- No!
- Go!
- We!
- OK.
- Oh!
- Big.
- Yes.
- Bye!
- Age?
- Bob!
- Who?
- Now!
- Hot.
- Wet.
- Dry.
- Bob?
- Red.
- Six.
- May.
- Why?
- You?
- Me!
- Fat.
- Look!
- Yes?
- Hi!
- What?
- This.
- That.
- Name?
- Stop!
- Good!
- Here!
- Free?
- Cold.
- Blue.
- Busy?
- Next!
- His.
- Her.
- June.
- July.
- When?
- Look,
- Help!
- I am.
- This?
- Hello.
- Small.
- Trees!
- Count!
- Bob.
- Ten.
- Where?
- There.
- Italy.
- A leg.
- Print!
- Bars.
- Muzzy!
- right.
- Green.
- Brown.
- Quick!
- Hello?
- March.
- April.
- Right!
- Sorry!
- Great!
- Bushes!
- Corvax!
- Name?
- Nine.
- Twenty.
- Lovely!
- Eat it!
- France.
- Greece.
- Listen!
- Sylvia!
- A head.
- An eye.
- A nose.
- An ear.
- A neck.
- An arm.
- A hand.
- A foot.
- Lovely.
- Hungry.
- Sylvia,
- Yellow.
- Autumn?
- Autumn.
- Winter.
- Spring.
- Summer.
- August.
- Sunday.
- There!
- Gotcha!
- Fatter.
- Hungry?
- Great.
- I'm fat.
- Strong.
- Clever.
- I'm big.
- Jackpot!
- Flowers?
- Come on!
- Hello!
- See you!
- I'm Bob.
- Britain.
- Germany.
- Go away!
- Go away.
- A mouth.
- Thirsty.
- Oh, yes.
- Black...
- A clock?
- Come in.
- October.
- January.
- Oh, Bob!
- Oh, Bob.
- Help me!
- I’m big.
- Ah, yes.
- Wake up!
- Oh dear!
- Goodbye!
- Oh, look!
- Yes! Yes!
- Eleven.
- Twelve.
- Nineteen!
- Sylvia!
- The Body.
- And this.
- I'm free!
- It's hot!
- I'm hot.
- Backache.
- How am I?
- I'm fine.
- November.
- December.
- February.
- Sylvias?
- Who am I?
- try this.
- Big Muzzy.
- I'm brave.
- Beautiful.
- And brave.
- A big bag.
- Thank you.
- Off we go!
- Follow me!
- Oh, Mummy!
- Fifteen.
- Sixteen.
- Seventeen.
- A monster!
- I'm Muzzy.
- Come here!
- Oh Sylvia!
- My Sylvia.
- My Sylvia!
- Hey! Look!
- Oh, sorry!
- It's cold.
- What tree?
- This tree.
- Come back!
- I can see.
- Am I you?
- I am you.
- and white.
- No, silly!
- Excuse me.
- Who is it?
- Toothache.
- His fork.
- Her fork.
- Her bowl.
- His bowl.
- September.
- On Monday!
- On Friday.
- On Sunday.
- That's me!
- Ah! I see.
- And there!
- I’m small.
- Hey, stop!
- Excuse me!
- Ah, I see.
- I’m ready.
- That one.
- This one?
- I'm Corvax.
- I'm Norman.
- Good night.
- I'm strong.
- I'm clever.
- I love you!
- Thirteen.
- Fourteen.
- Eighteen.
- Nineteen.
- I'm hungry.
- Oh, Sylvia.
- I love you.
- I love Bob!
- Ah, Sylvia.
- Oh, Sylvia!
- Here it is!
- You and me.
- Me and you,
- We are two,
- yummy bars.
- Four! Five!
- We're free!
- On the box.
- In the box.
- Yes, I can.
- I can walk.
- I can talk.
- I can hear.
- Are you me?
- I can run.
- Who are we?
- Good night!
- I'm coming.
- A headache.
- A headache?
- Her knife.
