Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


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MUZZY in Gondoland - Season 1 (1-6) (Selected by length)

2020.08.21. 19:53 aforizmágus

  1. No!
  2. Go!
  3. We!
  4. OK.
  5. Oh!
  6. Big.
  7. Yes.
  8. Bye!
  9. Age?
  10. Bob!
  11. Who?
  12. Now!
  13. Hot.
  14. Wet.
  15. Dry.
  16. Bob?
  17. Red.
  18. Six.
  19. May.
  20. Why?
  21. You?
  22. Me!
  23. Fat.
  24. Look!
  25. Yes?
  26. Hi!
  27. What?
  28. This.
  29. That.
  30. Name?
  31. Stop!
  32. Good!
  33. Here!
  34. Free?
  35. Cold.
  36. Blue.
  37. Busy?
  38. Next!
  39. His.
  40. Her.
  41. June.
  42. July.
  43. When?
  44. Look,
  45. Help!
  46. I am.
  47. This?
  48. Hello.
  49. Small.
  50. Trees!
  51. Count!
  52. Bob.
  53. Ten.
  54. Where?
  55. There.
  56. Italy.
  57. A leg.
  58. Print!
  59. Bars.
  60. Muzzy!
  61. right.
  62. Green.
  63. Brown.
  64. Quick!
  65. Hello?
  66. March.
  67. April.
  68. Right!
  69. Sorry!
  70. Great!
  71. Bushes!
  72. Corvax!
  73. Name?
  74. Nine.
  75. Twenty.
  76. Lovely!
  77. Eat it!
  78. France.
  79. Greece.
  80. Listen!
  81. Sylvia!
  82. A head.
  83. An eye.
  84. A nose.
  85. An ear.
  86. A neck.
  87. An arm.
  88. A hand.
  89. A foot.
  90. Lovely.
  91. Hungry.
  92. Sylvia,
  93. Yellow.
  94. Autumn?
  95. Autumn.
  96. Winter.
  97. Spring.
  98. Summer.
  99. August.
  100. Sunday.
  101. There!
  102. Gotcha!
  103. Fatter.
  104. Hungry?
  105. Great.
  106. I'm fat.
  107. Strong.
  108. Clever.
  109. I'm big.
  110. Jackpot!
  111. Flowers?
  112. Come on!
  113. Hello!
  114. See you!
  115. I'm Bob.
  116. Britain.
  117. Germany.
  118. Go away!
  119. Go away.
  120. A mouth.
  121. Thirsty.
  122. Oh, yes.
  123. Black...
  124. A clock?
  125. Come in.
  126. October.
  127. January.
  128. Oh, Bob!
  129. Oh, Bob.
  130. Help me!
  131. I’m big.
  132. Ah, yes.
  133. Wake up!
  134. Oh dear!
  135. Goodbye!
  136. Oh, look!
  137. Yes! Yes!
  138. Eleven.
  139. Twelve.
  140. Nineteen!
  141. Sylvia!
  142. The Body.
  143. And this.
  144. I'm free!
  145. It's hot!
  146. I'm hot.
  147. Backache.
  148. How am I?
  149. I'm fine.
  150. November.
  151. December.
  152. February.
  153. Sylvias?
  154. Who am I?
  155. try this.
  156. Big Muzzy.
  157. I'm brave.
  158. Beautiful.
  159. And brave.
  160. A big bag.
  161. Thank you.
  162. Off we go!
  163. Follow me!
  164. Oh, Mummy!
  165. Fifteen.
  166. Sixteen.
  167. Seventeen.
  168. A monster!
  169. I'm Muzzy.
  170. Come here!
  171. Oh Sylvia!
  172. My Sylvia.
  173. My Sylvia!
  174. Hey! Look!
  175. Oh, sorry!
  176. It's cold.
  177. What tree?
  178. This tree.
  179. Come back!
  180. I can see.
  181. Am I you?
  182. I am you.
  183. and white.
