Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


Friss topikok



STARTING OUT.2. - 1.-250. (250.-500.)

2020.08.18. 23:44 aforizmágus

  1. Where? It isn’t here.
  2. Who’s that with Mary?
  3. Have some wine, Mary.
  4. Have you got any ice?
  5. I’m very sorry but …
  6. I haven’t got my key.
  7. Whose is this ladder?
  8. It isn’t raining now.
  9. It’s a beautiful day.
  10. Thank you, young man.
  11. It is Friday morning.
  12. That’s a nice change.
  13. I’m going to see him.
  14. Arthur is downstairs.
  15. He is late, isn’t he?
  16. Is it a bad accident?
  17. No, I don’t think so.
  18. It’s nothing serious.
  19. Jennifer is still up.
  20. You can have my seat.
  21. All right. I’m going.
  22. Just a minute, madam.
  23. Arthur’s happy again.
  24. Arthur was the first.
  25. The paint looked new.
  26. Come and have a look.
  27. Let’s go straight on.
  28. It’s a lovely colour.
  29. We’ll soon there now.
  30. Look at Darling Mary.
  31. Oh, forget Mr Steele.
  32. Don’t you understand?
  33. It’s a map of England.
  34. Who’s that over there?
  35. John from the library.
  36. But here is Bob’s bus.
  37. Well, not mine really.
  38. It’s Sunday afternoon.
  39. She’s carrying a tray.
  40. She isn’t coming back.
  41. Am I really wonderful?
  42. He isn’t answering me.
  43. We must have some tea.
  44. Can you hurry, please?
  45. Yes, your legs are OK.
  46. Well, what's the time?
  47. It's only ten o’clock.
  48. Are you comig with us?
  49. Everybody comfortable?
  50. Here, take my sweater.
  51. What’s the clutch for?
  52. Look, there’s the sea.
  53. Turn that off at once!
  54. Stop talking nonsense.
  55. He is also very hungry.
  56. She’s a very nice girl.
  57. These potatoes are hot.
  58. Sir! - Yes, what is it?
  59. You’re very sorry? Why?
  60. Yes, it’s a lovely day.
  61. It is now nine o’clock.
  62. It’s nearly ten to ten.
  63. What can I do? Tell me.
  64. This is my friend, Sue.
  65. Here’s your tea. Sugar?
  66. Who are you talking to?
  67. Where do you come from?
  68. Where’s my best friend?
  69. Mrs Newton is with him.
  70. There’s nothing to see.
  71. The party has finished.
  72. I’m in no hurry at all.
  73. Which way are we going?
  74. That’s the lever there.
  75. I need a car like that.
  76. I may just have enough.
  77. What else have you got?
  78. It looks a bit scruffy.
  79. So Artur now has a car.
  80. Doesn’t it look lovely?
  81. It’s Sunday, you idiot!
  82. Has he ever won a race?
  83. It’s right at the back.
  84. She’s going faster now.
  85. What did you say, mate?
  86. Shut up a minute, Mary.
  87. God, that’s six so far!
  88. To hell with Mr Steele.
  89. That’s it! I’ve got it!
  90. Are you completely mad?
  91. Arthur now has the menu.
  92. I haven’t got any money.
  93. Have you got a full one?
  94. Oh, Bob, there’s Andrew.
  95. Where are Kate and Mary?
  96. Oh, it’s nothing at all.
  97. Are you sure he’s there?
  98. Now it’s five past nine.
  99. Now it is twenty to ten.
  100. Mr Shaw mustn’t see you.
  101. Oh, sorry. Thanks a lot.
  102. My mother’s a good cook.
  103. They must have a doctor.
  104. There’s nobody with him.
  105. Is my son, Arthur, here?
  106. I’ve nearly finished it.
  107. It is pay-day, isn’t it?
  108. Yes, that’s a good idea.
  109. Usually he is too broke.
  110. It was bright and shiny.
  111. Yes, he’s the favourite.
  112. Aren’t the jockeys tiny?
  113. I don’t think she heard.
  114. I haven’t got any money.
  115. Congratulations, Arthur!
  116. Don’t talk so loud then.
  117. What are they doing now?
  118. Oh, Mary, don’t you see?
  119. It’s the pools envelope.
  120. What’s Mrs Harrison like?
  121. What’s that? - This here?
  122. But what’s in the bottle?
  123. One omlette for you, sir.
  124. This is a marvelous meal.
  125. Yes, it’s not bad, is it?
  126. No, she’s asleep or deaf.
  127. What’s he thinking about?
  128. He’s thinking about Mary.
  129. What’s he dreaming about?
  130. He‘s dreaming about Mary.
  131. Arthur is in the library.
  132. Is that book interesting?
  133. Where are Arthur’s socks?
  134. He cannot have breakfast.
