Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

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Picture Description - Questions/Phrases/etc. (Képleírás - kérdések, kifejezések, stb.)

2023.06.01. 00:43 aforizmágus




  1. In this picture, I can see a …
  2. This is a photo of …
  3. There is a young woman in the foreground.
  4. I can see two people talking in the background.
  5. On the left, …
  6. On the left-hand side, …
  7. On the right, …
  8. On the right-hand side, …
  9. At the top, …
  10. At the bottom, …
  11. In the middle, …
  12. In the top right-hand corner, …
  13. In the top left-hand corner, …
  14. In the bottom right-hand corner, …
  15. In the bottom left-hand corner, …
  16. Opposite him, …
  17. Behind him, …
  18. In front of him, …
  19. Above her, …
  20. Under the tree, …


  1. I think he is …
  2. He may be …-ing.
  3. I can’t say for sure, but it could be a …
  4. I can see a …, so it must be a …
  5. I can’t see a …, so it can’t be a …
  6. I think this photo was taken …
  7. photo must have been taken …
  8. It looks like a …
  9. It doesn’t really look like a …. .
  10. He looks like an architect.
  11. He doesn’t look too happy.
  12. They seem to be …
  13. I’m absolutely sure that …
  14. There`s no doubt that …
  15. That reminds me of …
  16. As far as I am concerned, …
  17. The way I see it, …
  18. I’d say that, …
  19. To my mind, …
  20. In my opinion, …


  1. The first picture shows a …
  2. As for the first photo, …
  3. In the second picture I can see a …
  4. Both pictures show…
  5. The room in the second picture is less /more spacious than the one in the first picture.
  6. Two types of … are shown in these pictures.
  7. All the three pictures show some kind of …
  8. The first picture shows a happy scene whereas the second picture…
  9. The scene in the first photo shows country life. Similarly, the second photo is about the countryside.
  10. Obviously, both pictures are related to …
  11. If there is a common topic, it should be …
  12. I’m afraid I have no idea how these picture are connected.














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Címkék: angol nyelvvizsga fogalmazás szóbeli képleírás B1 B2 érettségi középszint érettségi emeltszint picture description

Angol tudás-minimum feladatsor - 41-45

2023.05.28. 21:43 aforizmágus


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Címkék: nyelvtanulás nyelvtan alapfok Báti-Véges-1

Angol tudás-minimum feladatsor - 36-40

2023.05.28. 21:36 aforizmágus






















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Címkék: nyelvtanulás angol nyelvtan angol tananyag alapfok tanfolyam tananyag Báti-Véges-1

Angol tudás-minimum feladatsor - 31-35

2023.05.27. 00:52 aforizmágus























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Címkék: angol nyelvtan angol tananyag alapfok Báti-Véges-1

Angol tudás-minimum feladatsor - 26-30

2023.05.25. 17:55 aforizmágus













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Címkék: angol nyelvtan angol tananyag alapfok online oktatás tanfolyam tananyag Báti-Véges-1

Angol tudás-minimum feladatsor - 21-25

2023.05.25. 17:00 aforizmágus












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Címkék: nyelvtanulás angol nyelvtan angol tananyag fogalmazás alapfok online oktatás B1 tanfolyam tananyag Báti-Véges-1

B1-B2 WORD FORMATION Practice 2. (2600+ words from 378 words) - D, E, F, G

2023.05.25. 01:59 aforizmágus

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Címkék: video angol vocabulary listening szókincsfejlesztés word formation szóképzés wordlist B1 B2 érettségi középszint érettségi emeltszint English words

33 phrasal verbs beginning with A (video)

2023.05.24. 01:05 aforizmágus

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Címkék: video angol listening phrasal verbs szókincsfejlesztés English words

B1-B2 WORD FORMATION Practice 1. (2600+ words from 378 words) - A, B, C (video)

2023.05.22. 11:49 aforizmágus

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Címkék: video angol listening középfok alapfok szókincsfejlesztés word formation érettségi középszint érettségi emeltszint English words

2005-2023 – Közép és Emelt szintű angol érettségi szóképzési (Word Formation) feladatok szavai

2023.05.20. 18:44 aforizmágus

2005-2023 (2023 május) közép és emelt szintű angol érettségi, nyelvhelyességi feladatlapjainak szóképzési feladataiban szereplő szavak jegyzéke.

