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Vonatkozói mellékmondatok - 200+ ; hossz szerint rendezve

2020.09.08. 16:51 aforizmágus

  1. I don't care WHAT happened.
  2. This is the house which Jack built.
  3. I can't believe WHAT you are saying.
  4. My mother, who is 86, lives in Paris.
  5. She has a son who / that is a doctor.
  6. I like the woman who lives next door.
  7. He is the man WHO/THAT abuses his wife.
  8. I can't read WHAT is written down here.
  9. This is a machine WHICH washes clothes.
  10. Did you find the money (which) you lost?
  11. This is the church WHERE we got married.
  12. Could you tell me WHAT is going on here?
  13. The man who / that phoned is my brother.
  14. A doctor is someone WHO cures ill people.
  15. I can't hear WHAT they are talking about.
  16. The girl WHO lives next door is my friend.
  17. Everything (THAT/WHICH) I saw was horrible.
  18. Do you understand WHAT he is singing about?
  19. The bike (which / that) I loved was stolen.
  20. Have you got someone/anyone to quarrel with?
  21. We had fish and chips, which I always enjoy.
  22. Do you know the girl (who/m) he's talking to?
  23. Who's that man (who is) standing by the gate?
  24. I won't eat in a restaurant whose cooks smoke. (... the cooks of which/=restaurant/ smoke.)
  25. Lord Thompson, who is 76, has just retired.
  26. Yesterday was a day when everything went wrong!
  27. The party was fun, which I didn’t expect at all.
  28. Do you know the man (WHO/THAT) Mary works with? (... with who/m Mary works?)
  29. My boss, who is very nice, lives in Manchester.
  30. The man who stole my backpack has been arrested.
  31. Where's the pencil (which) I gave you yesterday?
  32. This is the girl WHOSE dog bit me the other day.
  33. That's the house WHOSE windows overlook the sea.
  34. We bought a house which / that is 200 years old.
  35. She loves the chocolate (which / that) I bought.
  36. I can't find the girl/woman/boy/man I danced with
  37. I met your friend WHOSE father is a famous actor.
  38. This is the plane (WHICH/THAT) my mother boarded.
  39. I live in London, which has some fantastic parks.
  40. The camera which / that costs £100 is over there.
  41. The weather that we had this summer was beautiful.
  42. This is a thing WHICH you use to call your mother.
  43. The university (which / that) she likes is famous.
  44. I've just come back from London, where John lives..
  45. Can I have the pencil that I gave you this morning?
  46. My sister, who I live with, knows a lot about cars.
  47. I asked the priest standing there what the time was.
  48. This is Robert, from whose car the alarm was stolen.
  49. I want to live in a place where there is lots to do.
  50. She has three brothers, two of whom are in the army.
  51. I am the woman (WHO/THAT) you have been waiting for.
  52. He left immediately, which was not surprising at all.
  53. He had thousands of books, most of which he had read.
  54. A notebook is a computer which can be carried around.
  55. I devoted all the time (THAT/WHICH) I had to my dogs.
  56. These are the shoes (WHICH/THAT/-) she usually wears.
  57. The house which / that belongs to Julie is in London.
  58. My mother's house, which I grew up in, is very small.
  59. This is the gentleman whom all of us wish to nominate.
  60. She's studying to become a doctor, which is difficult.
  61. Do you know the girl who started in grade 7 last week?
  62. This is the dress (WHICH/THAT) she wore yesterday too.
  63. The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
  64. The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
  65. I sent a letter which / that arrived three weeks later.
  66. We went to the village (which / that) Lucy recommended.
  67. The woman (who / that) my brother loves is from Mexico.
  68. I've broken the Japanese vase THAT stood on the cabinet.
  69. I didn't like that girl (that) you brought to the party.
  70. I didn't know the uncle that I inherited the money from.
  71. John met a woman (who / that) I had been to school with.
  72. The police arrested a man (who / that) Jill worked with.
  73. What I really liked about it was the end of the third act
  74. He picked up a handful of stones, one of which was sharp.
  75. Sammy passed his English test, WHICH didn’t surprise me.
  76. The girl (WHO/THAT) I was looking FOR had left for Spain.
