Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


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500(+) hasznos angol mondat haladóknak, kifejezések gyakorlására (5)

2013.03.22. 11:46 aforizmágus

  1. He couldn’t recall where they had met.
  2. I reckon the cost at about a million.
  3. We reckon to finish the task by Monday the latest. (úgy számoljuk)
  4. He is reckoned to be highly talented. (Nagyon tehetségesnek tartják.)
  5. I reckon (that) it’s much healthier to live outside the city. (úgy gondolom)
  6. It was reckoned that he would be promoted. (mindenki azt gondolta, hogy)
  7. We reckon it a victory that they’ve accepted our proposal. (győzelemnek könyveljük el)
  8. We recognized her (by/from her voice).
  9. The government recognized violence on TV as a problem. (elismerte, hogy)
  10. He is recognized to be an expert in this field. (elismert szakértő)
  11. He is recognized as an expert.
  12. He recognized that she hated her job. (beismerte)
  13. It was recognized that the proposal was not viable. (elismerték)
  14. She recognized how important the matter was.
  15. Can you recommend a good language school (to me)?
  16. She was recommended as a plumber.
  17. He was recommended for the job.
  18. I recommended Joe to take over the job. (Joe-t ajánlottam)
  19. I recommended going by bus.
  20. He recommended their buying a new house.
  21. We recommended (that) you come after nine.
  22. He recommended (to us) that our money (should) be invested.
  23. It is recommended (that) you should wear a helmet. (ajánlott)
  24. Attendance is strongly recommended where the suspect is a person at risk. (melegen ajánlott)
  25. The price of this fridge is reduced by 50%.
  26. We have reduced the length of the journey from two weeks to one.
  27. She was reduced to begging him to help. (odáig lealacsonyodott, hogy)
  28. He referred to the previous lesson by mentioning the Turks.
  29. He was referred to the best clinic. (beutalták)
  30. We’ll need to reflect (on the consequences).
  31. She reflected that she would probably never see the place again.
  32. Local planning must reflect what people, not developers, want. (azt kell tükröznie)
  33. We were asked to refrain from smoking.
  34. He refused (them) nothing.
  35. The government refused to comment on security matters.
  36. He regarded them with contempt. (Megvetéssel szemlélte őket.)
  37. He regarded her as an excellent candidate.
  38. She regarded it as dishonest to cheat on the exam.
  39. I regret nothing.
  40. I regret to inform you that your application has not been accepted. (sajnálattal közlöm)
  41. I regret saying/having said such a horrible thing. (Sajnálom, hogy ilyen borzasztó dolgot mondtam.)
  42. I regret that I was unable to attend your wedding.
  43. I would regret it if I didn’t jump at this opportunity.
  44. She regrets what she’s done.
  45. He is related to the president somehow. (rokona)
  46. This is not relevant to our discussion.
  47. There is no doubt that capital is relevant for making decisions.
  48. We rely on computers (for help). (számítógépekre támaszkodunk)
  49. We rely on computers (to help us).
  50. I relied on you/your coming to the party. (bíztam benne, hogy)
  51. You can rely on the prices staying the same.
  52. She remained (as) a member of parliament for another term.
  53. There remained some questions about his proposal.
  54. We remained silent after the film.
  55. They remained to see the match.
  56. It remains to be settled in court how much compensation they will get. (majd a bíróságon elválik, hogy)
  57. It remains true that money doesn’t necessarily mean happiness. (örök igazság, hogy)
  58. They must have met before but he couldn’t remember.
  59. I didn’t remember his birthday.
  60. I remember her as a young girl.
  61. This place will always be remembered for the battle.
  62. I’ll remember to post your letter. (nem fogom elfelejteni, hogy feladjam)
  63. I remember walking in the forest with him. (emlékszem, amikor sétáltam)
  64. I remember him/his being very talkative.
  65. She remembered (that) she had a date.
  66. He couldn’t remember how to make spaghetti sauce.
  67. Please remember me to your sister. (add át az üdvözletem)
  68. He reminded me of my promise.
  69. You remind me of Uncle Sam.
  70. She reminded me to close the door.
  71. He reminded me that the outing had been put off.
  72. Please remind me when the film starts.
  73. Can you repeat the question (to me), please?
  74. Repeat the sentences after me.
  75. Tell me if I’m repeating myself. (ha ismétlem magam)
  76. She repeated that the case was really urgent.
  77. We have just replaced the old monitor (with a new one).
  78. She replied (to me) (with a smile).
  79. He replied that he couldn’t make a decision alone.
  80. The journalist reported (on) whaling (to the National Geographic Channel).
  81. Hotel guests are asked to report to the receptionist on arrival. (jelentkezni)
  82. They reported the victim badly injured.
  83. Pelikán was reported (to the secret police) (for owning a pig). (feljelentették, azért)
  84. The building was reported as being in bad condition. 
  85. They reported seeing her in the forest.
  86. The building was reported to be in a bad condition.
  87. The programme reported that prices would not rise.
  88. It is reported that the epidemic is spreading.
  89. It’s been reported where the robber is hiding.
  90. Unions represent workers.
  91. The queen is represented as an angel in the film. (angyalként ábrázolják)
  92. The painting represents the earl killing the king. (a király meggyilkolásakor ábrázolja)
  93. She represented her claims (to the insurance company). (benyújtotta kártérítési igényét)
  94. The court held that the accused represented that the bank owed him the money and that he was entitled to withdraw it. (azt az álláspontot képviselte)
  95. We requested information (from the agency).
  96. Gentlemen are requested to wear a jacket.
  97. The guard requested (of them) that they (should) leave their cameras outside.
  98. We require extra help.
  99. Efficiency is required (of a secretary) in our company.
  100. The car requires an expert to repair it.
  101. The rule requires that you can only smoke in the courtyard. (a szabály megköveteli)
  102. The situation requires that I should be there. (a helyzet megkívánja)
  103. It is required that all information should be provided to the patient. (kötelező) /It is required (of me) that I (should) give evidence. (azt kívánják tőlem, hogy)
