Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


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2021.01.14. 15:28 aforizmágus

1. I can go.
2. Who is he?
3. It is his.
4. She has it.
5. I love you.
6. She is here.
7. I have a car.
8. You are here.
9. What is this?
10. I ate it all.
11. Good morning!
12. Is that yours?
13. It was for you.
14. She is with him
15. I came by bus.
16. Who was first ?
17. He is gone now.
18. She is my wife.
19. I will go then.
20. I am at school.
21. What did you do?
22. It is your turn.
23. Have a nice day!
24. I almost had it.
25. He smiled at me.
26. I am very tired.
27. I have two ears.
28. He said good-bye.
29. She can use that.
30. It is in the car.
31. I like the other.
32. The cat went out.
33. It is up to them.
34. I had a sandwich.
35. It was an orange.
36. Did you see them?
37. Did you see them?
38. How was your day?
39. I need some wood.
40. That was so easy.
41. He is very short.
42. Are you done yet?
43. He was behind me.
44. My car is broken.
45. I feel very full.
46. Are you done yet?
47. We held a parade.
48. I need a new hat.
49. They will help us.
50. I know many words.
51. We were with them.
52. We are all going.
53. They can use that.
54. It is their house.
55. Did you buy these?
56. They ate some pie.
57. It belongs to him.
58. I had a good time.
59. Is there any more?
60. He could be right.
61. Who called for me?
62. It was a fun game.
63. Is this your book?
64. Yes, that is true.
65. She lives near me.
66. The water is deep.
67. He is very strong.
68. Cows produce milk.
69. I have green eyes.
70. It is warm inside.
71. He can't go today.
72. I love the summer.
73. She has wide feet.
74. I have a nice home.
75. Where are you from?
76. It is his or hers.
77. It belongs to them.
78. I would like to go.
79. He is a good actor.
80. These belong to me.
81. I live in the city.
82. What's the hold up.
83. I like my new look.
84. That is a big meal!
85. I have ten dollars.
86. Who else is coming?
87. I am a grown woman.
88. What is in the box?
89. Are you fine today?
90. I weigh 140 pounds.
91. Do the clothes fit?
92. That isn't my work.
93. Is that a fig leaf?
94. Is that seat taken?
95. I went to the store.
96. Please give me that.
97. I will wait for you.
98. It was an apple pie.
99. We made it together.
100. I will go if you go.
101. She had a good time.
102. She likes the other.
103. He may go to school.
104. I am older than you.
105. Please go right now!
106. He may go to school.
107. Will you go with me?
108. Rocks are very hard.
109. I saw her yesterday.
110. You have a nice dog.
111. I went to the store.
112. Can you please wait?
113. I gave him a letter.
114. I will remain still.
115. Do you like my hair?
116. Did you believe her?
117. That is a long drop.
118. I kept this for you.
119. Shall we meet again?
120. What did you expect?
121. Let's compare notes.
122. Will she go with you?
123. How did you get here?
124. She went up the hill.
125. When will they come.?
126. When will you arrive?
127. He will go if you go.
128. It was her apple pie.
129. We will go with them.
130. I don't know the way.
131. Did you find the dog?
132. We will go with them.
133. What number was that?
134. It is time to go now.
135. That was a close one.
136. Can we work together?
137. They went into space.
138. These are my friends.
139. She told me to do it.
140. Please turn the page.
141. You are finally here.
142. I have a common name.
143. I wrote him a letter.
144. I come from the east.
145. I fell on the ground.
146. Maybe I will go home.
147. He shouted out to me.
148. He has a temperature.
149. Anything is possible!
150. How much is the bill?
151. He will eat anything!
152. I felt tired earlier.
153. Are you finished yet?