  184. No, silly!
  185. Excuse me.
  186. Who is it?
  187. Toothache.
  188. His fork.
  189. Her fork.
  190. Her bowl.
  191. His bowl.
  192. September.
  193. On Monday!
  194. On Friday.
  195. On Sunday.
  196. That's me!
  197. Ah! I see.
  198. And there!
  199. I’m small.
  200. Hey, stop!
  201. Excuse me!
  202. Ah, I see.
  203. I’m ready.
  204. That one.
  205. This one?
  206. I'm Corvax.
  207. I'm Norman.
  208. Good night.
  209. I'm strong.
  210. I'm clever.
  211. I love you!
  212. Thirteen.
  213. Fourteen.
  214. Eighteen.
  215. Nineteen.
  216. I'm hungry.
  217. Oh, Sylvia.
  218. I love you.
  219. I love Bob!
  220. Ah, Sylvia.
  221. Oh, Sylvia!
  222. Here it is!
  223. You and me.
  224. Me and you,
  225. We are two,
  226. yummy bars.
  227. Four! Five!
  228. We're free!
  229. On the box.
  230. In the box.
  231. Yes, I can.
  232. I can walk.
  233. I can talk.
  234. I can hear.
  235. Are you me?
  236. I can run.
  237. Who are we?
  238. Good night!
  239. I'm coming.
  240. A headache.
  241. A headache?
  242. Her knife.
  243. His knife.
  244. Her glass.
  245. His glass.
  246. His plate.
  247. Her plate.
  248. His crown.
  249. Her crown.
  250. A headache!
  251. On Tuesday!
  252. No! No! No!
  253. Oh, Muzzy!
  254. I’m bigger.
  255. Stop! Stop!
  256. I’m hungry.
  257. Oh, look...
  258. Where am I?
  259. Three plums!
  260. You love me.
  261. What's this?
  262. It's a plum.
  263. It's a bike.
  264. What's that?
  265. I like this!
  266. Who are you?
  267. Yes, I am.
  268. Oh, go away!
  269. That's good.
  270. Where is it?
  271. We are free!
  272. We are free.
  273. I'm under...
  274. No, I can't.
  275. Can you run?
  276. No, I don't.
  277. Sylvia stop!
  278. I can jump.
  279. I can swim.
  280. You are me.
  281. I'm Sylvia.
  282. Yes, we are.
  283. Six Sylvias!
  284. What thing?
  285. The statue.
  286. I can't see.
  287. One o'clock.
  288. Stomachache.
  289. On Thursday.
  290. On Saturday.
  291. Yes, it is.
  292. Yes, Mummy.
  293. It's Sylvia.
  294. That's mine!
  295. Yes, I know.
  296. Where's Bob?
  297. Sylvia, Bob,
  298. Good morning.
  299. Good evening.
  300. I like plums.
  301. Here you are.
  302. Yes. A peach!
  303. I don't know.
  304. Daddy! Mummy!
  305. Plums! Plums!
  306. Lovely plums!
  307. What is it?
  308. No! Horrible!
  309. Who's this?
  310. Who's that?
  311. Stop! Sylvia!
  312. That's right.
  313. Now where...?
  314. and I'm free.
  315. Can you talk?
  316. Can you walk?
  317. This is fun.
  318. Six Sylvias?
  319. Who are they?
  320. I like brown.
  321. Where are we?
  322. We're hungry.
  323. Yes. A clock.
  324. No, I'm busy.
  325. Hello, Mummy!
  326. Hello, Daddy!
  327. On Wednesday.
  328. Hello Sylvia!
  329. The computer!
  330. There's one!
  331. That's Muzzy.
  332. Your Majesty!
  333. Come on, Bob!
  334. And that one!
  335. How do you do?
  336. Hi! I'm Muzzy.
  337. I'm beautiful.
  338. I'm Big Muzzy.
  339. I like grapes.
  340. I love Sylvia!
  341. A, E, I, O, U.
  342. Far, far away.
  343. Take him away!
  344. Take him away.
  345. I like clocks.
  346. It's horrible.
  347. Take him away,
  348. It's Corvax.
  349. I'm here, too.
  350. We're friends.
  351. You're free...
  352. Have a shower.
  353. Where are you?
  354. Under the box.
  355. You're Sylvia.
  356. Hello, Sylvia.
  357. No, she isn't.
  358. No, it isn't.
  359. Seven o'clock!
  360. -Here you are.