- His knife.
- Her glass.
- His glass.
- His plate.
- Her plate.
- His crown.
- Her crown.
- A headache!
- On Tuesday!
- No! No! No!
- Oh, Muzzy!
- I’m bigger.
- Stop! Stop!
- I’m hungry.
- Oh, look...
- Where am I?
- Three plums!
- You love me.
- What's this?
- It's a plum.
- It's a bike.
- What's that?
- I like this!
- Who are you?
- Yes, I am.
- Oh, go away!
- That's good.
- Where is it?
- We are free!
- We are free.
- I'm under...
- No, I can't.
- Can you run?
- No, I don't.
- Sylvia stop!
- I can jump.
- I can swim.
- You are me.
- I'm Sylvia.
- Yes, we are.
- Six Sylvias!
- What thing?
- The statue.
- I can't see.
- One o'clock.
- Stomachache.
- On Thursday.
- On Saturday.
- Yes, it is.
- Yes, Mummy.
- It's Sylvia.
- That's mine!
- Yes, I know.
- Where's Bob?
- Sylvia, Bob,
- Good morning.
- Good evening.
- I like plums.
- Here you are.
- Yes. A peach!
- I don't know.
- Daddy! Mummy!
- Plums! Plums!
- Lovely plums!
- What is it?
- No! Horrible!
- Who's this?
- Who's that?
- Stop! Sylvia!
- That's right.
- Now where...?
- and I'm free.
- Can you talk?
- Can you walk?
- This is fun.
- Six Sylvias?
- Who are they?
- I like brown.
- Where are we?
- We're hungry.
- Yes. A clock.
- No, I'm busy.
- Hello, Mummy!
- Hello, Daddy!
- On Wednesday.
- Hello Sylvia!
- The computer!
- There's one!
- That's Muzzy.
- Your Majesty!
- Come on, Bob!
- And that one!
- How do you do?
- Hi! I'm Muzzy.
- I'm beautiful.
- I'm Big Muzzy.
- I like grapes.
- I love Sylvia!
- A, E, I, O, U.
- Far, far away.
- Take him away!
- Take him away.
- I like clocks.
- It's horrible.
- Take him away,
- It's Corvax.
- I'm here, too.
- We're friends.
- You're free...
- Have a shower.
- Where are you?
- Under the box.
- You're Sylvia.
- Hello, Sylvia.
- No, she isn't.
- No, it isn't.
- Seven o'clock!
- -Here you are.
- Don't do that!
- He's a friend.
- Wait a moment!
- I’m ready too.
- That's better.
- Why am I here?
- They're going.
- Hello. I'm Bob.
- Good afternoon.
- I've got a bag.
- I've got a map.
- I've got plums.
- I like peaches.
- And I like you.
- Sylvia! Sylvia!
- It's a clock.
- It's a peach.
- Hello, monster.
- I'm the King.
- I'm a gardener.
- Behind the box.
- Sylvia's there!
- Can you see me?
- do you love me?
- There's Sylvia!
- No, we aren't.
- Playing tennis?
- I'm frightened.
- Yes, it's mine.
- Corvax! Corvax!
- Come on, Muzzy!
- Help the Queen.
- It’s all right.
- Where's Corvax?
- This goes here.
- You are clever.
- You are Corvax.
- Yes, I’m silly.
- I've got grapes.
- I've got a rose.
- Age? - Twenty.
- Number nineteen.
- Number nineteen?
- Number nineteen!
- I don't like it!
- I don't like it.
- A parking meter?
- take him away...
- I'm the Queen.
- You're Corvax?
- This is for you.
- I'm Norman. Bye!
- There! Up there!
- Stop! Come here!
- -Look! Up there!
- One! Two! Three!
- Yes. We're free.
- I can't see you.
- It's over there.
- Can you hear me?
- He likes clocks.
- It's lunch-time.
- How are you now?
- Feeling better?
- Monday. Tuesday.
- Which one is it?
- That's me again!
- More over there!
