Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


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STREAMLINE - DEPARTURES - 16-20 (angol-magyar-text&audio)

2015.09.23. 00:13 aforizmágus


Hi, there! My name’s Gloria Gusto.

I’m an actress.

I’m from London.

I’ve got a flat in London and a house in Hollywood, with a swimming pool.

I’ve got a new Rolls-Royce and a lot of money in the bank.

I’ve got a husband, and three wonderful children in Hollywood.

Life’s great!

I’ve got everything.


Hello, my name’s Tom Atkins.

I’m from London, too.

I’m broke. I haven’t got any money.

I haven’t got a job or a house, or a car.

I haven’t got a wife, and I haven’t got any children.

Life’s terrible!

I haven’t got anything!


Look at this man.

His name’s Terry Archer.

He isn’t from London.

He’s from Oxford.

He’s a factory worker.

He’s got a good job.

He’s got a car.

He hasn’t got a big house, he’s got a flat.

He’s got a wife, but he hasn’t got any children.

Life’s all right.


UNIT 16 audio (youtube)

*** *** ***


Customs Officer: Good morning. Can I see your passport?

Man: Certainly. Here it is.

CO: Yes, that’s all right. Have you got anything to declare?

Man: Yes, I have.

CO: What have you got?

Man: I’ve got some whisky and some cigarettes.

CO: How much whisky have you got?

Man: A litre.

CO: That all right. And how many cigarettes have you got?

Man: Two hundred.

CO: Fine. What about perfume? Have you got any perfume?

Man: Err… No, I haven’t.

CO: Good. Open you case, please.

Man: Pardon?

CO: Open your case, please. Open it now! Oh dear! Look at this! You’ve got three bottles of whisky, four hundred cigarettes and a lot of perfume!


UNIT 17 audio (youtube)

*** *** ***


George: How about some more wine?

Charles: Please.

George: Which glass is yours?

Charles: That one’s mine.

George: Which one?

Charles: The empty one!


George: Well, good night…

Charles: Good night… thank you for a lovely evening.

George: Now, which coats are yours?

Charles: Oh, those coats are ours.

George: Which ones?

Charles: The black one and the grey one.

George: Ah, yes… I’ve got them.

Charles: Good, the grey one’s mine, and the black one’s hers.


UNIT 18 audio (youtube)

*** *** ***


O: Can you show me some cameras, please?

P: Certainly, sir… this one’s very good.

O: Yes, it is… How much is it?

P: £85, sir.

O: Oh, dear. That’s very expensive.

P: Hmm, I see… that one isn’t expensive, sir.

O: What make is it?

P: It’s a Kodak… It’s £47.

O: Hmm… Can you show it to me, please?


Q: Oh, excuse me!

R: Yes, sir?

Q: Could you bring us some more tea, please?

R: Of course, sir.

O: … and could you bring me the bill, please? I’m in a hurry


S: Taxi!

T: Where to, madam?

S: Can you take me to the airport, please?

T: Certainly, madam… Have you got any luggage?

S: Yes. Can you get it for me? It’s over there.

T: All right…. Ooh! It’s very heavy.

S: Yes, it is… I’m very sorry.


U: Goodnight, Andrew.

V: Goodnight, Colin.

U: Have a good holiday!

V: Thanks.

U: Don’t forget… send me a postcard!

V: OK… Oh, I haven’t got your address.

U: That’s O.K. You can send it to me at the office.

V: All right… ‘Bye.

U: Bye.


UNIT 19 audio (youtube)


UNIT 16-20 audio

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