154. It's not nice to lie!
155. This is a new rhythm.
156. The food is all mine.
157. What do you major in?
158. You look very pretty.
159. Have a good day, sir.
160. I like yellow apples.
161. I will give it to you.
162. It is as white as snow
163. Will they go with you?
164. Which one do you like?
165. I will think about it.
166. She has many children.
167. It was good but sweet.
168. I will do it tomorrow.
169. They make a good pair.
170. I like chocolate cake.
171. Will you look at that?
172. It was my first visit.
173. The oil is very light.
174. Which way did they go?
175. Those are nice plants.
176. Do you like to travel?
177. I will place an order.
178. He can draw very well!
179. His voice has changed.
180. Please close the door.
181. That's a big mountain!
182. Leave me alone please.
183. Do you own this house?
184. I went to class today.
185. I just had a new baby!
186. The dog ran very fast.
187. Let's go the the park.
188. That is a lot of cake!
189. I have nothing to say.
190. I cannot help you now.
191. Look at all that soil!
192. That is a neat method!
193. My dog likes his ball.
194. Can I go on that ride?
195. She is a nice teacher.
196. Can you read the sign?
197. I divided the numbers.
198. You need legs to walk.
199. Are you able to drive?
200. I really love my meat!
201. What level are you at?
202. Knives are very sharp.
203. We'll come back later.
204. The cows are very big.
205. I like western movies.
206. I'd rather go fishing.
207. The music is too loud.
208. He is a good observer.
209. I will buy one of each.
210. She bought one of each.
211. How did they get there?
212. She has three children.
213. They have two children.
214. They will write to you.
215. I have no treats today.
216. Who are you going with?
217. They will write to you.
218. I have no treats today.
219. He is twenty years old.
220. He was a very kind man.
221. I have a brand new car.
222. Babies are very little.
223. Come over to our house.
224. The water is very cold.
225. I am going to work now.
226. Does this happen often?
227. She has three children.
228. Every day I go to work.
229. I heard what they said.
230. Be careful not to fall.
231. She can sing very well.
232. Let's eat at the table.
233. Please look at the map.
234. I have to go home soon.
235. They asked for a story.
236. Please do it carefully.
237. I care about my family!
238. I feel very good today.
239. The sun is very bright.
240. Today is a special day.
241. Is this answer correct?
242. Look at that big cloud.
243. My family is very poor.
244. It was hot last summer.
245. The item is half price.
246. That's a very big boat!
247. I like to play outside.
248. My car has a flat tire.
249. Look at all the cattle.
250. What is the total bill?
251. How does that ring fit?
252. Did you enjoy the meal?
253. I value my good health.
254. I am going to the store.
255. I will do it right away.
256. Which one does she like?
257. We made it in art class.
258. He and she will go then.
259. The water was very blue.
260. I have been here before.
261. It's not mine it's hers.
262. I can't wait to go home.
263. Their house is very big.
264. The car belongs to them.
265. Yes I am related to her.
266. Would you like a cookie?
267. I will see him tomorrow.
268. Would you like a banana?
269. That was a nice thought.
270. It is usually very good.
271. Just follow the pattern.
272. The baby pulled my hair.
273. I have a small appetite.
274. It is very warm in here.
275. Do you know that person?
276. She uses a lot of force.
277. I already have that one.
278. You are quite the actor!
279. You are as good as gold!
280. Please line up in a row.
281. You can't break the law.
282. I suppose I can do that!
283. 16 was my favourite age.