- What's he doing?
- Yes, it's yours.
- Lots of Sylvias?
- Help me, Corvax.
- Stop! Come back!
- Corvax can help.
- It goes in here.
- Well done, Bob!
- Well done, Bob.
- No, the big one.
- Yes, I'm hungry.
- I'm the gardener.
- I've got peaches.
- How many flowers?
- It's a spaceship.
- What's your name?
- Now, who are you?
- Oh, Sylvia! Stop!
- I've got you now.
- Now I've got you.
- Let me try again.
- Now can you walk?
- I don't like you.
- What's happening?
- But I like brown.
- What's she doing?
- It's one o'clock.
- I'm having lunch.
- It's ten o'clock.
- Good, good, good.
- Yes it's working.
- -What's the time?
- Friday. Saturday.
- Stop it! Stop it!
- Four in the hall.
- And there's one!
- Corvax is clever.
- It’s hot in here.
- Thank you, Muzzy.
- What is her name?
- Now for that one.
- What a dirty job!
- Oh dear! Oh dear!
- Goodbye! Goodbye!
- Thank you, Corvax.
- And I'm Big Muzzy.
- I've got a garden.
- And I like grapes.
- I like hamburgers.
- A hundred and ten.
- Job? - Gardener.
- Number nineteen?..
- Stop it, Corvax!
- Your eyes, your...
- Lovely, delicious,
- Oh no. No, thanks.
- Yes! Eat the bars.
- Between the boxes.
- Are you all right?
- That's the palace.
- What, your garden?
- The palace garden.
- Behind this thing!
- Somebody's coming.
- I'm having dinner.
- It's nine o'clock.
- I'm having a bath.
- I'm not very well.
- What's the matter?
- Thank you, doctor.
- January. February.
- It's the computer.
- Because I'm small.
- You can't have it.
- Stop the computer!
- Of course you can.
- There's a fat one!
- There's a big one!
- The fifth is tall.
- To the helicopter.
- I can stop Corvax.
- But he can't help!
- Because I like it.
- No, no it doesn't.
- We've got him.
- And you are silly.
- There goes a blue.
- This goes up here.
- Oh, dear! Oh dear!
- A hundred and nine.
- What's that thing?
- Who... Who are you?
- I love you, Sylvia.
- Bob! Where are you?
- Where's the palace?
- Now I can run. Bye!
- -Are you all right?
- It's eight o'clock.
- It's seven o'clock.
- No, it's fine now.
- It's getting dark.
- on the first floor?
- I've got some food.
- How many are there?
- What are you doing?
- Why are you crying?
- It’s your computer.
- Well I can stop it.
- Ah, I can run away.
- Yes, take him away!
- Stand there! Now...
- Now there are nine.
- -And that leaves...
- When can I see her?
- Why am I down here?
- That goes in there.
- Now I'm going away.
- I'm Princess Sylvia.
- I've got a computer.
- Plums! Plums! Plums!
- Yes. How many trees?
- A hundred and seven.
- A hundred and eight.
- I love the Princess!
- The Big Muzzy Story.
- Eat it! It's lovely.
- Hello, I'm a friend.
- It's the Princess!
- In front of the box.
- We're in the garden.
- What's the time now?
- Backache? Take this.
- I'm fine, thank you.
- Where are you going?
- She's having a swim.
- Is it still working?
- No, there are seven.
- Wednesday. Thursday.
- Go and see... quick!
- The first one's big.
- The sixth is taller.
- And the eighth is...
- Silly! You're silly!
- Yes! The helicopter!
- Four's going in now.
- You and I are happy.
- Now we are together.
- Now it's lunch-time.
- The King, the Queen,
- I've got a hamburger.
- A peach. - Thank you.
- Look. How about this?
- It's a parking meter.
- Muzzy. No, Big Muzzy.
- No, it isn't for you.
- No, it isn't for her.
- I come from up there.
- M - U - double Z - Y.
- We are Bob and Muzzy,
- Muzzy and Bob are we.