A szójegyzék szócikkei az előfordult szavakat, a feladatokban szereplő megoldásaikat, és további lehetséges, ragozott, képzett, vagy gyakran előforduló szóösszetételeit tartalmazza, melyeknek tudását (vagy értését) az adott szinten elvárják.

A szavak kb. 20-25 %-a mindkét szinten is szerepelt.

2005-2022 között legalább kétszer szerepeltek:

able, annoy, another, applicate, appreciate, attractive, behaviour, believe, better, careful, change, colourful, complain, complete, count, creative, crime, death, description, discovery, drama, driver, emerge, evident, exhaust, explain, explore, expression, famous, favourite, govern, hard, hide, hunter, impossible, injure, inspirate, intend, investigate, invent, like, locate, lover, magnify, near, offer, ordinary, owner, peace, permit, person, possible, prefer, press, probably, protection, publish, reason, reside, response, rise, safe, scientist, sick, signer, Spanish, strong, study, suitable, support, sure, surprising, survive, threat, usual, visitor, warn, worker


  1. able – ability, disability, unable, disabled, abler, ablest, ably
  2. absolute – absolutely, absoluteness
  3. accept – accepted, acceptance, accepting, acceptable, acceptably
  4. accommodate – accommodation, accommodated, accommodating, accommodative, accommodativeness, accommodator
  5. accurate – accurately, accurateness, accuracy
  6. achieve – achievement, achieving, achieved, achiever, achievable
  7. act – action, activity, actor, actress, acts, acting, acted, actability
  8. adapt – adapted, adapting, adaptedness, adaptable, adaptability, adaptableness, adaptive, adaptation, adaptor
  9. add – addition, additional, added, adding, adds, addable, addible, addedly,
  10. afford – affordable, affordability, affordably
  11. age – aged, aging/ageing, ages, ager, ageism/agism
  12. allergy – allergic
  13. analyse – analysable, analysation, analyser, analysability, analysis, analyst, analytical
  14. anger – angered, angry, angering, angrily
  15. annoy – annoying, annoyingly, annoyed, annoys, annoyer, annoyance
  16. anxiety – anxieties, anxious, anxiously, anxiousness
  17. apparent – apparently, apparentness,
  18. appear – appearance, disappear, appearingly
  19. appear – disappearance, appearance, disappear, appearingly
  20. apply – applied, applying, applies, application, applicant, appliable, applier, appliance, applicability,
  21. appreciate – appreciator, appreciatory, appreciation, appreciatingly, appreciable, appreciable, appreciative, appreciatively
  22. archeology – archeologist, archeologic, archeological, archeologically
  23. architect – architecture, architectural
  24. art – artful, artfully, arts, artistic, artfulness, artist
  25. assess – assessed, assessing, assesses, assessment, assessable, assessor
  26. astonish – astonishing, astonished, astonishingly, astonisher, astonishment
  27. astronomy – astronomer, astronomic, astronomical, astronomically
  28. attack – attacking, attacks, attacker, attactable
  29. attract – attractive, attraction, attractor
  30. automatic – automaticity, automatically, automated, automation, automaton
  31. aware – awareness
  32. ban – banned, banning, bans, bannable
  33. base – based, basing, bases, basis, baseline
  34. begin – beginning, beginner
  35. behave – behavio(u)r, behavior, behaving, well-behaved, badly-behaved
  36. believe – believed, believing, believes, believability, believableness, believable, believably, believer, belief, disbelief, unbelief, unbelievable, unbelievably
  37. biography – biographical, biographic, biographer, biographically
  38. birth – birthday, birthmark, birthrate, birthplace
  39. bore – boring, bored, bores, boredom
  40. break – breaking, broke, broken, breakable, unbreakable, breakage, breakdown, breakthrough
  41. Britain – Britain’s, British, Briton
  42. broadcast – broadcast, broadcasted, broadcaster, broadcasting
  43. build – building, builder, well-built, built-in, built-up
  44. call – called, calling, calls, caller
  45. calm – calmly, calmer, calmest, calming, calmingly, calmness
  46. cancel – cancelable, canceler, cancellation, cancelation
  47. care – careful, carefully, careless, uncareful, carefulness, carelessness, carelessly, caring, carefree, caregiver, caretaker, careworn
  48. celebrate – celebrations, celebrity, celeb, celebrator, celebratory, celebrative
  49. certain – certainly, certainty, uncertain, uncertainly, uncretainness
  50. change – changed, changed, changing, changeless, changelessly, changelessness, changer, changeable, exchange