  361. Don't do that!
  362. He's a friend.
  363. Wait a moment!
  364. I’m ready too.
  365. That's better.
  366. Why am I here?
  367. They're going.
  368. Hello. I'm Bob.
  369. Good afternoon.
  370. I've got a bag.
  371. I've got a map.
  372. I've got plums.
  373. I like peaches.
  374. And I like you.
  375. Sylvia! Sylvia!
  376. It's a clock.
  377. It's a peach.
  378. Hello, monster.
  379. I'm the King.
  380. I'm a gardener.
  381. Behind the box.
  382. Sylvia's there!
  383. Can you see me?
  384. do you love me?
  385. There's Sylvia!
  386. No, we aren't.
  387. Playing tennis?
  388. I'm frightened.
  389. Yes, it's mine.
  390. Corvax! Corvax!
  391. Come on, Muzzy!
  392. Help the Queen.
  393. It’s all right.
  394. Where's Corvax?
  395. This goes here.
  396. You are clever.
  397. You are Corvax.
  398. Yes, I’m silly.
  399. I've got grapes.
  400. I've got a rose.
  401. Age? - Twenty.
  402. Number nineteen.
  403. Number nineteen?
  404. Number nineteen!
  405. I don't like it!
  406. I don't like it.
  407. A parking meter?
  408. take him away...
  409. I'm the Queen.
  410. You're Corvax?
  411. This is for you.
  412. I'm Norman. Bye!
  413. There! Up there!
  414. Stop! Come here!
  415. -Look! Up there!
  416. One! Two! Three!
  417. Yes. We're free.
  418. I can't see you.
  419. It's over there.
  420. Can you hear me?
  421. He likes clocks.
  422. It's lunch-time.
  423. How are you now?
  424. Feeling better?
  425. Monday. Tuesday.
  426. Which one is it?
  427. That's me again!
  428. More over there!
  429. What's he doing?
  430. Yes, it's yours.
  431. Lots of Sylvias?
  432. Help me, Corvax.
  433. Stop! Come back!
  434. Corvax can help.
  435. It goes in here.
  436. Well done, Bob!
  437. Well done, Bob.
  438. No, the big one.
  439. Yes, I'm hungry.
  440. I'm the gardener.
  441. I've got peaches.
  442. How many flowers?
  443. It's a spaceship.
  444. What's your name?
  445. Now, who are you?
  446. Oh, Sylvia! Stop!
  447. I've got you now.
  448. Now I've got you.
  449. Let me try again.
  450. Now can you walk?
  451. I don't like you.
  452. What's happening?
  453. But I like brown.
  454. What's she doing?
  455. It's one o'clock.
  456. I'm having lunch.
  457. It's ten o'clock.
  458. Good, good, good.
  459. Yes it's working.
  460. -What's the time?
