Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


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SMALL TALK expressions (900) (ordered by length)

2020.08.22. 02:29 aforizmágus

  1. small-talk-guide-tips-infographic-38.jpgNo
  2. Hi
  3. Ya
  4. Oh
  5. So
  6. Um
  7. It
  8. Me
  9. But
  10. Hey
  11. Yea
  12. Boy
  13. Fun
  14. Her
  15. Yum
  16. Huh
  17. Man
  18. See
  19. Who
  20. Why
  21. Wow
  22. Yep
  23. Yes
  24. God
  25. Ooh
  26. Sit
  27. You
  28. None
  29. I am
  30. I do
  31. Nope
  32. What
  33. What
  34. Geek
  35. Girl
  36. Guys
  37. Help
  38. Yuck
  39. I do
  40. Cool
  41. Cute
  42. Fine
  43. Gees
  44. Gosh
  45. Here
  46. Idea
  47. Ouch
  48. Well
  49. Yeah
  50. Dang
  51. Easy
  52. He's
  53. Just
  54. Much
  55. Neat
  56. Nice
  57. Okay
  58. Oops
  59. Stop
  60. Then
  61. What
  62. Good
  63. Look
  64. Okay
  65. Shit
  66. Sure
  67. I did
  68. Is he
  69. Is it
  70. Howdy
  71. Relax
  72. Weird
  73. I see
  74. Go in
  75. I try
  76. I see
  77. It is
  78. Uh oh
  79. Is he
  80. It is
  81. Great
  82. Gross
  83. Quiet
  84. A-huh
  85. Jesus
  86. Maybe
  87. Never
  88. Shoot
  89. Super
  90. Sweet
  91. Don't
  92. Hello
  93. Right
  94. Sorry
  95. Where
  96. No way
  97. You do
  98. For me
  99. Huh oh
  100. Huh uh
  101. A week
  102. I know
  103. My God
  104. He did
  105. It did
  106. See ya
  107. You do
  108. Bummer
  109. Please
  110. Really
  111. Anyway
  112. Better
  113. Whoops
  114. I know
  115. I will
  116. I have
  117. I know
  118. I know
  119. Uh huh
  120. Thanks
  121. I don't
  122. I agree
  123. We were
  124. You did
  125. Fun huh
  126. Hold on
  127. How fun
  128. Quit it
  129. Yea yea
  130. You did
  131. You are
  132. You bet
  133. You can
  134. Exactly
  135. Finally
  136. I shall
  137. I think
  138. I would
  139. I can't
  140. I guess
  141. Go away
  142. Is this
  143. It does
  144. My what
  145. Why not
  146. You did
  147. You are
  148. Did you
  149. See you
  150. She did
  151. Who did
  152. You too
  153. Ease up
  154. Lets go
  155. This is
  156. Awesome
  157. Because
  158. Nothing
  159. I don't
  160. I guess
  161. I might
  162. My gosh
  163. Oh yeah
  164. Alright
  165. Tonight
  166. No sweat
  167. Not much
  168. I do too
  169. I wantto
  170. I didn't
  171. Hi honey
  172. How much
  173. You will
  174. Holy cow
  175. Could be
  176. I bet so
  177. Whatever
  178. I wasn't
  179. As usual
  180. Big deal
  181. God okay
  182. I'm free
  183. I'm sure
  184. One more
  185. Say what
  186. Sit down
  187. That one
  188. You went
  189. Good bye
  190. Good job
  191. Hell yes
  192. I'll try
  193. It's fun
  194. It's not
  195. Nice huh
  196. Okay bye
  197. Okay yea
  198. They did
  199. They are
  200. With who
  201. Leave it
  202. There is
  203. Possibly
  204. Probably
  205. Go ahead
  206. I'm back
  207. You know
  208. You what
  209. Everyday
  210. Tomorrow
  211. When do I
  212. Not today
  213. Nope nope
  214. That's it
  215. What's up
  216. I'm sorry
  217. You don't
  218. That what
  219. We'll see
  220. Went home
  221. I like it
  222. I see her
  223. I have em
  224. I hope so
  225. He didn't
  226. I promise
  227. I suppose
  228. It sucked
  229. Come here
  230. Not today
  231. Too funny
  232. Hell yeah
  233. It's like
  234. It's what
  235. Just left
  236. Look cute
  237. Okay fine
  238. Okay okay
  239. Thank you
  240. What time
  241. Will that
  242. Let's see
  243. Thank God
  244. Which one
  245. That's it
  246. Yesterday
  247. Hopefully
  248. Damn (it)
  249. I'm sorry
  250. Good deal
  251. Obviously
  252. Seriously
  253. Something
  254. Not to bad
  255. No kidding
  256. Is he gone
  257. That's bad
  258. We can try
  259. What's new
  260. Here it is
  261. Here we go
  262. You did it
  263. Her friend
  264. Come again
  265. Gross dude
  266. I love you
  267. I miss you
  268. I can tell
  269. I'm a geek
  270. I guess so
  271. I must say