  51. character – characteristic, characteristicly, charaterise, characterisation, characterless, characterful
  52. charm – charming, charmingly, charmless
  53. cheer – cheerful, cheery, cheerfully, cheerfulness, cheerless, cheerily, cheeriness, cheering, cheers, cheered, cheerer, cheeringly
  54. clear – clearly, clearer, clearest, clearing, cleared, clearable, clearness, clearance, clear-cut, clearway, unclear
  55. climb – climbed, climbing, climbable, climber
  56. coast – coasted, coasting, coasts, coastal, coastally, seacoast, coaster, coastguard
  57. collect – collection, collector, collective, collectively
  58. colour – colorful, colourful, colourless, colorer, coloured, colouring, colours (= national flag)
  59. combine – combiner, combining, combinable, combinability, combination
  60. commerce – commercial, commercialise, commercialism
  61. compare – compared, comparing, comparer, comparison, comparable, comparative, comparatively
  62. compete – competitor, competitions, competitive, competitively
  63. complain – complaint, complaining, complainer, complainingly, complainable
  64. complete – completed, completely, completer, completest, completeness, completive, completion, completable, incomplete, uncompleted
  65. conclude – concluded, concluding, concluder, conclusion, conclusive, conclusively, conclusiveness
  66. confide – confider, confidence, confident, confidential, confidentiality, confidentially, confiding, confidingly
  67. confuse – confused, confusedly, confusing, confusable, confusingly, confusability, confusion
  68. connect – connection, connectible, connectable, connector, connecter
  69. conserve – conservation, conserving, conservable, conserver, conservationist, conservatism, conservative
  70. consider – considered, considering, considerer, consideration, considerable, considerably
  71. consult – consulter, consultable, consultant, consultation
  72. consume – consuming, consumingly, consumer, consumption
  73. contain – containable, container
  74. contribute – contributive, contributively, contribution, contributor, contributable, contributiveness
  75. co-operate – co-operation, co-operative
  76. correct – correctable, correctly, correctness, corrector, correctability, correcting, correctingly, correction, corrective, incorrect
  77. correlate – correlation, correlatable, correlator
  78. cost – costless, costlessly, costly, costs, costliness
  79. count – counting, countdown, countable, uncountable, counter, countless, account, accounts
  80. cover – covered, coverable, coverer, coverless, coverage, covering, cover-up
  81. create – creative, creatable, creation, creatively, creativeness, creativity, creator
  82. credible – credibleness, credibly, credibility, incredible, credulous, creditable
  83. crime – criminal, criminally
  84. cross – crossed, crossing, crosses, crosser, crosly, crossness, uncross, crosswise, crossbow, crossroads, crossword (puzzle), across
  85. crowd – crowded, crowding, crowder, overcrowded
  86. danger – dangerless, dangerous, endangered
  87. day – daily, someday, nowadays, today, yesterday, everyday, daybreak, day-dream, daylight, daytime, day-to-day
  88. decide – decision, decidability, decidable, decider
  89. decline – declining, declinable, decliner
  90. decorate – decoration, decorated, decorative, decorator
  91. define – definitely, definite, definability, definable, definably, definement, definer, redefine, definition, indefinite, indefinitely, indefiniteness
  92. delay – delayed, delaying, delays, delayer, delayable
  93. depart – departure
  94. depend – independence, depended, depending, dependable, dependant, dependent, independent
  95. depress – depression, depressed, depressing, depressible, depressibility, depressive, depressively, depressiveness
  96. describe – description, describable, describer
  97. desert – deserted, deserter, desertic, deserting
  98. design – designer, designable, designing
  99. destruct – destruction, destructor
  100. develop – developed, developing, developable, development
  101. die – death, dead, deadly, died, dying, dies, (diehard)
  102. differ – difference, different, differed, differing, differently, differentness, differentiate, differentiation
  103. difficult – difficulty, difficultly
  104. digit – digital, digitate, digitately, digitation
  105. discover – discovery, discoverable, discoverer, discoverably