  104. All cars require servicing.
  105. He resigned (as chairman) last year.
  106. The police resisted the demands of the kidnapper.
  107. She resisted telling him about the surprise.
  108. He responded (to my suggestion) with a laugh.
  109. He responded (to my suggestion) by laughing.
  110. She responded that it wasn’t her fault.
  111. He is responsible for the project.
  112. We are responsible for killing the prisoners.
  113. He is responsible to the president only. (az elnöknek köteles beszámolni)
  114. It was not responsible to show a programme like that on television. (felelőtlenség volt)
  115. The journalist revealed the truth (to the public).
  116. She was revealed as a spy. (leleplezték)
  117. His face revealed that he was nervous.
  118. It has been revealed that the criminals have left the country.
  119. His face didn’t reveal how he felt.
  120. You were right about him, he is really stupid. (igazad volt vele kapcsolatban)
  121. He was right to leave her. (igaza volt, hogy)
  122. You were absolutely right in refusing the offer. (teljesen igazad volt, hogy)
  123. It is right that he should be treated equally.
  124. He risked his life for his turtle.
  125. He risked everything on roulette.
  126. How could he risk losing all his money?
  127. He couldn’t risk his partner telling everything to the police so he killed him.
  128. They robbed the lady of her jewellery.
  129. He was really rude (to his mother).
  130. It was really rude (of you) to treat her like that.
  131. The king ruled for fifty years.
  132. Elizabeth II. rules (over) England.
  133. The judge ruled on the legality of the procedure. (döntött)
  134. The court ruled in favour of the defendant. (a vádlott javára döntött)
  135. The court ruled against the defendant. (a vádlott ellen döntött)
  136. The consumption of alcohol was ruled illegal. (törvénytelennek nyilvánították)
  137. The court ruled that he was innocent. (ártatlannak nyilvánította)
  138. He’s been running for half an hour.
  139. We ran six kilometres a day.
  140. She will be running in the 400 metres.
  141. Gore is running for president. (jelölteti magát)
  142. Gore is running against the young Bush.
  143. Our car runs on unleaded petrol. (működik)
  144. I’ll run a bath for you. (eresztek)
  145. I’ll run you a bath.
  146. Her eyes were running with tears. (ömlött a szeméből a könny)
  147. The river ran dry in the dry season. (kiszáradt)
  148. He was sad that the camp was over.
  149. We were sad to leave. (sajnáljuk, hogy mennünk kell)
  150. It is sad to be alone.
  151. It is sad that she is so lonely.
  152. This area is not safe (for children).
  153. In the hut we were safe from attack. (biztonságban voltunk)
  154. Is it safe (for me) to come by bus?
  155. It’s safe coming by bus.
  156. The decision didn’t satisfy everyone.
  157. The boss was satisfied of the need for a new computer. (meggyőzték a főnököt)
  158. She satisfied herself (that) she did the right thing. (meggyőzte magát)
  159. She was satisfied with her result.
  160. He is satisfied to live in London.
  161. I am satisfied (that) he hasn’t lied.
  162. The lifeguard saved her (from drowning).
  163. We've been saving (money) (for a new car) for years. (új autóra gyűjtünk)
  164. My grandmother saves (a lot of money) on electricity. (sokat spórol)
  165. My grandmother saves a lot of money (on electricity).
  166. Thank you for helping me; you saved me a lot of time. (sok időt megspóroltál nekem)
  167. Borrowing the book from the library would save (you) buying it. (megtakarítaná)
  168. She didn’t say a word (to us). (egy szót sem szólt)
  169. She said (to me) (that) she was leaving.
  170. Say what you mean.
  171. He is said to be/have gone abroad. (állítólag külföldre ment)
  172. It is said that he is/has gone abroad. (azt mondják)
  173. The guidebook says to visit the castle. (azt ajánlja, hogy)
  174. The child screamed (with delight). (felsikoltott örömében)
