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Business Talks ( 16 ) - EMPLOYING NEW EMPLOYEE

2021.07.30. 18:40 aforizmágus



- Do you want to employ new people at the moment?

- No, for the time being.

- When did you last employ people?

- In January.

- For what posts?

- We needed a credit coordinator.

- What qualifications does this post need?

- Candidates had to have 3 years experience in credit management. This was the basic requirement. In addition we needed a young, and local person, with a valid driving licence, because he must travel on business a lot.

- Did you find a person fast?

- No.

- How long did you advertise the post?

- Not long, and there were a lot of candidates – but it took long to find the proper person among them.

- About how many candidates were there?

- Several dozens.

- How fast did you choose?

- It was about a month between advertising and employing.

- What did you do after finding the right person?

- We sent her to a special training. This is a training organized by our company and our banks.

- How long is it?

- The bank-course is about 3 days, our company course is about one or one and a half weeks.

- Is there any valuing at the end of the course?

- No, the main thing is attendance.

- Is it an important post?

- Yes.

- How big is the fluctuation in this profession?

- We appreciate performance.

- How do you do it?

- For good performance we give bonuses.

- For example?

- It’s mainly a financial thing.



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