Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


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500+ angol cselekvő-szenvedő mondat(pár)

2016.01.05. 19:23 aforizmágus

  1. Harry ate six shrimp at dinner.
  2. At dinner, six shrimp were eaten by Harry. - A vacsoránál hat rákot evett meg Harry.
  3. Beautiful giraffes roam the savannah.
  4. The savannah is roamed by beautiful giraffes. - A szavannát gyönyörű zsiráfok róják.
  5. Sue changed the flat tire.
  6. The flat tire was changed by Sue. - A lapos kereket Sue cserélte le.
  7. We are going to watch a movie tonight.
  8. A movie is going to be watched by us tonight. - Egy filmet fogunk megnézni ma este.
  9. I ran the obstacle course in record time.
  10. The obstacle course was run by me in record time. - At akadálypályát lefutottam rekord idő alatt.
  11. The crew paved the entire stretch of highway.
  12. The entire stretch of highway was paved by the crew. - A főútat teljes hosszában leburkolta a brigád.
  13. Mom read the novel in one day.
  14. The novel was read by Mom in one day. - A regényt anya egy nap alatt elolvasta.
  15. The critic wrote a scathing review.
  16. A scathing review was written by the critic. - Kegyetlen/maró/csípős kritikát írt a kritikus
  17. I will clean the house every Saturday.
  18. The house will be cleaned by me every Saturday.
  19. The staff is required to watch a safety video every year.
  20. A safety video will be watched by the staff every year.
  21. She faxed her application for a new job.
  22. The application for a new job was faxed by her.
  23. Tom painted the entire house.
  24. The entire house was painted by Tom.
  25. The teacher always answers the students’ questions.
  26. The students’ questions are always answered by the teacher.
  27. The choir really enjoys that piece.
  28. That piece is really enjoyed by the choir.
  29. Who taught you to ski?
  30. By whom were you taught to ski?
  31. The forest fire destroyed the whole suburb.
  32. The whole suburb was destroyed by the forest fire.
  33. The two kings are signing the treaty.
  34. The treaty is being signed by the two kings.
  35. The cleaning crew vacuums and dusts the office every night.
  36. Every night the office is vacuumed and dusted by the cleaning crew.
  37. Larry generously donated money to the homeless shelter.
  38. Money was generously donated to the homeless shelter by Larry.
  39. No one responded to my sales ad.
  40. My sales ad was not responded to by anyone.
  41. The wedding planner is making all the reservations.
  42. All the reservations will be made by the wedding planner.
  43. Susan will bake two dozen cupcakes for the bake sale.
  44. For the bake sale, two dozen cookies will be baked by Susan.
  45. The science class viewed the comet.
  46. The comet was viewed by the science class.
  47. Who ate the last cookie?
  48. Who was eaten the last cookie  by?
  49. Alex posted the video on Facebook.
  50. The video was posted on Facebook by Alex.
  51. The director will give you instructions.
  52. Instructions will be given to you by the director.
  53. Thousands of tourists view the Grand Canyon every year.
  54. The Grand Canyon is viewed by thousands of tourists every year.
  55. The homeowners remodeled the house to help it sell.
  56. The house was remodeled by the homeowners to help it sell.
  57. The team will celebrate their victory tomorrow.
  58. The victory will be celebrated by the team tomorrow.
  59. The saltwater eventually corroded the metal beams.
  60. The metal beams were eventually corroded by the saltwater.
  61. The kangaroo carried her baby in her pouch.
  62. The baby was carried by the kangaroo in her pouch.
  63. Some people raise sugar cane in Hawaii.
  64. Sugar cane is raised by some people in Hawaii.
  65. Once a week, Tom cleans the house.
  66. Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom.