  77. The hotel WHERE we stayed was very comfortable and clean.
  78. The photographer called to the Queen, who looked annoyed.
  79. Will there be anything to give them to drink if they come?
  80. John's mother, who lives in Scotland, has 6 grandchildren.
  81. He was carrying his belongings, many of which were broken.
  82. What's the name of the girl who won the tennis tournament?
  83. Last week I bought a new computer, which I don't like now.
  84. I haven't read any of the books (that) I got for Christmas.
  85. I met Rebecca in town yesterday, which was a nice surprise.
  86. This is an object (WHICH/THAT/-) you can cut yourself with.
  87. The people who / that live on the island are very friendly.
  88. Yesterday I called our friend Julie, who lives in New York.
  89. I asked the priest who was standing there what the time was.
  90. We saw the animals again, some of which were already asleep.
  91. We stopped at the museum, which we had never visited before.
  92. She was wearing a dress (which was) covered in blue flowers.
  93. I read three books last week, one of which I really enjoyed.
  94. Mary works for an agency THAT/WHICH sells foreign holidays.
  95. There are 14 girls in my class, a few of whom are my friends.
  96. I hate the dog. The dog bit me. - I hate the dog that bit me.
  97. Chris did really well in his exams, which is quite a surprise.
  98. Will there be anything you can give them to drink if they come?
  99. The farmer, whose name was Fred, sold us 10 pounds of potatoes.
  100. In the summer I'm going to visit Italy, where my brother lives.
  101. I'm looking for a secretary who / that can use a computer well.
  102. The doctor (who / that) my grandmother liked lives in New York.
  103. He knew the answer to my question, which puzzled so many people.
  104. My grandmother, who is dead now, came from the North of England.
  105. Do you know the book (WHICH/THAT) I was talking ABOUT yesterday?
  106. Is there/ Have you got someone/anyone (that) you can quarrel with?
  107. He knew the answer to my question that had puzzled so many people.
  108. The family (that is) living in the next house comes from Slovenia.
  109. I had an uncle in Germany, from who(m) I inherited a bit of money.
  110. I had an uncle in Germany, who(m) I inherited a bit of money from.
  111. Yesterday I met a woman named Susan, whose husband works in London.
  112. I am moving to Louisville, KY. It is home to the Muhammad Ali Museum.
  113. The tourist WHOSE suitcases were stolen had to buy some new clothes.
  114. My bicycle, which I've had for more than ten years, is falling apart.
  115. Have you got somewhere/a place (that/where) you can go at the weekend?
  116. Most of the parents (who were) invited to the conference did not come.
  117. Anyone WHO wants to take part in the competition must fill in a form.
  118. I really love the new Chinese restaurant, which we went to last night.
  119. This is an object WHICH/THAT/- we/you use to clean your our/your teeth.
  120. I spent hours talking with a person last night. I hope to hear from her.
  121. I am moving to Louisville, KY, which is home to the Muhammad Ali Museum.
  122. This is the house which Jack built. - This is the house that Jack built.
  123. I have a friend whose wife is English and another whose wife is American.
  124. I'll have eight sons, none of whom will hopefully die for their homeland.
  125. My friends were all hiding in my apartment, which isn't what I'd expected.
  126. Einstein, who was born in Germany, is famous for his theory of relativity.
  127. Anyone (that is) caught writing on the walls will be expelled from school.
  128. There were some good programmes on the radio, none of which I listened to.
  129. The school provides free internet connection for students WHO use laptops.
  130. The patient is now able to describe the accident which she has experienced.
  131. I like articles THAT/WHICH talk about true stories or other people’s life.
  132. There were a lot of people at the party, many of whom I had known for years.
  133. I like the bike that my father gave me. - I like the bike my father gave me.
  134. I bought a new car. It is very fast. → I bought a new car that is very fast.
  135. My ESL teacher, who came to Germany in 1986, likes to ride his mountain bike.