  175. She screamed (bad words) (at her husband).
  176. Ann screamed for help. (segítségért kiáltott)
  177. The child screamed that he hated his parents.
  178. The customs officer searched the tourists/his suitcase (for drugs). (átkutatta)  
  179. He was searching (the Internet) for information.
  180. I couldn’t see (anything) in the dark.
  181. I prefer to see you happy.
  182. I saw him faint. (láttam, amikor elájult)
  183. I saw him coming up the stairs. (láttam, hogy jött felfelé)
  184. He was seen to leave the office at 10. (látták, hogy elhagyta)
  185. He was seen leaving the office at 10. (látták, amint elhagyja)
  186. I saw (that) she was pregnant.
  187. Did you see where she was going?
  188. I couldn’t see to knit.
  189. I saw her as the future PM. (őt képzelem el)
  190. I can’t see him giving up his career. (nem tudom elképzelni)
  191. It is seen that the programme was only of small benefit. (jól látszik, hogy)
  192. I went to see the doctor (about my headache). (elmentem az orvoshoz)
  193. See that all the windows are closed. (jól nézd meg, hogy)
  194. I’m seeing Joe tomorrow. (találkozom Joe-val)
  195. They sought accommodation near the sea.
  196. They sought advice (from the lawyer). (tanácsot kértek)
  197. Russian fishermen sought dolphins (for their meat and oil).
  198. She sought to speak to the manager. (megpróbált beszélni)
  199. He seemed (to me) (to be) an optimist.
  200. It seems (like) a good idea.
  201. He seems to be sleeping.
  202. You seem tired.
  203. It seems as if he is tired. (úgy tűnik, mintha)
  204. It seemed (to me) (that) they agreed. (úgy tűnt, hogy)
  205. It seems reasonable that they ask the voters about their expectations. (ésszerűnek tűnik)
  206. It seems reasonable to ask the voters about their expectations. (ésszerűnek tűnik)
  207. They have selected her (for the post).
  208. She has been selected (as the leader of the team).
  209. She selected my name (from the list).
  210. Their team was selected to take part in the project.
  211. I sold my bike (to Jack) (for $200).
  212. I sold Jack my bike (for $200).
  213. Her novel simply didn’t sell. (nem fogyott a regénye)
  214. The dresses sell for even $400. (még 400 dollárért is elkelnek)
  215. She sent me a letter.
  216. She sent a letter (to me).
  217. Send for a doctor!
  218. Her jokes always send me to laughter. (mindig megnevettetnek)
  219. She was sensible not to accept his invitation. (okosan tette)
  220. It was sensible (of her) not to accept his invitation.
  221. Old people are often sensitive to/about noise.
  222. He is sensitive to the problems of others.
  223. Separate the dirty clothes (from the clean ones). (válaszd külön)
  224. My father and my mother separated two years ago. (két éve váltak el)
  225. My father separated (from my mother) two years ago.
  226. The teacher set an easy task (for the children).
  227. The teacher set (the children) an easy task.
  228. She set herself to swim 200 kms. (kitűzte maga elé)
  229. She set the plate on the table. (elhelyezte)
  230. His ideas set me thinking. (gondolatokat ébresztettek bennem)
  231. Would you mind sharing (your room) (with me)?
  232. We shared the chocolate between us.
  233. My brother and I share an interest in animals. (közös érdeklődési körünk)
  234. He shot (an arrow) (at the bird).
  235. The hunter shot a bullet (from his gun).
  236. He shot an angry look at her. (mérges pillantást vetett felé)
  237. He shot her an angry look.
  238. She shouted (bad words) (at/to her husband). (szitkokat szórt a férjére)
  239. My father shouted at/for me to bring the car keys. (odakiáltott nekem, hogy)
  240. The child shouted that he hated his parents.
  241. He showed the letter (to me).
  242. He showed (me) the letter.
  243. The figures show the economy to be improving.
  244. The figures show (that) the economy is improving.
  245. The figures show us that the economy is improving.
  246. It was shown that the tape was genuine.