284. I brought him a present.
285. It is very dark in here.
286. I need to get some rest.
287. Please go back to sleep!
288. That bear is really big.
289. Are you able to help me?
290. I am ready for anything.
291. We won a trip to Africa.
292. Someone broke my window!
293. Would you like to dance?
294. We need a heart to live.
295. Your music is very loud.
296. I need a very long rope.
297. I only have ten dollars.
298. That is a compound word.
299. Did she read the column?
300. My best friend is Greek.
301. Walk forward four steps.
302. How difficult can it be?
303. Give me all the details.
304. When do you expect them?
305. I had two cups of coffee.
306. The book is on the table.
307. I would like to be there.
308. I would like to be there.
309. It was not what I wanted.
310. He can go and so can she.
311. Please don't point at me.
312. Are you talking about us?
313. I am about to go to work.
314. So what are we doing now?
315. Did you get the pictures?
316. I remembered your number.
317. Has the mail come in yet?
318. That bird is flying high.
319. Can we swim in the river?
320. That is a very good idea.
321. I like being at the pool.
322. Have you ever been there?
323. He carried it by himself.
324. That was a very big ship.
325. How far away do you live?
326. Will you let me help you?
327. Hope you have a good day!
328. Who turned out the light?
329. That was a long time ago.
330. I like to play this game.
331. That was a nice surprise!
332. My son is five years old.
333. Let's roll down the hill.
334. Please start your engine.
335. That is a very good rule.
336. Sit on the floor, please!
337. That is a very tall lamp.
338. I love my chocolate milk.
339. I need to paint my house.
340. She said she will return.
341. You picked the right one.
342. I will probably help him.
343. She is very wild hearted.
344. Love is a strong emotion.
345. What does this represent?
346. I think the bird is dead.
347. Whose turn is it to deal?
348. I guess I'll go with you!
349. Her eye has a blind spot.
350. He arrived late for work.
351. Actually, you were right!
352. This is private property.
353. I need an electric stove.
354. Parties are a lot of fun.
355. You made the right guess!
356. They will help each other.
357. What is your phone number?
358. The people waited in line.
359. What is your phone number?
360. She got in line after you.
361. I had three cookies today.
362. That is a very large boat!
363. She would also like to go.
364. I found ten dollars today.
365. I wonder what I should do?
366. Does the music sound good?
367. We have many good friends.
368. I drove my bike to school.
369. They are very nice people.
370. You are my number one fan.
371. Will you be at my wedding.
372. I better not tell you now.
373. The food smells wonderful.
374. I can do without my books.
375. Can you watch that for me?
376. I don't eat between meals.
377. This place is always open.
378. Four hours have passed by.
379. I love to listen to music.
380. I reached out to grab him.
381. They cried at the funeral.
382. The colour is very bright.
383. I have a really good plan.
384. I already knew about that.
385. I began to work out today.
386. We need to save the trees!
387. We drove through a tunnel.
388. You got here very quickly.
389. Will you stay for a while?
390. My chair is made of metal.
391. Please use the dictionary!
392. She said yes to the offer.
393. The house is burning down.
394. Is that a 45 degree angle?
395. I work for the government.
396. I hope to win the lottery.
397. I will clean the bathroom.
398. Let's go swim in the lake.
399. Is it going to rain today?
400. She can make a difference.
401. Winter in Ontario is cold.
402. That is a simple question.
403. How do you like your eggs?
404. Please use the main doors.
405. Do you remember your past?
406. We are very happy for you.
407. I bought my car yesterday.
408. Stoves have many elements.
409. Will you consider my idea?
410. What was your final score?
411. My mother was in the army.
412. I wasn't sure what to say.
413. I love your cheese spread!
414. We need oxygen to breathe.
415. What is the plural of man?
416. Girls grow up to be women.
417. Who is your family doctor?
418. How does your friend cook?
419. That was an exciting game.
420. We live in a rich country.
421. He is the chief of police.
422. There are two boys playing.
423. I'm going back to my house.
424. Are we going the right way?
425. Most people sleep at night.
426. Can you get up on the roof?
427. I think these belong to me.
428. It costs more for that car.
429. That computer may not work.
430. You and I are good friends.
431. I started my job last week.
432. That was a very good story.
433. The sun is hurting my eyes.
434. Today will be a better day.
435. She doesn't have any money.
436. How much money do you have?
437. Are you certain about that?
438. How many birds did you see?
439. How do you spell your name?
440. There's a hole in the wall.
441. The pipes are made of lead!
442. Some material is very warm.
443. I have a new pair of shoes.
444. What language do you speak?
445. My bed is very comfortable.
446. What shoe size do you wear?
447. That is a powerful machine!
448. That is a very nice garden!
449. I have very sensitive skin.
450. Please pay before entering!
451. That is a very nice melody.
452. What language do you speak?
453. Oh, that was a good dinner.
454. What course are you taking?
455. There are friends among us.
456. How did you do on the test?
457. I'll have this one instead.
458. What region do you live in?
459. Would you like to sit down?
460. That is a beautiful flower.
461. Who discovered electricity?
462. I moved out west last year.
463. That is a very good reason.
464. The sky is very blue today.
465. I will meet with him later.
466. You should go see a doctor!
467. That is very exciting news!
