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Extra - Sitcom for Beginners -4- (video with subtitles & srcipt)

2015.10.11. 23:45 aforizmágus



- Job: stuntman. Age 20. 20? No. 30, more mature. Age, 30.
- Ow-ow!!
- Where’s the fire …
- It’s the smoke detector!
- I know that! Where’s the broom?! Oh good, it’s stopped.
- I think this was the problem. Anyone for very hard boiled eggs?
- Nick.
- Eh?
- Are they your eggs?
- Eh?
- I thought so! What on earth are you doing? Are you crazy?!
- Oh, are my eggs ready?
- Oh, your eggs, Hector.
- Hector’s eggs, Bridget. Is he cr-azy?!
- Hector. The eggs are, erm, ruined. Perhaps some cornflakes instead?
- Thank you, Bridget.
- Huh, perhaps some cornflakes instead?!
- What are you doing on our computer anyway?
- Nothing!
- Let’s just say girls, one day you will say ‘Brad Pitt – urgh!! Pah!! Johnny Depp – urgh!! Pah!! Nick from next door – vroom-vroom-vroom!! The coolest stunt man in the world!
- Oh, you a stunt man!!
- Yep. I got the job on the Internet. Well, nearly. I’m waiting for confirmation.
- Oh, how exciting!
- The coolest stunt man n the world - on a moped, right?
- On a Harley-Davidson, actually.

- Films! Those stars! That money! Oh! Oh! Have you seen Carina’s dress in the magazine? I’d love to have a dress like that.
- Mmm, me too. It would really suit me.
- How much is it?
- Oh, let’s see. Erm …
- How much?
- Oh, I’m a student, it’s too expensive for me!
- I’ve got a job and it’s too expensive for me! We need more money.
- Money? Bridget, Annie, I have something to tell you.
- Hector, don’t! It’s a secret! --- The Romero family, one of the richest families in Argentina. Keep it a secret. Sssh.
- Uh?
- Sssh!
- What’s a secret?
- You have been very kind.
- Yes, Hector.
- Ha-ha, ha-ha! I’m sure Bridget and Annie have a little money! Ha-ha!
- Sssh! Nick!!
- So I want to, I want to give you some money.
- Yes!
- So, I am going – to look for a job.
- Oh … that’s  a great idea, Hector.
- Gr-eat!!
- Yeah, we can look for a job on the Internet, can’t we.

- OK, here we are, job vacancies.

- Well, let’s see.
- Oh well, there’s a job in a launderette.
- Hector!
- No!.
- And there’s a job as a gardener.
- My plant!
- No!
- And here’s a job as a cook.
- No.
- Wait a minute! Look at this. A waiter!
- What a great idea!
- Yes! Ooh, I love good looking waiters!
- Did you say ‘good looking’? Here I am.
- What about Hector as a waiter?
- A waiter?
- Yeah, you know
- Oh, but I don’t know how.
- Oh, don’t worry.I will teach you!

- Hello! Howard! How are you?!! Oh, thank you Howard! Me? Dinner tonight! Seven o'clock – at the Singing Parrot Café, OK Howard! Bye Howard! That was Howard.
- No!
- He’s invited me to dinner tonight, because he wants to – talk to me about a NEW JOB!

- Who is Howard?
- Bridget’s boss.
- Ah, he is so rich, he’s so clever and he wants to see me!! He might offer me a promotion! What shall I wear? I have nothing to wear! No, wrong!
- Huh!
- So last season.
- Bet Howard can’t ride a motorbike.
- Nope!
- He does give Bridget promotion, although I have heard – Howard has a nickname!
- What was I thinking?!
- What?
- An octopus!
- An octopus?!
- Oh, the octopus!
- Is he meeting her alone?
- Yes. No, no! Bridget needs help!
- We must stop her!
- I have an idea. Why don’t you eat here?
- No!
- Yes, then we can both talk to your boss about your new job!
- Where, here? No, no way.
- I could cook for you!
- Huh! Definitely not, no!
- And I could be your waiter!
- Mmm.
- I want  to be your waiter.
- Yeah, OK then, but be serious!
- But don’t worry, we will help you get your promotion. Leave it to us!

- ‘Nadia. Hector wants a job.’
- I am going – to look for a job.
- ‘But it’s difficult. What can he do? He can’t work in a launderette and he can’t work as a gardener.’
- My plant!
- Hmm. ‘He can’t work as a cook, but then we saw the job for Hector, a waiter.’
- A waiter?
- Yeah you know. And Bridget’s boss, Howard wants to take her out to dinner tonight. I wonder why?’

- OK, Hector, you are the waiter, so you must set the table.
- Yes, I have set the table, but there is one problem.
- A problem?
- The table is too small.
- The table is too small?
- Yes, look.
- Hector, this is set for twelve courses!
- Dinner at home is always like this.
- Oh yes! You are a million…  You are a millionaire. This is just a little dinner for Bridget’s boss – OK?
- OK.
- OK. I am a customer!
- Where would you like to sit?
- Hmm. Here.
- Oh, I … … … The bill.
- Not yet! The menu first!
- Oh, sorry, erm … The menu.
- Forget the menu. What have you got today?
- To eat?
- To eat.
- Today, as dish of the day, I have a delicious hot cat.
- A hot cat?! That’s a hot dog.
- Ah! Hot cat, hot dog!… Cat, hot …
- Oh no!

