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English sentence-bank: 12-word sentences (111)

2014.07.29. 02:45 aforizmágus

  1. I go to school, go to work and then I go home.
  2. I prefer iced tea but I have to settle for apple juice.
  3. You mustn't touch the picture. The notice says: "Do not touch."
  4. When Shelia tried to lift that heavy box she hurt her back.
  5. "Has Bob arrived?" - "No, if he had arrived, I would have seen him."
  6. "How long has he been doing that puzzle?" - "For a few minutes."
  7. "I've got two tickets. Which do you want to take?"  - "None."
  8. I heard him singing in the bathroom. He has a terrible voice.
  9. Could you lend me this book? I'd like to read it.
  10. I must ask my boss if I can take a day off.
  11. I'm afraid you can't swim now. The water is too cold.
  12. "Has David come?" - "No, if he had come, I would have seen him."
  13. "Will you come to our party?" - "If I have time, I will."
  14. I arrived in Rome a forthnight ago. That was fourteen days ago.
  15. This is a good pair of shoes, they will last for ages.
  16. If you buy half a dozen eggs, you have six of them.
  17. The bus came after I had been waiting for about twenty-minutes.
  18. That cinema would be very popular if ithad a car park.
  19. It’s very hot in the room. Shall I open the window?
  20. Don’t let him order you about, he is not your employer.
  21. She seemed pleased when she met her cousin for the first time.
  22. You’d better take off your coat if you are too hot.
  23. Mary Green, whose mother you met in my house yesterday, is having singing lessons.
  24. He’s only a boy; how should he know what todo?
  25. When you open the safe you will see a small black box.
  26. After it has done 2,000 miles, you can drive your car at 60 mph.
  27. If you had arrived 10 minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
  28. The products of this factory can be sold all over the world.
  29. I haven’t been to the theatre since my child was born.
  30. We have a few books, but we’d like a lot more.
  31. Couldn’t you go a little faster? I’m in a hurry.
  32. She is very good at spelling and never makes mistakes in dictation.
  33. I don’t know where he is, he hasn’t arrived yet.
  34. He had to go to a doctor when he was in New York.
  35. Don’t ask for another book until you have finished this one.
  36. „Has David arrived yet?” - „Yes, I saw him come through the door.”
  37. I did not recognize him although he said we had met before.
  38. He, unfortunately, can’t come to the party because he is ill.
  39. When I came back he asked, ”Did you have a good time?”
  40. You mustn’t strike a match, the room is full of gas.
  41. I am looking for a used car. Could you recommend me one?
  42. „Have you paid the bill?” - „Yes, I paid it while you were away.”
  43. Children shouldn’t be allowed to watch this film, it’s frightening.
  44. I don’t think you will have much difficulty in getting a licence.
  45. Will you take care of the garden while I am in hospital?
  46. If she had taken the medicine, she would have felt much better.
  47. From the hill top we had a beautiful view of the Atlantic.
  48. "Shall I pay the fares?" "Would you? That's very kind of you."
  49. Why don't  you turn on the ligth? It is dark in here.
  50. I want to borrow a book from you, you have so many.
  51. Although the question was easy, few boys were able to answer it.
  52. When we have seen the cathedral we'll go to the museum.
  53. He is just like his father, he never learns from his mistakes.
  54. "Are you going by bus?" - "No, we're going in Tom's car."
  55. Children are given too many sweets, it’s bad for their teeth.
  56. Is there enough room for us in the bus? It looks crowded.
  57. We should have received the letter yesterday, but it didn’t arrive.
  58. „You will be fined for parking your car here.” - „I hope not.”
  59. I haven’t got much money at the end of the month.
  60. „Where is the police station?” - „It is three bus stops from here.”
  61. You should always turn off the light when you leave the room.
  62. You drive first, and when you are tired, I’ll take over.
  63. „Have you seen Tom lately?” - „No, he left for Paris last Tuesday.”
  64. Mrs Smith wanted to know where I had spent my holidays the year before.
  65. „How long has she been doing her homework?” - „For half an hour.”
  66. "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" - "The same to you!"
  67. The paper is in the dustbin now, it isn’t on the floor.
  68. What’s for supper? - There’s fish. It’s on the table near the sink.
  69. There are only two or three people in the bus with Arthur.
  70. Where do you live? - Here, of course. That’s why I am here.
  71. The book in his hand is interesting, so he is reading it.
  72. He isn’t across the road in the Sunny Snack Bar, is he?
  73. Where’s Mr Shaw? Is he in? - Yes, he’s in his office.
  74. Mr Shaw, George has a headache and he can’t come to work.
  75. Arthur’s father is a doctor in a village in Berkshire called Applefield.
  76. Do you want sugar? - Not for me, but lots for Sue.
  77. Have you got a flat there? - No, I live in digs.
  78. He’s going to telephone Arthur because he wants something from the surgery.
  79. Are you going to take him out of the car now, doctor?
  80. Is he going to be all right? - Yes, I think so.
  81. Arthur has just telephoned Mary and Sheila and told them about Bruce.
  82. I’ve put the meat into the oven and I’ve had a bath.
  83. She’s going to go back to Middleford in a couple of days.
  84. Sometimes he is still there at seven or eight in the evening.
  85. They have ordered some special books and these books have already come.
  86. Mary’s not going to go out with Bruce; he’s still in hospital.
  87. Arthur is locking the library doors and Mary’s finishing her last letter.
  88. That wasn’t a bad meal, was it? - No, it was lovely.
  89. This weekend, of course, he had enough money for all these things.
  90. On of the programmes on the television was about learning to drive.
  91. Mr Taylor, your instructor, is out with another pupil at the moment.
  92. This is your new pupil, Mr Taylor. Mr Taylor - Mr Newton.
  93. Put your foot on the accelerator and press down a tiny bit.
  94. My father’s car didn’t have the gear-lever here. It was up here.
  95. It belonged to our mechanic and he’s looked after it really well.
  96. They’ll all be surprised to see me with a car, won’t they?
  97. On Sunday, Arthur took Jennifer and Sheila to Swanage for the day.
  98. They stopped and looked at Corfe Castle about five miles outside Swanage.
  99. Yes, that’s right, it’s left and then straight on up that hill.
  100. I enjoyed that meal. Didn’t you, Arthur? - Yes, it was good.
  101. And so Arthur had less money for the rest of his holidays.
  102. He’s bigger than the others and faster, of course. (about a horse)
  103. Michael is a keen supporter of Middleford Rangers, the local football club.
  104. Michael had a spare ticket for Saturday’s home match against Didcot United.
  105. I suppose, if you think about it, I’m a Didcot supporter really.
  106. Every week Arthur received a coupon by post for the football pools.
  107. She was watching Arthur and noticed that he was getting very excited.
  108. I had a beautiful piano but I sold it in the end.
  109. I work in a workshop, but it is not in a factory.
  110. There is life on Earth, but there isn’t life on the Moon.
  111. In this country there are a lot of rich and poor people.

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