  135. You aren’t wearing a tie.
  136. I haven’t got a headache.
  137. It’s coming from Reading.
  138. Do sit down for a minute.
  139. How do you do, Mr Newton.
  140. Shall I sit in front now?
  141. Do you hear that, Sheila?
  142. We haven’t got much time.
  143. Come on, Bright Thursday!
  144. In fact it was the worst.
  145. Now, they’re kicking off.
  146. It was a deliberate foul.
  147. You’ll have to apologize.
  148. We’re going to celebrate.
  149. What’s this in my pocket?
  150. He has only a cheap watch.
  151. I’ve only got 2 pounds 10.
  152. He is giving them to Mary.
  153. This is hard work for him.
  154. He is wearing his pyjamas.
  155. He is waiting for the bus.
  156. Give me the phone, please.
  157. All these chairs are free.
  158. Oh, look, it’s a necklace.
  159. I don’t like it very much.
  160. I only eat good food here.
  161. There’s petrol everywhere.
  162. Who has Arthur recognized?
  163. It’s bad news about Bruce.
  164. Haven’t you done them yet?
  165. Well, I haven’t had time …
  166. Now I really must go home.
  167. No, really, I must be off.
  168. She looked very beautiful.
  169. Well, are you ready, then?
  170. Did Arthur learn to drive?
  171. Not for you really, is it?
  172. Arthur likes Darling Mary.
  173. So Arthur got a black eye.
  174. Mary’s very pretty tonight.
  175. Some bread, please, waiter.
  176. What’s the meaning of this?
  177. Oh, Arthur, you are sweet …
  178. You’re wonderful too, Mary.
  179. A single to London, please.
  180. Our train is platform four.
  181. You must change at Reading.
  182. I haven't got any brothers.
  183. Is that for me? What is it?
  184. That’s nice of you, Sheila.
  185. Don’t you want to see Mary?
  186. Sheila hasn’t returned yet.
  187. The summer weather is good.
  188. What do you think, Michael?
  189. What about some wine, then?
  190. I’m not really warm enough.
  191. I’m a bit hungry, actually.
  192. Where’s the car? It’s gone.
  193. Don’t put any money on him!
  194. Oh, they’re coming out now.
  195. It’s a church in Middleford.
  196. Any wine, sir? - No, thanks.
  197. We haven’t got any wine now.
  198. Certainly, sir. Immediately.
  199. Is it hers? - Perhaps it is.
  200. They’re swimming in the sea.
  201. Oh, Arthur, you’re so brave.
  202. Mary is also there with him.
  203. Arthur, say thank to Sheila.
  204. It’s somebody for you, Jack.
  205. He has not even had a shave.
  206. You can read it after lunch.
  207. Thanks for the lovely party.
  208. Have you had a good weekend?
  209. How long have you been here?
  210. Come into my office at once!
  211. It was the end of the month.
  212. Thanks for a lovely evening.
  213. It was a very hot afternoon.
  214. I can row first if you like.
  215. All right, then I can steer.
  216. You gave it to me on Monday.
  217. Is my hair completely white?
  218. Have you ever driven before?
  219. Probably not, you may think.
  220. We’ve got one or two inside.
  221. What about this one instead?
  222. The crowd seems to like him.
  223. This is a library, you know.
  224. This is a plan of Middleford.
  225. Ah, you’re here. - Yes, I am.
  226. Are you thirsty? - Yes, I am.
  227. The glasses are on the shelf.
  228. Bruce has got lots of money …
  229. Well, ring it. Ring the bell.
  230. She isn’t sitting with Bruce.
  231. Happy days, Arthur and Mary …
  232. Look, she’s opening her eyes.
  233. Show me some of them, please.
  234. Arthur is getting out of bed.
  235. Don’t leave your change here!
  236. I must try the next carriage.
  237. Bob! What are you doing here?
  238. My father's the doctor there.
  239. That’s very kind of you, Bob.
  240. I’m going to take your pulse.
  241. She is always early for work.
  242. I’ve waited six weeks for it.
  243. Mr Steele has just gone home.
  244. We can go home now, can’t we?
  245. We can have our picnic there.
  246. The seat’s quite wide enough.
  247. I’ve got enough here, thanks.
  248. Here, pass your glasses over.
  249. May I look at something else?
  250. Now what about this one here?

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