  136. Neil Armstrong, who was born in 1930, was the first man to stand on the moon.
  137. What was the name of the teacher WHO taught you history at secondary school?
  138. People are lucky. People win the lottery. - People who win the lottery are lucky.
  139. Thanks God we took a GPS to Italy, WHICH we wouldn’t have found our hote WITHOUT.
  140. This is the Ford whose alarm was stolen yesterday. = ...Ford the alarm of which...
  141. Elephants, which are the largest land mammals, live in herds of 10 or more adults.
  142. Thanks God we took a GPS to Italy, WITHOUT WHICH we wouldn’t have found our hotel.
  143. Mrs Smith, WHO I attended the meeting WITH, is a very professional business woman.
  144. Did you understand WHAT I’m saying? - Did you understand THE THING THAT I’m saying?
  145. Mrs Smith, WITH WHOM I attended the meeting, is a very professional business woman.
  146. My grandmother on my father's side, WHO has just turned 85, still loves rock music.
  147. I like the person. The person was nice to me. - I like the person who was nice to me.
  148. I like the bike. My father gave me the bike. - I like the bike that my father gave me.
  149. I found the coat WHICH/THAT I lost in December. - I found the coat I lost in December.
  150. I hope I hear from the person with whom I spent hours talking last night. (more formal)
  151. The author, who graduated from the same university I did, gave a wonderful presentation.
  152. My mother's company, which makes mobile phones, is moving soon from Frankfurt to London.
  153. I hope to hear from the person whom I spent hours talking with last night. (less formal)
  154. My friend John, who went to the same school as me, has just written a best-selling novel.
  155. The house belongs to me. Its roof is very old. → The house whose roof is old belongs to me.
  156. The boy, whose parents both work as teachers at the school, started a fire in the classroom.
  157. He always leaves the full ashtray in the middle of the dining table, WHICH really annoys me.
  158. Students who study hard will do well in my class. (Only this group of students will do well.)
  159. London, WHOSE underground is called the "tube", is one of the most expensive cities in Europe.
  160. She lives in New York. She likes living in New York. → She lives in New York, which she likes.
  161. Students whose grades are low can drop one test score. (Only this group can drop a test score.)
  162. The woman is coming tonight. Her car is a BMW. → The woman whose car is a BMW is coming tonight.
  163. I visited the city. John comes from the city.→ I visited the city (that / which) John comes from.
  164. He gave me the letter, which I read immediately. (non-defining clause: There was only one letter.)
  165. The heavy rain, which was unusual for the time of year, destroyed most of the plants in my garden.
  166. The music is good. Julie listens to the music. → The music (which / that) Julie listens to is good.
  167. The country is very hot. He went to the country. → The country (which / that) he went to is very hot.
  168. The job is well paid. She applied for the job. → The job (which / that) she applied for is well paid.
  169. A person is lucky. She wins the lottery every year. - A person who wins the lottery every year is lucky.
  170. This is the gentleman in whom we have confidence. (Köznapi, beszélt stílusban: we have confidence in)
  171. This is George, whose brother went to school with me. - This is George, whom you met at our house last year.
  172. The little girl is sad. The little girl's / her doll was lost. → The little girl whose doll was lost is sad.
  173. I like the paintings that hang in the SASB North lobby. I like the paintings hanging in the SASB North lobby.
  174. Do you remember the place where we caught the train?Stratford-upon-Avon is the town where Shakespeare was born.
  175. She made several remarks, which were absolutely useless. She made several remarks which were absolutely useless.
  176. My brother met a woman. I used to work with the woman. → My brother met a woman (who / that) I used to work with.
  177. The dog is over there. The dog's / its owner lives next door. → The dog whose owner lives next door is over there.
  178. Brad Pitt, WHO is Angelina Jolie's husband, played the role of Mrs. Smith's husband in the movie 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith'.
