be on the safe side, though, I'm going to take an X-ray in case she or I missed something.
- She took his death pretty hard.
- It caused quite an uproar.
- I would have to stay off that foot for a few days.
- Well then, what did happen ? An old football injury act up ?
- Folks around here know, she has more than a few screws loose.
- That was more than twenty five years ago, she ought to be over it by now.
- Don't get all riled up, Tess. You don't have to fly into a passion about it
- But if you do get into a passion, why don't you get into one with me, not at me ?
- Usually when a guy says a girl is nice, he means she's boring, or a goody-goody.
- Oh, Luke just made this crack and it broke me up.
- As for Carly, she continued to give me dirty looks in chorus, so I kept out of her way as much as possible.
- You can't eat it raw because it's sour as anything.
- You know, that first day I met you, you give me quite a start being up in Billy's old tree house.
- Carter had made a major effort to get on my good side again ......
- C'mon, you've never ridden my wheels before.
- That was really juvenile, Carter ! I said in disgust.
- Well, it would've been a nice gesture.
- As I pulled up to the station ........
- He'd probably appreciate having someone to help him catch up on things.
- That would be real neighborly of you.
- I am just irked at my brother for not ..... telling me.
- It is real nice of you to go to this trouble and all.
- My little sister got sick and Mom couldn't take off work.
- Sorry I forgot to give Luke your message.
- I don't want to pressure you or anything.
- Luke Stoddard certainly was full of surprises, not to mention talent.
- Mom and Dad were instantly on the alert and began the usual parental inquisition. ( a series of questions that someone asks you in a threatening or unpleasant way )
- After a while they let up on me.
- What if our voices didn't blend well ?
- Luke's old pickup truck pulled up into the drive. ( the area or road between your house and the street )
- My throat's starting to get a little scratchy.
- Luke's lips were just a breath away from mine.
- I completely lost track of time. I guess we'd better start back.
- What a rotten end to what had been such a promising afternoon.
- Tess : The Stoddard boy's quite the musician.
- Luke : She is right ! The kid is a chip off the old block. ( to be very similar to your mother or father in appearance or character )
- I regarded him in frustration.
- Carter, on the other hand, was obviously trying to heat things up.
- ... her friends would think it was unsophisticated and definitely uncool.
- I pitied whoever would have to clean up after the party.
- This is my party and I don't want you fouling it up.
- Carter : Here, buddy --- you get to drive. Tess and I will take the backseat.
- Luke : I wasn't too pleased with this setup, either.
- .... put the truck in reverse and backed out of the parking space ......
- There was a tense, awkward silence as we rode along.
- I was having a rotten time, too.
- Carter : Sorry Tess, I have been talking your ear off.
- Tess : I don't mind. It is about time you let it all out.
- I figured they would wise up sooner or later.
- I've just got a bad case of the jitters.
- She doesn't look one bit jittery.
- Luke and I waited while one act after another took the stage.
- The minute we began to sing, I lost my stage fright.
- I'd hang on to him if I was you.
- Then he kissed very sweetly on the lips.
- Katie shook her head in mock despair. ( despair that you pretend to feel )
- I've spent most of the day slaving at my computer in the nice, cool den, and I'm beat.
- My car is parked in the driveway.
- Katie stalked away, hoping she appeared cool and calm in spite of the fact that she was seething inside.
- You know that we leave at the crack of dawn tomorrow.
- I'll call just as soon as we get settled in our new house.
- ... her parents went through a kind of messy divorce, ......
- Willie idolized his father and brother, and in his eyes they could do no wrong.
- ...... so he could become tough in mind and body.
- Somehow I can't picture you as a lawyer.
- Won't that get you home rather late.
- .... she had asked her mother why he was so strict with her.
- Willie and I can clear the table tonight. Why don't you go get ready for your date.
- I'll be home around twelve or so.
- A friend of mine, a very terrific friend, is moving here in a few days.
- .... maybe we could set her up with your friend Rick ....
- Occasionally, Katie did a brief spot covering the latest fads and fashions ....
- We stopped at Joe's for a hamburger after the party and it was mobbed.
- If you're drifting around somewhere on Cloud Nine, we don't stand a chance of beating those JC girls.
- This is just like old times.
- Remember how we used to pig out in Berlin before we went out searching for .....
- This ugly duckling became a swan because ....... who couldn't stand the sight of her, so she made some changes.
- .......but I was pretty awful there for a while.
- Mr. Hadley was a real dreamboat, remember Katie ?
- Wow, wait til the kids at school take a load of that.