- Oh, no! It's raining.
- Seven o'clock. Right!
- I'm having breakfast.
- No, I'm going to bed.
- Toothache? Take this.
- She's got a headache.
- She's playing tennis.
- Is it still raining?
- That's Corvax's room.
- I've got some clocks.
- Because you're tall.
- Come back! Come back!
- Now, is this my bike?
- And where's my apple?
- To the computer room.
- Excuse me. Excuse me.
- Help, Corvax! Corvax!
- Who's... What's that?
- There goes a red one.
- Take all those away.
- A hamburger and a map.
- And I've got...a bike.
- I like parking meters.
- And I come from Japan.
- S - y - l - v - i - a.
- I'm here. In the tree.
- Look, wait over there.
- See you this evening.
- When? -Seven o'clock.
- It's lunch-time, dear.
- A headache? Take this.
- It gets dark at seven.
- When do you play golf?
- And it's Sunday today.
- Oh, dear! He's crying.
- I can reach the apple.
- I can't, your Majesty.
- Ah, that one's fatter!
- The seventh is... fat.
- Oh, I beg your pardon.
- But you aren't clever.
- And this goes in here.
- Bob? Bob the gardener?
- I don't like this job.
- Corvax and Norman too.
- A plum and some grapes!
- A plum and some grapes.
- I love Princess Sylvia.
- Name? What's your name?
- Where do you come from?
- You've got a red dress.
- She's got a blue dress.
- Stomachache? Take this.
- Sylvia isn't very well.
- Have a nice swim, dear.
- It's the computer room.
- I'm not doing anything.
- Why are you frightened?
- Here you are! -Thanks.
- Be careful! Be careful!
- It’s all right, Corvax.
- Oh dear! What can I do?
- Oh, that's not a thing.
- Careful, please, Muzzy!
- There goes a green one.
- Three cheers for Muzzy.
- Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
- Thank you. I like roses.
- I'm wet. - Have a towel.
- There it is, over there.
- I've got a yellow dress.
- Yellow is for happiness.
- It's lunch-time, Sylvia.
- Have a nice game, dear.
- March. April. May. June.
- July. August. September.
- On Friday I go swimming.
- On Saturday I play golf.
- When do you go swimming?
- When do you play tennis?
- Food. Clocks. Seven p.m.
- Lots on the chandeliers.
- Have you got any clocks?
- The second one's bigger.
- Excuse me, your Majesty.
- What's that green thing?
- But the King's in there.
- Why are you eating that?
- All right, your Majesty.
- Why?.. What's happening?
- No, I’m not. I’m clever.
- There goes number three.
- Now I'm in my spaceship.
- A plum - a plum - a plum!
- How many trees are there?
- No, it's a parking meter.
- What's this?- It's a cat.
- Two great friends are we.
- I'm tired. - Have a rest.
- You've got a green dress.
- Black and white looks all
- The one on the top floor.
- Open the door... quietly!
- Look around... carefully!
- It's dinner-time, Sylvia!
- Bob! Where are you going?
- Muzzy, this is the Queen.
- No, he isn't. He's silly.
- I can help, your Majesty.
- Where does she come from?
- I'm the King of Gondoland.
- Can I have a wash, please?
- How many bushes are there?
- Can I have a rose, please?
- What thing? - That thing.
- Corvax... loves... Sylvia.
- She's doing her exercises.
- I've got backache, doctor.
- It's nearly seven o'clock.
- On Monday I play football.
- When do you play football?
- Run downstairs... quickly!
- It's seven. Bob's waiting.
- Look, they're all Sylvias.
- What are you doing, Muzzy?
- A black and white one too.
- Now there are ten of them.
- Number two and number one.
- Please come back some day.
- How do you do?I'm the King.
- You're strong. -Yes, I am.
- Hello, Mummy. Hello, Daddy.
- Can I have a peach, please?
- Can I have a salad, please?
- Can I have a drink, please?
- A plum - a peach - a grape.
- You are free and I am free.