  272. I think so
  273. I want one
  274. I will not
  275. I'll do it
  276. It was fun
  277. Let me try
  278. Okay I see
  279. I doubt it
  280. I think so
  281. Lets do it
  282. God please
  283. She didn't
  284. You didn't
  285. Good point
  286. I'll enjoy
  287. Okay Dokey
  288. They won't
  289. About what
  290. Isn't that
  291. Right Yeah
  292. Thanks bye
  293. I remember
  294. No kidding
  295. Not as easy
  296. For a while
  297. How are you
  298. What's this
  299. You can try
  300. Did I do it
  301. Here you go
  302. Big spender
  303. For tonight
  304. Gosh thanks
  305. That's cute
  306. That's good
  307. That's neat
  308. That's okay
  309. What's that
  310. Do you know
  311. God no shit
  312. I hate them
  313. I just know
  314. I love that
  315. I love them
  316. I mean gees
  317. I hate them
  318. One of what
  319. Pretty good
  320. Pretty neat
  321. Why is that
  322. Hanging out
  323. I would too
  324. Tell us why
  325. Turn it off
  326. What oh yea
  327. Where is it
  328. He liked it
  329. I missed it
  330. I'd love to
  331. I'm like oh
  332. I apologize
  333. I'm screwed
  334. Its terible
  335. Right there
  336. Don't worry
  337. I like that
  338. That's okay
  339. That's good
  340. Interesting
  341. They're fun
  342. My goodness
  343. That's fine
  344. We can do it
  345. We got bored
  346. You go ahead
  347. He is a doll
  348. I'm not sure
  349. Is that good
  350. Is that okay
  351. I almost did
  352. I wish I did
  353. That was fun
  354. Hi excuse me
  355. I think I do
  356. You heard me
  357. A lot better
  358. Cheap excuse
  359. I was pissed
  360. I'm a wierdo
  361. A good thing
  362. I don't know
  363. I don't care
  364. I don't know
  365. I mean later
  366. You're going
  367. Are you okay
  368. He's so cute
  369. I don't care
  370. I don't know
  371. I don't know
  372. I don't know
  373. I don't know
  374. I'm not sure
  375. It goes fast
  376. Look at that
  377. Look at this
  378. Look at that
  379. See you babe
  380. This is fine
  381. What is that
  382. When is that
  383. Before I was
  384. Good for you
  385. It'll be fun
  386. It's not bad
  387. Thanks a lot
  388. There you go
  389. They did yea
  390. Thos are fun
  391. I believe so
  392. She asked me
  393. You think so
  394. By tommorrow
  395. It's alright
  396. It's awesome
  397. This weekend
  398. I'm so sorry
  399. There wasn't
  400. Who's coming
  401. Look at mine
  402. See you guys
  403. That's right
  404. That's scary
  405. What is this
  406. Are they/you
  407. I'm starving
  408. Just kidding
  409. The butthead
  410. You stallion
  411. That's right
  412. Nope I didn't
  413. Not very good
  414. Is that a yes
  415. That's better
  416. That's enough
  417. Is that right
  418. That is crazy
  419. He is so cute
  420. I got to work
  421. What the Hell
  422. I bet you did
  423. We're like no
  424. You all do to
  425. It is awesome
  426. Was it really
  427. I think maybe
  428. This is funny
  429. You are wierd
  430. A that's TRUE
  431. Be right back
  432. I wasn't sure
  433. I'm like wait
  434. I'm like dang
  435. It's not that
  436. she goes okay
  437. There you are
  438. They are nice
  439. What the hell
  440. What was that
  441. Where is that
  442. You want them
  443. Hopefully not
  444. I suppose but
  445. Just take off
  446. Thank you bye
  447. Thank you mam
  448. Then I'll ask
  449. Why don't you
  450. That could be
  451. See you later
  452. Are you going
  453. Bye guys/kids
  454. You know what
  455. A little more
  456. What happened
  457. Help yourself
  458. Just checking
  459. Not a big deal
  460. What you doing
  461. Hi how are you
  462. He did that to
  463. How much is it
  464. I can't see it
  465. That's just it
  466. I don't either
  467. How's it going
  468. I need a break
  469. That was great
  470. How's the what
  471. It was so dumb
  472. It is for real
  473. What did I say
  474. You are a geek