468. I printed out three copies.
469. He always buys fresh fruit.
470. Did he eat the entire cake?
471. I love my sister very much!
472. My son is huge for his age.
473. My shirt is made of cotton.
474. We lifted many boxes today.
475. He works in a big industry.
476. Why won't you listen to me?
477. I'm lucky to have my sight.
478. A gun can be very dangerous
479. A triangle has three sides.
480. Are you afraid of the dark?
481. She does not have any fear.
482. Let's run around the track.
483. How is your sense of smell?
484. Will she go with her family?
485. Put the fruit into the bowl.
486. This place has nice carpets.
487. That was such a good dinner.
488. I like to breathe fresh air.
489. Can you say that word again?
490. That is a very small school.
491. Do you like to drink coffee?
492. I want to buy the other one.
493. Are you going out for lunch?
494. Some people like spicy food.
495. Has anybody called me today?
496. This is the end of the line.
497. She walked right by my side.
498. I like to run every morning.
499. Are you sure it's all right?
500. I will meet you at five p.m.
501. Complete the exercise first.
502. He is going to school today.
503. Remember to bring your coat.
504. You can listen to the radio.
505. We will cover the full area.
506. They will come at four p.m..
507. Would you like a second one?
508. We get wiser over the years.
509. Do you have anything to say?
510. My mother made me breakfast.
511. I like to sail on the ocean.
512. My dog was killed last year.
513. My aunt died on the weekend.
514. That's a very small village.
515. Ontario uses a lot of power.
516. We became very good friends.
517. A circle is perfectly round.
518. She grew her hair very long.
519. I like to wear nice clothes.
520. Do you take the express bus?
521. Can you fill in this report?
522. Can you teach me how to act?
523. The car rolled into a ditch.
524. She came inches from my car.
525. The ocean is very beautiful.
526. He is stranded on an island.
527. I wonder who's going to win?
528. We get our energy from food.
529. My favourite colour is blue.
530. What subject are you taking?
531. You lay the baby on the bed.
532. I love the smell of flowers!
533. The moon comes out at night.
534. Your hair feels really soft.
535. More people should exercise.
536. Please go talk to the chief.
537. Which church does she go to?
538. What size shoes do you wear?
539. It's not nice to hit people.
540. Who does this bag belong to?
541. The truck almost hit my car.
542. The bridge is made of steel.
543. Underline that word, please.
544. I think that's a fair price.
545. Those two words are similar.
546. He is neither young nor old.
547. My two friends are soldiers.
548. I want to lie under the tree
549. I don't eat meat on Fridays.
550. He left because he was bored.
551. I asked him to check my work.
552. You seem to live a nice life.
553. It is much harder to do that.
554. Please be kind to each other.
555. He made me dinner last night.
556. Will you look at this for me?
557. I am going to write a letter.
558. Who is your favourite singer?
559. There are a few of them left.
560. You can keep it for yourself.
561. I would like to travel south.
562. I have become a proud parent.
563. The clothes will hang to dry.
564. I know exactly what you mean!
565. My daughter is six years old.
566. English is my first language.
567. Some birds can fly very high.
568. He stood there for two hours.
569. That is a very tall building.
570. I am going to visit my uncle.
571. That dress is very expensive.
572. Stay within this area,please!
573. I need new wheels for my car.
574. The shape of a ball is round.
575. Can I have the cheque please?
576. I built this house by myself.
577. Perhaps I will see you later.
578. I like the beat to this song.
579. I need a second copy, please!
580. Don't get lost in the forest.
581. That is a large sum of money.
582. My brother is taller than me.
583. We raised our child together.
584. Do you need some new clothes?
585. I would like to visit Europe.
586. Do you want to run in a race?
587. What's your favourite record.
588. Can you describe that please?
589. A potato is a root vegetable.
590. The workers are very healthy.
591. I need to buy some new tools.
592. We like to eat chicken wings.
593. Look at the dog's curly tail!
594. Board games are a lot of fun.
595. Do you want to sell your car?
596. Did you see the tennis match?
597. That's a very modern kitchen.
598. She has pain in her shoulder.
599. The children went out to play.
600. I will try to have a good day.
601. I am going through the tunnel.
602. That is how we do things here.
603. How about we go to the movies?
604. We like to go out on Saturday.
605. She has as much money as I do.
606. Did you like the long weekend?
607. As time goes by, we get older.
608. You look good with blond hair.
609. I have lived a very long life.
610. Can I help you with something?
611. That is a large body of water.
612. It has happened several times.
613. Everything happened so slowly.
614. It is very cold outside today.
615. How many questions did you do?
616. Make sure you watch your step.
617. Who is the king of the castle?
618. He would like to ride a horse.
619. We don't want to start a fire.
620. How long will you stand there?
621. I started school in September.
622. How did you get that equation?
623. That dress was very expensive.
624. You weigh yourself on a scale.
625. Is what you are saying a fact?
626. I have known them for a while.
627. It is very cool outside today.
628. I am going to visit my family.
629. That is a very popular design!
630. The letter "R" is a consonant.
631. That's a nice computer system.
632. Please write a full paragraph.
633. I heard you started a new job.
634. Windows are made out of glass.
635. Have you ever gone on a train?
636. "Yes" is the opposite of "no".
