Brain Storming nyelvtanulási segédletei

BRAIN STORMING három évtizedes nyelvoktatási és fordítói tapasztalata és gyakorlata által kiérlelt módszerek és segédletek tárháza.


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English sentence-bank: 8-word sentences (301)

2014.07.29. 02:40 aforizmágus

He and I are in the same class. He went up the hill with his friend. I have lived in Canada for ten years. My mom will give me a birthday present. I will try to have a good day. That dog was following me around all day. It must have been a very bad storm. Turn to the next page in the…

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Címkék: fordítás angol angol tananyag példamondatok fogalmazás szókincsfejlesztés

English sentence-bank: 7-word sentences (416)

2014.07.29. 02:39 aforizmágus

My children and I go to school. She said hello to the little girl. He has as many children as them. He can go and so can she. There are only five students here today. His name is very hard to spell. She said that she needed my help. They have two girls and one boy. Can you change the way you…

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Címkék: fordítás angol angol tananyag példamondatok fogalmazás szókincsfejlesztés

English sentence-bank: 6-word sentences (583)

2014.07.29. 02:38 aforizmágus

I had two cups of coffee. I am going to the store. The teacher is in the classroom. I will give it to you. I would like to be there. I will buy one of each. I will do it right away. I will go if you go. I would like to be there. It was not what I wanted. There are two boys playing. Will…

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Címkék: fordítás angol angol tananyag példamondatok szókincsfejlesztés

English sentence-bank: 3-word sentences (142)

2014.07.29. 02:36 aforizmágus

She is here. She has it. Who is he? It is his. He said good-bye. What is this? I can go. Who was first ? Is that yours? I love you. Let's compare notes. You are here. Cows produce milk. Anything is possible! Who discovered electricity? Mary is nicer than Jane. Peter is cleverer than…

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Címkék: fordítás angol angol tananyag példamondatok fogalmazás szókincsfejlesztés

English sentence-bank: 5-word sentences (511)

2014.07.29. 02:35 aforizmágus

I will wait for you. Will they go with you? It was an apple pie. Which one do you like? How did you get here? Will she go with you? I have a nice home. She bought one of each. It is his or hers.                   She went up the hill. I will do it tomorrow. She had a…

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Címkék: fordítás angol angol tananyag példamondatok fogalmazás szókincsfejlesztés

English sentence-bank: 4-word sentences (355)

2014.07.29. 02:33 aforizmágus

I went to the store. I have a car. Please give me that. It was for you. She is with him She can use that. It is in the car. We made it together. They will help us. I like the other. The cat went out. She has many children. I will go then.                 It is up to…

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Címkék: fordítás angol angol tananyag példamondatok szókincsfejlesztés mondatbővítés

2250 mondatos angoltanfolyam, kezdőknek (1.-1000.)

2014.05.09. 13:16 aforizmágus

I’m ... . Are you a teacher? - No, I’m not. Are you a student? - Yes, I am. Are you from England? - No, I’m not. Where are you from? - I’m from Canada. How are you? I’m very well, thanks. And you? I’m fine, thanks. Excuse me! - Yes? Are you English? - Pardon? Are you English? - Yes, we…

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Címkék: fordítás angol nyelvtan angol tananyag példamondatok alapfok szókincsfejlesztés

173 egyszerű angol-magyar mondatpár (szókincsfejlesztési, fogalmazási segédlet)

2014.04.17. 01:05 aforizmágus

This airport is very modern. Peter is American. I've got two arms. Babies often cry. My bag is light. This ball is round. The bath is in the bathroom. The bed is in the bedroom. John's got a bicycle. My house is very big. The bird is singing. Happy birthday! He likes black coffee. The…

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Címkék: fordítás angol angol tananyag példamondatok fogalmazás alapfok szókincsfejlesztés

71 kiejtésileg igen problémás angol szó

2013.05.28. 01:02 aforizmágus

Nyelvtanári tapasztalataim alapján állítottam össze ezt a listát. A kezdőkkel ezt szoktam gyakoroltatni, és megkapják a listát is – továbbá a haladókkal is ezt szoktam annak vizsgálatára használni, hogy megállapítsam, hogy mennyire jó és pontos a kiejtésük. Ha ezeket jól…

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Címkék: angol kiejtés alapfok szókincsfejlesztés

570 középfokú angol példamondat, tematikus nyelvtani témákban

2013.03.30. 01:21 aforizmágus

NOUNS - FŐNEVEK The fact that he smiled at me gives me hope. But my efforts to win his heart have failed. Failure to comply may result in dismissal. The question is who we should invite. The big question on everybody's mind is who killed OJ. Do it the way you've always done it. I really…

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Címkék: angol nyelvtan angol tananyag példamondatok középfok felsőfok szókincsfejlesztés

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