  67. Right now, Sarah is writing the letter.
  68. Right now, the letter is being written by Sarah.
  69. Sam repaired the car.
  70. The car was repaired by Sam.
  71. The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store.
  72. The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store.
  73. Many tourists have visited that castle.
  74. That castle has been visited by many tourists.
  75. Recently, John has been doing the work.
  76. Recently, the work has been being done by John.
  77. George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license.
  78. Many cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanic's license.
  79. Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurant's fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to Paris.
  80. The restaurant's fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years before he moved to Paris.
  81. Someone will finish the work by 5:00 PM.
  82. The work will be finished by 5:00 PM.
  83. Sally is going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.
  84. A beautiful dinner is going to be made by Sally tonight.
  85. At 8:00 PM tonight, John will be washing the dishes.
  86. At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes will be being washed by John.
  87. At 8:00 PM tonight, John is going to be washing the dishes.
  88. At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes are going to be being washed by John.
  89. They will have completed the project before the deadline.
  90. The project will have been completed before the deadline.
  91. They are going to have completed the project before the deadline.
  92. The project is going to have been completed before the deadline.
  93. The famous artist will have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished.
  94. The mural will have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by the time it is finished.
  95. The famous artist is going to have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished.
  96. The mural is going to have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by the time it is finished.
  97. Jerry used to pay the bills.
  98. The bills used to be paid by Jerry.
  99. My mother would always make the pies.
  100. The pies would always be made by my mother.
  101. I knew John would finish the work by 5:00 PM.
  102. I knew the work would be finished by 5:00 PM.
  103. I thought Sally was going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.
  104. I thought a beautiful dinner was going to be made by Sally tonight.
  105. The passive voice is used (= we are interested in the passive voice, not in who uses it.)
  106. The house was built in 1654.(= we are interested in the house, not in who built it.)
  107. The road is being repaired. (= we are interested in the road, not in the people who are doing the repairs.)
  108. I noticed that a window had been left
  109. Every year thousands of people are killed on our roads.
  110. All the cookies have been eaten.
  111. My car has been stolen!
  112. A great deal of meaning is conveyed by a few well-chosen words
  113. A few well-chosen words convey a great deal of meaning
  114. Our planet is wrapped in a mass of gases.
  115. A mass of gases wrap around our planet.
  116. Waste materials are disposed of in a variety of ways.
  117. The city disposes of waste materials in a variety of ways.
  118. "A Hard Day's Night" was written by the Beatles.
