- I go to school, go to work and then I go home.
- I prefer iced tea but I have to settle for apple juice.
- You mustn't touch the picture. The notice says: "Do not touch."
- When Shelia tried to lift that heavy box she hurt her back.
- "Has Bob arrived?" - "No, if he had arrived, I would have seen him."
- "How long has he been doing that puzzle?" - "For a few minutes."
- "I've got two tickets. Which do you want to take?" - "None."
- I heard him singing in the bathroom. He has a terrible voice.
- Could you lend me this book? I'd like to read it.
- I must ask my boss if I can take a day off.
- I'm afraid you can't swim now. The water is too cold.
- "Has David come?" - "No, if he had come, I would have seen him."
- "Will you come to our party?" - "If I have time, I will."
- I arrived in Rome a forthnight ago. That was fourteen days ago.
- This is a good pair of shoes, they will last for ages.
- If you buy half a dozen eggs, you have six of them.
- The bus came after I had been waiting for about twenty-minutes.
- That cinema would be very popular if ithad a car park.
- It’s very hot in the room. Shall I open the window?
- Don’t let him order you about, he is not your employer.
- She seemed pleased when she met her cousin for the first time.
- You’d better take off your coat if you are too hot.
- Mary Green, whose mother you met in my house yesterday, is having singing lessons.
- He’s only a boy; how should he know what todo?
- When you open the safe you will see a small black box.
- After it has done 2,000 miles, you can drive your car at 60 mph.
- If you had arrived 10 minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
- The products of this factory can be sold all over the world.
- I haven’t been to the theatre since my child was born.
- We have a few books, but we’d like a lot more.
- Couldn’t you go a little faster? I’m in a hurry.
- She is very good at spelling and never makes mistakes in dictation.
- I don’t know where he is, he hasn’t arrived yet.
- He had to go to a doctor when he was in New York.
- Don’t ask for another book until you have finished this one.
- „Has David arrived yet?” - „Yes, I saw him come through the door.”
- I did not recognize him although he said we had met before.
- He, unfortunately, can’t come to the party because he is ill.
- When I came back he asked, ”Did you have a good time?”
- You mustn’t strike a match, the room is full of gas.
- I am looking for a used car. Could you recommend me one?
- „Have you paid the bill?” - „Yes, I paid it while you were away.”
- Children shouldn’t be allowed to watch this film, it’s frightening.
- I don’t think you will have much difficulty in getting a licence.
- Will you take care of the garden while I am in hospital?
- If she had taken the medicine, she would have felt much better.
- From the hill top we had a beautiful view of the Atlantic.
- "Shall I pay the fares?" "Would you? That's very kind of you."
- Why don't you turn on the ligth? It is dark in here.
- I want to borrow a book from you, you have so many.
- Although the question was easy, few boys were able to answer it.
- When we have seen the cathedral we'll go to the museum.
- He is just like his father, he never learns from his mistakes.
- "Are you going by bus?" - "No, we're going in Tom's car."
- Children are given too many sweets, it’s bad for their teeth.
- Is there enough room for us in the bus? It looks crowded.
- We should have received the letter yesterday, but it didn’t arrive.
- „You will be fined for parking your car here.” - „I hope not.”
- I haven’t got much money at the end of the month.
- „Where is the police station?” - „It is three bus stops from here.”
- You should always turn off the light when you leave the room.
- You drive first, and when you are tired, I’ll take over.
- „Have you seen Tom lately?” - „No, he left for Paris last Tuesday.”
- Mrs Smith wanted to know where I had spent my holidays the year before.
- „How long has she been doing her homework?” - „For half an hour.”
- "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" - "The same to you!"
- The paper is in the dustbin now, it isn’t on the floor.
- What’s for supper? - There’s fish. It’s on the table near the sink.
- There are only two or three people in the bus with Arthur.
- Where do you live? - Here, of course. That’s why I am here.
- The book in his hand is interesting, so he is reading it.
- He isn’t across the road in the Sunny Snack Bar, is he?
- Where’s Mr Shaw? Is he in? - Yes, he’s in his office.
- Mr Shaw, George has a headache and he can’t come to work.
- Arthur’s father is a doctor in a village in Berkshire called Applefield.
- Do you want sugar? - Not for me, but lots for Sue.
- Have you got a flat there? - No, I live in digs.
- He’s going to telephone Arthur because he wants something from the surgery.
- Are you going to take him out of the car now, doctor?
- Is he going to be all right? - Yes, I think so.
- Arthur has just telephoned Mary and Sheila and told them about Bruce.
- I’ve put the meat into the oven and I’ve had a bath.
- She’s going to go back to Middleford in a couple of days.
- Sometimes he is still there at seven or eight in the evening.
- They have ordered some special books and these books have already come.
- Mary’s not going to go out with Bruce; he’s still in hospital.
- Arthur is locking the library doors and Mary’s finishing her last letter.
- That wasn’t a bad meal, was it? - No, it was lovely.
- This weekend, of course, he had enough money for all these things.
- On of the programmes on the television was about learning to drive.
- Mr Taylor, your instructor, is out with another pupil at the moment.
- This is your new pupil, Mr Taylor. Mr Taylor - Mr Newton.
- Put your foot on the accelerator and press down a tiny bit.
- My father’s car didn’t have the gear-lever here. It was up here.
- It belonged to our mechanic and he’s looked after it really well.
- They’ll all be surprised to see me with a car, won’t they?
- On Sunday, Arthur took Jennifer and Sheila to Swanage for the day.
- They stopped and looked at Corfe Castle about five miles outside Swanage.
- Yes, that’s right, it’s left and then straight on up that hill.
- I enjoyed that meal. Didn’t you, Arthur? - Yes, it was good.
- And so Arthur had less money for the rest of his holidays.
- He’s bigger than the others and faster, of course. (about a horse)
- Michael is a keen supporter of Middleford Rangers, the local football club.
- Michael had a spare ticket for Saturday’s home match against Didcot United.
- I suppose, if you think about it, I’m a Didcot supporter really.
- Every week Arthur received a coupon by post for the football pools.
- She was watching Arthur and noticed that he was getting very excited.
- I had a beautiful piano but I sold it in the end.
- I work in a workshop, but it is not in a factory.
- There is life on Earth, but there isn’t life on the Moon.
- In this country there are a lot of rich and poor people.
English sentence-bank: 12-word sentences (111)
2014.07.29. 02:45 aforizmágus
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