  475. You don't know
  476. I love you too
  477. I mean for you
  478. It will be fun
  479. You work a lot
  480. Did you get it
  481. Do you want to
  482. What did we do
  483. It was so cute
  484. I'm right here
  485. Okay okay okay
  486. Should be good
  487. These are cute
  488. Those are neat
  489. Doesn't it fit
  490. There's no way
  491. You're kidding
  492. Nothing really
  493. This afternoon
  494. That's alright
  495. Today probably
  496. I am so excited
  497. I as so excited
  498. What's so funny
  499. What's the time
  500. Have a good day
  501. Whatever it was
  502. How much was it
  503. That will do it
  504. What time is it
  505. He is my friend
  506. I've seen those
  507. Did you do that
  508. It took so long
  509. It will be easy
  510. Uh I don't know
  511. You are so nice
  512. You are so cute
  513. He is going huh
  514. It would be fun
  515. Of course I did
  516. What did he say
  517. What do you say
  518. Couldn't get it
  519. I would love to
  520. One of those is
  521. What did you do
  522. What time is it
  523. You'll have fun
  524. Are you waiting
  525. Sit down please
  526. I know I'm like
  527. I think so yeah
  528. Other than that
  529. I probably will
  530. Isn't that cute
  531. Keep those then
  532. Still doin fine
  533. There's no more
  534. Do anything fun
  535. Something to do
  536. I was wondering
  537. It is excellent
  538. You are welcome
  539. It's rediculous
  540. Not for that one
  541. That's no biggie
  542. What's it called
  543. That's one thing
  544. Give them a call
  545. I know I am done
  546. That will be fun
  547. You can say that
  548. I know I like it
  549. I was so psyched
  550. I'm just kidding
  551. Hey that's great
  552. You are so smart
  553. You are so gross
  554. It was just dumb
  555. It's no big deal
  556. Talk to you soon
  557. Good how are you
  558. He just took off
  559. I don't know yet
  560. I don't know why
  561. I don't know yet
  562. I don't think so
  563. it wasn't at all
  564. What did you get
  565. it would warm up
  566. Okay I'll get it
  567. Where did she go
  568. Did you go (out)
  569. It's much better
  570. Those are pretty
  571. I probably won't
  572. Isn't that right
  573. What do you mean
  574. You skinny thing
  575. I mean seriously
  576. Okay I'm leaving
  577. Can I ask a favor
  578. Hold on a  second
  579. We have to decide
  580. Grab one of those
  581. How are you doing
  582. I am really sorry
  583. What's this thing
  584. What's that noise
  585. I don't even care
  586. I don't have them
  587. She is a hot mama
  588. done besides work
  589. That makes me mad
  590. I wish I could go
  591. It is hot outside
  592. Not yet I haven't
  593. Ready and waiting
  594. I have one thanks
  595. It was sad though
  596. I hate this thing
  597. It would be tough
  598. What are we doing
  599. What do you think
  600. What was he doing
  601. Didn't we do that
  602. I decided to come
  603. I'll let you know
  604. I'm going to call
  605. Probably not much
  606. She did last year
  607. Thank you so much
  608. Then I'll be fine
  609. Where do you live
  610. Who told you this
  611. It's too nice out
  612. Look what you did
  613. Should I tell you
  614. That would be bad
  615. That would be fun
  616. We don't know yet
  617. Come on man/honey
  618. Where are they at
  619. You're right look
  620. I have a headache
  621. It doesn't matter
  622. Talk to you later
  623. Thanks for asking
  624. Okay you're right
  625. It's getting cold
  626. That's exactly it
  627. A little hammered
  628. I'm like whatever
  629. That's surprising
  630. Not really too bad
  631. We will have to go
  632. What would that be
  633. You want to try it
  634. See ya in a second
  635. That kind of thing
  636. That must be rough
  637. I think it is neat
  638. I was like oh okay
  639. She is such a stud
  640. That's pretty neat
  641. We are on the ball
  642. Did you all go out
  643. I didn't catch her
  644. I said we will try