  247. This shows (you) how easy the task is. (ebből is látszik)
  248. In the following sections it is shown how the parties have developed their ideas.
  249. The picture shows her as a happy child. (boldog gyermekként ábrázolja)
  250. The film showed the hero jumping off a bridge.
  251. His new film is showing in cinemas all over Europe. (játszák a filmjét)
  252. You were silly to worry.
  253. It was silly (of you) to worry. (butaság volt)
  254. It was silly that the whole business took so long. (nevetséges)
  255. This song is simple (for children) (to learn).
  256. It is simple (for children) to learn this song.
  257. She was singing (a song) (to herself) in the bathroom.
  258. She was singing (herself) (a song) in the bathroom.
  259. We sat (singing) at home for hours.
  260. I sat (for) a difficult exam. (Nehéz vizsgát tettem.)
  261. My sister is sitting for me tonight. (bébiszitterkedik)
  262. He sat on the city council. (tagja)
  263. He sat as an MP for 10 years. (10 évig volt képviselő)
  264. He was slow to go home. (lassan ment haza)
  265. He was slow about making a decision.
  266. Her perfume smells (bad).
  267. She smells as if she has eaten garlic. (olyan a lehellete, mintha fokhagymát evett volna)
  268. His breath smells (of beer). (sörtől bűzlik a lehellete)
  269. She smelt the flower. (megszagolta)
  270. I smelt the pie burning. (éreztem, hogy odaég a pite)
  271. I smelt (that) the pie was burning.
  272. The baby smiled (at his mother).
  273. He smiled (happiness).
  274. I’m sorry about yesterday.
  275. I’m sorry to have troubled you.
  276. I’m sorry for coming late.
  277. I’m sorry that I woke you up.
  278. I am sorry for the poor. (sajnálom a szegényeket)
  279. The car sounds a bit rough these days. (furcsa hangokat ad)
  280. It sounds (like) a great idea.
  281. You sound as if you’ve been crying.
  282. The bell sounded at ten o’clock. (harangoztak/csöngettek)
  283. The driver sounded his horn. (dudált)
  284. He spoke (to me) (about his plans) for hours.
  285. He spoke (with me) (about his plans) for hours.
  286. She still speaks about her travels in Africa.
  287. He specialized in microbiology after his fourth year.
  288. She has spent all her money (on clothes).
  289. We spend a lot of money (on) travelling.
  290. He spent a lot of time on his French homework. (sok időt töltött)
  291. She spends a lot of time (in) studying. (sok időt tölt)
  292. The girl was standing at the corner.
  293. He stood barefoot.
  294. There stood a cowboy on the prairie.
  295. We stood the table in the middle of the room. (állítottuk)
  296. She stood for what she believed in. (Kiállt amellett, amiben hitt.)
  297. She stood as a candidate. (jelöltként indult)
  298. You stand to win the competition. (jó esélyed van rá)
  299. Where do you stand on private health care? (mi a véleményed)
  300. I can’t stand (watching/to watch) bad films.
  301. I can’t stand people laughing at me.
  302. She can’t stand it when people criticize her.
  303. The match started on time.
  304. Who started the quarrel?
  305. He started on his new novel.
  306. He started the day with coffee.
  307. His day starts with coffee.
  308. She started (her career) as a model.
  309. She started laughing/to laugh.
  310. He starts his day (by) drinking coffee.
  311. The programme started her thinking. (gondolatokat ébresztett benne)
  312. He stated his intention to marry her.
  313. She stated categorically that she wasn’t going to marry him.
  314. The deadline was stated to be postponed.
  315. It was stated that inflation was rising.
  316. He stated clearly what he wanted.
  317. She didn’t want to stay any longer.
  318. After we had broken up, we stayed good friends.
  319. Bridget stayed unsatisfied after dinner.
  320. We stayed to see the performance.
  321. We can stay and help you.
  322. She stayed dancing until dawn. (Hajnalig táncolt.)
  323. She was stealing (cutlery) (from us) for years.
  324. The van stopped at the corner.
