Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


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570 középfokú angol példamondat, tematikus nyelvtani témákban

2013.03.30. 01:21 aforizmágus


  1. The fact that he smiled at me gives me hope.
  2. But my efforts to win his heart have failed.
  3. Failure to comply may result in dismissal.
  4. The question is who we should invite.
  5. The big question on everybody's mind is who killed OJ.
  6. Do it the way you've always done it.
  7. I really like the way you do your hair.
  8. He made a request that there be an investigation.
  9. He is the kind of person who would do that.
  10. An income tax increase may be necessary.
  11. Last week I saw a great movie.
  12. The party that night was a big success.
  13. John Stuart Mill is an important author.
  14. The Richard Milhous Nixon Library has been a big success.
  15. The mystery of the Nixon tapes was never solved.
  16. High income taxes are important.
  17. Oil company stock prices rose in heavy trading today.
  18. Metals futures prices rose in heavy trading today.
  19. U.S. economic indicators fell sharply last month.
  20. Columbia medical and administrative workers continued their strike today.
  21. Janet, who is an expert on dogs, helped me choose one.
  22. The dog that we eventually bought was very expensive.
  23. Have you ever seen the Pacific.
  24. The new David Letterman is a happy, relaxed David Letterman.
  25. Actress Whoopi Goldberg and singer Michael Jackson attended the ceremony.
  26. We are from the planet Gorpon.
  27. This is my friend Bob.
  28. John's family is renovating their kitchen.
  29. The boys' bedrooms will be enlarged.
  30. My uncle's mother's cousin is visiting us.
  31. We ate at Joe's Diner last week.
  32. The buy-out caused a free-for-all in the mid-afternoon.
  33. Joan Smith is president of the company.
  34. Alfred Baird, formerly vice president of Beevil Corp., has been appointed as president.
  35. A bunch of dogs are in the yard.


  1. Many people were angered by the hearings.
  2. Many were angered by the hearings.
  3. My many female friends were angered by the hearings.
  4. Many who initially supported Thomas later changed their minds.
  5. The stupidity of the senators annoyed all my friends.
  6. I need to buy a present, but I want something inexpensive.
  7. Anyone who thinks this will work is crazy.
  8. Their program is better than ours.
  9. Those that want to come can come.
  10. I read everything I could about the subject.
  11. I read whatever I could about the subjetc.
  12. The best costumes got prizes.
  13. The best five costumes got prizes.
  14. The five best costumes got prizes.
  15. Five other costumes got prizes.
  16. The other five costumes got prizes.
  17. The other candy was really disgusting.
  18. Other candy is really disgusting.
  19. Other costumes were really bad.
  20. Some other costumes were really bad.


  1. 2 million attended.
  2. 2863764 attended.
  3. 2 million people attended.
  4. A million attended.
  5. A million people attended.
  6. About 2 million people attended.
  7. About 2 million attended.
  8. A million such people attended.
  9. 5 million of the people attended.
  10. 5 thousand invited by Bob attended.
  11. The 5 thousand invited by Bob attended.
  12. The thousands of people who attended enjoyed it.
  13. The 5 thousand people invited by Bob attended.
  14. The nearly 5 million people who attended enjoyed it.
  15. A few attended.
  16. A few million people attended.
  17. A few people attended.
  18. Few attended.
  19. Millions attended.
  20. Millions of people attended.
  21. Hundreds of millions of people attended.
  22. 5 million years ago, the earth was covered with ice.
  23. Millions of years ago, the earth was covered with ice.
  24. The city of New York contains over one hundred million billion brain cells.
  25. Almost one third of the people in the country have no health insurance.
  26. Of all the people in this country, almost one third have no health insurance.
  27. Three quarters of a million people in this city have no health insurance.
  28. The price of the stock rose three tenths of one point.
  29. The nearest drug store is about three quarters of a mile away.
  30. The nearest drug store is about 3/4 of a mile away.
  31. Every morning I walk 3 1/2 miles.
  32. Nearly 1/2 million people work here every day.
  33. Nearly 1 1/4 million people work here every day.
  34. Between 500 and 1000 people pass through here every minute.
  35. They are the Number 3 auto maker and a Fortune 500 company.
  36. I live at 805 West Indiana Street.


