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33 phrasal verbs beginning with A

2023.06.16. 22:12 aforizmágus

account for: If you account for something, you explain how it came to be the way it is.

act as: To perform the same function as a particular person or thing.

act for: If you act for someone, you represent them.

act on: If you act on somebody's advice, you do as they suggest.

act out: If you act out, you express your feelings through acts or words.

act up: If a part of your body or a piece of equipment acts up, it doesn't work properly.

add to: If something adds to something, it makes it better, greater, stronger or more extreme in some way.

add up: To add two or more numbers in order to find the total amount.

add up to: If two or more numbers add up to another number, this is the total you get if you add them together.

adhere to: If you adhere to a law, a rule or a contract, you obey it or follow it.

advise against: To suggest to someone that they should not do something they are thinking of doing.

advise of: If you advise someone of something, you tell them about it.

agree with: If a certain place or lifestyle agrees with you, it suits you and is good for you.

aim at: If you aim a product or a creative work at a particular group of people, you see those people as your market or your audience.

allow for: To consider something, or take it into account, when making plans or making a decision.

allude to: To mention or refer to something or someone in an indirect way.

amount to: To be similar to, or to have the same effect as.

answer back: To reply rudely to someone who is in a position of authority, such as a teacher, a parent or a coach.

answer for: To be held responsible for something.

appeal for: To ask for something, usually in order to help deal with a crisis or an emergency.

appeal to: If something appeals to you, you like it.

apply to: If something applies to you, it is relevant to you or you are affected by it.

arrive at: To reach a result, a conclusion or a decision after considering relevant factors or details.

ask after: If you ask after someone, you ask about them when you talk to someone who's seen them recently.

ask for: To let someone know that you'd like them to give you something.

ask out: If you ask somebody out, you ask someone you like to go on a date with you.

ask over: If you ask some people over, you invite them to your house.

associate with: If you associate with someone, you regularly spend time with them.

attach to: To believe that something has importance or significance in relation to something else.

attend to: To deal with something or someone.

attribute to: To believe that something results directly from a certain event or fact.

auction off: To sell something to the highest bidder at an auction.

average out at: To come to a certain amount on average.

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