  325. The traffic warden stopped me.
  326. They stopped (for a drink).
  327. She stopped to have a cigarette. (Megállt egy cigarettára.)
  328. He stopped smoking. (abbahagyta)
  329. You can’t stop us (going/our going). (nem akadályozhatod meg, hogy)
  330. You can’t stop us (from going). (nem akadályozhatod meg, hogy)
  331. He stopped what he was doing. (abbahagyta)
  332. His idea seemed strange to me.
  333. It was strange (of her) to be back.
  334. It is strange that he arrived before her.
  335. She stressed the importance of education.
  336. The politician stressed (to the journalists) that the meeting was a success.
  337. He stressed how important it was to improve health care.
  338. He is really strict with his children.
  339. I was stupid to believe him.
  340. It was stupid (of me) to believe him.
  341. I felt stupid saying that.
  342. How many people subscribed to the magazine?
  343. The play didn’t succeed. (nem volt sikeres)
  344. He succeeded as a long-distance runner. (hosszútávfutóként futott be)
  345. We succeeded in (getting into) the finals.
  346. Prince Charles will succeed Elizabeth II. (as the king). (követi a trónon)
  347. He succeeded to the throne in 1603. (lépett trónra)
  348. He was successful in (selling) his book.
  349. This dressing is especially successful with a salad of crisp vegetables.
  350. She suffered a heart attack.
  351. He can’t stand to see him suffering (from the flu).
  352. He is suffering for his bad decision. (issza a levét)
  353. He suggested a solution (to me).
  354. Who would you suggest for this role? (kit ajánlanál)
  355. Who would you suggest as Desdemona ? (kit ajánlanál)
  356. I suggested seeing a film.
  357. I suggested his taking up some sport.
  358. I suggest (to him) (that) he takes up some sport.
  359. I suggested (to him) (that) he (should) take up some sport.
  360. It has been suggested that everybody (should) vote.
  361. He suggested (to me) where to look for a job.
  362. The evidence suggested murder (to the detective). (sugallt)
  363. The evidence suggests that Mr. Smith has been murdered. (a bizonyíték arra utal)
  364. This bank suits my needs.
  365. It suits me to start work on Tuesday.
  366. Orange suits you. (jól áll neked)
  367. This seems suitable to our purposes.
  368. He seems suitable to perform the job.
  369. The distributors supplied the local shops (with chocolate).
  370. The Soviet Union used to supply arms (to Iran).
  371. They supported the rebels (in their fight).
  372. Getting to know her is not as easy as you might suppose. (ahogy gondolnád)
  373. I supposed him (to be) innocent.
  374. I supposed her boyfriend (to be) a rope-walker.
  375. He is supposed to come. (állítólag)
  376. It is supposed to rain. (állítólag)
  377. It was generally supposed that it wouldn’t happen again.
  378. The present surprised my mother.
  379. It surprises me to see him on TV.
  380. It surprised me that he was wearing a skirt.
  381. It’s always surprised them how well-dressed he was.
  382. We were sure about one thing.
  383. She is sure to receive a warm welcome.
  384. She is sure of receiving a warm welcome.
  385. I am sure (that) he didn’t mean to hurt you.
  386. She wasn’t sure what she should say.
  387. The custom has survived (from the Middle Ages).
  388. He survived (as an individual).
  389. He survived on food from the soldiers.
  390. He survived the accident (healthy). (túlélte)
  391. She survived her husband only by a year. (csak egy évvel élte túl)
  392. He survived to write about the death camp.
  393. She suspected nothing.
  394. They suspected him to be involved in a theft. (arra gyanakodtak, hogy)
  395. The police suspected him of (committing) the crime. (gyanúsította)
  396. I suspect (that) he has stolen my umbrella.
  397. It is suspected that he has committed the crime. (arra gyanakodnak, hogy)
  398. I suspected where he came from.
  399. Most people sympathize with the rebels. (szimpatizál)