  106. drama – dramatic, dramatically, dramatise, dramatization, dramatist
  107. drive – driver, drove, driven, drivable, drivability, driving, drive-in, drive-through, overdrive
  108. early – earlier, earliest, earliness
  109. economy – economic, economical, economically, economics, economist, economise
  110. educate – education, educated, educational, educationalist
  111. eight – eighth, eighty
  112. electric – electricity, electric, electronics
  113. embarrass – embarrassed, embarrassing, embarrassedly, embarrassingly, embarrassment
  114. emerge – emerging, emerged, emergent, emergence, emergency, emergencies
  115. emotion – emotional, emotionally, unemotional, emotionless, non-emotional
  116. employ – employer, employed, employing, employability, employable, employee, employment
  117. enjoy – enjoyed, enjoying, enjoyingly, enjoys, enjoyable, enjoyableness, enjoyably, enjoyer, enjoyment
  118. environment – environmental, environmentally, environmentalist
  119. equip – equipment, equipped, equipping, equipper
  120. essence – essential, essentially
  121. Europe – European
  122. event – eventless, eventful, eventual, eventually, eventuality
  123. evident – evidentness, evidence, evidently, inevident
  124. exact – exactly, exactable, exactness, exactor, exacter
  125. excite – exciting, excited, excitable, excitability, excitedly, excitement
  126. exhaust – exhausted, exhausting, exhauster, exhaustible, exhaustibility, exhaustingly, exhaustion
  127. exhibit – exhibition, exhibited, exhibiting, exhibitor, exhibitory, exhibitably, exhibitive, exhibitant
  128. exist – existing, existed, existence
  129. expect – expected, expectedly, expectedness, expecting, expectingly, expectable, expectably, expectancy, expectant, expectantly, expectation
  130. explain – explainable, explainer, explanatory, explanation
  131. explode – exploder, implode, explosive, explosion
  132. explore – explorer, explored, exploring, exporingly, explorable, explorability, exploration, exploratory
  133. express – expression, expressionless, expressiveness, expressively, expressway, expressed, expressing, expresser, expressible, expressly
  134. extend – extendability, extendable, extension, extensive
  135. extract – extracted, extracting, extractable, extractability, extractor, extraction
  136. extreme – extremely, extremeness, extremism, extremity
  137. face – faced, facing, faceable, typeface, facial, surface, boldface, facecloth, facelift,
  138. fail – failed, failing, failure
  139. fallfell, fallen, falling, deadfall (hairdo), fallout
  140. fame – famed, famous, faming, famously
  141. fantasy – fantastic, fantastical, fantastically, fantasia, fantasize, fantasizer,
  142. fashion - fashionable, in-fashion, fashioned, fashioning, fashioner, fashionably
  143. fast – faster, fastest, fastness
  144. favour – favorite, favourite, favourer, favouringly, favourable, favourably, favouritism
  145. feel – felt, feeling, feeler
  146. fight – fighting, fought, fighter, fightability, fightable, fightingly
  147. final – finally, finalist, finality, finalise, finalisation, finals
  148. finish – finishing, finished, finishes, finisher
  149. fluent – fluency, fluently, fluentness
  150. fly – flying, flight, flew, flown, flies, flyable, flyless, flyer, flyover, (flyleaf)
  151. follow – followed, following, follower, followership, followable, follow-up
  152. forge – forged, forging, forger, forgeablility, forgeable, forgery
  153. form – formed, forming, re-form, formal, informal, formability, formable, formation
  154. formal – informally, formally, formalness, formality, informal
  155. fortune – unfortunately, fortunate, fortunately, unfortunate, fortuneless, misfortune, fortune-teller
  156. France – French
  157. frequent – frequently, frequnter, frequentation, frequentness, frequentable
  158. friend – unfriendly, friendly, friendship, friendless, friendlessness
  159. fund – funded, funding, funds, funder, refund
  160. gamble – gambled, gambling, gambler
  161. general – generally, generalness, generalise, generalisation
  162. generous – generously, generousness, generosity, ungenerous
  163. globe – global, globelike, globally, globular, globalism, globalist
  164. good – better, best, goods, goodish, well, goodness, goody, goodbye
  165. govern – government, governor, governable, governability, governableness
  166. greet – greeting, greetings, greeter
  167. hang – hung, hanging, hanged, hangable, hangability, hanger, hangman, hangover,