- I'm cold. - Have a sweater.
- Can I have a clock, please?
- I've got toothache, doctor.
- How many Sylvias are there?
- Is it the one on the left?
- It's the one in the middle.
- Oh, there are lots of them!
- Yes. The third one's small.
- You are not clever, Corvax.
- Who is that beautiful girl?
- He's brave. And he's clever.
- What's that? - It's my bell.
- Can I have lunch in my room?
- I've got a headache, doctor.
- Sylvia's feeling better now.
- When do you play basketball?
- -Is it the one on the right?
- We're saying goodbye to you.
- How do you do? I'm the Queen.
- And you're fat. - Yes, I am.
- I've got a bike. A motorbike.
- I love you. - And I love you.
- I'm thirsty! - Have a drink.
- Just cold and wet and hungry.
- I've got a terrible headache.
- I've got stomachache, doctor.
- On Tuesday I play basketball.
- And on Sunday we play tennis.
- And we're playing tennis now.
- No, it's on the second floor.
- Is it the one in the middle?
- What about the room up there?
- There's one by the fireplace.
- Muzzy, why do you eat clocks?
- And the fourth one's smaller.
- What's this? - I don't know.
- Can we have some food, please?
- See you at seven this evening.
- I'm going to the tennis court.
- On Thursday I do my exercises.
- When do you go roller-skating?
- When do you do your exercises?
- And it's nearly seven o'clock.
- Why can't you reach the apple?
- We're saying goodbye to Muzzy.
- Can I have a hamburger, please?
- A plum - a peach - some grapes.
- And how many flowers are there?
- Take him away, take him away...
- Where's the box? - Over there.
- She's having lunch in her room.
- I'm going to the swimming pool.
- In winter it gets dark at five.
- In summer it gets dark at nine.
- Where's Princess Sylvia's room?
- There are three in the kitchen.
- There are two against the wall.
- Where are they all coming from?
- Because I like them, of course.
- It’s mine, but I can't stop it.
- That's a bigger one over there!
- Can I have an ice-cream, please?
- The gardener loves the Princess?
- The Princess loves the gardener?
- I'm hungry. - Have a hamburger.
- In autumn it gets dark at seven.
- In spring it gets dark at seven.
- Because I can't reach the apple.
- Why not? - Because it's in here.
- They're going into the computer.
- Can I have a peach please, Daddy?
- Where's the box now? - Over here.
- On Wednesday I go roller- skating.
- Hey! That's my apple, and my bike.
- And she's beautiful. - Yes, she is.
- What's this? - It's a plum. Eat it!
- Lunch for the Princess in her room!
- The King's in the computer, Corvax.
- A hundred? Two hundred? Three hundred?
- Who are you? - Where do you come from?
- I don't like this and I don't like that.
- Muzzy, go up there to the computer room!
- There are two - four - six - eight - ten.
- Stay in your room, dear, and have a rest.
- Can I have a plum and some grapes, please?
- I don't like these and I don't like those.
- they're coming from Corvax'sroom upstairs.
- Eight, seven, six, five, coming on behind.
- I've got a plum and a peach and some grapes.
- I come from up there, and now I'm down here.
- In, on, under, in front of, behind, between.
- Oh, there are three rooms on the second floor.
- I'm wet, I'm cold and I'm hungry. But I'm free.
- Lots and lots of Sylvias, coming back this way.
- Because there are lots of Sylvias in the palace.
- And lots in the bathrooms turning on the showers.
- More of them and more of them, appearing everywhere!
- What's this? - It's a typewriter.- No, it's a computer.
- There's one in the sitting-room bouncing on the chairs.
- And four are having lots of fun, sliding down the stairs.
- There are hundreds in the garden picking all the flowers.
- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
- Head and shoulders. Knees and toes, Knees and toes. Eyes and mouth and ears and nose. Ears and nose...
MUZZY in Gondoland - Season 1 (1-6) (Selected by length)
2020.08.21. 19:53 aforizmágus
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