  119. The Beatles wrote "A Hard Day's Night".
  120. The movie ET was directed by
  121. Spielberg directed the movie ET.
  122. This house was built by my father.
  123. My father built this house.
  124. The house was built in 1899.
  125. The house wasn't built in 1899.
  126. Was the house built in 1899?
  127. Wasn't the house built in 1899?
  128. These houses were built in 1899.
  129. These houses weren't built in 1899.
  130. Were these houses built in 1899?
  131. Weren't these houses built in 1899?
  132. You have to be tested on your English grammar.
  133. John might be promoted next year.
  134. She wants to be invited to the party.
  135. I expect to be surprised on my birthday.
  136. You may be disappointed.
  137. I remember being taught to drive.
  138. The children are excited about being taken to the zoo.
  139. The children are excited to be taken to the zoo.
  140. Most film stars hate being interviewed.
  141. Most film stars hate to be interviewed.
  142. Poodles like to be pampered.
  143. Poodles like being pampered.
  144. I was born in 1976.
  145. Where were you born?
  146. Around 100 babies are born in this hospital every week.
  147. We don't know on exactly which day the baby will be born.
  148. The phone was being used by Mr Thomas.
  149. The card was made by Fred.
  150. The picture was painted by Bob.
  151. The key was used to open the door.
  152. The crisp packet was thrown away.
  153. The egg was laid by the bird.
  154. The car was fixed.
  155. The pencil had been lost.
  156. Mark was given a warning.
  157. The football was kicked by Luke.
  158. The knife was left on the table by Julie.
  159. The milk had been knocked over by a cat.
  160. The car had been driven into a wall by a naughty child.
  161. The windows had been washed.
  162. The candidate believes that Congress must place a ceiling on the budget.
  163. It is believed by the candidate that a ceiling must be placed on the budget by Congress.
  164. Researchers earlier showed that high stress can cause heart attacks.
  165. It was earlier demonstrated that heart attacks can be caused by high stress.
  166. The dog bit the man.
  167. The man was bitten by the dog.
  168. After long debate, the proposal was endorsed by the long-range planning committee.
  169. The procedures were somehow misinterpreted.
  170. Every year, thousands of people are diagnosed as having cancer.
  171. Visitors are not allowed after 9:00 p.m.
  172. Liz has fed the cat
  173. The cat has been fed
  174. People have written a lot of books about this subject
  175. A lot of books have been written about this subject
  176. They will hold the conference in the Sports Hall
  177. The conference will be held in the Sports Hall
  178. The explosion killed a lot of visitors
  179. A lot of visitors were killed by the explosion
  180. English is spoken in most countries of the world
  181. Look how it's done
  182. The play wasn't criticised very much
  183. These watches were manufactured in Switzerland
  184. My new car has been stolen
  185. The boss hasn't been told about the news
  186. I didn't know why the play hadn't been criticised
  187. I'm sure I'm being followed
  188. I was quite sure I was being followed
  189. She couldn't be seen in the picture.
  190. The museum can be seen from the other side of the river too
  191. Participants will be informed about any changes in due course
  192. It has to be done sooner or later
  193. The exhibition is going to be opened on 16th May
  194. She might have been injured
  195. We would have been defeated without their help
  196. How long has the experiment been being carried out?
  197. I had no idea how long I had been being followed
  198. The building will soon be being demolished
  199. By May the building will have been being built for a year
  200. A Detonesian terrorist blew up the bridge
  201. The bridge was blown up by a Detonesian terrorist.
  202. A new department store has been opened
  203. The palace was built in the 10th century
  204. The calculation was checked by Dr Cobbler
  205. The Eiffel Tower was designed and built by A G Eiffel
  206. I was completely shocked by the unexpected news
  207. English is spoken by millions of people worldwide
  208. He was shot by a mounted policeman
  209. The unexpected news completely shocked me
  210. He was shot BY a policeman
  211. He was shot WITH a service revolver
  212. The fly was killed BY an angry tenant
  213. The fly was killed WITH a heavy stone
  214. The fly was killed by an angry tenant WITH a heavy stone
  215. I was frightened BY the mouse sitting in the sink
  216. Aunt Mathilda is awfully frightened OF mice
  217. I was so excited BY the news that I could hardly go to sleep
  218. Aunt Mathilda is very excited ABOUT the trip to Rio
  219. Are you frightened [melléknév] OF rats and mice?
  220. You were frightened [a frighten passzív alakja] BY this little cockroach?
  221. The noise frightened me
  222. I was frightened by the noise
  223. The car keys were given (to) Tom for the weekend
  224. Tom was given the car keys for the weekend
  225. Travellers' Cheques Accepted
  226. Cheques are accepted here
  227. Bottled in Scotland
  228. This whiskey was bottled in S.
  229. Reserved
