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STREAMLINE - DEPARTURES - 11-15 (angol-magyar-text&audio)

2015.09.22. 15:43 aforizmágus


Customer Waiter! I’d like the menu, please.
Waiter Here you are, sir..
Customer Thanks…I’d like some soup.
Waiter Tomato soup?.
Customer Yes, please… and I’d like a steak.
Waiter Rare, medium, or well-done?
Customer Medium, please.
Waiter Which vegetables would you like?
Customer I’d like some potatoes, some peas, and a salad, please.
Waiter Certainly, sir
Customer Oh, and I’d like some wine
Waiter Which wine would you like, sir?
Customer A bottle of red wine, please


UNIT 11 audio



Charles Orson is a film director. He's in the studio. He's with Steve Newman and Raquel Evans. Steve's an actor. Raquel's an actress. They're film stars.

“Everybody! Be quiet, please! OK, Steve, now open the door... come in... walk to the sofa... Walk! Don't run!... OK, sit down... don't move... now, take Raquel's hand... look into her eyes... don't laugh!!"

"Raquel! Smile at Steve... look into his eyes... don't laugh!, close your eyes. Steve! Kiss her! That's fine! Now, Steve, go to the door... go out, and close the door... OK, turn the lights on... turn the microphones on... start the camera... action!”


 UNIT 12 audio



Look at this man.
He’s Elton Kash.
He’s a pop star.
He’s very rich and famous.
Look at his house.
It’s large and expensive, and there’s a swimming-pool in the garden.
There are ten bedrooms in the house.
Elton’s car’s American.
It’s a 1978 Lincoln Continental.
It’s fast and comfortable.
In his car there’s a radio, a stereo cassette-player, a cocktail cabinet, a cigar lighter and electric windows.
But Elton isn’t happy… he’d like a Rolls-Royce.

Look at this man.
He’s Mr. Wilson.
He’s a teacher.
‘s very poor and he isn’t famous.
Look at his house.
It’s small and cheap and there isn’t a garden.
There are only two bedrooms in the house.
Mr. Wilson’s car’s English.
It’s a 1959 Mini.
It’s slow and uncomfortable.
In his car there isn’t a radio or a cassette player… there’s an engine, a steering wheel, and there are four wheels and two doors.
Mr. Wilson isn’t happy… he’d like a new Mini.


UNIT 13 audio



Jane: … Oh, yes, my husband’s wonderful!
Sally: Really? Is he?
Jane: Yes, he’s big, strong and handsome!
Sally: Well, my husband isn’t very big, or very strong… but he’s very intelligent.
Jane: Intelligent?
Sally: Yes, he can speak six languages.
Jane: Can he? Which languages can he speak?
Sally: He can speak French, Spanish, Italian, German, Arabic and Japanese.
Jane: Oh!… My husband’s very athletic.
Sally: Athletic?
Jane: Yes, he can swim, ski, play football, cricket and rugby…
Sally: Can he cook?
Jane: Pardon?
Sally: Can your husband cook? My husband can’t play sports… but he’s an excellent cook.
Jane: Is he?
Sally: Yes, and he can sew, and iron… he’s a very good husband.
Jane: Really? Is he English?


UNIT 14 audio



I: Please come in.
J: Thank you.
I: Please, sit down.  Would you like a cup of tea?
J: Yes, please.
I: How about a biscuit?
J: No, thanks. I’m on a diet.

K: Excuse me…
L: Yes, can I help you?
K: Yes. I’d like some information about trains please.
L: Where to
K: … to London.
L: When?
K: Tomorrow.
L: Morning or afternoon?
K: In the evening. About six o’clock.
L: There’s one at 6.40.
K: Thank you.

M: I’d like a pair of shoes, please.
N: What colour would you like?
M: Brown.
N: And what size are you?
M: Five. Can I try them on?
N: Of course.

O: How about dinner, tonight?
P: I’d love to.
O: Where can we meet?
P: How about the square?
O: All right. What time?
P: Is seven o’clock OK?
O: Yes, that’s fine.


UNIT 15 audio


UNIT 11-15 text and audio


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