  1. We're thinking about going to a movie this evening.
  2. I've been grading these stupid exams all day.
  3. We're having a big party Tuesday.
  4. There is going to be an important meeting in January.
  5. There is going to be an important meeting next January.
  6. The party last week was a big success.
  7. John last week threw a great party.
  8. Until recently, these fossils were believed to belong to different species.
  9. Until last week, these fossils were believed to belong to different species.
  10. I'm quite excited about next week.
  11. Monday sounds good for the meeting.
  12. Tomorrow might be a good time for the meeting.
  13. Last Tuesday was really fun.
  14. Almost three years after our first date, I saw Ruth again.
  15. Almost three years after I first met her, I saw Ruth again.
  16. Almost three years later, I saw Ruth again.
  17. I saw her again a year and a half later.
  18. He left here a quarter of an hour ago.
  19. I still remember the day I kissed him.
  20. I'm going to Europe the day I graduate.
  21. Clinton is expected to return to Washington Thursday morning.
  22. Clinton is expected to return to Washington on Thursday morning.
  23. Clinton is expected to return to Washington late Thursday morning.
  24. Clinton is expected to return to Washington next Thursday morning.
  25. She walked out of the room the minute I saw her.
  26. I was crazy about him the first time I saw him.
  27. In January 1990, a historic new law was passed.
  28. On January 15, 1990, a historic new law was passed.
  29. He was convicted under an obscure 1990 law.
  30. I wish I could see him 100 times a day.
  31. It's good to eat three big meals a day.
  32. Someone is mugged in New York every five minutes.
  33. Her career lasted almost thirty years.
  34. Every morning at 5 a.m., Ken gets up and runs for five miles.
  35. At 4:52 p.m., on Monday, December 26, 1997, nothing happened.


