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Egy őszinte angol tesztfeladat-tervezet a Rigó utcáról - (1)

2012.07.14. 16:32 aforizmágus

Hogyan nézne ki egy angol tesztfeladatsor, ha a tesztírók őszinték lennének!?!? - Vigyázat, ez a bevezető rész (nem) csak/elsősorban angolul tudóknak szól!

Mindenkinek, aki valaha volt Rigó utcai közép, vagy felsősokú írásbeli nyelvvizsgán, az tudja, hogy a közhiedelem szerint a tesztfeladat a legnehezebb – sokan ettől félnek a legjobban. Részben jogosan, mivel ez már előzetesen megmutatja, hogy az illető mire számíthat a vizsga hátralevő részében; részben azonban teljesen indokolatlanul, mivel ha van olyan része egy nyelvvizsgának, amire fel lehet készülni tisztességesen, akkor az a tesztfeladat.

Sokszor csodálkozom, hogy a tesztfeladatok alapmondatai, amikben meg kell találni az adott részhez leginkább passzoló, és nyelvtanilag leghelyesebb szavat vagy kifejezést, mennyire sótlanok, hétköznapiak.

Íme néhány „sótlan példa”:

Our guests came by train yesterday.
A vendégeink tegnap vonattal jöttek.

A fork is used to eat with.
A villát arra használják, hogy egyenek vele.

I like reading very much.
Nagyon szeretek olvasni.

"Have another piece of cake!" - "No, thank you."
Vegyél még egy darab sütit! – Nem, köszönöm.

I'll see you when I come back.
Meglátogatlak, amikor visszajövök.

There is not much news in the paper.
Nincs sok hír az újságban.

Mr Jones asked how I was yesterday.
Mr Jones tegnap megkérdezte, hogy vagyok.

"Do you know him?" - "No, he is a complete stranger."
Ismered őt? – Nem, teljesen ismeretlen.

I wish I hadn't tried to repair it. I only made it worse.
Bárcsak ne próbáltam volna megjavítani. Csak rontottam rajta!

I didn't move the bomb. I was afraid of touching it.
Nem mozdítottam meg a bombát. Féltem megérinteni.

… és ehhez hasonlók.

Eszembe jutott, hogy milyen lenne, ha a Rigó utca legendásan szeszélyes értékelési módszere őszintén mutatkozna meg egy ilyen vizsgabevezető feladatban; ha végre őszintén közölhetnék a vizsgázókkal, hogyan is viszonyulnak ők a nevükkel fémjelzett nyelvvizsgához.

Íme egy elképzelés arról, hogyan alapozná meg az őszinte vizsgarendszer a vizsga további menetét:

(Az alant olvasható tesztmondatokat és fordításukat a következő cikkben olvashatják az olvasók! A feladatsor végén található a megoldókulcs!!)

1. ...... is a very difficult test.
A) This B) A C) Some D) The

2. You ...... be able to solve it.
A)isn’t B) won’t C) doesn’t D) wasn’t

3. If you dare to mark the …… solution in this exercise we’ll shoot your pet.
A) green B) stupidity C) correct D) half

4. You …….. language teacher’s shame.
A) is his B) am I C) are D) are your

5. You mustn’t ……. serious!
A) be B) is C) are D) to be

6. There are only …….. minutes for this test. Don’t potter about so much!
A)half an hour B) thirty C) monthly D) any

7. You wouldn’t be able to solve this exercise even if you would be a native ………. .
A) teacher B) student C) English speaker D) examiner

8. If your …… saw it …
A) are B) have C) isn’t D) mother

9. You should go out to change ………. .
A) your underwear B) coat C) your wig D) shoe-lace

10. You could only find this world in a ………. if you knew how to use it.
A) directory B) vocabulary C) exercise-book D) cook-book

11. You must immediately start ………. the investigator charmingly - of course, if you are a pretty girl, if he can speak English, if you think he finds you attractive, if he is simple, if he is smiling at you, too, etc.
A) to smiled B) smile C) smiling at D) smile at

12. It isn’t a problem for us if you fail; we’ll appreciate your paying the …………. again.
A) examed B) paying C) schoolbook D) examination fee

13. Everybody fails for the …… time- like in the first intercourse.
A) first B) at first C) at last D) late

14. Your pen is going to run out of ink, and you haven’t got a ………….. .
A) rest B) reserve one C) one another D) any

15. ………….. you have wanted to take / sit for a language exam in English.
A) Are B) Is you C) Are you sure D) Are your surely

16. OK, stop doing it and ask for a cheque for the ………. .
A) late examination B) first time examiner C) an exam D) next exam

17. You ……….. travelled so much for this production / performance.
A) needn’t have B) didn’t need to have C) haven’t D) aren’t

18. Just for reminding you: filling in a language test paper is not like filling in a ………. .
A) football B) football pool C) swimming-pool D)

