- Have you ever thought of founding an own enterprise?
- Yes, I have. I have had one for years.
- What is it?
- I had an internet sales company. It isn’t worth doing in small.
- How long was it?
- It lasted for about 6 months.
- And then?
- Then I and my father-in-law started a bag-shop. We sell every kind of bags. It’s been runnig for a year.
- Does it go well?
- Not yet.
- When do you think it will go profitable?
- Maybe next year.
- Where is it?
- In Kecskemét.
- In the city centre?
- Yes, in Target Center.
- Where did the idea come from?
- My father-in-law had had a shop before, and he thought of me to work together with.
- How many people do you employ?
- Three.
- Are they enough?
- Yes.
- Do you have a competition nearby?
- There are some but not near.
- And what other ideas would you have?
- For the time being I don’t want to try a new business – I’d like to improve this and open some more shops. I think I have some experiences in opening shops.
- What kinds of shops wouldn’t you open?
- I don’t think I would open a shop selling electrical goods.
- What do you think a good enterprise needs?
- It needs somebody who knows a lot about goods and selling and somebody who can produce the background for this.When would you be satisfied with this bag-business?
- I would like it to be self-financialized.
Communication practices for top managers – talking about business, work and others (in easy English) - 5
Lesson ONE – Visiting an Exhibition in Las Vegas and What Are Restaurants Like in Las Vegas
Lesson TWO – Business plans for the next year
Lesson THREE – Let’s talk about your car
Lesson FOUR - What if I offer you some money for the company?