  645. It's up in the air
  646. Tell me if you are
  647. I don't want to go
  648. We are ready to go
  649. You didn't like it
  650. You are kidding me
  651. You didn't like it
  652. I didn't know that
  653. I'm like yea right
  654. Big old drunk fest
  655. I'll be right back
  656. That would be cool
  657. That's a good idea
  658. That's what I said
  659. Will you call them
  660. You feel like hell
  661. You know what else
  662. You're coming back
  663. I keep telling him
  664. I can't believe it
  665. What what happened
  666. You don't remember
  667. What are you doing
  668. Did you/she really
  669. Didn't get anything
  670. How did you do that
  671. That is a good idea
  672. I don't know either
  673. Have you been there
  674. I think it is wrong
  675. Want to do it again
  676. Why did he go there
  677. I'm going to go eat
  678. Excuse me excuse me
  679. I don't want you to
  680. He's like oh really
  681. He's told me before
  682. Are they (any good)
  683. That would be great
  684. That's what I heard
  685. Where are you going
  686. I forgot about that
  687. It's about the same
  688. Thank you very much
  689. We couldn't do that
  690. I remember that one
  691. Those look like fun
  692. That was incredible
  693. They're really good
  694. Something like that
  695. I didn't know it was
  696. That was nice of her
  697. You can just do that
  698. How was your weekend
  699. How was your weekend
  700. That's kinda unusual
  701. I guess I don't know
  702. What do you say babe
  703. Where did I get this
  704. Why what do you mean
  705. You didn't know that
  706. You know what I mean
  707. I'll be sane one day
  708. That's what I do man
  709. They're a lot of fun
  710. What did you say mom
  711. Hopefully I won't be
  712. I don't think she is
  713. That was my reaction
  714. She is really pretty
  715. Does that make sense
  716. I think you're right
  717. What were they doing
  718. Don't worry about it
  719. I think somebody did
  720. Do I have everything
  721. Doesn't matter to me
  722. It's just discusting
  723. Hi what are you doing
  724. How should we do this
  725. I didn't think it was
  726. I had a real busy day
  727. I know what I need to
  728. I want you to go with
  729. I can call you before
  730. Because he is a mooch
  731. I think that is sweet
  732. I'm like fine I guess
  733. Did you tell him that
  734. I don't know who went
  735. I'm like come on baby
  736. I'm like I don't know
  737. Okay do you want that
  738. That was really  good
  739. What the hell is that
  740. Which one do you have
  741. Just not too long ago
  742. I remember who she is
  743. I had to do something
  744. He didn't do anything
  745. Do you have a  minute
  746. Where are you sitting
  747. Nothing but the  best
  748. Those look reallygood
  749. Wow that surprises me
  750. I can't hear anything
  751. Sometime this weekend
  752. That's alright though
  753. There's another thing
  754. Give me a call tonight
  755. I think I did it wrong
  756. I mean I might as well
  757. I've never heard of it
  758. Is it that woman thing
  759. Right now I'm not sure
  760. Um and I don't know if
  761. What do you want to do
  762. You know I believe you
  763. You told me about that
  764. Aren't I a nice person
  765. If it's cheaper though
  766. It is yours I'm  sorry
  767. She is still not there
  768. You know what it takes
  769. It's busy all the time
  770. She is doing real good
  771. Where did you see that
  772. You are mean mean mean
  773. You've done everything
  774. Just thought I'd check
  775. What happened here huh
  776. I'm just not motivated
  777. Girl you know it's TRUE
  778. Have you ever had those
  779. I don't have time today
  780. I don't want to be here
  781. I have this one I think
  782. I have to do this today
  783. I will talk to you soon
  784. Pretty good how are you
  785. She was kind of a bitch
  786. That's kind of exciting
  787. That's probably it then