19. Has …….. tried an exercise like this or anything like this before?
A) you B) your C) your teacher ever D) you ever

20. This ………. is spoken by half of the world; do you want half of the world to guffow at you?
A) languages B) English C) the language D) language

21. Don’t want to do ….. you can’t.
A) what B) that C) which D) -

22. What kind of drog ………. by when you undertook this exercise?
A) was you effected B) were you affected C) were you affect D) you effected

23. I hope you won’t want to ……….. with your language knowledge, will you?
A) earning payment B) living C) earn your living D) earning

24. Do you know your ………. only to this extent, too?
A) father tongue B) nativism C) nativity D) mother tongue

25. I think, you know now why the tuition fee was so much and why your language teacher escaped one day before your…….. .
A) exam B) exam paper C) examiner D) day

26. The testmakers aren’t bad people, they just don’t want you to succeed in …….. this test. And as they don’t know who you are, they don’t have a guilty conscience about it.
A) solve B) solving C) to solve D) solved

27. Fortunately, from the reception organized for the winners of „Whose IQ is …… ?” competition you could arrive here in time.
A) littler B) fewest C) less D) least

28. Your home is …….. robbed now!
A) be B) to be C) have been D) being

29. If stupidity ….. painful, you should be in the hospital now!
A) was B) be C) being D) to be

30. Hurry! You’ve still got time! The mental hospital hasn’t discovered your …… missing!
A) be B) being C) was D) to be

31. By the way, were there ……… valuable in your car?
A) a B) everything C) anything D) somethings

32. You know this language as anybody who ……… in England - who ……… today.
A) were – was B) is born – is born C) be born D) was born

33. Your good deed for today …….. fail this exam and you pay the fee for the next exam; and we in the language exam centre will be very thankful to you.
A) is that you B) is C) to D) that is you

34. We like examiners …….. fails, but wants to try again and again.
A) which B) who C) whom D) whose

35. We ……… you to fail, we only want you to pay for another exam at least.
A) doesn’t want B) not want C) don’t want D) mustn’t

36. More than 60% of the examiners fail for the first time. It’s not because they don’t know the language so much, but because we don’t ……….. .
A) letting the passing B) to let them pass C) want they to passD) let them pass

37. We never …….. for the first time that anybody means it.
A) believe B) asking C) to believe D) believing

38. Certification of language ……… isn’t given to who has the knowledge, but the one we give one.
A) know B) knowledge C) of knowledge D) examiner

39. This ……. of knowledge is just enough – but not here. It is just a little.
A) floor B) degree C) level D) tallness

40. If you have reached this point you can ……. calmly.
A) give B) giving up C) to give up D) give it up

41. It’s true, that ……….. this knowledge you have can give you a successful exam, but you should pay more, too!
A) anywhere else B) where else C) wheresoever D) every where

42. Not your success is ….. thing, ….. is important to us, but your participation.
A) the - the B) the - that C) that - that D) a - the

43. If you may have success, we ……… you that you have cheated!
A) does prove B) proving C) will prove D) will

44. Only the staff of the institution, their family members and their relatives and friends can have a …………… .
A) a licence B) exam of knowledge C) licence of exam D) certification of language knowledge

45. It’s senseless to hand in a complaint, we wouldn’t understand ….. problem.
A) your B) yours C) mine D) hers

46. Well-well! You see, 5 minutes’ …….. a day isn’t enough for a successful language exam here. Well, that’s true, that even 10 hours a day, either!
A) barking B) learning C) walking D) talking

47. If your exam is successful, you ……. many hundred thousands of enemies in the person of who we haven’t let pass.
A) getting B) have got C) will get D) to get

48. If you have a certification of language exam people won’t ask you how much you prepared for it but how much you paid ….. it.
A) for ever B) forget C) towards D) for

49. Are you …… 35? This is a language exam with an age barrier!
A) over B) higher C) more D) older

50. If a miracle may happen and you’ll get a certification of this ……….. , don’t worry /be happy?/ - It will be obsolete in some moments and you can start the all from the beginning again!
A) languages B) language exam C) exam language D) English

Teszt kulcs:
1. a, 2. b, 3. c, 4. d, 5. a, 6. b, 7. c, 8. d, 9. a, 10. b, 11. c, 12. d, 13. a, 14. b, 15. c, 16. d, 17. a, 18. b, 19. c, 20. d, 21. a, 22. b, 23. c, 24. d, 25. a, 26. b, 27. c, 28. d, 29. a, 30. b, 31. c, 32. d, 33. a, 34. b, 35. c, 36. d, 37. a, 38. b, 39. c, 40. d, 41. a, 42. b, 43. c, 44. d, 45. a, 46. b, 47. c, 48. d, 49. a, 50. b

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: teszt humor angol nyelvvizsga angol tananyag középfok

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