Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

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64 phrasal verbs beginning with B (video)

2023.06.19. 00:05 aforizmágus

1.      back down: To decide not to do something because of opposition, or because of pressure from authorities.

2.      back out: If you back out of something like an agreement or a deal, you decide not to follow through on it.

3.      back up (1): To make an extra copy of digital information on disc, flash drive, external hard drive, etc. In case the original data is lost.

4.      back up (2): If you back up what you say, you use evidence or examples to show that it's true.

5.      bail out (1): To help out someone or something that's in serious trouble, especially financial trouble.

6.      bail out (2): To give money to a court so that an accused person doesn't have to stay in jail until their trial begins.

7.      bank on: If you bank on something happening or someone doing something, you depend on it or count on it.

8.      base on (1): To use specific information, ideas or past experiences as a basis for making a decision.

9.      base on (2): To use something as source material.

10.   bear on: To have relevance to, or influence on, something.

11.   bear out: To show that someone is correct or that something is true.

12.   beat up: To hurt someone by punching, kicking or hitting them with a hard object.

13.   become of: If you ask what has become of someone you haven't seen or heard from for a long time, you want to know what's happened to them.

14.   beef up: To make something stronger or more powerful.

15.   begin with: If an activity or an event begins with something, that's the first thing that happens.

16.   believe in: If you believe in something, you're sure that it's true or it really exists.

17.   belong to: If something belongs to a person, it is owned by that person.

18.   bend down: To move the upper part of your body forwards and downwards.

19.   bet on: To be sure that something will happen.

20.   bite off: To separate something from whatever it's attached to by biting it.

21.   black out: To lose consciousness.

22.   blow away: To surprise or amaze someone.

23.   blow out: If a flame blows out, it goes out because someone blows on it or because of the wind.

24.   blow up (1): If you blow up something, you use explosives to damage or destroy it.

25.   blow up (2): To fill with air or gas in order to inflate something.

26.   blow up (3): To make a photograph larger.

27.   border on: If something like an action or an attitude borders on something more extreme, it is close to being that extreme.

28.   bow out: To resign from a job, or to end a career, usually after a long time.

29.   break down (1): If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working because of a mechanical problem.

30.   break down (2): If someone breaks down, they start crying.

31.   break into: If someone breaks into a building or a vehicle, they force their way in, usually to steal something.

32.   break out: To escape from somewhere like a jail or a detention centre.

33.   break up: If you break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you end your relationship with him or her.

34.   breathe in: To fill your lungs with air by drawing it in through your nose or mouth.

35.   breathe out: To push air out from your lungs through your nose or mouth.

36.   brighten up (1): To make a place or a thing look more cheerful and more lively.

37.   brighten up (2): To become happier and feel more cheerful.

38.   bring about: If you bring about something, you cause it to happen or you make it happen.

39.   bring back (1): To bring something with you when you return from somewhere.

40.   bring back (2): To make something from the past come back, such as a memory, a feeling, an idea, etc.

41.   bring down: To cause a government or a leader to lose power.

42.   bring forward: To change the date or time of an event so that it happens earlier than originally planned.

43.   bring off: To succeed in doing something that's difficult.

44.   bring on: To cause something like an illness or a painful emotion.

45.   bring out (1): To release a new product.

46.   bring out (2): To make a quality in someone or something show itself.

47.   bring up (1): If you bring somebody up, you raise them from childhood to young adulthood.

48.   bring up (2): To raise a new topic for discussion, or to mention a particular subject or issue in a conversation.

49.   brush up: To revise your knowledge of something that you learned in the past.

50.   buckle up: To fasten a seatbelt in a car or on a plane.

51.   bugger off: If you tell someone to bugger off, you're telling them to go away in a very impolite and aggressive way.

52.   build on (1): To add to what you've already succeeded in doing.

53.   build on (2): To add a new section to a house or a building

54.   build up (1): To work at something and make it get stronger or bigger.

55.   build up (2): To gradually increase.

56.   bump into: To meet somebody by chance.

57.   burn down: If something like a building or a forest burns down, it's completely destroyed in a fire.

58.   burn out (1): If a fire burns out, it slowly dies down until it stops burning altogether.

59.   burn out (2): To work too hard and suffer from physical and mental exhaustion.

60.   butt in: To start talking when somebody else is already talking

61.   butt out: If you want to tell someone quite forcefully to mind their own business, you can tell them to butt out.

62.   butter up: To say nice things to someone before asking them to do something for you or to give you something.

63.   buy out: To buy somebody's share of a company or a partnership in order to take control of it.

64.   buy up: To buy all or a lot of something that is in limited supply.

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Címkék: angol vocabulary phrasal verbs wordlist B2 C2 C1 English language English words

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