Seasonal Products
- What are your seasonal products? What can you sell more in the different times of the year?
- We haven’t got any typical spring best-sellers.
- Why?
- It’s a good question. Perhaps in spring people spend more on living expenses.
- When does the marker usually start to increase?
- In May.
- What is more saleable in May than in the months before?
- People buy more fridges. It may be because fridges go wrong int he warmer weather.
- What do people buy more in summer?
- Cameras, GPS, and things for beauty-care.
- What do people buy all the year?
- The market is always changing.
- What do you think the purchasing vawes depend on?
- A lot of things. For example seasons, public holidays, holiday seasons and global events, for example world championships, Olympic games, and even elections, too.
- How do elections affect your business?
- Before elections people don’t know if their lives will be better or worse so they (dare to) buy things they haven’t so far.
- What do people (tend to) buy before world championships?
- Televisions – with better image-quality and with larger screens.
- Can you have influence on buying?
- Yes, definitely.
- How?
- By advertising and making actions… and things like this.
BRAIN STORMING - 2010-2021