- Oh, I was going with a French boy in Paris for a while, but I ditched him when I found out he was seeing somebody else on the side.
- Think you could update me on the garbage I missed while I was away.
- That Friday evening, Katie and Scott double-dated with Melissa and Rick.
- I've heard a lot about you, Melissa, but nothing I've heard does you justice.
- .... he'd be very happy if I took over his practice some day
- You looked so pretty in that white western outfit.
- It doesn't mean a thing. Don't be paranoid.
- Over the next two weeks, Katie saw very little of Melissa ..........
- Katie decided to find out why Melissa had dropped Rick like a hot potato.
- ..... his family belongs to a really posh country club.
- What are you doing home tonight ?
- Monday's " Teen Scene " taping went off without a hitch.
- I wonder what poor sap she'll hit on next ?
- .... Melissa likes to play the field, but that doesn't make her a bad person.
- Oh, Scott I hope you are not coming down with something. There is a lot of stomach flu going around.
- ..... you should give me some pointers about what to say so he doesn't take it the wrong way.
- ..... there must be girls hanging all over him afterward.
- This is the exact same thing.
- ..... she felt guilty about keeping the news from him, but she couldn't bring herself to mention it.
- I guess creative talent must run in O'Connor family.
- ..... congratulated her on landing the leading role in the musical.
- Are you free the weekend of November 4 ?
- I am sort of shy, and I'm not much of a talker, but if you poke me I'll probably rustle up a sentence or two
- Ben : I guess maybe you're as nervous about talking to me as I am about talking to you.
- Katie : That's about the size of it ( that's about the size of it spoken used to agree that what someone has said about a situation is a good or correct way of describing it )
- Ben : I'll be sure to poke you a couple of times to get you going.
- Katie : Okay. But not in the ribs. I am real ticklish.
- ..... but if we run into traffic, it could take longer .......
- ..... every time I come I feel kind of a glow.
- For a while, I even thought about becoming a cadet, but I decided against it.
- Do you want to freshen up or anything before we leave.
- I bet Ben Anderson will flip out ( to feel very excited and like something very much ) when he sees you.
- Katie gave him a mock scowl. ' Are you telling me I am getting fat ? '
- Katie : He seems very cute.
- Melissa : No romantic sparks ?
- With or without false eyelashes on your nose, I like your looks.
- Katie's heart went out to him. ' oh, I am not angry, in fact I am flattered ' You just took me by surprise, that's all.
- Katie did a lot of heavy thinking on the plane ride back home that Sunday afternoon,
- Katie's feeling of unease grew.
- .... they saw Scott and Melissa making out in Scott's car.
- .... she said it was exactly the other way around.
- You and scott are all wrong for each other .......
- .... between sobs Katie poured out the whole ugly story.
- I never trusted that boy. Obviously, I was right about him all along.
- They treated her with tender concern .......
- You never can tell where something like this can lead.
- I wouldn't make any demands on you or anything
- .... all the problems that had plagued them the night befor emagically disappeared.
- You and Johnnie were always pretty tight ......
- I am doing pretty well, all things considered.
- .... when you do know, let me in on it.
- It's been snowing like crazy up here.
- .... the sunlight on all that snow is almost blinding
- A smile tugged at his mouth.
- Then, I am off the hook ?
- Hank walked over to the cashier to make his purchases.
- My eyes occasionally stray. No harm in looking, you know.
- Darrin was good-looking, well-mannered, and he treated her as an equal ...
- I was going to fix the plug on D.C's heat lamp. The wires are starting to fray.
- Marty finally made good on her threat .........
- Eight weeks is plenty of time to make some headway .....
- Hank looks tough, but on the inside, he's a real softie.
- The drone of an engine drowned out their laughter.
- They are hard to spot because they blend in with the woods and snow
- It won't open from the inside.
- The film was a spy thriller.
- ..... the car picked up speed again and drove off before they could catch up to it.
- It's got to be more than the money.
- Hank : If you're going to keep seeing this guy, well then, maybe I'll start looking around too.
- Marty : Suit yourself. There's already too much of that going around.
- .... it was up to her to smooth things over.
- ..... the flow of customers slowed to a trickle, then stopped altogether.
- Hank : Are you any good at puzzles.
- Marty : I am not too bad.
- Hank stared at her with mock awe.
- My fingers work faster to music.
- Lila's the one who gives me grief.
880 angol példamondat haladóknak (1) - kifejezések, szókapcsolatok (1-440)
2013.03.25. 01:25 aforizmágus
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