  168. happy – happiness, happier, happiest, happily, unhappy
  169. hard – hardly, harder, hardest, harden, hardness, hardship, hardware
  170. he – himself, him, his
  171. help – helping, helper, helpable, helpful, helpfully, helpfulness, helpless, helplessly, helplessness
  172. hide – hidden, hid, hiding, hidable, hider, hidability
  173. high – higer, highest, highly, height(s), highness, highlight, higroad, high-tech, highway, higwayman
  174. hit – hitting, hitless, hitable, hitter
  175. hospitable – hospitably, hospitality, hospitableness, inhospitable
  176. humour – humorous, humourful, humourless, humourlessly, humourlessness, humorist
  177. hundred – hundredfold, hundredth, hundreds
  178. hunt – hunter, huntsman, hunted, hunting, huntedly, huntable
  179. imagine – imagined, imagining, imagination, imaginer, imaginable, imaginableness, imaginably, imaginary, imaginative, unimaginative
  180. immediate – immediately, immediateness, immediacy, (mediate)
  181. improve – improved, improving, improvable, improvably, improvability, improvableness, improver, improvingly, improvement
  182. include – including, included, includable, inclusion, inclusive
  183. individual – individually, individuallity
  184. industry – industrial, industrialist, industrialised, industrialisation, industrious
  185. initial – initially, initialer, initiate, initiation, initiative
  186. injure – injures, injuring, injurer, injurable, injured, injorious
  187. innocent – innocence, innocently
  188. inspirate – inspiration
  189. intend – intention, intentional, intender, intent, intentionally, intently
  190. interact – interactive, interactant, interaction
  191. interest – interested, interesting, interestingly, interestingness, uninterestingness
  192. interpret – interpreting, interpreted, interpretable, interpretableness, interpretability, interpretation, misinterpret, reinterpret, interpreter
  193. invade – invasion, invaded, invading, invader, invadable
  194. invent – invention, inventing, invented, inventible, inventor, inventive, invnetiveness, inventious
  195. investigate – investigation, investigator, investigable, investigatory, investigative
  196. involve – involved, involving, involvement, involver
  197. irritate – irritating, irritated, irritates, irritatingly, irritator, irritable, irritably, irritability, irritation
  198. isolate – isolated, isolating, isolation, isolator, isolable, isolatable, isolability
  199. Japan – Japanese
  200. know – known, unknown, knew, knowledge, knowing, knowable, knower, knowingly
  201. last – lasted, lastly, lasting, laster, laster
  202. late – later, latest, lately, lateness
  203. law – lawful, lawfully, lawless, lawlessness, lawlessly, lawyer, law-abiding
  204. lead – (v.) leader, led, leading, leadership
  205. legal – legally, illegally, legality, legalise
  206. life – lives, live, living, alive, lifespan, lifetime, afterlife, lively, lifeless, lifelike, lifebelt, lifeboat, lifebuoy, lifeguard, lifeline, lifelong
  207. like – like, disliked, dislike, likely, unlike, liking, liker, likest, alike, likelihood, liken, likeness, likewise, likeable
  208. limit – limited, limiting, limitable, limitableness, limitless, limilessly, limitlessness, limiter, limitation, unlimited
  209. little – less, least, littleness, littlish
  210. local – location, locally, localness, locality, locate, located
  211. lock – locked, locking, lockable, handlock, hammerlock, headlock, padlock, unlock, interlock, locker, locket, locksmith
  212. logic – logical, logically, illogical, logicless
  213. long – longer, longest, length, longed, longing, longways, long-distance, longhand, longingly
  214. look – looking, lookout, looks
  215. lose – losing, lost, losable, losableness, loser, loss
  216. love – lover, loving, lovingly, lovable, unlovable, lovely, unlovably, loveliness, lovesick
  217. luck – luckily, lucky, luckless, luckliness
  218. luxury – luxurious, luxuriousness, luxuriously
  219. magic – magical, magically, magician
  220. magnify – magnificence, magnificent, magnifiable, magnification, magnifying
  221. make – made, making, maker, makeable, makeless, unmake, makeup, make-believe, make-over, makeshift
  222. manage – manager, managed, manageable, manageably, manageability, manageableness, management
  223. marry – marriage, marrying, married, marrier, inmarry, mismarry, intermarry, remarry
  224. mean (v; a) – meaning, meant, meanness, meanly, meaningful, meaningless