  400. I can’t tackle this problem alone. (megbirkózik)
  401. She never takes my advice. (Sohasem fogadja meg a tanácsom.)
  402. I forgot to take my swimming suit (with me). 
  403. I’ll have to take this bag (to my uncle).
  404. I’ll have to take (my uncle) this bag.
  405. The soldiers managed to take the town (from the enemy). (sikerült bevenniük a várost)
  406. They took the earl prisoner. (foglyul ejtették)
  407. Am I supposed to take your remark as a compliment?  (bóknak kellene vennem)
  408. Don’t take me for a fool. (Ne nézz hülyének!)
  409. Even the experts took the sculpture (to be) a genuine Rodin. (eredetinek tartották)
  410. Will you take me shopping tomorrow?
  411. I take it (that) you’ll be busy today. (felteszem)
  412. It takes courage to climb Mount Everest. (bátornak kell lenni)
  413. The journey to my workplace takes ten minutes. (tart) 
  414. It takes ten minutes to get to my workplace.
  415. It takes (me) ten minutes to get to my workplace.
  416. Don’t talk nonsense!
  417. They were talking (to each other) (about politics) for hours.
  418. She is talking of moving to the States.
  419. She talked of him as a hero.
  420. She talked me into/out of taking up karate. (rábeszélt/lebeszélt)
  421. He talks as if he knew everything.
  422. The soup tastes delicious.
  423. It tastes (like) lemon.
  424. This cake tastes as if my grandma had made it.
  425. This water tastes of metal. (fém íze van)
  426. I’ll taste the cake to see whether it’s OK.  (megkóstolom)
  427. She teaches at the local school.
  428. They teach (them) (English).
  429. They teach English (to them).
  430. My grandma taught me to knit.
  431. My teachers taught me that I won’t succeed without hard work.
  432. She taught me how to change a nappy.
  433. He taught me a lot about women.
  434. She told everybody (the secret).
  435. She told the secret to everybody.
  436. The old man told us stories about the war.
  437. He told me to sit down.
  438. They told us (that) he was a liar.
  439. She didn’t tell me what to expect.
  440. As far as I can tell, he is doing well. (Amennyire meg tudom ítélni)
  441. I could tell (that) he was tired. (láttam)
  442. I can’t tell what’s written on it. (nem tudom megállapítani)
  443. It’s difficult to tell your voice from your sister’s. (nehéz megkülönböztetni)
  444. The pressure is now beginning to tell on the Iraqi leader. (kezd megmutatkozni)
  445. He tempted me (to accept his offer). (rábeszélt)
  446. She tempted me into (taking up) dancing. (rábeszélt)
  447. He tends to put on weight.
  448. She tends toward racism. (hajlik)
  449. The nurse tended (to) the wounded soldier. (gondját viselte)
  450. They tested the machine (for efficiency).
  451. They haven’t tested the medicine (on people) yet.
  452. He decided to testify (against his wife).
  453. He decided to testify (for the defence).
  454. He testified about the murder.
  455. He testified to having heard the shot.
  456. He testified (that) he had heard the shot.
  457. The documentary testifies to the cruelty of mankind. (bizonyítja)
  458. Thank you.
  459. Thank you for (sending) the invitation to her.
  460. After the war she was thankful (for food).
  461. She was thankful to be alive after the accident.
  462. I was thankful that he didn’t visit me.
  463. The kitchen was thick with smoke. (vágni lehetett a füstöt)
  464. I was thinking (about my childhood) the other day.
  465. We are thinking (of selling our flat). (gondolkodunk)
  466. He doesn’t think of himself as a politician. (Nem tekinti magát politikusnak.)
  467. Don’t think like an old woman.
  468. Let’s think positive.
  469. I think him an admirable person. (szerintem)
  470. She never thought to call. (nem jutott eszébe)
  471. We thought (that) it would rain.
  472. I am trying to think where he could be.
  473. The earth was thought to be flat.
  474. It was thought (that) the earth was flat.
  475. ‘Is she ill?’ ‘I think so/not.’
  476. ‘Is she ill?’ ‘I don’t think so.’