  1. Abrams does like programming.
  2. He is being hired by another company.
  3. He is looking for another job.
  4. Fred has had five years of experience as a programmer.
  5. I gave my mother the present I bought for her.
  6. I gave her the present I bought for her.
  7. We picked out some beautiful flowers for her.
  8. We picked some beautiful flowers out for her.
  9. We picked them out for her.
  10. Did you put the milk in the refrigerator.
  11. Where did you put the milk.
  12. I hope he comes to the party tomorrow.
  13. I hope that he comes to the party tomorrow.
  14. I expect him to come to the party tomorrow.
  15. I expect to go to the party tomorrow.
  16. I knew who would come to the party.
  17. I suggested he go to the party.
  18. He asked me how to use the program.
  19. He disputed that our program was superior.
  20. Anne told me I would almost certainly be hired.
  21. We discussed adding new features to the program.
  22. I felt terrible after our discussion.
  23. I made him make some changes in the program.
  24. I helped him make some changes in the program.
  25. I helped make some changes in the program.
  26. I saw him telling her about the party.
  27. Phil gave me a sweater which he bought in Paris.
  28. Alan bet me five dollars Clinton would lose the election.
  29. She said she didn't approve of my behavior.
  30. The results are in, the game is up and the truth is out.
  31. He sold for five dollars the ring his mother had given him.
  32. Clinton announced on Tuesday a bold new proposal.
  33. I gave my brother an expensive present.
  34. I gave him an expensive present.
  35. I gave an expensive present.
  36. I gave it.
  37. I gave him for his birthday a very expensive present.
  38. I gave for his birthday an expensive present.
  39. The President announced on Monday that several more bases would be closed.
  40. He had attempted for years to make a career as a concert pianist.
  41. I asked him when I saw him at the party yesterday what he was working on.
  42. I wondered for a long time why everyone liked her so much.
  43. I told Margaret that I thought she would probably be hired.
  44. I told Margaret on Tuesday that I thought she would probably be hired.
  45. We discussed at the meeting hiring a new secretary.
  46. We informed the new employees that no salary increase would be possible.
  47. We informed at the meeting the new employees.
  48. They were asked that he be allowed to go.
  49. If his calculations were correct, Copernicus reasoned, the earth must revolve around the sun.
  50. The earth, Copernicus reasoned, must revolve around the sun.
  51. The earth must revolve around the sun, Copernicus reasoned.
  52. Abortion was legal until the third month, the court ruled.
  53. If the pregnancy was within the first three months, the court ruled, abortion was legal.
  54. Nobody, it seems, wants to be a liberal.
  55. Business is booming, Joe Smith, a car dealer, says.
  56. Business is booming, says Joe Smith, a car dealer.
  57. You can do anything you want, I told her.
  58. In the last few years, it seems, nobody wants to be a liberal.
  59. Also invited to the meeting were several prominent scientists.
  60. Also awarded the prize was Jean Smith, a prominent computer scientist.
  61. Chosen to lead the commission was Fred Schultz, a former Federal judge.
  62. Also recommended in the report was a new initiative to combat crime.
  63. Included in our paper is a summary of the features of our program.
  64. Also performing in the concert were members of the Budapest Quartet.
  65. Voting in favor of the bill were 36 Republicans and 4 moderate Democrats.
  66. Glaring coldly at Sarah, he walked out of the room.
  67. He walked out of the room, glaring coldly at Sarah.
  68. Finding that it was impossible to get work as a waiter, he worked as a janitor.
  69. He had hoped to get work as a waiter, but, finding this was impossible, he worked as a janitor.
  70. Used by some of the finest pianists in the country, Baldwin pianos are technical marvels.
  71. Using specially designed parts, Baldwin pianos are technical marvels.
  72. Sending a message of discontent to Washington, voters overwhelmingly rejected the Clinton administration.
  73. She's a really good player.
  74. John's coming to the party tonight.
  75. He's usually gone to Boston for Thanksgiving.
  76. Who's afraid of the big bad wolf.
  77. That's just the kind of person he is.
  78. There's no reason to get so upset about it.
  79. I didn't think he would do it, but he did.
  80. If you don't want to do it, you should find someone who will.
  81. If you don't want to do it, you should find someone who does.
  82. Find someone who does.
  83. I don't like programming, and someone who does may be difficult to find.
  84. The price of the stock more than doubled in two days.
  85. I finally figured out why this program is so slow.
  86. It turns out that Clinton didn't actually kiss Monica.
  87. If you go around doing that, you're going to end up making people mad.
  88. The lawyer pointed out that Clinton didn't actually kiss Monica.
  89. A party is taking place, so if you'd like to show up, you should do so.


  1. I have doubts about inviting him.
  2. I prevented her from doing it by praising her for not doing it.
  3. From your description, I don't think I would enjoy it.
  4. We had an argument over whether it was a good movie.
  5. Because of the rain, we decided to stay home.
  6. They're having a party in front of the building.
  7. The man with whom I play tennis is here.
  8. The man I play tennis with is here.
  9. With whom did you play tennis.
  10. Who did you play tennis with.
  11. The data on file will be used for the project at hand, which is already under way.
  12. The project was finished on schedule, as usual.
  13. I told him by telephone that I was coming by car.
  14. From in back of the shed, I heard a scream that seemed to come from on top of the garage.
  15. The university spends $5 per student.
  16. They're building a gigantic mall five miles from here.
  17. The 7-11 is half a mile up the road, but the supermarket is a long way away.
  18. I'm sure things will get done with Janet running the company.
  19. With Janet in charge, I'm sure things will get done.