  225. medicine – medicinal, medical, medicate, medicament, medication, medicinally
  226. motive – motivation, motiveness, motivenessly, motivelessness, motivate, motivation
  227. music – musician, music-maker, musicless, musical, musically
  228. nation – internationally, national, nationally, nationalism, nationalist, nationalistic, nationality, nationalise, nationalisation, international, nationhood, nationless
  229. nature – natural, naturist
  230. nature – natural, naturist, naturally
  231. near – nearer, nearest, nearly, neared, nearing, nearness, nearly, nearby, nearside, near-sighted
  232. necessary – necessarily, necessaries, necessariness, necessity, necessitate
  233. negotiate – negotiation, negotiation, negotiating, negotiator, negotiatory, renegotiate
  234. north – northern, northward(s), northerly, northerner, northernmost, northbound, north-east, north-west
  235. obligate – obligable, obligately, obligatory, obligative
  236. obvious – obviously, obviousness, unobvious
  237. occasion – occasionally, occasional
  238. offer – offerer, offering
  239. office – official, officially, officer
  240. one – first, oneself
  241. open – opening, opened, openly, openness, openable, opener
  242. ordinary – extraordinary, inordinary, out-of-the-ordinary, unordinary, ordinaries, ordinariness, ordinarily
  243. origin – original, originality, originally, originate, origins
  244. other – another, otherwise
  245. outstand – outstood, outstanding
  246. own – owner, owned, owing, ownership
  247. participate – participating, participative, participator, participant, participation, participatory
  248. particular – particularly, particulars
  249. pay – paid, paying, payment, half-pay, payment, paysheet, overpay, underpay, prepay, payable, pay-packet, pay-roll
  250. peace – peaceful, peacefulness, peaceable, peaceably, peacefully, pacific, peacemaker, peacetime, peace-offering
  251. perform – performance, performable, performer, performability
  252. permit – permission, permitted, permitting, permitee, permitter
  253. person – persons, people, personal, personality, personhood, personally, impersonal impersonality, impersonally
  254. play – player, played, playing, playability, playable, replay, playful, playfully, playfulness, playboy, playground, playmate, plaything, playtime, playwright, playpen, playschool
  255. please – pleasant, pleased, pleasing, pleasure, pleaser, pleasable, pleasedly, pleasingly, pleasurable
  256. pollute – pollution, polluted, polluting, polluter
  257. possess – possession, posessed, possessing, possessor, possessive, possessively, possessiveness
  258. possible – impossible, possibly, possibility
  259. powder – powdery, powdered, powderer, powdering, powders
  260. power – powered, powering, powerful, powerfulness, powerless, powerlessness, waterpower, superpower, manpower
  261. prefer – preferred, preferring, preferable, preferably, preference
  262. present – presented, presenting, presentness, presence, presenter, represent, present-day, presently, presentable, presentation
  263. press – pressing, pressure, pressurise, depressurise, clothespress, winepress, impression, compress, compression, compressing
  264. previous – previously, previousness
  265. prison – prisoner, imprison, imprisonable, imprisonment, imprisoner
  266. private – privately, privateness, privacy, privatise
  267. probable – probably, improbable, probability
  268. profession – professional, professionally, unprofessional
  269. program, programme – programmer, programming
  270. propose – proposed, proposing, proposal, proposition, proposer, proposable
  271. prosecute – prosecutable, prosecutability, prosecution, prosecutor
  272. protect – protected, protection, protecting, protectingly, protective, protector
  273. provide – provided, providing, provider
  274. psychology – psychological, psychologically, psychologist
  275. publish – publishes, published, publishing, publicized, publicised, publisher, publicist, publishable, publication
  276. quality – qualify, qualifiable, qualificatory, qualification, qualified, qualifying, qualifyingly, disqualify, disqualified
  277. race (v., n.) – racing, racer, racecourse, racehorse, racetrack, racial, racialism, racialist
  278. radiate – radiation, radiator
  279. raise – raised, raising, raiser, raisable
  280. react – reaction, reactionary, reactor
  281. real – realise, reality, realize, unrealistic, unreal, really, realness, realist, realism, realistic, realistically, realization, realisation