  788. Those are a  lot of fun
  789. We're going to miss out
  790. What are you doing here
  791. When I get home I could
  792. Why don't you go buy us
  793. You want me to meet you
  794. You heard this was easy
  795. I know isn't that great
  796. What time are you going
  797. I don't think they care
  798. I'm like would you stop
  799. Okay well now it's over
  800. Then I'll let you  know
  801. I was thinking about it
  802. Have you heard anything
  803. What are you guys doing
  804. Don't don't don't don't
  805. I remember hearing that
  806. Nothing wrong with that
  807. Take care of yourselves
  808. Alright (we'll) see you
  809. Did you have a  good day
  810. I called you all weekend
  811. I don't know where to go
  812. I mean it was still good
  813. It's going to be so much
  814. My gosh where did you go
  815. She will have to tell me
  816. That was the whole point
  817. That would be a big help
  818. What are you going to do
  819. What are you going to do
  820. It makes me very nervous
  821. I don't that's no biggie
  822. You would be good though
  823. Gosh that would be awful
  824. I'm not worried about it
  825. They better get after it
  826. This is thrilling for me
  827. Where do these things go
  828. He doesn't know anything
  829. That's a huge difference
  830. Don't tell  me to shut up
  831. Hello do you want a drink
  832. I don't think I'd like it
  833. I don't want to hear that
  834. I just wanted to find out
  835. I wonder how much you can
  836. I'm glad to be of service
  837. I'm like my brain is dead
  838. She said she was going to
  839. Tell him to hurry them up
  840. That's why I was in there
  841. This is what you dream of
  842. Can you (believe that)
  843. I'm getting kind of tired
  844. It would have to be today
  845. I was thinking about that
  846. Want to do something else
  847. Actually I don't think so
  848. That's really really dumb
  849. Do you (want anything/to)
  850. Figure out what's going on
  851. I appreciate all your help
  852. I don't really care for it
  853. I was all drunk that night
  854. I'd just wait and find out
  855. I'll take your word for it
  856. I'm not sure where it's at
  857. Kinda hot in here isn't it
  858. Now that you brought it up
  859. Okay I'll try and call you
  860. That wasn't too bad though
  861. You guys drive safely okay
  862. Your hair looks super cute
  863. Look at him sporting today
  864. This weekend would be good
  865. I never really liked it but
  866. I'll come up and bother you
  867. I'm like I was just excited
  868. Just trying to help you out
  869. let me know what's going on
  870. That's all I know right now
  871. That's really  really  good
  872. Then I was thinking maybe I
  873. What the hell are you doing
  874. Something like that I think
  875. I hope everything works out
  876. As well as could be expected
  877. At least it wasn't any worse
  878. Good morning dear I love you
  879. I don't remember them at all
  880. I don't think you've met him
  881. I'm probably going to go out
  882. It is rainging out right now
  883. Sometimes that is hard to do
  884. That might be easier for you
  885. That's the way it  should be
  886. You know that's how it works
  887. I said something to somebody
  888. Are you serious/sure/kidding
  889. Didn't seem like it went well
  890. I haven't talked to him since
  891. I'm really having a hard time
  892. It's just hard to get through
  893. I would greatly appreciate it
  894. Did you stop somewhere and eat
  895. I would do something like that
  896. I'll tell you tommorow I guess
  897. It's impossible to get through
  898. At this point I'm not concerned
  899. Okay I was looking at something
  900. What are you guys doing tonight
  901. That's awefully generous of you
  902. It just wasn't exciting you know
  903. Just depends on what they wanted
  904. They're just kinda hangin out there
  905. Are you doing anything special tonight

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