  230. This table has been reserved
  231. Made in Hong Kong
  232. This toy was made in Hong Kong
  233. English spoken
  234. English is spoken in this shop
  235. Directed by Geoffrey Genius
  236. This film was directed by G. G.
  237. Second-hand books bought
  238. Second-hand books are bought here
  239. Keys cut while you wait
  240. Keys are cut here while you wait
  241. They refused his offer
  242. His offer was refused
  243. They turned down his offer
  244. His offer was turned down
  245. They took him to hospital
  246. He was taken to hospital
  247. They operated on him
  248. He was operated on
  249. I have never been laughed at
  250. I have never been ridiculed
  251. This room hasn't been lived in for years
  252. The children were very well looked after
  253. This bed hasn't been slept in
  254. The date was agreed on long ago
  255. She was listened to with great interest
  256. We have to make up for lost time
  257. Lost time has to be made up for
  258. We wanted to buy some wine but the shop was closed
  259. The shop was closed because there was a blackout
  260. The shop was opened within five minutes
  261. They were married and I didn't know about it
  262. They were married soon after we met
  263. The rapist got caught [= was caught]within 24 hours
  264. The painting got damaged [= was damaged]during the war
  265. How did your glasses get broken?
  266. When were your glasses broken?
  267. When did your glasses get broken?
  268. My glasses weren't broken
  269. My glasses didn't get broken
  270. It was broken
  271. It got broken
  272. The documents were stolen. (we don’t know who stole the documents)
  273. The pyramids were built nearly 5,000 years ago by the ancient Egyptians. (we want to emphasize “pyramids” more than “ancient Egyptians”)
  274. People drink champagne on New Year’s Eve.
  275. Champagne is drunk on New Year’s Eve.
  276. Chefs use these machines to mix the ingredients.
  277. These machines are used to mix the ingredients.
  278. They renovated the restaurant in 2004.
  279. The restaurant was renovated in 2004.
  280. The teachers informed the students that the class had been cancelled.
  281. The students were informed that the class had been cancelled.
  282. First the apples are picked, then they are cleaned, and finally they’re packed and shipped to the market.
  283. New York is considered the most diverse city in the U.S.
  284. It is believed that Amelia Earhart’s plane crashed in Pacific Ocean.
  285. Hungarian is seen as one of the world’s most difficult languages to learn.
  286. Skin cancers are thought to be caused by excessive exposure to the sun.
  287. George Washington was elected president in 1788.
  288. Two people were killed in a drive-by shooting on Friday night.
  289. Ten children were injured when part of the school roof collapsed.
  290. To be elected by my peers is a great honor.
  291. That child really likes to be read to by her mother.
  292. Grasso was the first woman to be elected governor in her own right.
  293. Being elected by my peers was a great thrill.
  294. I really don't like being lectured to by my boss.
  295. I am so tired of being lectured to by my boss.
  296. Wine is made from grapes.
  297. Many cars are made in Japan.
  298. The document is being sent right now.
  299. I am being sent to work in the London office.
  300. John was invited to speak at the conference.
  301. We were invited to Daniel and Mary’s wedding.
  302. The dog was being washed when I got home.
  303. Their cars were being washed while they were in the mall shopping.
  304. The contract will be signed tomorrow.
  305. The documents will all be signed by next week.
  306. A bridge is going to be built within the next two years.
  307. New houses are going to be built in our neighborhood.
  308. That start-up has been sold for $5 million.
  309. The rights to his book have been sold for $250,000.
  310. The new manager had been hired before John left the company.
  311. All the employees had hired before the store opened.
  312. The car will have been loaded by the time he gets home.
  313. The crates will have been loaded by then.
  314. A passport can only be issued at the embassy.
  315. He said the documents could be issued within the week.
  316. A babysitter has to be arranged for this evening.
  317. Joan’s travel plans have to be arranged by December.
  318. Criminals must be stopped before they commit crimes
  319. President Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  320. Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy.
  321. My wallet has been stolen.
  322. Somebody has stolen my wallet.
  323. Our house is being painted.
  324. XYZ Company is painting our house.
  325. I am paid weekly.
  326. My company pays me weekly.
  327. Passengers are reminded to fasten their seatbelts.
  328. The Captain reminds passengers to fasten their seatbelts.
  329. The emergency services can be called by dialling 999.
  330. The public can call the emergency services by dialling 999.
  331. Potassium was added and mixed in. The solution was heated to 80°C and then allowed to cool.
  332. The technician added potassium and mixed it in. The technician heated the solution to 80°C and then allowed it to cool.