  1. You are lucky that there is no exam today.
  2. You are lucky I am here.
  3. This is something we should be happy about.
  4. Is he sure how to find the house.
  5. You should be proud of your achievement.
  6. He is the smartest man I know.
  7. I've seen a lot of programs, but ours is the fastest.
  8. Ours is the fastest of the programs we have seen.
  9. I've seen a lot of programs, but ours runs the most quickly.
  10. Voters angry about the economy will probably vote for Clinton.
  11. Many Democrats unhappy about the economy but doubtful that Clinton can be elected probably won't vote at all.
  12. Hundreds of young men, furious about the verdict in the Rodney King case, looted stores in Los Angeles today.
  13. We need a programmer knowledgeable about Lisp.
  14. Any program as good as ours should be useful.
  15. Let us know if you have a program capable of parsing this sentence.
  16. It is believed that even the troops loyal to Hussein will soon be forced to surrender.
  17. Republican policies only benefit the rich and powerful.
  18. Republican policies only benefit the rich and the powerful.
  19. The meek will inherit the earth, and the best is the enemy of the good.
  20. They're building a skyscraper over 1000 feet tall.
  21. The river is half a mile wide here and 300 feet deep.
  22. Mr. John Smith, 66 years old, will succeed him as president.
  23. A big black ugly dog chased me.
  24. A big, black, ugly dog chased me.
  25. The former astronaut was alone and afraid.


  1. He is apparently an expert on dogs.
  2. Mary quickly walked out of the room.
  3. Mary just walked out of the room.
  4. Quickly, Mary walked out of the room.
  5. Mary walked out of the room quickly.
  6. He told them about the accident immediately.
  7. He told them about the accident, presumably.
  8. She is very careful about her work.
  9. She works very carefully.
  10. Is the piece easy enough for you.
  11. Is the piece too easy for you.
  12. She is apparently an excellent pianist.
  13. Only after the movie did he realize his mistake.
  14. I may have taken cocaine a few times, but at no time did I inhale.
  15. Never have I seen such a grotesque display of incompetence.
  16. We like to eat at restaurants, particularly on weekends.
  17. We like to eat at restaurants, usually on weekends.
  18. Such flowers are found mainly in Europe.
  19. Many people, particularly doctors, believe there is no health care crisis.
  20. I found a house that even John thinks we should buy.
  21. He told me that even his mother likes me.
  22. We put the pie straight in the oven.
  23. We put the pie straight in.
  24. He lives high in the mountains.
  25. He lives over by the lake.
  26. He lives out down by the lake.
  27. The apparently angry man walked out of the room.
  28. The often underpaid administrators resent the invariably rude students and the understandably impatient professors.
  29. The delicately lyrical tone of the cello contrasted with the fiercely percussive piano chords.
  30. The always delicately lyrical tone was really beautiful.
  31. Biochemically, I think the experiment has a lot of problems.
  32. I think the experiment has a lot of problems biochemically.
  33. It is biochemically an interesting experiment.
  34. I'm not sure the results are biochemically valid.



