Last night at 9.18 the Director of a school was walking from his office to his car when he was attacked from behind. The attacker hit the Director on the head. The police think attacker was a student… may be a girl student! The police are going to interview every student in the school.
A policeman interviewed the Director at the hospital last night:
Policeman Now, Mr Snow… what can you remember about the attack?
Mr Snow Well, I was working late yesterday evening…
Policeman What time did you leave your office?
Mr Snow About quarter past nine.
Policeman Are you sure?
Mr Snow Oh, yes… I looked at my watch.
Policeman What did you do then?
Mr Snow Well, I locked the door… and I was walking to my car, when somebody hit me on the head.
Policeman Did you see the attacker?
Mr Snow No, he was wearing a stocking over his head.
Policeman Tell me, Mr Snow… how did you break your leg?
Mr Snow Well, when they were putting me into the ambulance, they dropped me!
Jenny’s 26. She’s a teacher. She’s in class now.
Jenny Now, Martin… can you swim?
Martin Yes, I can… I could swim when I was five.
Jenny Could you?
Martin Yes, Miss… could you swim when you were five?
Jenny I could swim when I was three.
Martin Really, Miss? Could you read and write when you were three?
Jenny No, Martin… of course I couldn’t!
M This is a very important mission, 006.
006 What must I do?
M You must go to Moscow on tonight’s plane.
006 Ah, Moscow! I’ve got a girlfriend there!
M We know that… but you mustn’t visit her!
006 Where must I stay?
M You must go to the Airport Hotel, stay in your room and wait.
006 Which passport must I use?
M Your Swiss passport… and you must speak Swiss-German all the time. They mustn’t know your nationality.
006 What must I take with me?
M Well, you mustn’t carry your gun… but take a lot of warm clothes. Good luck, 006!
X Now, Olga. You must check into the Airport Hotel tonight.
Olga Must I reserve a room?
X No, you needn’t. We reserved one for you… next to the British agent’s room.
Olga Must I stay in my room?
X No, you needn’t stay in you room, but you must stay in the hotel.
Olga Must I… be nice to him?
X No, you needn’t… but you must discover why he’s here.
Olga Must I contact you every day?
X No, you mustn’t! It’s too dangerous for you.
Olga Why?
X Because 006 is a very dangerous man.
M Bournemouth 18233.
N Hello. This is Tom Piper here. Is Mary there?
M Hang on a minute. I’ll see.
N O.K.
M Hello. I’m sorry, but Marry’s out.
N Oh! Could you take a message?
M Yes, of course. Just a minute. I need a pen.
O Hello. Director Enquiries. Can I help you?
P Yes. Can I dial direct to Zurich?
O Yes sir, you can.
P What’s the S.T.D code number, please?
O It’s 010411.
P Thank you.
Q Hello. Radio Taxis.
R I’d like a taxi, please.
Q When do you want it?
R As soon as possible.
Q Where are you?
R On the corner of London Road and Strouden Street.
Q Where do you want to go?
R The station.
Q What’s the name?
R Johnson. Mr Johnson.
Q O.K. Thank you.
S Hello. International Service. Can I help you?
T Yes, please. I’d like to make a three-minute call to Madrid.
S What’s the number, please?
T Madrid 65.43.21.
S What’s your number, please?
T Oxford 56767.
S Please put £1.56 in the box and I’ll call you back.
T Thank you.
13 rue Pigalle
Montmartre, Paris.
August 16th 1977.
Dear John,
Last week I went on an excursion to Versailles. I went with some students in my class. I got up at six o’clock on Saturday and met the other students at the station. In the morning we visited the Palace. It was very interesting. We saw Louis XIV’s bedroom. We had luch in a little cafe and I drank a lot of wine. In the affternoon we sat in the sun for an hour and walked through the gardens. I met a very interesting Frenchman with a big moustache. I didn’t practise my French very much because he spoke English all the time.
Did you have a nice weekend? I miss you a lot.