  282. reason – reasoning, reasonable, reasoner, reasonableness, reasonably
  283. record – recorded, recordable, recorder, recording
  284. regard – regarded, regarding, regardable, regardless, regards
  285. register – registered, registering, registerer, registrable, registrar, registry, registration
  286. relate – relation, relationship, relatable, relator, relatability, related, relative, relatively
  287. religion – religious, religiously, religiousness, religionless
  288. rely – relier, reliable, reliability, reliably, reliance, reliant
  289. remove – removed, removing, removable, removably, remover, removableness, removability, removal, remover
  290. repeat – repeated, repeating, repetition, repeatability, repeatable, repeatedly, repetitive, repetitively, repetitiveness
  291. reply – replied, replying, replies, replier
  292. report – reported, reporting, reportable, reporter
  293. repute – reputed, reputing, disrepute, reputation
  294. require – required, requiring, requirable, requirer, requirement
  295. reside – resided, residing, resider, resident, residential, residentship, nonresident, residence, residency
  296. respond – responsibility, responded, responding, responder, respondence, respondency, responsible, responsibly, responsive, responsively, responsiveness, response,
  297. retire – retired, retirer, retirement, retiring
  298. rise – rose, risen, rising, arise, uprise, (early/late) riser
  299. risk – risky, risked, risking, risker
  300. safe – safer, safest, safety, safely, safeness, unsafe, safeguard, safety-belt, safety-pin
  301. satisfy – satisfied, satisfying, satisfier, satisfyingly, satisfyigness, satisfiable, satisfaction, dissatisfy, satisfactory, satisfactorily
  302. science – scientist, scientific, scientifically
  303. search – searching, searchingly, searchlight, searchable, searchableness, searcher, researcher, research
  304. secure – securer, securest, secured, securing, securable, securely, securement, secureness, security, insecure
  305. select – selected, selecting, selectable, selectness, selector, selectly, selectness, selection, selective, selectively, selectiveness
  306. sell – sold, sells, selling, sale, sellable, sell-out
  307. separate – separated, separating, separately, separateness, separable, separates, separation, separatist, separatism
  308. ship – ships, shipped, shipping, shippable, shipless, spaceship, shipment, shipper, shipbuilder, shipbuilding, shipowner, shipshape, shipwreck, shipyard
  309. shop – shopping, shopper, shopkeeper, shoplifting, shoplifter
  310. short – shorter, shortest, shortage, shortfall, shorted, shorting, shorts, shortness, shortish, shortly, shorten, shortening, shortcoming, shortcut, shorthand, short-term, short-tempered, short-sighted, short-range, short-lived
  311. sick – sicker, sickest, sickish, sickness, sicken, sickening, sickeningly, sickly, sick-leave
  312. sign – signer, signing, signable, signature, signpost, signboard, signed
  313. sign – signer, signing, signable, signature, signpost, signboard, signed
  314. silence – silenced, silent, silencer, silently
  315. similar – similarly, similarity, similarities, dissimilar
  316. simple – simpler, simplest, simpleness, simply, simplier, simpliest, simpleton, simplicity, simplification, simplify, simplified
  317. six – sixteen, sixty, sixth
  318. skill – skilled, skillful, skilless (skill-less), skillfulness
  319. smile – smiled, smiling, smilingly, smiler, smilingness, smilet, smiley, smileys
  320. smooth – smoother, smoothest, smoothly, smoothness, smoothable, smoothen, unsmooth
  321. snow – snowed, snowing, snows, snowy, snower, snowiest, snowless, snowlike, snowball, snowflake, snowfall, snowboard, snowdrift, snowstorm, snow-white
  322. society – socialising, socializing, sociable, social, socially, socialness, sociableness, sociably, sociability, unsociable, societal, societally
  323. Spain – Spaniards, Spanish
  324. speak – spoken, spoke, speaking, speakable, speaker, spokesperson
  325. special – specially, specialness, especial, specific, specialise, specialised, unspecialised, specialist, speciality, specialisation
  326. state – stated, stating, statable, status, statement, stately, stateliness, statesman, statesmanlike, statesmanship
  327. stay – staying, stayed, stays
  328. stress – stressful, stressless, stresslessness, stressfully, stressfulness, stressed, stressing, stresses, distress