637. Do you have a medicine supply?
638. Don't forget to wear your hat!
639. I like various types of music.
640. My mother lives in Washington.
641. Half of her family is British.
642. We will have corn with dinner.
643. Santa lives at the North Pole.
644. I repeated myself three times.
645. I settled for a different one.
646. An adjective describes a noun.
647. My children and I go to school.
648. He and I are in the same class.
649. His name is very hard to spell.
650. Why do you ask these questions?
651. We will readthis book together.
652. I will help you with your work.
653. He will take us into the caves.
654. There are a lot of people here.
655. Today has been a very long day.
656. There is a lot to look at here.
657. We had very nice weather today.
658. What was the price of that car?
659. Can you turn on a light for me?
660. How many miles away is Toronto?
661. You can do this more than once.
662. He went to bed late last night.
663. She is good at problem solving.
664. Black is the opposite of white.
665. The snow has covered the grass.
666. That will be enough, thank you.
667. They are the last to be served.
668. I like to give people presents.
669. A stove produces a lot of heat.
670. He left me a note this morning.
671. What section are you seated in?
672. I would like to fly in a plane.
673. I am going to do an experiment.
674. My French class is after lunch.
675. I will include you in the game.
676. What is the amount of the bill?
677. The base of the lamp is broken.
678. What type of music do you like?
679. It doesn't really matter to me.
680. The store is around the corner.
681. The weather is very nice today.
682. We sat at the table for dinner.
683. They entered the room together!
684. We both agreed on the decision.
685. Have you read the current news?
686. There are seven days in a week.
687. I think insects are disgusting!
688. There are people working ahead.
689. She won't allow that to happen.
690. That movie had a lot of action.
691. Look at that chemical solution.
692. He stretched to catch the ball.
693. Let's walk to the corner store.
694. The teacher is in the classroom.
695. They will think about buying it.
696. He has as many children as them.
697. That line is perfectly straight.
698. They have two girls and one boy.
699. You can have any thing you want.
700. I am great today, how about you?
701. It is just about the same thing.
702. Nobody can make you do anything.
703. You can go with him if you want.
704. I don't have the time right now.
705. You can have one or two cookies.
706. Do you know which way they went?
707. Fries are usually cooked in oil.
708. Will you help me find my wallet.
709. I am going down to the basement.
710. He can have as many as he wants.
711. I have been waiting since lunch.
712. Do you see a vowel in this word?
713. That looks like a Roman numeral.
714. What kind of fish did you catch?
715. One hundred days is a long time.
716. I hope we don't go to war again.
717. Can you read me a story tonight?
718. What was the result of the test?
719. It's hard to get something free.
720. Scientists work in laboratories.
721. A circle is a very common shape.
722. Does this contain any chemicals?
723. You need a key to open the door.
724. I can count very high in French.
725. Someone told me about the party.
726. Can we go on a trip this summer?
727. You must learn to use your mind.
728. Have you finished your exercise?
729. Farmers are very special people.
730. There is a big hole in the wall.
731. All of our crops died this year.
732. You have a good sense of humour!
733. Ottawa is the capital of Canada.
734. How much experience do you have?
735. Take a right at the next corner.
736. Can you send my mail off for me?
737. I wish I could be a thin person.
738. I like everything except onions.
739. He can't wait until March break.
740. What is the suffix of that word?
741. What are you doing this evening?
742. What's wrong with this sentence?
743. I don't like that tone of voice.
744. The plane went over the mountain.
745. She said that she needed my help.
746. Can you change the way you dress?
747. The charity is in need of funding
748. Make sure you put your toys away.
749. There are four people here today.
750. There are four seasons in Canada.
751. He went to the park with his dog.
752. What was the name of that person?
753. Can you hand me a piece of paper.
754. I will figure it out in a minute.
755. That item is the top of the line.
756. I will meet you around the block.
757. We are in the middle of the week.
758. What speed do you drive your car?
759. He likes everything on his pizza.
760. Spring is just around the corner!
761. The road is meant for driving on.
762. There are many different symbols.
763. Can you give me some information?
764. You still need to write a report.
765. The glue will stick to the paper.
766. Did you understand that question?
767. I pushed my way to the front row.
768. How many instruments do you play?
769. A square is another common shape.
770. She went to the General Hospital.
