- Would you like to go to the park or the pool?
- He has been found guilty, thus he will go to jail.
- I didn't move the bomb. I was afraid of touching it.
- The firm for which he worked sent him to New York.
- "Have you seen this old film?" - "I don't remember seeing it."
- I didn't buy anything because I didn't see what I wanted.
- Peter has eaten his apple. Can he have one of yours?
- While I was working this afternoon, the phone rang several times.
- You must tell the children to make their beds every day.
- The film was so long and boring that I fell asleep.
- People travel on crowded buses, which is bad for their health.
- At the end of the performance the actor looked very tired.
- By the time your children grow up you will be old.
- "I am going to a party tonight." - "Have a good time!"
- "Where is the underground station?" - "It is two blocks from here."
- I've been earning my own living for a year now.
- He said that nothing would be done until the following week. (~ "Nothing will be done until next week.")
- Fred's out. He's taken the children to the cinema.
- My hostess asked if I had slept well the night before.
- I don’t know what stamp to put on this letter.
- My aunt was walking in the park when I met her.
- „I am 25 years old today.” - „Many happy returns of the day!”
- I can’t help you because I have no more money.
- I am going to look after my sister’s children tonight.
- „Where is the bus stop?” - It is two blocks from here.”
- The child hasn’t got any toys and it is crying.
- Bob never came to see us. Unfortunately, he died last year.
- Has Peter left? I haven’t seen him for a month.
- „Bring your dictionaires here to the class tomorrow!” said the teacher.
- It’s easy for the young, they are strong and healthy.
- We went to bed at ten but didn’t fall asleep.
- The butcher cut his hand while he was chopping the meat.
- He wanted to know what you had done the day before.
- Where have you been all morning? It’s nearly noon now.
- He is reported to have been seen in Athens last week.
- „How long have you been here?” - „Since I was a child.”
- Nowadays employees can’t be ordered about, not even by their bosses.
- By the time you learn your lessons I will be home.
- He was fined for parking his car in the wrong place.
- „What did his car cost?” I wonder what his car cost.
- We’d like permission to stay in Italy for another month.
- It will be fun to go there and have a picnic.
- „Did you forget Mary’s birthday?” - „No, I sent her a gift.”
- „Have they got a cat in their house?” - „Yes, they have.”
- Skiing is too expensive, I’ll have to give it up.
- Most children are given more toys than they can play with.
- Where is the post office? Is it very far from here?
- „Are you going by car?” - „No, I prefer going on foot.”
- He found his glasses while he was looking for something else.
- It is silly to give up a good job like yours.
- The children were woken up by the noise in the street.
- The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west.
- He sent me a postcard with a beautiful view on it.
- You mustn't go into the room. The notice says: "NO ENTRY".
- He ought to be sent to hospital, he is so ill.
- „Do you like travelling?” I asked Mary if she liked travelling.
- A virus is so small that you can’t see it.
- He already has a house but wants to buy another one.
- While I was lifting that shopping bag I hurt my back.
- „Has Bob ever been abroad?” - „Yes. He was in Italy in June.”
- „That’s not likely.” In other words: „It isn’t possible.”
- I have been interested in languages since I was a child.
- This old monument is visited by hundreds of people every year.
- By the end of last year he had read four Shakespeare plays.
- „What is your new secretary like?” - „She is good at typing.”
- „Why doesn’t Peter drink milk?” - „He mustn’t. He is allergic to milk.”
- We realized when we got there that we needn’t have gone.
- I bought two oranges and neither of them was really good.
- You mustn’t get up until your temperature has gone down.
- Will you wait for me? I won’t be a minute.
- Mr Smith says that conditions in industry have changed very much.
- Who’s she? Is she Mary?- Yes, she is. She is Mary Stephens.
- Gladstone Avenue’s near the shops but it isn’t near the library.
- It isn’t on the table, and it isn’t in the fridge.
- Now he is at the bus stop on a cold evening.
- Is it in his trousers pocket? - No, it isn’t there either.
- Come into the house. - But why? - Because it’s cold out here.
- He hasn’t got a car and he hasn’t got any money.
- Arthur’s wearing a pair of swimming-trunks and Mary’s wearing a bikini.
- We’re playing this record for Arthur and his girlfriend Mary Stephens.
- She is sitting at her desk and talking to a man.
- A woman is with him and he is talking to her.
- She is writing the titles of the books on a card.
- He’s got a book in his hand and he’s reading it.
- He is looking for his socks but he cannot find them.
- They aren’t under the bed and they aren’t on the chair.
- He cannot see the bus because he is reading the newspaper.
- You must telephone the boss and say you’ve got a headache.
- I’ve got a headache. - Oh, I’m sorry. Is it bad?
- Here is my wallet. How much money is there in it?
- Excuse me, is this seat free? - No, I’m afaid not.
- After a miserable journey Arthur is now at home in Applefield.
- Arthur’s parents, Dr and Mrs Newton, are not here this evening.
- They are having dinner with their friends, Mr and Mrs Lester.
- I want to phone them – OK. I’ve got the number here.
- Dr Newton is just going to have another cup of coffee.
- She has put all the things away and tidied the sitting-room.
- All the Newtons have got up and have had their breakfast.
- It only takes me a couple of minutes to get ready.
- But you’ve still got all those on your desk over there.
- She’s wearing a light summer dress and is looking very pretty.
- Have you locked up, Arthur? - Yes, I’ve just done it.
- Actually … er … well, are you doing anything this evening?
- Look, Arthur and I are going on the river on Saturday.
- The forecast was good - sunshine, clear skies and high temperatures.
- She asked him to do the shopping because she was busy.
- After that he went to the off-licence and bought some drinks.
- Yes, and you can sit in the front with me, Arthur.
- No, there’s plenty of room for us both here, isn’t there?
- Look, there it is on the other side of the river.
- Because they were all wet and miserable they went home immediately.
- He didn’t go out and he didn’t even have a shave.
- She nearly drove the car into a brick wall just now.
- But first check your mirror and put on your right indicator.
- By now Bruce was out of hospital and back at work.
- He wanted to have a look at some good second-hand cars.
- The only thing is that the price is a bit high.
- How long will it take to drive to Applefield, I wonder?
- I like old castles. Don’t you, Arthur? - Yes, I do.
- No, come on or we'll have no time at the seaside.
- We’ll need some petrol in a minute. - No, we won’t.
- I’ll be really glad to get out of this old wreck.
- On the way home Jennifer was even more unpleasant than before.
- Middleford Rangers was not the best team in the Football League.
- But this season they had a new center forward, Fred Merton.
- Those people in red and white scarves are the Didcot chaps.
- I need an apple and a bag to put it in.
- My uncle is a nice doctor and he lives in Germany.
English sentence-bank: 11-word sentences (128)
2014.07.29. 02:44 aforizmágus
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