  333. Mistakes were made and unfortunately never rectified.
  334. The Prime Minister made mistakes and unfortunately never rectified them.
  335. He was killed with a gun.
  336. The statue is being visited by hundreds of tourists every year.
  337. My books were stolen by someone yesterday.
  338. These books had been left in the classroom by a careless student.
  339. Coffee is raised in many parts of Hawaii by plantation workers.
  340. The house had been broken into by someone while the owners were on vacation.
  341. A woman was being carried downstairs by a very strong firefighter.
  342. The streets around the fire had been blocked off by the police.
  343. Have you seen the new movie that was directed by Ron Howard?
  344. My car is in the garage being fixed by a dubious mechanic.
  345. A great deal of our oil will have been exported to other countries by our government.
  346. The cookies were eaten by the children.
  347. The children ate the cookies.
  348. The tunnels are dug by the gophers.
  349. The gophers dug the tunnels.
  350. The leaves were blown by the wind.
  351. My camera was stolen from my locker at school.
  352. A candle will be lit at the memorial service for the fallen soldier.
  353. Diets are made to be broken.
  354. The sodium hydroxide solution was heated to 200 degrees
  355. The ball hit Janet.
  356. Janet was hit / Janet was hit by the ball.
  357. He wrote a letter.
  358. The letter was written / The letter was written by him.
  359. The mailman carried the mail.
  360. The mail was carried / The mail was carried by the mailman.
  361. Kevin took a picture.
  362. A picture was taken / A picture was taken by Kevin.
  363. They took the kids for a walk.
  364. They kids were taken for a walk / The kids were taken for a walk by their moms.
  365. I keep the butter in the fridge.
  366. The butter is kept in the fridge.
  367. John is keeping my house tidy.
  368. My house is being kept tidy.
  369. Mary kept her schedule meticulously.
  370. Mary's schedule was kept meticulously.
  371. The theater was keeping a seat for you.
  372. A seat we being kept for you.
  373. I have kept all your old letters.
  374. All your old letters have been kept.
  375. He had kept up his training regimen for a month.
  376. His training regimen had been kept up for a month.
  377. Mark will keep the ficus.
  378. The ficus will be kept.
  379. If you told me, I would keep your secret.
  380. If you told me, your secret would be kept.
  381. I would have kept your bicycle here if you had left it with me.
  382. Your bicycle would have been kept here if you had left it with me.
  383. She wants to keep the book.
  384. The book wants to be kept.
  385. Judy was happy to have kept the puppy.
  386. The puppy was happy to have been kept.
  387. I have a feeling that you may be keeping a secret.
  388. I have a feeling that a secret may be being kept.
  389. Having kept the bird in a cage for so long, Jade wasn't sure it could survive in the wild.
  390. The bird, having been kept in a cage for so long, might not survive in the wild
  391. Be careful with the glass. It might get
  392. Peter got hurt in a crash.
  393. She was attacked by a dangerous dog.
  394. The money was stolen by her husband.
  395. John has been asked to make a speech at the meeting.
  396. You are supposed to wear a uniform.
  397. The meeting is scheduled to start at seven. 
  398. I make a cake.
  399. A cake is made (by me).
  400. I am making a cake.
  401. A cake is being made (by me).
  402. I made a cake.
  403. A cake was made (by me).
  404. I was making a cake.
  405. A cake was being made (by me).
  406. I have made a cake.
  407. A cake has been made (by me).
  408. I have been making a cake.
  409. A cake has been being made (by me).
  410. I had made a cake.
  411. A cake had been made (by me).
  412. I will make a cake.
  413. A cake will be made (by me).
  414. I will have made a cake.
  415. A cake will have been made (by me).
  416. He gave me the book / He gave the book to me.
  417. I was given the book (by him)/ The book was given to me (by him).
  418. I thought that Mary had kissed John.
  419. I thought that John had been kissed by Mary.
  420. He knew that people had built the church in 1915.
  421. He knew that the church had been built in 1915.
  422. The child loves being cuddled.
  423. She would like to be promoted.
  424. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. (We are more interested in the painting than the artist in this sentence)
