Brain Storming:
117. Put that vase on the table with the right side up.
118. The others are over/above the river.
... (2019.10.25. 16:45)Angol elöljárók - képekben
Tor Palotai:
Szerbusz! Ehez a 200 mondathoz van magyar fordítás, mert így nehéz lessz megtanulnom. Köszi (2019.05.10. 05:28)200+ easy (A1-B1) English sentences
- Do you want to employ new people at the moment?
- No, for the time being.
- When did you last employ people?
- In January.
- For what posts?
- We needed a credit coordinator.
- What qualifications does this post need?
- Candidates had to have 3 years experience in…