  329. strong – stronger, strongest, strongish, strongly, strongness, strength, strengthen, strongbox, stronghold, strongroom
  330. study – studies, studying, student
  331. submit – submitted, submitting, submittal, submitter, submittable, submissible, submission, submissive, submissiveness
  332. suburb - suburban, suburdian, suburbed, the suburbs (= suburbia)
  333. succeed – succeeding, success, successful, unsuccessfully, succeeded, succedent, succeeder, succeeable, succeedingly, unsuccessful, succession, successive, successively, successor
  334. suggest – suggestion, suggested, suggesting, suggester
  335. suit (v., n.) – suitable, unsuitable, suited, suiting, suitor, suitcase, suitability, suitableness, suitably
  336. sun – sunny, sunless, sunniness, sunbathe, sunbath, sunbeam, sunburn, sunburned, sundial, sundown, sunrise, sunset, sunflower, sunglasses, sunlight, sunlit, sunshade, sunstroke, suntan
  337. supply – supplied, supplying, supplier, suppliable, supplies, supplements
  338. support – supporter, supporting, supported, supportless, supportive
  339. sure – surer, surest, sureness, unsure, surely, sure-footed, ensure, insure
  340. surprise – surprised, surprising, surpriser, surprisingly, surprisal, surprisedly
  341. surround – surrounded, surrounding, surroundings
  342. survive – survived, survival, surviving, survivor, survivable, survivability
  343. talent – talented, talentless, untalented, talentlessness
  344. thank – thanks, thanked, thanking, thankful, thankfully, thankfulness, thankless, thanklessly, thanklessness, thanksgiving
  345. they – their, them, theirs, themselves
  346. threat – threaten, threatening, under-threat
  347. three – trio, triplet, threesome, trinity, three-quarter, thirteen, thirty, third
  348. throw – threw, thrown, throwing, thrower, throwaway
  349. tire – tired, tiring, tiresome, tiredness, tireless, tirelessly, tirelessness, tiresomely, tiresomeness
  350. tour – tourist, toured, touring, tourer, tourism
  351. trade – trader, tradesmen, tradespeople, traded, trading, trades, tradable, tradeless, tradesman, tradesperson, trademark
  352. tradition – traditional, traditionally, traditionless, traditionist
  353. tragedy – tragic
  354. train – trained, training, trainability, trainable, trainless, trainee, trainer, untrained, ill-trained, undertrained
  355. transform – transformed, transforming, transformable, transformative, transformation, stransformer
  356. transport – transporter, transportation, transportability, transfortable, transportive
  357. tremble – trembling, atremble, a-tremble, trembler, tremblingly, trembly
  358. try – trying, tried, tries, trier; trial
  359. two – twice, twelve, twenty
  360. type – typically, typed, typing, types, typist, typewriter, typical, typicality, typicalness, typic
  361. understand – understood, understanding, undestandable, understandably, misunderstand, misunderstanding
  362. unique – uniquely, uniqueness
  363. universe – universal, universally, universality
  364. use – used, useful, uses, using, usable, usability, misuse, user, usefulness, usefully, useless
  365. usual – unusual, usually
  366. vacant – vacancy, vacantly, vacantness
  367. value – valuable, valuables, valuableness, valueless, values, valuably, valued, valuing, valuer, overvalue, undervalue, evaluate, evaluation, evaluative, evaluator, evaluable, revalue, valuate, valuator
  368. vary – various, varied, varying, varies, varyingly, varier, variable, variably, variability, variation, variety, variousness
  369. visit – visited, visitor, visitable
  370. volcano – volcanic, volcano’s
  371. Wales – Welsh
  372. warm – warmer, warmest, warmish, warmly, warmness, warmth, warm-blooded, warmhearted, warmheartedness, warmed-over
  373. warn – warned, warning, warningly, warner, forewarn, forewarningly, forewarner
  374. wealth – wealthy, wealthless
  375. west – westerly, western, westward, westwards, westernmost
  376. where – whereabouts, whereas, whereby, whereupon, wherever, nowhere, somewhere
  377. widow – widowed, widowing, widower, widowhood
  378. will – willer, willing, will-less, will-power, willful, willfully, willfulness, willingly, willingness
  379. work – worker, workmen, worked, working, workman, workmanlike, workmanship, workmate, workout, workless, worklessness, workable, works, workbook, workforce
  380. write – written, wrote, writing, writer, writings
  381. you – yourself, your, yours, yourselves

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