  1. Which dog did you chase?
  2. Which dog did you say you chased?
  3. I wonder which dog he said you chased.
  4. What did John say he thought you should do?
  5. What Alice did really annoyed me?
  6. Whoever designed this program didn't know what they were doing?
  7. Invite John and whoever else you want to invite.
  8. The dog which Chris bought is really ugly.
  9. I wonder whether we should go.
  10. We can't decide whether to go to the party.
  11. I am wondering who to go to the party with.
  12. I am wondering who to invite to the party.
  13. Do you think we should go to the party?
  14. How do you operate this machine?
  15. How fast is the program?
  16. How certain are you that John is coming?
  17. How likely is it that he will come?
  18. How certain does he seem to be that John is coming?
  19. How efficient a program is it?
  20. How fast a program does he think it is?
  21. I wonder how fast a program he thinks it is.
  22. How much money did you earn?
  23. I wonder how much money you earned?
  24. How much oil spilled?
  25. How much do you swim?
  26. I wonder how much you swim.
  27. I don't have very much money.
  28. I don't have much money.
  29. How much did you read?
  30. How much of the book did you read?
  31. I wonder how much of the book you read.
  32. How many people died?
  33. How many people did you see?
  34. I wonder how many people you saw.
  35. I wonder how many of the people you saw were students.
  36. How did John do it?
  37. I wonder how John did it.
  38. How long will it last?
  39. How many years did it take to do it?
  40. How big is the department?
  41. I wonder how big the department is.
  42. I wonder how big a department it is.
  43. How important is it to turn the computer off?
  44. I wonder how important it is to turn off the computer.
  45. How quickly did Joe run?
  46. I know how quickly you ran.
  47. How much more quickly did you run?
  48. I wonder how much more quickly he ran.
  49. How much more quickly did he run than Joe?
  50. How much more should we work on this?
  51. How much further do you think we should drive tonight?
  52. I don't know how much longer I can tolerate this.
  53. How much bigger is the dog?
  54. How much further did you run?
  55. How much more oil spilled?
  56. How much more spilled?
  57. How much more oil did they spill?
  58. How much more did they spill?
  59. I wonder how much oil spilled.
  60. I wonder how much oil they spilled.
  61. How many dogs ran?
  62. How many ran?
  63. How many dogs did you see?
  64. How many more people did you see?
  65. How many more people do you think will come?
  66. I wonder how many more people he thinks will come.
  67. How many times did you do it?
  68. I wonder how many times you did it.
  69. How many years ago did you do it?
  70. I wonder how many years ago you did it.
  71. I'll show you the house where I met your mother.
  72. This is the man whose dog I bought.
  73. I wonder where John is.
  74. The dogs, some of which were very large, ran after the man.
  75. The dogs, some of which I had seen before, ran after the man.
  76. The box contained many books, some of which were badly damaged.
  77. The dogs, some of them very large, ran after the man.
  78. The man was chased by dogs, some of them very large.
  79. I believe it was John who stole the priceless documents.
  80. It seems to have been Einstein who first came up with the idea.
  81. It was in Paris that Debussy first heard Balinese music.
  82. It must have been there that he realized his destiny.
  83. Wasn't it in 1955 that Sally first met Joe.
  84. Whatever the outcome, I'm sure he'll still be popular.
  85. Whatever the outcome is, I'm sure he'll still be popular.



  1. There is a dog in the park.
  2. Does there seem to be a dog in the park?
  3. There seems to appear to have been likely to be a problem.
  4. There was an attempt to kill Rod.
  5. The man there was an attempt to kill died.
  6. There was a problem, but we solved it.
  7. It is likely that Rod died.
  8. It is clear who killed Rod.
  9. It may not be possible to fix the problem.
  10. Grace may not be possible to fix the problem.
  11. It is important that women be ready when they make these choices.
  12. Flowers are red to attract bees.
  13. I made it clear that I was angry.
  14. Dick is easy to hit.
  15. It is important to fix the problem.
  16. Dick is important to fix the problem.
  17. The man it is likely that John hit died.
  18. Does it seem likely that Ann will come.
  19. Does Ann act glad that Joe came.
  20. It doesn't matter what Ted does.
  21. I want it to be possible to use the program.
  22. I want Joe to be possible to use the program.
  23. I want it to be clear that it was my idea.
  24. I want it to be obvious how to use the program.
  25. I want Joe to be easy to hit.
  26. It is likely they will come.
  27. This is because he is extremely famous.
  28. The trial is because he is extremely famous.
  29. The excitement over the trial is because he is extremely famous.
  30. This seems to have been because he is extremely famous.