  461. Friday. Saturday.
  462. Stop it! Stop it!
  463. Four in the hall.
  464. And there's one!
  465. Corvax is clever.
  466. It’s hot in here.
  467. Thank you, Muzzy.
  468. What is her name?
  469. Now for that one.
  470. What a dirty job!
  471. Oh dear! Oh dear!
  472. Goodbye! Goodbye!
  473. Thank you, Corvax.
  474. And I'm Big Muzzy.
  475. I've got a garden.
  476. And I like grapes.
  477. I like hamburgers.
  478. A hundred and ten.
  479. Job? - Gardener.
  480. Number nineteen?..
  481. Stop it, Corvax!
  482. Your eyes, your...
  483. Lovely, delicious,
  484. Oh no. No, thanks.
  485. Yes! Eat the bars.
  486. Between the boxes.
  487. Are you all right?
  488. That's the palace.
  489. What, your garden?
  490. The palace garden.
  491. Behind this thing!
  492. Somebody's coming.
  493. I'm having dinner.
  494. It's nine o'clock.
  495. I'm having a bath.
  496. I'm not very well.
  497. What's the matter?
  498. Thank you, doctor.
  499. January. February.
  500. It's the computer.
  501. Because I'm small.
  502. You can't have it.
  503. Stop the computer!
  504. Of course you can.
  505. There's a fat one!
  506. There's a big one!
  507. The fifth is tall.
  508. To the helicopter.
  509. I can stop Corvax.
  510. But he can't help!
  511. Because I like it.
  512. No, no it doesn't.
  513. We've got him.
  514. And you are silly.
  515. There goes a blue.
  516. This goes up here.
  517. Oh, dear! Oh dear!
  518. A hundred and nine.
  519. What's that thing?
  520. Who... Who are you?
  521. I love you, Sylvia.
  522. Bob! Where are you?
  523. Where's the palace?
  524. Now I can run. Bye!
  525. -Are you all right?
  526. It's eight o'clock.
  527. It's seven o'clock.
  528. No, it's fine now.
  529. It's getting dark.
  530. on the first floor?
  531. I've got some food.
  532. How many are there?
  533. What are you doing?
  534. Why are you crying?
  535. It’s your computer.
  536. Well I can stop it.
  537. Ah, I can run away.
  538. Yes, take him away!
  539. Stand there! Now...
  540. Now there are nine.
  541. -And that leaves...