  179. This is the guy whose Ford was stolen twice within one week. This is Robert, whose Ford was stolen twice within one week.
  180. He gave me the letter, which was in a blue envelope. (non-defining clause: There was only one letter, it happened to be blue.)
  181. Homelessness is a problem. The problem needs to be addressed. - Homelessness is a problem that needs to be addressed. (singular problem)
  182. I am moving to Louisville, KY, which is home to the Muhammad Ali Museum. - I am moving to Louisville, KY, home to the Muhammad Ali Museum.
  183. England won the World Cup in 1966. It was the year when we got married. - England won the World Cup in 1966. It was the year we got married.
  184. Mrs Lee is now able to describe the accident from which she has recovered. (Köznapi, beszélt stílusban: ...the accident she's recovered from)
  185. My mother, who is an excellent cook, is thinking of opening a restaurant. - My mother, an excellent cook, is thinking of opening a restaurant.
  186. Mum, who knows little about art, has just realized she's a millionaire. - Mum (who knows little about art) has just realized she's a millionaire
  187. This is Robert's Ford, whose alarm was stolen yesterday. = ...Ford, the alarm of which... - This the Ford of which the alarm was stolen yesterday.
  188. I remember my twentieth birthday. It was the day when the tsunami happened. - I remember my twentieth birthday. It was the day the tsunami happened.
  189. Marie Curie is the woman that discovered radium. - Marie Curie is the woman who discovered radium. - Marie Curie is the woman that discovered radium.
  190. My mother is thinking of opening a restaurant. My mother is an excellent cook. My mother, who is an excellent cook, is thinking of opening a restaurant.
  191. Many problems need to be addressed. Homelessness is one of the problems. - Homelessness is one of the problems that need to be addressed. (plural problems)
  192. I live in a city. I study in the city. → I live in the city where I study. → I live in the city that / which I study in. → I live in the city in which I study.
  193. The paintings hang in the SASB North lobby. - I like the paintings that hang in the SASB North lobby. - I like the paintings which hang in the SASB North lobby.
  194. This is George’s brother, with whom I went to school. - This is George, who you met at our house last year. - This is George’s brother, who I went to school with.
  195. Stratford-on-Avon, which many people have written about, is Shakespeare's birthplace. Stratford-on-Avon, about which many people have written, is Shakespeare's birthplace.
  196. We bought a chainsaw, which we cut all the wood up with. - We bought a chainsaw, with which we cut up all the wood. - We can't find the chainsaw that we cut all the wood up with.
  197. He gave me the letter which/that was in a blue envelope. (defining clause: There were several letters of different colors and he gave me the blue one. Which may be replaced by that.)
  198. I’m planning to grow roses. I find roses quite beautiful. - I’m planning to grow roses, which I find quite beautiful. - (not okay) I’m planning to grow roses, that I find quite beautiful.
  199. The boy I saw on the beach is my colleague. - The boy who I saw on the beach is my colleague. - The boy whom I saw on the beach is my colleague. - The boy I saw on the beach is my colleague.
  200. I’m driving across the country with three small children. - Driving across the country with three small children is going to be stressful. - I’m driving across the country with three small children, which is going to be stressful.
  201. The bar in Barcelona is still there. I met my wife in that bar. → The bar in Barcelona where I met my wife is still there. → The bar in Barcelona that / which I met my wife in is still there. → The bar in Barcelona in which I met my wife is still there.
  202. The summer was long and hot. I graduated from university in the summer. → The summer when I graduated from university was long and hot. → The summer that / which I graduated from university in was long and hot. → The summer in which I graduated was long and hot.

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