  477. I think it impossible that we can finish this in time. (elképzelhetetlennek tartom)
  478. I think it impossible to finish this in time.
  479. I think it best if you call him at once. (szerintem az lenne a legjobb, ha)
  480. I think it a miracle that they’ve survived. (csodának tartom)
  481. I would think it an honour if he asked me to help. (megtiszteltetésnek tartanám)
  482. He was thirsty for knowledge.
  483. It was thoughtful of you (to call her on her birthday).
  484. War threatened the country.
  485. The robber threatened the cashier (with a gun).
  486. The robber threatened to kill the cashier.
  487. The robber threatened that he would kill the cashier.
  488. She threw the ball to him. (odadob)
  489. The Indian threw a stone at the cowboy. (odavágta, megdobta)
  490. He was tired of her. (Elegem volt belőle.)
  491. He was tired of waiting. (Elege volt a várakozásból.)
  492. She is very tolerant towards little children.
  493. I can’t tolerate his behaviour.
  494. She won’t tolerate being refused.
  495. I won’t tolerate you being late.
  496. The Venetians traded (in spices) (with the Arabs) for centuries.  
  497. During the war they traded arms for food. (fegyvereket cseréltek élelmiszerre)
  498. Myers & Anor traded as furniture retailers and supplied free coffee to customers. (bútor kiskereskedőként működött)
  499. He is trained in trade. (kereskedelmi képzettsége van)
  500. He is trained as a pilot. (pilótának képezték)
  501. He trains dolphins (for the circus). (betanít)
  502. He is training to be a pilot. (pilótának tanul)
  503. She has been training (for the Olympics) for years. (edz)
  504. I’ve had to train myself to go running every day. (hozzá kell szoktatnom magam) 
  505. The patient was transferred (from the hospital) (to a special clinic).
  506. She transferred the house to her son. (átíratta)
  507. Ramadhan transformed Iran from an oil exporter into an importer.
  508. She translates (poems) (from English) (into German).
  509. She translated ‘Geneva’ as ‘Genoa’.
  510. The Hungarian word ‘cipőfűző’ translates as ‘shoelace’.
  511. She treated her grandfather with respect.
  512. He treated me as a friend. (Barátjaként kezelt. – mert az voltam)
  513. He treated me like a dog. (úgy bánt velem, mint egy kutyával)
  514. I treated myself to a whisky after the meeting. (megengedtem magamnak)
  515. She was treated for appendicitis. (Vakbéllel kezelték.)
  516. She tricked him out of all his money. (kicsalta az összes pénzét)
  517. He tricked me into lying to her. (ravaszul rávett, hogy)
  518. The beggar tricked me into giving him money. (rávett)
  519. I don’t want to trouble you (with my questions).
  520. May I trouble you to close the window, please?
  521. You don’t need to trouble yourself about/over him. (ne izgasd magad)
  522. She didn’t trouble (herself) to call me. (nem vette a fáradságot)
  523. It troubles me (that) we didn’t invite her. (fáj nekem)
  524. You should be true to your principles.
  525. It is true to say that opposites attract each other.
  526. It was true that his horses tended to have brief careers.
  527. I am not sure that I can help, but I’ll try.
  528. Have you tried that new tea? (kipróbáltad)
  529. I tried not to laugh. (megpróbáltam)
  530. Why don’t you try taking an aspirin? (miért nem kísérled meg)
  531. He is trying for a better post. (egy jobb beosztásra pályázik)
  532. She is being tried for robbery. (tárgyalják az ügyét)
  533. Suddenly she turned.
  534. He turned the letter.
  535. He turned water into wine. (átváltoztatta)
  536. He turned a communist after his parents were murdered. (kommunista lett)
  537. Leaves turn brown in the autumn. (elsárgulnak)
  538. She turned to me for help. (hozzám fordult)
  539. He turned to painting. (festeni kezdett)
  540. This wine is typical of the region.
  541. It is typical of Brian to spend all his money.
  542. I don’t understand their explanation.
  543. They don’t understand anything about politics. (nem értenek a politikához)
  544. I understand (from your words) that you want to be alone for a while.
  545. I didn’t understand them/their leaving so soon.
  546. I understood you to say that we would leave.
  547. It is understood that her new novel is out in a month. (úgy értesültem)
  548. I don’t understand why you are leaving.
  549. You must undertake this project.
  550. She undertook to recount the story as it was.
  551. The government undertook that the highway would be built in one year.
  552. This plant is unique to Australia. (egyedül Ausztráliaban található meg)
  553. We have to update our computer.
  554. I have to update my boss (on the events). (Tudatnom kell az újabb fejleményeket a főnökömmel.)
  555. Don’t upset John.
  556. Don’t upset yourself by thinking of him.
  557. It upsets me to think about the damage.
  558. It upset John that Mary got married.
  559. She is upset about his decision.
  560. She was upset to find out the truth.
  561. We were upset that he was leaving. (nagyon megviselt  minket)
  562. They were urging a quick reply.
  563. He urged me to make a decision soon.
  564. They urged a decision soon.
  565. I urged (that) the meeting (should) be postponed.
  566. May I use your phone?
  567. Use a knife for (cutting) this.
  568. They used his testimony as evidence against her.
  569. We are using pictures to motivate children.
  570. I am used to (listening to) her horror stories. (hozzá vagyok szokva)
  571. She is really useful (to us).