  1. Our program works more elegantly than yours.
  2. Ours works more elegantly than yours does.
  3. Ours works more elegantly than yours works.
  4. Our program works more elegantly than efficiently.
  5. Our program is more elegant than efficient.
  6. Our program works better than yours.
  7. We do this more for pleasure than for money.
  8. He is more likely to go than to stay.
  9. He is more likely to go than he is to stay.
  10. He is more likely to go than John is.
  11. It is more likely that Joe died than that Fred died.
  12. It is more likely that Joe died than it is that Fred died.
  13. It is easier to ignore the problem than to solve it.
  14. It is easier to ignore the problem than it is to solve it.
  15. Our program is easier to use than to understand.
  16. I am more happy now than I was in college.
  17. He is more a teacher than a scholar.
  18. I make more money in a month than John makes in a year.
  19. I make more money in a month than John dies in a year.
  20. I hit more the dog than the cat.
  21. I have more money than John has time.
  22. I have more dogs than John has five cats.
  23. I have more money than John has a dog.
  24. She interviewed more programmers than were hired.
  25. I am as intelligent as John.
  26. I earn as much money as John does.
  27. I am as intelligent as John does.
  28. I earn as much money in a month as John earns in a year.
  29. Our program was better than had been expected.
  30. Our program was better than was expected.
  31. More people came to the party than were expected.
  32. More people came to the party than was expected.
  33. Our program did not run as quickly as expected.
  34. How much faster is our program than theirs?
  35. The more quickly we write the program, the more money we will earn.
  36. The better the program is, the more people will like it.
  37. The better the program, the more people will like it.
  38. The less likely it is that we can parse this, the easier it is to understand.



  1. The shuttle is so big that it has to be carried on the back of a jet.
  2. So many people attended that they spilled over into several neighboring fields.
  3. The program has so many problems that you should probably just rewrite it.
  4. I love her so much that I can't let her go.
  5. He ran home so quickly that his mother could hardly believe he had called from school.
  6. She presented her case with such eloquence that we could only admire her.



  1. The man we saw when we went to Paris is here.
  2. You should see a play while in London.
  3. I left the party after seeing Ann there.
  4. Because I didn't see Ann, I left.
  5. I left, therefore I didn't see Ann.
  6. But I really wanted to see her.
  7. As I suspected, he had already left.
  8. Some grammars are better than others, as we have proved.
  9. As had been expected, the party was a big success.
  10. In the event that the case goes to trial, I'm sure Clinton will be acquitted.
  11. He should be acquitted, on the grounds that there's no evidence.
  12. The public seem to love him, no matter what he does.



  1. I went to the store and got a gallon of milk.
  2. I got a gallon of milk and some eggs.
  3. I went to the store, got a gallon of milk, and returned the eggs.
  4. Mary, Joe and Louise are coming to the party.
  5. Neither Mary nor Louise are coming to the party.
  6. I am ready and eager to go to the party.
  7. She handled it skillfully and with compassion.
  8. I told him that I hated him and that I never wanted to see him again.
  9. He told me why he was here and what he was doing.
  10. Although he likes me and he respects me, he says he needs some privacy.
  11. Your house and garden are very attractive.
  12. I am in New York and I would like to see you.
  13. This is not the man we know and love.
  14. The coverage on TV and on the radio has been terrible.
  15. The sky is blue, so it is likely that Joe will come.
  16. That is the man for whom and with whom Joe works.
  17. My dog, cat, and cousin's friend came.
  18. My dog, cat, horse, and mouse, and his cow left.
  19. You should not only ask for your money back, but demand it.
  20. I was both angry and sad at the same time.



  1. There is neither a dog nor a cat here.
  2. There is a dog or a cat here.
  3. There is a dog and a cat here.
  4. He and I are friends.
  5. Neither I nor my friend knows what happened.
  6. Neither I nor my friend know what happened.
  7. Either I or my friend knows what happened.
  8. Either I or my friend know what happened.
  9. The dog and cats know what happened.
  10. Are a dog and a cat here?
  11. Are John and I invited?
  12. Is John or I invited?
  13. Are John or I invited?
  14. Is neither John nor I invited?
  15. Are neither John nor I invited?