  542. When can I see her?
  543. Why am I down here?
  544. That goes in there.
  545. Now I'm going away.
  546. I'm Princess Sylvia.
  547. I've got a computer.
  548. Plums! Plums! Plums!
  549. Yes. How many trees?
  550. A hundred and seven.
  551. A hundred and eight.
  552. I love the Princess!
  553. The Big Muzzy Story.
  554. Eat it! It's lovely.
  555. Hello, I'm a friend.
  556. It's the Princess!
  557. In front of the box.
  558. We're in the garden.
  559. What's the time now?
  560. Backache? Take this.
  561. I'm fine, thank you.
  562. Where are you going?
  563. She's having a swim.
  564. Is it still working?
  565. No, there are seven.
  566. Wednesday. Thursday.
  567. Go and see... quick!
  568. The first one's big.
  569. The sixth is taller.
  570. And the eighth is...
  571. Silly! You're silly!
  572. Yes! The helicopter!
  573. Four's going in now.
  574. You and I are happy.
  575. Now we are together.
  576. Now it's lunch-time.
  577. The King, the Queen,
  578. I've got a hamburger.
  579. A peach. - Thank you.
  580. Look. How about this?
  581. It's a parking meter.
  582. Muzzy. No, Big Muzzy.
  583. No, it isn't for you.
  584. No, it isn't for her.
  585. I come from up there.
  586. M - U - double Z - Y.
  587. We are Bob and Muzzy,
  588. Muzzy and Bob are we.
  589. Oh, no! It's raining.
  590. Seven o'clock. Right!
  591. I'm having breakfast.
  592. No, I'm going to bed.
  593. Toothache? Take this.
  594. She's got a headache.
  595. She's playing tennis.
  596. Is it still raining?
  597. That's Corvax's room.
  598. I've got some clocks.
  599. Because you're tall.
  600. Come back! Come back!
  601. Now, is this my bike?
  602. And where's my apple?
  603. To the computer room.
  604. Excuse me. Excuse me.
  605. Help, Corvax! Corvax!
  606. Who's... What's that?
  607. There goes a red one.
  608. Take all those away.
  609. A hamburger and a map.
  610. And I've got...a bike.
  611. I like parking meters.
  612. And I come from Japan.
  613. S - y - l - v - i - a.
  614. I'm here. In the tree.
  615. Look, wait over there.
  616. See you this evening.
  617. When? -Seven o'clock.
  618. It's lunch-time, dear.
  619. A headache? Take this.
  620. It gets dark at seven.
  621. When do you play golf?
  622. And it's Sunday today.
  623. Oh, dear! He's crying.
  624. I can reach the apple.
  625. I can't, your Majesty.
  626. Ah, that one's fatter!
  627. The seventh is... fat.
  628. Oh, I beg your pardon.
  629. But you aren't clever.
  630. And this goes in here.
  631. Bob? Bob the gardener?
  632. I don't like this job.
  633. Corvax and Norman too.
  634. A plum and some grapes!
  635. A plum and some grapes.
  636. I love Princess Sylvia.
  637. Name? What's your name?
  638. Where do you come from?
  639. You've got a red dress.
  640. She's got a blue dress.
  641. Stomachache? Take this.
  642. Sylvia isn't very well.
  643. Have a nice swim, dear.
  644. It's the computer room.
  645. I'm not doing anything.
  646. Why are you frightened?
  647. Here you are! -Thanks.
  648. Be careful! Be careful!
  649. It’s all right, Corvax.
  650. Oh dear! What can I do?
  651. Oh, that's not a thing.
  652. Careful, please, Muzzy!
  653. There goes a green one.
  654. Three cheers for Muzzy.
  655. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
  656. Thank you. I like roses.
  657. I'm wet. - Have a towel.
  658. There it is, over there.
  659. I've got a yellow dress.
  660. Yellow is for happiness.
  661. It's lunch-time, Sylvia.
  662. Have a nice game, dear.
  663. March. April. May. June.
  664. July. August. September.
  665. On Friday I go swimming.
  666. On Saturday I play golf.
  667. When do you go swimming?
  668. When do you play tennis?
  669. Food. Clocks. Seven p.m.
  670. Lots on the chandeliers.
  671. Have you got any clocks?
  672. The second one's bigger.
  673. Excuse me, your Majesty.
  674. What's that green thing?
  675. But the King's in there.
  676. Why are you eating that?
  677. All right, your Majesty.
  678. Why?.. What's happening?
  679. No, I’m not. I’m clever.
  680. There goes number three.
  681. Now I'm in my spaceship.
  682. A plum - a plum - a plum!
  683. How many trees are there?
  684. No, it's a parking meter.
  685. What's this?- It's a cat.
  686. Two great friends are we.
  687. I'm tired. - Have a rest.
  688. You've got a green dress.
  689. Black and white looks all
  690. The one on the top floor.
  691. Open the door... quietly!
  692. Look around... carefully!
  693. It's dinner-time, Sylvia!
  694. Bob! Where are you going?
  695. Muzzy, this is the Queen.
  696. No, he isn't. He's silly.
  697. I can help, your Majesty.
  698. Where does she come from?
  699. I'm the King of Gondoland.
  700. Can I have a wash, please?
  701. How many bushes are there?
  702. Can I have a rose, please?
  703. What thing? - That thing.
  704. Corvax... loves... Sylvia.
  705. She's doing her exercises.
  706. I've got backache, doctor.
  707. It's nearly seven o'clock.
  708. On Monday I play football.
  709. When do you play football?
  710. Run downstairs... quickly!
  711. It's seven. Bob's waiting.
  712. Look, they're all Sylvias.
  713. What are you doing, Muzzy?
  714. A black and white one too.
  715. Now there are ten of them.
  716. Number two and number one.
  717. Please come back some day.
  718. How do you do?I'm the King.
  719. You're strong. -Yes, I am.
  720. Hello, Mummy. Hello, Daddy.
  721. Can I have a peach, please?
  722. Can I have a salad, please?
  723. Can I have a drink, please?
  724. A plum - a peach - a grape.
  725. You are free and I am free.
  726. I'm cold. - Have a sweater.
  727. Can I have a clock, please?
  728. I've got toothache, doctor.
  729. How many Sylvias are there?
  730. Is it the one on the left?
  731. It's the one in the middle.
  732. Oh, there are lots of them!
  733. Yes. The third one's small.
  734. You are not clever, Corvax.
  735. Who is that beautiful girl?
  736. He's brave. And he's clever.
  737. What's that? - It's my bell.
  738. Can I have lunch in my room?
  739. I've got a headache, doctor.
  740. Sylvia's feeling better now.
  741. When do you play basketball?
  742. -Is it the one on the right?