771. We have many cells in our brains.
772. Who wants to cook dinner tonight?
773. What terms are you talking about?
774. I would love to travel to France.
775. He hopes he will win the contest.
776. Who wants to provide the dessert?
777. Addition is taught in math class.
778. Does this have any effect on you?
779. He loves to play in the sand box.
780. Let's go to the beach for a swim.
781. I wouldn't do that if I were you.
782. Your nose is located on you face.
783. What colour of apple do you like?
784. He is especially busy on Mondays.
785. I like the view from this office.
786. Where do you get your art supply.
787. We need an addition to the house.
788. She said hello to the little girl.
789. There's a good show on television.
790. Turn to the next page in the book.
791. This is what an orange looks like.
792. I spoke to my father this morning.
793. I will talk with her on the phone.
794. Would you like to take my picture?
795. In case of an emergency, call 911.
796. She decided to wear a dress today.
797. Men and women are equal in Canada!
798. Can you bring me a glass of water?
799. That is too heavy for me to carry.
800. The stars are very bright tonight.
801. Will you explain that to me again?
802. The class is filled with students.
803. Am I going in the right direction?
804. What's your third favourite hobby?
805. What is the cause of this problem?
806. He is the observer for this class.
807. He works for a very large company.
808. Do you know how to read the chart?
809. How many people are in the office?
810. Death is very sad for some people.
811. We all prepared the meal together.
812. There is a new shop opening today.
813. My husband bought me a rose today.
814. You must be silent in the library.
815. There will be a big crowd tonight!
816. Can you walk the dogs to the park?
817. I like the smell of cooked turkey.
818. Good things come in small packages.
819. It must have been a very bad storm.
820. You can use another piece of paper.
821. Would you come to the mall with me?
822. When do you want to go to the park?
823. There are a lot of fish in the sea.
824. What mark did you get on your test?
825. She is going into town later today.
826. There are sixty minutes in an hour.
827. I couldn't think of anything to do.
828. I have direct deposit with my bank.
829. He is the president of the company.
830. I like to be friends with everyone.
831. I jumped higher than everyone else.
832. I like to drive at 100 km per hour.
833. There are a lot of things to build.
834. Do you know what sound a cat makes?
835. It's not good to fight with people.
836. Can you help me solve this problem?
837. He made a long distance phone call.
838. I want a new radio for my birthday.
839. Weather conditions are getting bad.
840. Most children like to blow bubbles.
841. Science class is quite interesting.
842. I would love to be rich and famous.
843. She was born in southern Australia.
844. The opposite of "wrong" is "right."
845. What are the terms of the contract?
846. He broke several bones in the fall.
847. He went up the hill with his friend.
848. We can all learn from this exercise.
849. Does your boss need any new workers?
850. I am going to need a hand with this.
851. There is no way I am going to do it.
852. That could have been a bad accident.
853. They will be here at our house soon.
854. I would like to live in the country.
855. I saw him walking across the street.
856. You have to measure the ingredients.
857. Would you like another piece of pie?
858. There are five years in high school.
859. A boat sits on the surface of water.
860. The storm affected the whole nation.
861. She has less money than she thought.
862. There's a lot of snow on the ground.
863. How many students are in your class?
864. Let's go to the movies this weekend!
865. Please cross the road at the lights.
866. There are five members in this club.
867. Some recipes require a lot of sugar.
868. Can you blow a bubble with your gum?
869. My uncle owns a couple of factories.
870. The entrance is located at the rear.
871. Do you like the rhythm of that song?
872. Can you provide me with information?
873. I have lived in Canada for ten years.
874. They were told to get off of the bus.
875. That was my first time to the circus.
876. There is a lot of water in the ocean.
877. The waves in the ocean are beautiful.
878. There are 26 letters in the alphabet.
879. We have different cultures in Canada.
880. It is not safe to play on the street.
881. Can I have a glass of water with ice?
882. He had shown me his stamp collection.
883. Blow out the candles and make a wish.
884. Would you like a shoulder to lean on?
885. Don't use that tone of voice with me!
886. We all have many bones in our bodies.
887. She will be eight years old tomorrow.
888. I dropped the test tube on the floor.
889. Milkshakes are really good and thick.
890. Please wash your hands before dinner.
891. There are more planets besides Earth!
892. Watch out for those toxic substances!
893. You have many molecules in your body.
894. We will go home at the end of the day.