  1. Playing the piano bothers John.
  2. Releasing the program at this point would annoy our competitors.
  3. The playing of the piano really bothers John.
  4. Telling Joe about the party would create a real problem.
  5. Your telling Joe about the party could create a real problem.
  6. Telling Joe that Sue was coming to the party would create a real problem.
  7. Telling would create a real problem.
  8. I want her to know about it, but the telling won't be easy.
  9. Teasing can be very cruel.
  10. Your telling John to leave may have destroyed your relationship.
  11. The graduating of Fred changes the situation.
  12. The sleeping of students is becoming a big problem.
  13. The sleeping of students can ruin a lecture.
  14. Buying of shares was brisk on Wall Street today.
  15. The sleeping in class is becoming a big problem.
  16. The showing of the program seemed to impress people.
  17. The sleeping of students described by Fred is a big problem.
  18. The sleeping of students I told you about is a big problem.
  19. The frequent sleeping of students is a big problem.
  20. His hitting of the dog didn't help matters.
  21. Some hitting of dogs will solve the problem.
  22. The drug running here has become a massive problem.
  23. He made a mistake in inviting John.
  24. He made a mistake in the inviting of John.
  25. I should have talked to you before inviting John.
  26. I should have talked to you before the inviting of John.



  1. To pretend that our program is usable in its current form would be silly.
  2. That our program will be immediately accepted is hardly likely.
  3. Whether we should go to the party is the important question.



  1. Using the conventional Minuet form, Beethoven produced a piece of great originality.
  2. Written in 1820, the symphony shows a new level of maturity for the composer.
  3. Abandoned by his friends, he left Vienna three years later.
  4. In Vienna, Beethoven met someone who would later be greatly influenced by him: Franz Schubert.
  5. Today I did something very important: I bought a dog.
  6. It has been said that Schubert ran out of the room when he met Beethoven; but we now know this is untrue.
  7. An important question remains: did Beethoven know about Schubert's music.
  8. She just wanted one thing: to be a professional skater.
  9. She knew one thing: that she would be a professional skater.
  10. I agree that, in some ways, your program is better.
  11. I agree that in some ways, your program is better.
  12. That is the man who, in Joe's opinion, we should hire.
  13. I know you hate Bill, but why did you send him that nasty note.
  14. But why did you send him that nasty note.
  15. If John was with Lisa last night, who went to the movie with Diane.
  16. We need a President who understands us.
  17. We need a president who understands us.
  18. The Zongle of Bongle Dongle resigned today.
  19. The National Association of Linguists is meeting here.
  20. An association that many linguists belong to is meeting here.
  21. If you were a middle-class American without a job, who would you vote for.
  22. Many Croats who had fled their homes are now returning to them.
  23. Chinese is a wonderful language, Chinese food is nice, and the Chinese are nice people.
  24. Armenian is a wonderful language, Armenian food is great, and the Armenians are nice people.
  25. Danish is a wonderful language, Danish food is great, and the Danish are nice people.
  26. The Danes are nice people.
  27. Dr Jane Smith lives on Main St.
  28. Dr. Jane Smith lives on Main St.
  29. Dr. J.G.D. Smith lives on Main St.
  30. Mr. Smith (a lawyer for Kodak) refused to comment.
  31. Mr. Smith -- a lawyer for Kodak -- refused to comment.
  32. We left (carrying the dog) and Fred followed.
  33. I have $50, but I want a $50000 car.
  34. 10% of the employees here do 90% of the work.
  35. Zangbert stock fell 30% to $2.50 yesterday, but jumped 10% today in heavy trading.
  36. With a 5% raise, I can get a $50000 car.
  37. "What are you doing?" she asked.
  38. "This is what I'm going to do," he replied.
  39. "This is what I'm going to do!" he replied.
  40. "On second thought," he said, "this is what I'm going to do".
  41. "Quotation marks" are simply "ignored" by our "program".
  42. Sometimes, people do this: They follow the colon with a capital letter.
  43. John said: "This is another use of colons one sometimes sees".
  44. Formerly, he had worked for Brody, McGill & Demson.
  45. The rally, at 6:00 last night, was attended by 1.1 million people.

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