  425. He was arrested (obvious agent, the police).
  426. My bike has been stolen (unknown agent).
  427. The road is being repaired (unimportant agent).
  428. The form can be obtained from the post office (people in general).
  429. The chemical is placed in a test tube and the data entered into the computer.
  430. The brochure will be finished next month.
  431. Three books are used regularly in the class. The books were written by Dr. Bell. ('Dr. Bell wrote the books' sound clumsy)
  432. I was surprised by how well the students did in the test. (More natural than: 'how well the students did in the test surprised me')
  433. The hunter killed the lion.
  434. The lion was killed by the hunter.
  435. Someone has cleaned the windows
  436. The windows have been cleaned
  437. I gave him a book for his birthday
  438. He was given a book for his birthday.
  439. Someone sent her a cheque for a thousand euros
  440. She was sent a cheque for a thousand euros.
  441. They called off the meeting.
  442. The meeting was called off.
  443. His grandmother looked after
  444. He was looked after by his grandmother.
  445. They will send him away to school.
  446. He will be sent away to school
  447. My car was stolen by someone.
  448. A decision has been made by the group.
  449. Much tobacco is grown in Eastern Europe by farmers.
  450. A new president has been elected by the voters.
  451. Both French and English are spoken in Canada by the populace.
  452. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
  453. The Americas were discovered by Christopher Columbus.
  454. The first computer was built by Charles Babbage.
  455. Rubber was first vulcanized by Charles Goodyear.
  456. These works of art were all produced by a woman.
  457. The corner store was robbed by a masked gunman.
  458. The agent is expressed when it is an unexpected inanimate noun.
  459. Thirteen people were injured by a tornado in Florida.
  460. All the lights in this building are controlled by computers.
  461. Ben writes articles.
  462. Articles are written by Ben.
  463. Ben is writing an article.
  464. An article is being written by Ben.
  465. Ben has written an article.
  466. An article has been written by Ben.
  467. Ben wrote an article.
  468. An article was written by Ben.
  469. Ben was writing an article (when he heard the good news.
  470. An article was being written by Ben (when the good news came).
  471. Ben had written six articles before one was published.
  472. Six articles had been written by Ben.
  473. Ben will write an article for the Times.
  474. An article will be written for the times by Ben.
  475. Ben is going to write an article next week.
  476. An article is going to be written by Ben next week.
  477. Oranges are grown in California.
  478. Six people were killed by a tornado.
  479. She was given bad advice.
  480. An error was made in the newsletter.
  481. George Forman beat Michael Morer, but was beaten by Mike Tyson
  482. The waiter dropped the tray of food.
  483. The tray of food was dropped by the waiter.
  484. Your request for funding has been denied by the review committee.
  485. The review committee denied your request for funding.
  486. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony was performed masterfully by the university orchestra.
  487. Quarterly reports will be submitted along with statistics charting sales for each product.
  488. Three new procedures for assessing product safety have been recommended by the company’s external consultants.
  489. The report has been carefully reviewed by a team of unbiased individuals who were not part of the original project.
  490. An attempt was made to ensure that all item types were sampled proportionally.
  491. Did she recognize you?
  492. Were you recognized by her?
  493. Can anybody cure it?
  494. Can it be cured (by anybody)?
  495. Who wrote this book?
  496. By whom was this book written?
  497. Have you finished work?
  498. Has the work been finished by you?
  499. When will they announce the results?
  500. When will the results be announced (by them)?
  501. Have you invited them?
  502. Have they been invited by you?
  503. Will you help him?
  504. Will he be helped by you?
  505. What did he say?
  506. What was said by him?
  507. Whom did you invite?
  508. Who was invited by you?

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Címkék: fordítás angol angol tananyag példamondatok középfok szenvedő szerkezet paasive voice

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