  743. We're saying goodbye to you.
  744. How do you do? I'm the Queen.
  745. And you're fat. - Yes, I am.
  746. I've got a bike. A motorbike.
  747. I love you. - And I love you.
  748. I'm thirsty! - Have a drink.
  749. Just cold and wet and hungry.
  750. I've got a terrible headache.
  751. I've got stomachache, doctor.
  752. On Tuesday I play basketball.
  753. And on Sunday we play tennis.
  754. And we're playing tennis now.
  755. No, it's on the second floor.
  756. Is it the one in the middle?
  757. What about the room up there?
  758. There's one by the fireplace.
  759. Muzzy, why do you eat clocks?
  760. And the fourth one's smaller.
  761. What's this? - I don't know.
  762. Can we have some food, please?
  763. See you at seven this evening.
  764. I'm going to the tennis court.
  765. On Thursday I do my exercises.
  766. When do you go roller-skating?
  767. When do you do your exercises?
  768. And it's nearly seven o'clock.
  769. Why can't you reach the apple?
  770. We're saying goodbye to Muzzy.
  771. Can I have a hamburger, please?
  772. A plum - a peach - some grapes.
  773. And how many flowers are there?
  774. Take him away, take him away...
  775. Where's the box? - Over there.
  776. She's having lunch in her room.
  777. I'm going to the swimming pool.
  778. In winter it gets dark at five.
  779. In summer it gets dark at nine.
  780. Where's Princess Sylvia's room?
  781. There are three in the kitchen.
  782. There are two against the wall.
  783. Where are they all coming from?
  784. Because I like them, of course.
  785. It’s mine, but I can't stop it.
  786. That's a bigger one over there!
  787. Can I have an ice-cream, please?
  788. The gardener loves the Princess?
  789. The Princess loves the gardener?
  790. I'm hungry. - Have a hamburger.
  791. In autumn it gets dark at seven.
  792. In spring it gets dark at seven.
  793. Because I can't reach the apple.
  794. Why not? - Because it's in here.
  795. They're going into the computer.
  796. Can I have a peach please, Daddy?
  797. Where's the box now? - Over here.
  798. On Wednesday I go roller- skating.
  799. Hey! That's my apple, and my bike.
  800. And she's beautiful. - Yes, she is.
  801. What's this? - It's a plum. Eat it!
  802. Lunch for the Princess in her room!
  803. The King's in the computer, Corvax.
  804. A hundred? Two hundred? Three hundred?
  805. Who are you? - Where do you come from?
  806. I don't like this and I don't like that.
  807. Muzzy, go up there to the computer room!
  808. There are two - four - six - eight - ten.
  809. Stay in your room, dear, and have a rest.
  810. Can I have a plum and some grapes, please?
  811. I don't like these and I don't like those.
  812. they're coming from Corvax'sroom upstairs.
  813. Eight, seven, six, five, coming on behind.
  814. I've got a plum and a peach and some grapes.
  815. I come from up there, and now I'm down here.
  816. In, on, under, in front of, behind, between.
  817. Oh, there are three rooms on the second floor.
  818. I'm wet, I'm cold and I'm hungry. But I'm free.
  819. Lots and lots of Sylvias, coming back this way.
  820. Because there are lots of Sylvias in the palace.
  821. And lots in the bathrooms turning on the showers.
  822. More of them and more of them, appearing everywhere!
  823. What's this? - It's a typewriter.- No, it's a computer.
  824. There's one in the sitting-room bouncing on the chairs.
  825. And four are having lots of fun, sliding down the stairs.
  826. There are hundreds in the garden picking all the flowers.
  827. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
  828. Head and shoulders. Knees and toes, Knees and toes. Eyes and mouth and ears and nose. Ears and nose...

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: angol angol tananyag példamondatok alapfok MUZZY in Gondoland

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