  572. This medicine is useful for (relieving) pain.
  573. It is useful to memorise texts sometimes.
  574. He is useless at (learning) languages. (reménytelen)
  575. It is useless to wait for him any longer.
  576. It is useless waiting for him any longer.
  577. It is usual (for opera singers) to spend a lot of time abroad. (természetes)
  578. The house is valued (at 10 million).
  579. We valued his advice (as the perfect solution). (értékeltük)
  580. We value the house (for its natural surroundings). (megbecsüljük)
  581. They viewed the match as a crucial step for winning the championship.
  582. Strangers in the village were viewed with suspicion.
  583. He viewed it as a success that his film was considered artistic. 
  584. Pluto is not visible (to the naked eye).
  585. Vitamins are vital (to humans).
  586. It is vital to eat vitamin C.
  587. It was vital that you spent a week with your father.
  588. It is vital that you (should) learn German.
  589. The parliament voted the town a large sum of money.
  590. The company voted on lowering the prices.
  591. They voted for/against the proposal.
  592. The government was voted out of office. (szavazással leváltották)
  593. The band voted to give a free concert.
  594. We voted (that) we would leave immediately.
  595. Have you been waiting long?
  596. I was waiting for the concert (to start).
  597. She waited two hours and then she left.
  598. Hurry up! We are waiting to leave.
  599. She was waiting on drunken guests all night. (felszolgált)
  600. We can’t wait on their decision. (kivárni)
  601. She wants a husband.
  602. I wanted to help.
  603. I wanted him to help.
  604. The teacher wants the essays (to be) written by Monday.
  605. I want my coffee black.
  606. I don’t want you staying up late.
  607. He is wanted for robbery. (körözik)
  608. The room wants cleaning. (ráférne)
  609. They warned us (against Bill).
  610. Did you warn her (of the danger)?
  611. They warned of the danger of walking alone at night.
  612. The doctor warned Suzy to keep the medicine away from her daughter.
  613. He warned that it was dangerous.
  614. She was warned (that) she would be fired.
  615. She was warned how tiring the journey would be.
  616. He wasted money (on gambling).
  617. You’re wasting your time (in) sitting here.
  618. I waved to her, but she wasn’t watching.
  619. Do you often watch TV? (nézel)
  620. I watched her pack the suitcase.
  621. We watched him climbing the stairs.
  622. Watch how to do it first.
  623. We welcome your decision. (örülünk)
  624. He welcomed the guests (to the performance).
  625. We won (the game).
  626. Real Madrid won the cup (from Manchester United) last year.
  627. He won (himself) a Renault Clio.
  628. He won a Renault Clio (for himself).
  629. The team won by one goal (to Italy.)
  630. Agassi has won against Sampras.
  631. She was wise to accept his advice.
  632. It was wise of you not to say anything.
  633. I wish I knew/had known her. (bárcsak)
  634. You may stay here if you wish.
  635. I wish you good luck.
  636. I wish for things I can never have. (vágyakozom)
  637. I wished for her to pass the exam.
  638. I wish to speak to the manager.
  639. I wished them to leave immediately.
  640. They withdrew the team from the competition.
  641. He has withdrawn (into his bedroom).
  642. We were wondering about the exam results. (kíváncsiak voltunk)
  643. She wondered what might have happened to him. (azt szerette volna tudni, hogy)
  644. We wondered at her talent. (meglepődtünk)
  645. I wonder (that) she kept his photograph.
  646. He has never worked.
  647. He is working on a new book.
  648. He works as a guide.
  649. She works for British Airways.
  650. She works in the fashion business.
  651. Mother Teresa worked for peace.
  652. We are working to get this published.
  653. Her beauty doesn’t work on me. (nem hat rám)
  654. I worry about her future.
  655. What worries me (about her) is her laziness. (aggaszt)
  656. She worried that we would be late again.
  657. This painting is worth a lot. (sokat ér)
  658. This novel is worth reading.
  659. It is worth reading it/this novel.
  660. It is worthwhile visiting/to visit the castle.
  661. When I entered the room she was writing.
  662. He is writing an essay (on public transport).
  663. Have you written a postcard to grandma?
  664. Have you written grandma a postcard?
  665. He wrote a sonnet for her.
  666. They wrote complaining/to complain about the accommodation.
  667. She wrote that she was having a good time.
  668. She wrote me that she was having a good time.
  669. We were wrong about her; she is nice after all. (tévedtünk)
  670. We were wrong to assume that he was honest. (hibásan feltételeztük)
  671. What’s wrong with you? (mi a baj)
  672. He is wrong for the role. (nem való)
  673. It was wrong that you paid for everything.
  674. It’s wrong that we (should) have to wait so long.
  675. It was wrong (of you) to lie to me.
  676. It’s wrong for you to be here.
  677. He yelled (encouragement) (at the swimmer).
  678. He yelled at him (for breaking the vase).
  679. She yelled at me (to get off the roof).
  680. She yielded (to him) after a long argument.
  681. The researcher yielded his secret (to his colleagues). (megosztotta)
  682. She was too young for the role when the filming began.
  683. They are too young to travel around Europe alone.


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