Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


Friss topikok



STREAMLINE - DEPARTURES - 41-45 (angol-magyar-text&audio)

2015.09.24. 14:34 aforizmágus


Detective: Now, Mr. Briggs… Where were you yesterday?
Briggs: Yesterday? What time?
Detective: At two o’clock. Where were you at two o’clock?
Briggs: I was at home.
Detective: You weren’t at home, you were in central London.
Briggs: No, I wasn’t! I was at home. Ask my girlfriend! She was with me!
Detective: Well, we’re going to speak to her later. Where is she now?
Briggs: Oh… I don’t now…
Detective: OK… Now, where were you on January 12th?
Briggs: January 12th?
Detective: Yes, it was a Wednesday.
Briggs: I can’t remember.
Detective: You were in Manchester.
Briggs: Oh no, I wasn’t.
Detective: Oh, yes, you were.
Briggs: Oh no, I wasn’t… I was in prison in January.
Detective: Oh!


UNIT 41 audio



Donald: Hello, John! Where were you last month?
John: Oh, I was on holiday.
Donald: Oh, really? But you were on holiday in January.
John: Yes, I was in Switzerland in January.
Donald: Where were you last month?
John: I was in Florida.
Donald: Florida! What was it like?
John: Fantastic! The weather was beautiful… the sea was warm.
Donald: What was the hotel like?
John: Excellent! There was a swimming-pool and private beach. There were three restaurants and two bars.
Donald: What were the people like?
John: They were very friendly.
Donald: Was your wife with you?
John: No, she wasn’t. She never comes with me on holiday.
Donald: What about the children? Were they with you?
John: No, they weren’t. They were with their grandparents.


UNIT 42 audio



W    Can you change this pullover, please?
X    Why? What’s wrong with it?
W    It’s the wrong size.
X    Is it too big or too small?
W    It’s too small for me.
X    What size are you?
W    I’m not sure. Can you measure me?
X    Yes, certainly… You’re a thirty-six. This one’s the right size.

Y    I’d like a room, please.
Z    A single room or a double room sir?
Y    A double, please.
Z    With or without a private bathroom?
Y    With, please.
Z    For how many nights?
Y    Just for one night, please.

A    Excuse me!
B    Yes?
A    I think my change is wrong!
B    Are you sure? Let me see. Oh, yes… you need another 50p.
A    Yes, that’s right.
B    I’m terrible sorry.
A    That’s O.K.

C    I think English food is excellent.
D    Really! I don’t think so.
C    Why not?
D    I refer French food.


UNIT 43 audio



Phil Strongarm, the American astronaut, is talking to a reporter about his journey to the moon.
Reporter Well, Phil… Welcome home!
Phil Thank you.
Reporter Did you have any problems on the journey?
Phil Well, we didn’t have any serious problems… but it certainly wasn’t a holiday!
Reporter Of course not…
Phil We didn’t have a wash or a shave for two weeks!
Reporter Really?
Phil Yes. It wasn’t very comfortable!
Reporter What about food? Was that a problem?
Phil Well, we didn’t have any normal food.
Reporter What did you have?
Phil Well, we had some food tablets.
Reporter Are you going to the moon again?
Phil I hope so. It was wonderful!


UNIT 44 audio



Every Saturday Mr Brown goes to town. He went to town last Saturday. He usually has a drink in the pub with his friends. Last Saturday he had four or five drinks. After the pub, he usually goes to supermarket and gets the food for his wife. He got the food last Saturday. He usually comes home on foot. Last Saturday he came home by taxi. His wife was very angry.

Mrs Brown John! Is that you?
Mr Brown Yes, dear. I’m back.
Mrs Brown Did you come home by taxi?
Mr Brown Yes, dear. The bags were very heavy.
Mrs Brown Did you get everything?
Mr Brown Yes, dear. I got everything… nearly everything.
Mrs Brown Nearly everything?
Mr Brown Yes, dear… I went to the butcher’s, but they didn’t have any steak.
Mrs Brown They didn’t have any steak!
Mr Brown No, dear, so I got some hamburgers.
Mrs Brown Did you go to the baker’s?
Mr Brown Yes, dear… but I didn’t get any bread.
Mrs Brown You didn’t get any bread!
Mr Brown No, dear. They didn’t have any bread, so I got some rolls.
Mrs Brown How many rolls did you get?
Mr Brown I can’t remember, dear.
Mrs Brown John?
Mr Brown Yes, dear?
Mrs Brown Did you go to the pub again?
Mr Brown Yes, dear.
Mrs Brown How many drinks did you have?
Mr Brown Only four or five, dear, … small ones.


UNIT 45 audio


UNIT 41-45 audio


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