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I WISH ... / IF ONLY ... = BÁRCSAK ... (példamondatok / sample sentences) 100+

2020.12.04. 13:56 aforizmágus


  1.  I wish I knew.
  2. I wish I could fly.
  3. I wish I were taller.
  4. I wish I was younger.
  5. I wish you were here.
  6. I wish I wasn’t so old.
  7. I wish I were a doctor.
  8. I wish she came earlier.
  9. He wishes he could dance.
  10. I wish she didn’t go home.
  11. I wish I was in Australia.
  12. I wish I had been younger.
  13. I wish my dog had a puppy.
  14. I wish he were on holiday.
  15. If only we knew what to do.
  16. I wish he would save money.
  17. I wish he could save money.
  18. I wish I hadn't married him.
  19. I wish she had come earlier.
  20. I wish I were a millionaire!
  21. I wish him the best of luck.
  22. If only he would save money.
  23. I wish it would stop raining.
  24. I wish to attend the meeting.
  25. I wish you would stop yelling.
  26. I wish my dog had had a puppy.
  27. I wish you would stop talking.
  28. I wish I would be in Australia.
  29. If only I travelled to New York.
  30. I wish I were going on holiday.
  31. I wish they would stop arguing.
  32. If only the sun would come out!
  33. She wishes she had a nice voice.
  34. I wish this car would go faster.
  35. I wish she would shut up at last!
  36. If only I had bought an umbrella.
  37. I wish I hadn't eaten the prawns.
  38. I wish I could tell her about it.
  39. I wish I lived in the countryside.
  40. I wish taxi drivers wouldn't cheat.
  41. I wish you had come to our wedding.
  42. I wish I lived closer to my family.
  43. I wish you didn't live so far away.
  44. I wish I could use a computer well.
  45. He wishes he could afford a holiday.
  46. I wish I had talked to him yesterday.
  47. If only I was going on holiday with you!
  48. I wish I hadn’t shouted at Ann yesterday.
  49. I wish I was taller = (I’m not very tall)
  50. If only you were here. (= but you re not)
  51. Don't you wish you had gone to university?
  52. I wish I knew the answer. (= I don’t know)
  53. I wish I was going with you = (but I'm not)
  54. If only I had more money! (= but I haven't)
  55. I need help badly. If only you could help me.
  56. I wish I had known you then. (= but I didn't)
  57. If only you could be here! (= but you're not)
  58. If only I'd listened to you! (=but I didn't )
  59. I wish I was /were going with you. (= I'm not)
  60. I wish I could give you an answer. (= I can't)
  61. I wish she could have come. (= but she didn't)
  62. If only I'd studied harder when I was at school.
  63. I wish I was /were better at sports. (= I'm not)
  64. I wish I hadn't taken your advice. (= but I did)
  65. If only you would listen when I'm talking to you!
  66. That guy is so annoying! I wish he'd stop talking.
  67. To many people, I wish I were sounds more correct:
  68. I wish I could have explained. (= I wasn't able to)
  69. He didn't pass the exam. If only he had worked hard.
  70. I wish you wouldn't borrow my clothes without asking.
  71. I wish I was more patient.= If only I was more patient.
  72. She was absent. I wish she had attended the conference.
  73. My old car often breaks down. I wish I bought a new car.
  74. I wish they wouldn't park their car in front of my house.
  75. I wish it would rain. The garden really needs some water.
  76. I wish you would be quiet. (= Your talking irritates me.)
  77. If only he could have explained! (=but he wasn't able to)
  78. What a beautiful house! I wish I had a house like this one.
  79. She wishes he'd work less. They never spend any time together.
  80. I wish I could ride a bicycle.= If only I could ride a bicycle.
  81. Alice didn't get a good grade. She wishes she had worked harder
  82. If only she had seen the doctor earlier. He could have saved her.
  83. If only I didn't have a headache, I would/could go to the party tonight.
  84. I like traveling around the world. If only I had time to realize my dream.
  85. I wish he would study for his exams.= If only he would study for his exams.
  86. If only I had woken up early. (I didn't wake up early and I missed my bus.)
  87. We saw the film. I wish you had seen it with us. It was an amazing evening.
  88. I wish I'd taken the train; I would have arrived at the destination by now.
  89. If only I'd taken the train, I would have arrived at the destination by now.
  90. They wish they hadn't eaten so much chocolate. They're feeling very sick now.
  91. I am sorry I don’t know how to use the computer.If only I knew how to use it.
  92. If only I hadn't eaten the prawns. I regret that I ate the prawns in the past.
  93. Tom likes football very much. He wishes he became a professional football player.
  94. We use wish with could to express a wish for a present situation to be different:
  95. She's keen on computers. She wishes she studied computer science next school year.
  96. I wish you were more help. = (you are not) I wish I were can replace I wish I was.
  97. He was running very fast when he had a heart attack. If only he hadn't run so fast.
  98. I wish I was / were rich. I would buy a farm and enjoy the calm of the countryside.
  99. I stayed late at work and missed the last bus. I wish I had not stayed at work late.
  100. If only I hadn't lost her phone number. She must think I'm so rude for not calling her.
  101. They had that bad accident because they were careless. If only they had been more careful.
  102. If only he were on holiday. He is not on holiday so this is an impossible desire in the present.
  103. If only I lived in the countryside. I don’t live in the countryside in the present so this desire is impossible.
  104. If only I were going on holiday. I am not going on holiday so this desire is impossible in the present or future.
  105. If only I knew how to use a computer. (I don’t know how to use a computer and I would like to learn how to use it)
  106. I wish you wouldn't arrive so late all the time (I'm annoyed because you always come late and I want you to arrive on time)
  107. The real situation and result: I did not take the train and I have not arrived at the destination so this is an imagined result in the past.
  108. If only he could save money. I do not believe that he can/will save money, so this is an impossible desire about his ability in the present to save money.
  109. I wish I didn't have a headache, then I would/could go to the party tonight. The real situation and result: I do have a headache so the desired intention/ability in the present to go to the party is an imagined result.

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Címkék: angol nyelvtan példamondatok english sentences I wish / If only

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