- Oh, how’s it going?
- Great!
- Nick is a good teacher.
- Let’s see.
- Ah-ah, Hector’s café is now closed.
- Oh!!
- I’ll get it.
-Delivery, Miss Evans and Miss Taylor.
- Oh, Thank you! Bridget, look!
- Oh!
- ‘For lovely Annie from H.’
- For beautiful Bridget from H. Who’s H?
- Oh, it must be Howard! Oh, what is it!
- Oh, Bridget! Look, it’s Carina’s dress! But how did he guess?!
- Oh, he’s a clever man! Anyway, it’s not Carina’s dress now, it’s Bridget’s dress! Oh, thank you Howard!
- Oh Bridget, isn’t your boss kind! But, why did he buy me one?
- Oh, I’ve told him all about you!

- ‘Chrissy, Howard, my boss is coming to dinner!’
- Me, dinner, tonight! ‘He wants to talk to me about a new job. I’m so excited.’
- He’s so clever and he wants to see me! ‘He even sent me a dress!’
- Thank you Howard! Ah!

- His nickname is The Octopus.
- The octopus!
- Ugh! ‘Anyway -  Hector and I will prepare and serve a good dinner this evening.’
- We will help you get your promotion.

- Wow!
- OK, Nick?!
- Yeah. Hot. The soup, hot.
- Ah-ah-ah-ah. The soup is  hot.
- Thank you Hector.
- He’s here. Good evening Howard.
- Ah Bridget, my princess!
- Please come in.
- Bridget, you look divine. Oh, this must be Annie. Are you sisters? Such beauty!
- The dresses are exquisite!
- Oh
-  Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Don’t thank me, it’s a privilege!
- Oh and this of course is Nick.
- Hi.
- And this is Hector. He’s from Argentina.
- Hello.
- Argentina. Do you have a cow?
- Two million!
- What?
- My parents own two million cows.
- Ah yes, thank you Hector. Hector’s English is a little …
- Weird! Never mind, Hector.
- So Bridget, what a beautiful apartment, for a beautiful lady.

- Dinner is served!
- Hector, go on!
- Today, we have sick pea soup.
- Mmm, sick pea soup, my favourite!
- Chick pea, chick pea!
- Chick pea soup.
- This guy is great! Where did you find him?! Sick pea soup! Mind you, it does look like – ugh! Sorry Nick!
- Main course. Teeth casserole.
- Teeth casserole?
- Beef, beef.
- Oh sorry, beef casserole!
- I bet the beef is as hard as teeth!
- A dinner with bite! Oh! Sorry, Nick! So Bridget, you would like a better job?
- Well Howard, I, I …
- Are you willing to work harder,  hah?
- You stupid idiot!
- Sorry, erm … !
- And Bridget, with your good looks …
- What a creep!
- Ay! It’s cold! Hector! I want hot coffee!
- He wants hot coffee.
- Then he will have hot coffee!

- So – by the age of twenty I had fifty people working for me.
- Fascinating!

- My father said, if you want more money, you must work hard! Ay! You have poisoned me! You fool, you stupid boy!
- Stupid!
- Don’t you dare talk to my friend Hector like that!
- Oh, what is he? Is he your boyfriend or something?!
- He is – A kind and clever and lovely man, which is something that you will never, ever be! So you can keep your job, you creep!
- And we’ll send you back the dresses!
- What dresses?
- Oh, these dresses, the ones you bought Annie and me!
- I did not buy those dresses. I would not spend money on you! Hah!
- Goodbye Howard!
- You’ve lost your job!
- Well too late, I quit!!

- Howard said he did not buy the dresses. So who did?
- If ‘H’ isn’t for Howard?
- Then ‘H’ is for Hector!
- You, but why did you buy the dresses?
- To say thank you.
- But they’re so expensive. Where did you get the money?
- I… found it.
- Well, these expensive dresses must go back to the shop.
- Yes they must! But not until tomorrow.
- That’s right, let’s go clubbing! Come on, Nick! Hector!
- See you later, boys!

- Hector, you are a true, true friend. Money is not everything. So, what did you buy me?
- What do you think?
- I love you, I love you!
- Hmm! One moment.
- You didn’t buy me a bike, you didn’t buy me a bike, you didn’t buy me a bike. You didn’t buy me a bike.
- OK!
- Thanks, Hector. It’s really, really …
- It’s OK Nick.
- Hop on, I’ll give you a lift.
- Hey …
- Hey, so do you still want to be a waiter?
- No, I want to be like you, Nick, a stuntman!
- Aaah!!

Next time in EXTRA! Nick gets a job on TV. Annie loves watching TV. And why does Hector want to learn to cook? EXTRA – don’t miss it!

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Címkék: video angol angol tananyag listening alapfok gyakorló szöveg extra sitcom

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