895. This is the last part of the exercise.
896. Sometimes they like to go to the park.
897. What happened to the side of your car?
898. Do you want to see my rock collection?
899. Can you please come in the front door?
900. We are going down in the next century.
901. Put a period at the end of a sentence.
902. Some math numbers use a decimal point.
903. Please be quiet, the baby is sleeping!
904. Be careful you don't cut your fingers!
905. I have to go buy my groceries tonight.
906. Can you massage the bottom of my feet?
907. Some women go through a natural birth.
908. That was a wonderful moment we shared.
909. Your legs are stronger than your arms.
910. They have written many books together.
911. I would like to win a million dollars.
912. Please go play with your toy soldiers.
913. Would you rather watch something else?
914. A lot of people would love to be rich.
915. Most kittens like to play with string.
916. I want to learn the Japanese language.
917. Do you want to trade stickers with me?
918. Your dance requires a lot of movement.
919. What's the chance of it snowing today?
920. What position does your baby sleep in?
921. She would like to answer that question.
922. My mom will give me a birthday present.
923. Are you sure this place is always open?
924. Red is the first colour babies can see.
925. I am going to read a book this weekend.
926. You don't want to get lost in a desert!
927. Most people I know, don't like to iron.
928. What factors is your decision based on?
929. He likes to be the centre of attention.
930. In five months it will be her birthday.
931. There are a lot of trees in the forest.
932. There are many bare branches right now.
933. You must ring the bell before entering.
934. That's a very emotional poem you wrote!
935. We live one block away from each other.
936. Have you ever seen the Northern Lights?
937. There are only five students here today.
938. She is the smartest person in her class.
939. I think we are going to have a good day.
940. That was the best game I've ever played.
941. You need lots of light to read at night.
942. We have lots of different types of food.
943. There are a lot of things in this store.
944. I was caught in the middle of the fight.
945. He laughed very loud when I tickled him.
946. Babies are very tiny compared to adults.
947. I had to measure the length of my couch.
948. I will do it whether you like it or not!
949. You have to pay interest after one year.
950. We enjoy spending the holidays together.
951. Fruit should be part of your daily diet.
952. We are tied up until after the holidays.
953. That dog was following me around all day.
954. There is a missing word in this sentence.
955. That was wonderful news, congratulations.
956. Clean the bathroom while I do the dishes.
957. I've been waiting my whole life for this!
958. There are a lot of products at the store.
959. I suddenly had the urge to go for a walk.
960. I bought you a present for your birthday.
961. A lot of people have suggested that name!
962. There was a lot of blood from her injury.
963. What are the major crops of this country?
964. I am too shy to speak to that many people.
965. She would rather have apples than oranges.
966. Everyone needs good luck for an interview.
967. I was thinking of going to the park later.
968. You can have either an apple or an orange.
969. Why do we need to know what syllables are?
970. Please don't sit on the edge of the chair.
971. It's not very safe at night time for kids.
972. They said they would help us with the work.
973. I received lots of presents from my family.
974. Can you please give me a written statement?
975. Winter is one of the four seasons we have .
976. Our math test required doing some division.
977. I have some very interesting news to share!
978. Salt and pepper are common spices in Canada.
979. There are not enough words in this sentence.
980. That is the least amount of work you can do.
981. A lot of trees died from the Ice Storm 1998.
982. We lost a lot of weight together this month.
983. The test will determine if you are eligible.
984. Would you like to go to the park or the pool?
985. Would you like a little sugar in your coffee?
986. He lives on the bottom floor of his building.
987. She loves kids although she doesn't want any.
988. Please lay that picture beside the other one.
989. Will you get a headache if you think too hard?
990. I go to school, go to work and then I go home.
991. Our school has developed a new program for us.
992. If I do the dishes will you clean the bathroom?
993. There is a 3 dimensional object on my computer.
994. Processed cheese and crackers are a good snack.
995. Eat all of your dinner if you want some dessert.
996. A lot of families have both a mother and father.
997. I would like a small fraction of the pie, please.
998. He has been found guilty, thus he will go to jail.
999. I tried to get the pictures, but they're not ready.
1000. I prefer iced tea but I have to settle for apple juice.

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